After 18 years of playing tricks, I entered the horror game

Chapter 111 System: Please stop your method with no lower limit.

Chapter 111 System: Please stop your method with no lower limit.

The route home... No. [-] Mental Hospital is completely closed. The courtyard is surrounded by a high wall, and there is a barbed wire fence more than three meters high on the wall.

In the evening when he was the first to go downstairs, he went up immediately.

After getting closer, it is not difficult to see that there are still spots of dry blood on the barbed wire.

It looked chilling.

Of course, in the face of a three-star powerhouse, if it was just a barbed wire fence, it would be useless.

But the players in front of them can feel that the barbed wire is exuding a strong power of rules.

If you really dare to jump the barbed wire, the ending will be miserable!

Soon, everyone discovered that the real exit to escape from the hospital was a big iron gate.

Although it also has the power of protection, it cannot be broken by external force.

But there is a combination lock on it!

Everyone believed that as long as the combination lock was unlocked, they would definitely be able to escape from this hospital!

At this time, Lin Chen also walked into the courtyard.

Not long after going downstairs, two sick players who were also on the third floor came forward.

These two people look relatively young, a man and a woman, the man is handsome and extraordinary, and the woman has an outstanding temperament.

Among them, the male player smiled and said:

"Brother, I'm a phantom, from the magician war group, this is the scarlet Yun Bai, may I ask which war group you belong to."

He is handsome and has a friendly smile.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I don't have a battle group, just a single person."

"It turned out to be a loose person?"

Both of them were a little surprised when they heard the words. The man named Huanmo thought for a while, and finally said:

"Both of us are high-level fierce gods who have condensed 2000 hidden ghost power, and the ghost power has been condensed to the peak of the fierce god. The strength is the strongest among the players on the third floor, so I specially found her and reached a joint alliance. , I came here this time to invite you to form a team with us, exchange information, and jointly escape from this dungeon."

Another female player, Yunbai, said:

"Although I don't know your specific strength, but if you can escape unscathed after causing trouble, it won't be too bad. If the three of us work together, the chances of escaping from this dungeon will be greatly increased."

Her appearance is very beautiful, especially her height is far beyond ordinary women, her proportions are perfect, and her long legs are particularly eye-catching.

Lin Chen took a look at the two of them. The strength of the two of them was indeed not bad, but he was not interested in the so-called team formation.

After all, everyone's goals are not the same.

He refused: "I don't have any information, you invited the wrong person."

Huanmo smiled and said: "We only value your strength. Of course, if you form a team, I hope you can restrain yourself... Try not to cause trouble again. There are many dangers in this new dungeon, even if you have confidence in your own strength. , but some of the previous actions are really... really shouldn't be."

Yun Bai said: "If you join us, you won't be acting alone at that time. You must restrain some of your habits. This is also a respect for us."

Lin Chen was a little speechless, and finally said: "Didn't I say that I don't have any information, so it's possible that you can't tell that I'm already rejecting you?"

Yun Bai's eyes were slightly cold, and he stopped talking. In fact, if it wasn't for the illusion that Lin Chen valued Lin Chen, she would have been willing to win over such an unknown person.

The phantom was taken aback for a moment, then he said in amazement: "If we join forces, the success rate of escaping from the dungeon will definitely increase..."

Lin Chen interrupted: "Who said I'm leaving, I don't have to do anything here, and food and lodging are included, so why go out?"


Now both of them were dumbfounded.

Is this kid's brain affected by something?

How do you feel that your spirit is really a little abnormal.

The phantom still had some reluctance to say: "Brother, don't be joking, and don't you worry about the punishment of the thriller game after the mission fails? You know, this mission has a 10-day limit!"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Isn't there a second mission? Find out a few ghost players pretending to be mentally ill, that's fine."

Phantom was speechless.

The second way is not that no one has taken it. In fact, they are also considering trying to find out the ghost player hiding in the dark.

But the difficulty of this task, in practice, may be even more difficult than the first way.

After all, every time you go to identify ghosts, you have to face ghosts directly. Whether you succeed or fail, you will easily attract ghosts to attack.

No one can guarantee that he can become the winner in every battle with ghosts, and after becoming the winner, he will not be noticed and punished by the boss of the hospital!
In the end, the phantom duo left.

After the two walked away, Yun Bai asked in a low voice: "Why do you value this person so much? He has already rejected it, but you still haven't given up trying to win him over. This is not like your character."

It was different from what they meant to win Lin Chen over. At this moment, when the two exchanged in low voices, it actually revealed that they had known each other for a long time.

The phantom looked at Lin Chen from a distance, sighed and said, "Unfortunately, this is a fierce man. Although I don't know his specific identity, he will never be as simple as an undisciplined man."

Yun Bai was surprised and said: "His ghost power is hidden very deeply, it should be a treasure that hides its own aura, and its real ghost power can't be seen at all. How do you feel this person's strength?"

