After 18 years of playing tricks, I entered the horror game

Chapter 110 I Learned to Fight Ghosts in a Psychiatric Hospital

Chapter 110 I Learned to Fight Ghosts in a Psychiatric Hospital

The hospital uses stairs.

There are 6 floors in total.

The 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors are the inpatient department.

There are 10 wards on each floor.

The door of Ward 302.

In front of a group of players who were carefully knocking on the door, Lin Chen kicked open the door of the ward and walked in very calmly.

Seeing this, a dozen or so players on the same floor were dumbfounded on the spot.

"Fuck! What kind of stupefied young man is this?"

"It's too arrogant, this is a new dungeon, aren't you afraid of stepping on the pit?"

At this time, the door of Ward 302 has been closed again...

In the ward, the configuration is very complete.

TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, separate toilet, everything you expect.

Hygiene also looks very clean.

There were three hospital beds in total, and two of the beds were already occupied by people.

In other words, there are ghosts living there.

Those are two evil spirits at the level of fierce gods.

The two ghosts were wearing uniform hospital gowns.

One of them was an old ghost wearing glasses, with a Mediterranean hairstyle and long, thin gray hair falling from the sides of his head.

He was holding a big newspaper in his hand, and at this moment, he was lowering the newspaper, looking over the newspaper with his eyes, looking at Lin Chen.

It looks like it can be played very well.

Seeing this familiar yet unfamiliar image, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and then he set his eyes on another ghost.

This is also a male ghost, who is less than 30 years old and looks much more normal.

The ghost power of the second ghost is extremely restrained, and it can only be seen that the second ghost is probably a vicious ghost at the level of a vicious god.

But it is impossible to find out what the ghost is.

"This should be affected by the power of the horror game. After all, there is a task to distinguish the true identity of ghosts, so hiding their aura can be regarded as increasing the difficulty."

"Including the previous director ghost, there is a high probability that it is the same, and judging from the meaning, even the director ghost is likely to be a ghost player, interesting..."

Lin Chen was stunned, and walked slowly towards the inside.

Seeing Lin Chen come in, the old ghost suddenly put down the newspaper, smiled and said:
"Here comes the patient again. This old man is known as the number one murderer in Jianghu. He has been here for ten years. This is Mr. Tony Scissorhands. He has been here for 20 years. What do you call him?"

The old ghost's voice was very kind, and he looked like an ordinary old man.

But the young ghost looked calm and didn't even look at Lin Chen, as if he was deep in thought.

Lin Chen felt exactly like a real patient. Before entering the horror game, Lin Chen had been to psychiatric hospitals many times.

Meet the sick inside.

Whether it's the old man ghost's jumping way of speaking, or the young ghost's silence, they are all very similar to some patients I saw back then.

Both of them are very similar to the native ghosts of the No. [-] Psychiatric Hospital.

Lin Chen walked to the empty bed inside and sat down, "Old man, just call me Mr. Chen."

"Oh, Mr. Chen, this patient looks like a big shot at first glance. How did you get into this psychiatric hospital?"

The old man said with a surprised face.

But the young ghost still had that self-closing appearance, motionless.

Are they really all native ghosts with mental illness?

Lin Chen remained calm, but tentatively said, "I'm a director, and I came here to find inspiration."

At this time, even the young ghost was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lin Chen, while the old ghost praised:

"Then it should be called Morning Director! Are you still short of actors? Look at me, my salary is not high, 500 million per hour is enough."

"By the way, what's the name of the movie you made?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I learned to fight ghosts in a mental hospital."

Hearing the word ghost, the old ghost's face remained unchanged, and he still had the same amazed expression: "Is this a ghost movie? I can play the priest, and Mr. Tony can play the zombie. It's guaranteed to be a big hit."

The old man ghost didn't show any abnormalities.

It seems that in his eyes, he himself is a living human being.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "You pretended to be pretty, even I didn't find out whether you were a native ghost or a ghost player."

The old ghost said with horror on his face: "Ghost? Where are ghosts, young people, don't scare me!"

Seeing that Old Man Ghost really didn't look like he was putting on a show, Lin Chen couldn't make up his mind. If it was acting, it would be too much like it.

Totally mentally ill!
After thinking for a while, Lin Chen took out the Happy Blade and said, "Give me your waist, and I'll let you be the protagonist, with a salary of tens of millions."

The old man ghost was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words: "Great, as long as you let me be the protagonist, everything will be fine, but why do you want my kidney?"

Lin Chen said: "I make medicinal materials..."

One minute later, there was a scream of "嗤" from Ward 1, which sounded so heart-piercing.

The human players who heard the voice were all dumbfounded.

This seems to be the ward where Leng Touqing lived just now.

Getting into a fight with a ghost so soon?

Soon, Director Gui ran over with six or seven nurses.

They broke into the ward and watched this scene, all stunned on the spot.

