Chapter 134 Thunder Comes!


If it wasn't for the old ghost, Lin Chen would never have imagined that in his eyes, a "child" who should have been so pitiful that the system could issue tasks for him killed everyone in the hospital!

It can even be said that this child is the real culprit behind the dungeon that made No. [-] Mental Hospital a dungeon!
Isn't this a dungeon boss?
Even if it is not a boss, this kind of strength will not be low.

Just like the demon school, although the dungeon boss is the principal ghost, Dong Xiaorou, who destroys the school and turns the school into a dungeon, is far more powerful than the principal ghost.

Even if it wasn't for the horror game's will to be more optimistic about the principal ghost, then Dong Xiaorou can be said to be the real boss.

Lin Chen's mouth twitched.

The task of the system is to rescue the child, which is like going to a cottage to rescue a hostage taken by bandits.

It turned out that the target of the rescue had changed from a hostage to a thief leader when he arrived at the place!

"Where is he?" Lin Chen asked hastily.

The old ghost's state is very wrong, and he may fall into stupidity again at any time. Even though he is curious about all this, Lin Chen only wants to know the specific location of Xiaoyu at this time.

However, a trace of confusion suddenly appeared in the old ghost's eyes, and he seemed to be struggling to say something, but in the end he still couldn't say anything.

After all, his sobriety lasted only for a moment, and at this time, he had already returned to his usual stupid state.

Lin Chen was in a hurry, and waited for two or three days before the old man woke up, but he only asked his name.

This made it difficult for him to accept.

He rushed forward, shaking the old man's shoulder, and said, "Brother, you will go crazy later! Tell me where the child is?"

The old man smirked, as if he was very amused by Lin Chen shaking himself, but a tear slowly rolled down the corner of his eye.

Lin Chen's face was ugly, and he stood quietly in the ward.

Even though the medication time had passed, he did not leave.

Mengka's heart was beating violently behind him, but he didn't say a word. At this time, he felt a very dangerous aura from Lin Chen.

For a moment, the whole room seemed very dull.

"elder brother!"

At this moment, the door of the ward opened suddenly, and Yun Bai rushed in with a pale face, and shouted directly.

Lin Chen glanced at her.

Yun Bai was startled immediately, she didn't expect that there would be a nurse staying in the ward at this hour.

But right now, her mental state has been greatly affected, and her fear has been greatly reduced.

Ignored Lin Chen directly, rushed into the ward, pulled the nurse and said ghostly: "Brother, save me, I'm really going crazy, I don't want to stay in this dungeon for a second, as long as you have Ability takes me away, I am willing to dedicate everything I have to you, brother, please help me!"

Seeing this, Lin Chen, who was in a bad mood, stepped forward and said, "When did he become your brother?"

Yun Bai sneered and said: "This has nothing to do with you? Why, is it a violation of the hospital's regulations for me to visit patients during activity hours? Are you going to give me medicine again because of this?"

There was a hint of madness in her expression. Seeing this, Lin Chen shook his head slightly. This woman really seemed to be going crazy.

He said: "Take a good look, is this your patient friend?"

After all, Lin Chen lifted off the nurse ghost's clothes, and took off the breath-holding talisman and the face-changing talisman on his back.

For a while, the image and aura of the nurse ghost changed, and finally a brand new face appeared.

It was exactly the same as Lin Chen at this time.

Yun Bai was stunned on the spot, his mind went blank, and he stared at this scene dumbfounded: "This... is this a ghost?"

Without the cover of the breath restraining talisman, the ghost's unique aura is fully revealed, even though the ghost power has been almost reduced.

But with the eyesight of a Yunbai three-star player, he can still see it at a glance.

Lin Chen sneered, and his body aura also changed, and eventually, he also returned to the face he had when he first entered the dungeon.

After getting acquainted with each other, the images of the nurse ghost on the bed and Lin Chen were completely reversed, which made Yun Bai completely dumbfounded, and stared blankly at Lin Chen.

"Tell me, how did a ghost nurse who was stupid from beginning to end become your brother?"

Yun Bai sat on the ground and said in an unacceptable way: "Impossible! He has responded to my temptations, you are lying to me!"

Lin Chen took out his phone and directly played the video he had taken in advance.

Seeing the picture in the video and the clear voice explanation, Yun Bai finally understood.

She couldn't afford to sit on the ground, thinking that the "brother" she had kissed more than once, and almost said, turned out to be a stupid nurse.

It gave her goosebumps all over her body.

too disgusting!

It's okay to be a dear, and I almost sucked the ghost of others...

Thinking of this, Yun Bai's face turned green, his stomach twitched and he almost vomited.