The phantom whispered: "My ghost slave has a very special sense of consciousness. He told me that the man in ward 302 is very dangerous. You know, he was called a dangerous existence last time, but our magician battle group The devil in it!"

"Devil! Is that Samsung player No.1 in your battle group?"

The phantom nodded and stopped talking.

On the other hand, Yun Bai put his eyes on Lin Chen, a strange flash of light flashed in his beautiful eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking.

But she didn't notice that the corner of the phantom beside her had inadvertently turned up slightly at this time.


At this time, ghost patients from other floors also came down one after another.

Lin Chen didn't pay attention to the two players just now, but stared intently at these patient ghosts, thinking about which child he would rescue in the system mission.

Lin Chen believes that since he is a "child", he must not be too old.

At least some ghosts who looked like old men and women were directly ruled out by him.

Not long after, Lin Chen set his sights on a little girl in a floral dress.

She sat there blankly, looking at the dim sky, motionless.

"Is this the child?"

This little girl's age is very suitable for the positioning of "child".

Lin Chen was overjoyed, he didn't expect to find the target person so quickly.

If this little girl is not counted as a "child", there may not be any ghost present that meets the system's mission goals.

He quickly stood up and was about to walk towards the little girl.

However, at this moment, a ball suddenly struck from a distance like a shell. All the patients were shocked to see this scene.

When they saw a ball flying towards Lin Chen with violent force, they were all taken aback for a moment.

But Lin Chen stopped, facing the galloping ball, he directly reached out to catch it.

Immediately, he easily grasped the ball firmly and intercepted it.

"Uncle, can you kick the ball to us?"

"Still playing football?!"

Lin Chen's eyes turned cold, and he squeezed hard, only to hear a "bang", and the ball burst on the spot.

I'm in a bad mood!

No matter who kicked the ball, this matter is absolutely fine!I said!

He cursed and looked along the voice.

As a result, as soon as he saw the target person, Lin Chen froze.

Because he found out that the player who played football was another young kid!

And besides this brat, there are seven or eight other people around the same age.


Why are there so many children!
The kid burst into tears when he saw the ball being crushed by Lin Chen.

The players who have been observing this scene are a little speechless. When they first heard the sound of breaking through the sky, they thought it was a ghost attacking humans, and they were all nervous.

After all, dungeons are dangerous, no matter what kind of ghost they are, they are very aggressive!
In the end, it turned out that it was a prank by the kid, so I couldn't help but shook my head.

Especially seeing the little ghost crying, he was a little speechless.

It stands to reason that no matter how young they look, the ghosts in this Samsung dungeon are not simple people.

But after thinking that this is a psychiatric hospital, everyone still reluctantly accepted it.

The ghosts in the mental hospital should look abnormal...

Lin Chen helped his forehead, and said to himself:

"It's troublesome this time."

He was a little helpless, there were too many people who met his goals, how could he find them?
After thinking for a while, Lin Chen had an idea, stepped forward with a kind smile, took out a new football from the pink sack, handed it to the little ghost, and said, "Uncle, there are new ones here."

The little ghost's tears stopped, and he was about to grab the ball. It seemed that even though his mind was abnormal, the ghost's fierce nature was still engraved in the little ghost's bones.

But at this time, Lin Chen held his head down, as if stroking him, but said to the system in his heart:
"System, is this the child you mentioned?"

System: "If you plan to touch everyone here, please stop your method with no lower limit."

Lin Chen: "..."

Kicking the ball away, the little ghosts immediately chased after the flying football.

After dismissing the kid, Lin Chen sighed.

Sure enough, this task was not something he could easily accomplish as soon as he came in.

After seeing so many young-looking little ghosts, Lin Chen thought that this "child" would definitely not be that simple, at least it would not be such a simple character walking casually on the road.

Where exactly, we still need to find and explore.

At this time, many patient ghosts have all gathered downstairs.

These ghosts include men, women and children. Some are in a daze, some gather together in twos and threes, and some even show all kinds of strange movements directly on the lawn.

For example, the newspaper ghost in the same ward as Lin Chen looked extremely abnormal at this time. He folded the newspaper into a simple paper airplane and wore blue rubber slippers.

Climb up the tree and jump straight down.

It looks like it's trying to fly with the aerodynamic force of a paper airplane.

However, he fell to the ground again and again, but every time he fell to the ground, he stood up without saying a word, and climbed up the tree again.


There is also a male ghost who directly broke his own arm, picked up dry branches from the ground, and grafted them on his arm.

The sight of the blood screaming made some people feel dizzy, but he showed a happy smile, as if he had won the lottery.

There are also two old ghosts of a certain age wearing glasses, talking loudly.

"Some of the current scientific theories have big problems."

"For example, F waits for ma, this is wrong!"

The whole scene was ridiculous, which made some players who were secretly looking for escape routes dumbfounded.

Finally, an old man wearing glasses held a loudspeaker in his hand and suddenly said: "Comrades, I have already figured out the way home!"

The way home?
Could it be an escape route!

This trumpet ghost attracted everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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