Chapter 992 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (69)

Shouldn't Badham come after him?
Why did he look at Sang Jian with strong hatred, as if she had done something to him.

Very strange.

Since I came back, everything I encountered seems to be very strange.

What Budhan said lacked a ritual, and it was aimed at him.

But... why is he staring at Sang Jian?

Luo Si'an blocked Sang Jian behind him, and Badhan turned his gaze to Luo Si'an's face.

The young boy who used to be has grown into a tall and straight man, and it seems that he can use his body to resist everything for the former princess and now the king.

The people around were whispered by Badhan's words, discussing what rituals are missing?
Today's king is deeply loved by his subjects because he arranged for the Rothian knights to go out to do good deeds.

For a king who is loved by his people, of course the coming-of-age ceremony cannot be so hasty. The ceremony that should be held must be completed!
"Of course...the devil's heart hasn't been taken yet."

Budhan beckoned behind him.

A guard with a tray in his hand stepped forward holding the tray.

There was only one dagger in the tray, and the blade was glowing coldly.

Hearing these words, the little prince, who was standing in front of Losan just now, silently stepped aside.

No, no, this country still has such regulations?
"Heart of the Demon King!"

Everyone was shocked, and at the same time remembered a relatively long-standing ceremony of succession to the throne.

Every king in the past would take the heart of the demon king's lineage with his own hands to prove his own strength and protect the country.

Although the lineage of the Demon King was later raised in captivity, this ritual is still preserved.

Since Sang saw her position, it seemed that everyone had forgotten about it.

"I remember!"

The person who said that the name Losan was very familiar suddenly realized at this moment, "Luosan! Isn't it one of the knights that the old king gave her when the little king was still a little princess? And this knight is also the devil. One line!"

"At the beginning, I wanted to let him grow up with the princess, so that he could give his own heart in the future. I didn't expect..."

Everyone looked at Losan at this moment.

If so, things get a little more complicated.

They watched the interaction between the king and Luosi'an just now, with the feeling of mutual affection, would the king be willing to let Luosi'an die?

The answer is of course not willing.

"Uncle Badham, you didn't get it five years ago, and you have to get it again five years later, are you so persistent?"

Sang Jian, who was always behind Luo Si'an, stretched out his hand and pushed Luo Si'an who was standing in front of him aside.

"Those who know think that you want me to complete all the rituals of the past dynasties, and those who don't know think that you can become a king after taking his heart."

"King, this rule was set by the ancestors. If you don't implement it here, you will not receive the blessings of the ancestors, and the country will slowly..."

He didn't say anything later.

But everyone knows what it means.

Can a country led by a king without the blessing of the ancestors still prosper?
"Are you questioning the country I've managed in the past few years?" Sang Jian tilted his head.

"Has it not developed well in the past few years? Uncle Badham has not even been able to leave the house in the past few years. There is a word called..."

"Ah! The frog in the well!"

Sang Jian said with a half-smile: "Uncle Badhan, do you want to go out and see the current country, and then say such things?"

(End of this chapter)

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