Chapter 135 Little Rain Shows Up
Thunder burst.

Falling from a height of ten thousand feet, it directly tore the director ghost's body with incomparable power.

This scene shocked many people who were addicted to the will, it was hard to add!

The appearance of the white Leifa means that person is also in the dungeon!
Uncle Chen!

A character who deflated the Six Great Regiments, his strength is definitely the strongest existence of the same level!
In order to protect Uncle Chen, Zhou Geng explicitly prohibited and even ordered everyone present in the form of a contract to silence him on Moon Moon Mountain.

This point, even the leaders of the major regiments have not escaped.

It can even be said to be somewhat cooperative.

Therefore, the identity of the person who is full of ghost power and the will of the horror game is congratulated, and his identity is still a mystery in the eyes of the public.

When Lin Chen broke through, there was quite a lot of commotion on Wangyue Mountain.

But those visions were completely pinned on Mr. Mercury by Zhou Geng and others.

Mr. Mercury was backlashed by the ghost slave, or from the beginning to the end, he was the slave of the legendary ghost king Shuigui. This news overwhelmed all the turmoil caused by Uncle Chen.

Therefore, no one doubts that Uncle Chen is the person who is full of hidden ghost power. After all, in the eyes of many people, Uncle Chen is just a player who has not gathered hidden ghost power and directly breaks through and ruins his own future.

As for the tens of thousands of people, some players have their own guesses.

The Sequence One of the Hua Kingdom, the Son of God of the small island, and the top geniuses of other countries are all very popular people.

Everyone thinks that out of ten thousand people must be one of them.

In the face of speculation and pursuit, none of these top talents came forward to admit or clarify anything.

Therefore, the identity of Man Wanzhi is still extremely mysterious, and no one knows the specific news.

But at this time in the dungeon, the significance of Uncle Chen's appearance is equally huge.

Although the story of Lin Chenman Wanyin's ghost power breakthrough has not been circulated, but the deeds he has done are known to everyone in the player world.

In the eyes of many people, Uncle Chen has always been a person who can create miracles, and his ability to instantly kill the six great talents makes many veteran players feel ashamed.

In desperation, Uncle Chen suddenly appeared and used thunder to attack the director ghost of the dungeon boss, which touched everyone's minds!
"The director's ghost is dead? Annihilated by Lei Fa?"

In the chat group that had been silent for a long time, someone finally spoke again, his tone full of shock.

The scene where the director ghost's body was torn apart by the thunder was watched by everyone.

There is no doubt about the strength of the Boss in the Samsung dungeon.

Although he felt the greatness of the thunder method and was surprised that Uncle Chen's strength had improved again, but just such a blow defeated the boss, which made everyone feel a little weird.

At this time, even Lin Chen was a little surprised.

In his eyes, the director ghost has always been the dungeon boss, even if he is not the ghost king, he is still an extremely troublesome existence.

So he broke out with all his strength as soon as he came up, and cast Lei Fa.

However, the director ghost was like a paper tiger under the lightning method, and it instantly shattered, making Lin Chen feel like he was hitting a mosquito with an anti-aircraft gun...

On the grass, the director ghost's figure condensed again, and burst out of the deep pit, standing in the air.

As a native ghost, he has the ability of immortality.

It's just that when he reappeared, his face was extremely pale, filled with endless fear.

Lin Chen's eyes flashed, and his body was filled with lightning. The next moment, Lin Chen turned into a thunderbolt and shot out.

The first level of the five thunders rectification method allowed Lin Chen to master the power of thunder.

The second floor allows Lin Chen to catch the thunder.

After the completion of the third layer, it was Lin Chen's way of dealing with Lei, which was completely integrated.

You can even turn your body into thunder and complete a qualitative change.

Director Gui only felt a lightning flash in the air around him, and Lin Chen appeared in front of his eyes, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

So fast!

Just like last time, Director Gui had no time to react, and Lin Chen stepped on his chest.

The figures of the two were surrounded by lightning, and they hit the ground heavily like cannonballs.

Yu Shi even plowed a huge ravine out of the flat grass!

The players in the hospital building no longer cared about the dungeon rules, and ran out of their respective wards.

Now that the variables are out, no one wants to stay where they are.

However, at the entrance of the building inside the hospital, 29 figures in white coats appeared, blocking their way.

It is all the nurses in the hospital.

At this moment, the director ghost was suppressed, so that they no longer had the usual peace, their faces were full of solemnity, but they still stood firmly in front of the players.

"Go back!" a nurse ghost said.

Everyone's footsteps faltered, and some even took a step back subconsciously.

Nurses suppress patients by rules, making them just stand there, which gives many players a great sense of oppression
After all, in this dungeon, they have been tortured by the nurses many times.

In my heart, I have endless fear of these nurses.

"Go back!" Another nurse ghost shouted.

Among these nurses, there are native ghosts in the dungeon, as well as foreign ghost players and human players.

