Chapter 947 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (24)

It was obvious at a glance that she was dissatisfied with what she had just said.

Sang Jian felt that what he said was very good.

But after thinking about it, this kid probably remembered the things in his previous life again, and made a comparison in his heart.

At this moment, I may feel that she is extremely hypocritical.

Ah... It really takes a little more patience to deal with this kind of reborn baby.

After all, the debt left by the original owner has to be settled.

"Luo Si'an, what this princess says always counts! You are not allowed to question me!"

Sang Jian quickly returned to normal, jumped off the stool, and caught up with Luo Si'an.

"I told you very seriously just now!"

"Then if Baker makes mistakes again, will the princess punish him?" Losan asked without looking back.

"Of course! I'm a very upright princess!" Sang Jian assured her, patting her small chest.

"Chick..." Losan snorted.

"What are you scoffing at? I will punish you if you make a mistake!" Sang saw a pair of small hands on her hips, and snorted coldly: "Just like now, I just saw that you felt that Baker came out, and you were not in a good mood, so I kindly comforted you , I told you not to underestimate yourself, but in the end you got angry for no reason!"

"Since you don't like serving me, you don't have to come back tonight! Unless you apologize to me!"

After finishing speaking, she stared at Luosian with a puffy face, as if waiting for him to apologize to herself.

Luo Si'an slowly put the book back to its original place, and left without looking back, "The princess is alone and safe."

It just so happened that he didn't want to go back either.

Living with her all the time, he has no way to awaken the blood.

Now finally found a chance.

Sang Jian: "..."

To go so without hesitation.

Sang Jian looked at his back, rolled his eyes slightly, and shouted at his back: "Tomorrow I will let Ba Keer serve me! No! Tonight I will let him come out to sleep with me as my pillow! "

She saw that Luo Si'an's thin back was visibly stiff, but she quickly returned to normal, as if she didn't hear it, and continued to walk forward.

Sang Jian also took a step and followed behind him not too far away, and complained "in a low voice" to himself: "It's so hot today, I have to take a bath tonight."

Luo Si'an in front quickened his pace, and finally even ran, leaving Sang Jian's sight directly.

Sang Jian: "..."

The little knight of Rothann is so heartless.


Sang saw that what he said meant what he said, so he asked someone to release Ba Keer at night.

In the hall, Ba Keer cried to Sang Jian with snot and tears, "Princess, you are finally willing to let me out!"

After this week of detention in the small black room, Ba Keer lost a lot of weight.

Although someone brought him food every day, he couldn't eat at all when he thought of the princess's leaving eyes.

He admitted that he had a lot of bad thoughts, but didn't the princess think that he was fine before?

Obviously she was the one who fueled her own unhealthy tendencies, but one day she suddenly turned away from her.

Baker was really flustered this time.

Although his father is an earl, the princess' father is a king!
"Princess, I will never dare not to listen to you again, please forgive me. Woooooo~"

At this time, although Ba Keer had a lot of bad intentions, he was still a child of seven or eight years old, and he was honest when he frightened him.

In the original world, the original owner knew all about Bakker's bad thoughts, not only did not correct him, but instead practiced with him, which caused the two of them, the master and the servant, to grow into little devils, causing great harm to Losan.

(End of this chapter)

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