Chapter 993 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (70)

Sang Jian's words made everyone who was a little shaken just now react.

That's right, if the little king really wasn't blessed by his ancestors, how could the current country develop like this?

The border hidden danger that the old king could not solve before, was solved by a knight secretly arranged by her.

Although it may have taken a little longer, the ending is good, isn't it?
Seeing that everyone was going to speak for Sang Jian, Badhan had been holding back his breath, but at this moment, he couldn't help but explode.

"No matter how well her country is governed, the person next to her is also from the lineage of the devil! Don't you know the power of the lineage of the devil? If one day it is out of control, people in the whole country will die accordingly! So today Luo Sian My heart must be sacrificed! I am doing this for the country!"

He put the reason so high-sounding.

He wanted to cause everyone to panic, and then get everyone on his side.

"Pfft..." Sang Jian couldn't help laughing.

"Everyone knows that the lineage of the Demon King was raised in the palace, and the magic power on his body has long been worn out. Does he need to control himself?"

"Even if he hits you with all his strength, he is no different from an ordinary person. Oh...Luosi'an may have learned swordsmanship well, so he is not an ordinary person."

Although Luosi'an has awakened the bloodline now, it's better not to tell everyone about it.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause panic.

call out--

When Sang Jian finished talking about Luo Si'an's good swordsmanship, Luo Si'an drew out the long sword hanging from his waist, held it in his hand, and half of his body stood in front of Sang Jian.

"The old earl rebelled openly with his guards at the king's coming-of-age ceremony. Don't blame my subordinates for being merciless." Luo Si'an said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a small hand suddenly pressed on his back.

Losan froze for an instant, feeling the blood flowing backwards in his body, and his hairs standing on end.

This feeling……

The memory that had been sealed for a long time was revealed again.

In the last life...she was like this, standing behind him and stabbing him.

Luo Si'an turned around abruptly, subconsciously wanting to chop off the sword in his hand.

But when he turned his head and met Sang Jian's innocent eyes, he stopped.

Under the warm orange light, her long golden hair had gradually begun to turn pink.

Ah... grown up.

She gradually overlapped with the girl in her memory who had ridiculed him a lot after killing him.

Luo Si'an's eyes turned red in an instant, and he thought that these things would gradually fade away after experiencing her kindness.

These years have been like this, thinking about her well, deliberately not thinking about the things in the previous life.

But he always felt a little uneasy,
On this day, he didn't want to come back because it would evoke some bad memories.

I am also afraid that I will repeat the same mistakes, and I am afraid that it has been my own wishful thinking for so many years.

I was afraid that he would be like a dog, deliberately shielding all the things that she had hurt him, and only remembering that she was good to him, and he would disappoint himself in the end.

Fear is fear, he still came back.

I want to take a gamble when I come back, bet that I am not wishful thinking, and bet that she is serious about me.

Bet the ending is what you want.

Now he...


Bet won.

Losan's thoughts drifted far away, and the sword in his hand did not cut off for a long time.

Because she didn't do anything to herself.

On the contrary, the little hand attached to his back was sending a force to his body.

Keep him warm all over.

(End of this chapter)

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