Whether it's for their own mission or the dungeon mission of the horror game, it is impossible for them to let these patients go.

From the moment they entered the dungeon, they became nurses, and they were completely on the opposite side of the patients.

Even if the director ghost is being suppressed by the powerful existence outside, they still can't let these players go.

"Death is death! If we don't fight, we will become lunatics sooner or later. After ten days of mission time, we will be obliterated by the copy!" In the crowd, the phantom with a bald head gritted his teeth.

"That's right, fight them!" Chen Zhiguo said the same.

As people with the strongest ghost power fluctuations in the crowd, their words have a great inciting effect.

Everyone's eyes finally became firm again.

In the hall, ghost power erupted in an instant. Seeing this, the nurses looked dignified, and also burst out ghost power unwilling to be outdone.

The war is about to start.

On the grass, Lin Chen stepped on the director ghost's chest with one foot. With only physical strength, the director ghost couldn't stand up.

"Where is the child!"

The director was taken aback, kid?

what kid?
Seeing that the director ghost didn't answer, Lin Chen exerted force on his feet, and immediately pressed the director ghost's chest with severe pain, which was unbearable.

"I said, I said!" Director Ghost struggled and shouted.

Lin Chen relaxed his feet and looked at the director ghost quietly.

Director Gui breathed a sigh of relief, the pressure was greatly relieved, he pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "What child?"

kidding me?

Even Lin Chen was a little surprised, this director is really crazy!

With a sudden force under his feet, he directly stepped on the director ghost's body in half.

In fact, the director ghost's strength is not weak, he possesses the ghost power of a peak-level legendary fierce god, which is similar to that of a green-scaled monster wandering in the night.

Although he didn't see the real body of the director ghost, at least he was in the top [-] potential list.

The severe pain caused by the separation of the body made the director ghost howl immediately.

It wasn't until his body recovered again with the help of the power of the horror game that he gasped heavily and stopped howling.

It looked very despicable.

The resentment on Director Gui's body is very deep, even scarier than that of Dong Xiaorou in the demon school.

You know, Dong Xiaorou burned all her classmates and teachers to death to have such scale of resentment.

And the evil created by the director's ghost is even more conceivable.

These days, Lin Chen's incarnation as a nurse is not completely fruitless.

Lin Chen had already seen the essence of the hospital when he saw the ghost in the director's office.

In the name of the hospital, they recruited patients, but secretly resold human organs.

And to control the patient, so that the patient cannot tell the truth to the outside world, in addition to the closed management, there is also the little blue pill that affects people's spirit!

It also reveals the essence of the entire dungeon.

Of course, this is only the most superficial. Except for Lin Chen, many people have already seen it.

But Lin Chen knew that there was a deeper evil hidden in this dungeon!

A villain who can force a child to slaughter an entire hospital!

Director Gui, who had just recovered, knelt down in front of Lin Chen in an instant, and repeatedly said, "Please, let me go."

It is shocking that a person who manages the entire hospital and possesses great strength behaves so unbearably.

In fact, he is just an ordinary person who has just been reincarnated as a ghost, so he has powerful ghost power, but his willpower is not equal to his strength at all.

A week ago, the director ghost was just an ordinary person holding a scalpel, coupled with his own cowardly character, and in a certain way, he could be said to be one of the "victims".

So that it has not adapted to its identity as a ghost until now.

"It's said that my colleagues are enemies. Seeing you like a reptile makes me feel very comfortable." Lin Chen smiled, but there was a cold light in his eyes and said: "Give you another chance, tell me , where is the child!"

The director started to howl and said, "I really don't know which child you are talking about."

Lin Chen saw that Director Ghost's behavior didn't seem fake, so he reminded him, "Xiao Yu!"

The cries came to an abrupt end, and Director Gui's face showed a hint of fear, and he said in disbelief, "It's him you're talking about!"

He and Old Man Gui have different views on Xiao Yu. In his eyes, an existence that slaughtered the entire hospital cannot allow him to be associated with the word child at all.

But soon, he suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened, and he said in surprise, "How do you know his name is Xiao Yu?"

The blood of the ghost splattered, and an arm flew out, causing the chief ghost to howl immediately.

Lin Chen looked calm, and asked again:
"Tell me, where is Xiao Yu!"

At this moment, Director Ghost's eyes suddenly became dull, and then his expression gradually changed. Finally, his brows were furrowed, but he seemed completely calm.

Although his appearance hadn't changed, Lin Chen's demeanor actually gave Lin Chen the feeling that Director Ghost had suddenly changed inside.

"What do you have to do with me?"

A slightly immature voice came from the director ghost's mouth.

Lin Chen understood, and a gleam of joy appeared in his eyes.

The ghost he was looking for finally appeared!
"I'll take you out of here." Lin Chen smiled, with a trace of kindness on his face.

Xiao Yu said: "Are you joking? Do you know who I am?"

Lin Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he said with a smile, "Psychiatric Hospital No. [-], the real boss, Xiao Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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