With a sound of "Bang!", the door of the ward opened again, and the bald phantom ran in. After seeing Lin Chen and Yun Bai, his eyes suddenly brightened. Lin Chen said:
"Boss, do you have any clues now? If there are any, let's analyze them together. I really can't wait for this copy. Now I have no hair on my whole body, and I have auditory hallucinations in my mind all the time. Really. I can't take it anymore!"

Before Lin Chen could speak, Yun Bai said with a wry smile, "He's not our teammate."

The phantom was taken aback, then patted his forehead and said, "I have auditory hallucinations again."

"You heard me right. It was Yun Bai who told you that I am not your teammate. Your teammate is lying on this hospital bed." Lin Chen said calmly.

Following Lin Chen's words, Huanmo looked at the hospital bed, and suddenly felt a bang in his brain, subconsciously took a step back, and said:
"Why is the nurse ghost here! At this time, shouldn't they have a small meeting upstairs?"

Lin Chen ignored it, but looked at the old man ghost, thinking quietly.

It is no longer feasible to wait for the old man to wake up next time, and even if the old man is awake, it is difficult to guarantee that he will be able to ask anything.

I can only run into this dungeon boss director ghost on the bright side.

"You... who are you?" At this moment, the phantom who had communicated with Yun Bai at the side said, his voice trembling.

A player who can drive a nurse ghost crazy and use it as a stand-in, while wearing the mask of a nurse ghost in the hospital unscrupulously, is simply beyond their imagination.

No matter who fought the monsters on the first night.

He was also the one who captured all the ghost players the next night.

All fully surfaced.

And gradually coincided with the figure of the man in front of him!

"who are you?"

There was shock in Phantom's eyes.

Is Blue Clothes the top three in the sequence?

It is also a seed player of major organizations.

With such a powerful strength, why has it been hidden?
This art of transformation...

He vaguely thought of a person, a person who captured Mo Yin of their magician battle group and made the six great groups collectively suffocate.

Lin Chen didn't answer, but took a deep breath, and then his breath was condensed, and his mental power enveloped the hospital. He locked on to the director ghost standing on the sixth floor, and his eyes flashed with thunder.

Suddenly, dark clouds covered the hospital. In the clouds, there were bursts of muffled thunder. The human players and ghosts who heard the sound all subconsciously walked to the window and looked at the sky outside.

I saw that the sky outside was already pitch black, and countless thunder dragons loomed in the clouds.

For a moment, both the patient player and the nurse player showed shocked expressions.

In the darkness, the boy also felt the sound.

"Are you finally going to make a move?"

Whispers sounded, and fifteen scale monsters were already standing in front of him.

Looking at his outstanding works, the boy's eyes showed a strong confidence.


At the end of the meeting on the sixth floor, Director Gui walked in the corridor on the sixth floor with a heavy expression.

Even though there was one person missing in this meeting, he didn't ask any more questions at all, instead he felt uneasy.

Ever since he knew that the nurse beside him was hiding a ruthless person that even Xiao Yu was afraid of, he had never felt at ease.

Thunder rang from his ears, and he froze for a moment.

This is a dungeon, it belongs to a completely different world, how could there be thunder?

Thinking of this, he hurried to the window and looked out.

He opened his mouth suddenly.

Different from others, Director Gui immediately felt a strong aura locking himself when he saw the dark clouds and the brontosaurus swimming in the clouds!
In just a moment, Director Gui felt that he was a little unsteady even standing up.

The energy contained in that thunder is too powerful, like the power of the sky, and he is like a demon under the punishment of heaven, it is difficult to resist at all.

He turned into a ghost and rushed downstairs quickly, but at this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air in front of his eyes.

The figure didn't wait for him to react, and kicked towards the ghost he had turned into with a volley.

This blow directly returned the director ghost in the blurred state back to the human form, and kicked him away with a powerful and inexhaustible force.

The glass of the hospital building shattered in an instant, and the ghost of the director flew out of the building, appearing on the outdoor grass where the patients usually exercise in the morning.

"Ray comes!"

The figure whispered.

Next, a huge vortex appeared in the black cloud, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky, hitting the director ghost's body.

In the thunder, accompanied by the director ghost's extremely shrill scream.

The director ghost was shot down to the ground without hindrance, leaving a huge deep pit.

In room 302, after seeing Lin Chen's figure disappear out of thin air, Huan Mo and Yun Bai who ran to the window were dumbfounded.

The patients in the other rooms even exclaimed directly:

"White Thunder! It's the legendary Yang Thunder!"

"It's Uncle Chen! This kind of Yang Lei is Uncle Chen's unique ability, and Uncle Chen is also in this dungeon!"

(End of this chapter)

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