I saw Lin Chen standing next to the old man ghost with his hands covered in blood, and the old man ghost was lying on his side on the bed, his face full of weakness.

His waist was even more covered with blue ghost blood!

"what happened!?"

The director ghost came to his senses and asked hastily.

The old ghost wailed, "He cut my waist."

The director ghost was stunned, and then looked at Lin Chen holding the blade in one hand and grabbing his waist in the other. The scene was a bit messy.

And the nurses behind him opened their mouths in shock.

Some of them had ghosts, and they were all stunned when they saw this scene.

The director ghost hurriedly beckoned the nurse to step forward and grab Lin Chen, snatched the waist from his hand, and pressed it directly on the old ghost's body.

Lin Chen froze in place, allowing the other party to take away the kidney he had just obtained, without stopping.

It wasn't because of the director ghost's strength, but because he discovered that the waist that came out of the old man ghost's body was even worse than that of the ghost in red!

Ghost power is very thin!
This made him very puzzled, and he even thought that he had the wrong waist.

It wasn't until the waist was put back into the old ghost's waist that he realized it.

The director's face turned cold, and he walked up to Lin Chen and asked:

"Why are you hurting people?"

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "He voluntarily let me cut it!"

The director ghost looked at the old man ghost, and asked in surprise, "Did you do it voluntarily?"

The old ghost thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Yeah."

The director's ghost breath became thicker, and he asked, "Why did you volunteer!"

The old man ghostly said, "He wants it."

Oh shit!

Worthy of being mentally ill!

Director Ghost asked: "If he wants it, you will give it to him?"

The old man ghostly said: "Well, I think it's useless for me to keep it."

The director ghostly said: "Then what did you ask us to do?"

The old man ghost seemed to be belatedly aware, and howled again: "I didn't expect him to be so ghastly!"

The director ghost took a deep breath, calmed down, and finally looked at a fierce nurse in the crowd and said:

"302 is your responsibility. The patients in beds [-] and [-] here are in serious condition. You need to increase the dose in the future."

The fierce nurse reacted, showed a strange smile, and nodded in response.

Finally, the director ghost gave Lin Chen a cold look, then turned around and left with the nurses.

Do you increase the dose?
Lin Chen sneered, and glanced at Old Man Gui.

When the old ghost saw Lin Chen's gaze, he was so frightened that he crawled into bed on the spot, trembling.

After Ga Yaozi, Lin Chen tentatively confirmed that the old man ghost should be a native ghost.

After all, being able to make people squat without any resistance is definitely not something normal ghosts can do.

Including the matter about the old man's ghost waist, which only contains a small amount of ghost power, Lin Chen also has some guesses, but this still needs to be confirmed.

It's basically an evil ghost that turned into a neurotic after death.

But what happened to this copy?
It can actually turn a psychopath into a fierce god, which shows how high the resentment is!
Including the "child" in the system task, who is it?

Maybe other people are still thinking about how to escape from No. [-] Mental Hospital, but Lin Chen's goal now is to find this child.

The value of this child may be higher than the combined value of all the ghosts in this dungeon!
That is a task that has a chance for him to get a red quality reward!
So even if the ghost was by his side, Lin Chen didn't plan to take it away and sell it, lest he would completely tear himself apart with the boss of this dungeon.

affect his actions.

As for the abnormality of this mental illness, it seems that it has begun to surface.

After all, if you can directly say to increase the medicine because of your own emotions, this will definitely not be a truly qualified hospital!

The ghost of the director can't be the ghost of the second principal!
For the next time, the old man ghost kept covering himself in the quilt, while the young ghost regained its previous calm.

Until 6 o'clock, a bell rang suddenly.

Lin Chen knew that it was time for morning exercises.

Director Gui had already told Lin Chen and others some rules after allocating the wards.

This hospital has to leave the dormitory from 6 a.m. to go to the playground for morning exercises.

Breakfast at 7 o'clock, free activities at 8 o'clock, inspection at 9 o'clock, etc., the arrangements were full, and the itinerary for the day was not completed until 8 o'clock in the evening.

When the bell rang, the young ghost jumped out of the hospital bed without saying a word, and even the old ghost put on his slippers, and followed the young ghost tremblingly.

It seems that if you don't go out for morning exercises, terrible things will happen.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also followed behind the second ghost. As soon as he left the ward, he saw that all the players and ghosts in the ward had already walked out of the ward.

When the human players on the third floor saw Lin Chen, they all showed a hint of surprise.

The movement around Uncle Ga's waist was so loud that even the director ghost who was suspected of being the boss ran over with his nurse.

It was obvious that the attention of these people had been drawn.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen and smiled kindly.

In any case, in the dungeon, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being able to maintain goodwill with players with special characteristics.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also smiled, followed the crowd, and walked downstairs.

Not long after, everyone had arrived at the lawn in the yard.

Many human players gathered together in twos and threes, studying the movement of escape.

(End of this chapter)

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