Mystery: Undead don't die from passing fire

Chapter 101 Everything is unsolved, the fool solves it

Chapter 101 Everything is unsolved, the fool solves it

"not good."

Alger's complexion changed slightly.

Although the battle just now ended extremely quickly, it inevitably caused a lot of commotion.

Especially the screams of the blue shadow falcon and the longan sea eagle spread far and wide.

Alger expected that these movements would attract some extraordinary creatures.

But the problem is.

This number is too exaggerated, right? !

This is not just one or two, but dozens of them!
This means that all the extraordinary creatures nearby are attracted here, right?


He knows most of these extraordinary creatures in front of him, and the weakest ones are equivalent to the extraordinary of Sequence 7!
He may not even be able to fight single-handedly, let alone so many?

Alger's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he took a step back instinctively.

But the next moment, Ember's calm voice came from beside his ear.

"Don't move, they can't see you."

Argel stopped in his tracks, and looked down at his right hand, which was wearing two rings.

Phantom Ring and Sleeping Dragon Emblem Ring.

It can hide its figure from five meters away.

"That is to say..."

Alger looked up again at the extraordinary creature staring at the front.

Once he calmed down, he found out more details.

For example.

Although these extraordinary creatures were staring at each other, their eyes did not fall on the two of them.

Instead, they were looking at the corpses of the Blue Shadow Falcon and the Longyan Sea Eagle beside them.

"Run to the sea!"

Alger took a deep breath, and quickly said, "The Youlan Avenger is nearby, as long as we can board the ship, we will be completely safe!"

At this moment, he once again realized how useful these two rings are.

As long as they kept a distance of five meters, these extraordinary creatures would never be able to spot them.

Even if they are surrounded, they can leave calmly.

However, Ember seemed to be in some kind of deep thought, and turned a deaf ear to Alger's words.

He was thinking about how to ensure that these extraordinary creatures survived intact.

After all, they are full of money!
And precisely during this time.

The extraordinary creatures finally couldn't hold back their restless bloodthirsty desire, and rushed towards them!

Alger's body tensed instantly.

Gritting her teeth, she rushed towards Ember, ready to drag him towards the sea.

He didn't know what Ember was thinking, but the current situation was obviously not the time to think.

However, at the moment Alger was about to make a move.

Ember slowly took out the crystal staff.

Under Alger's gaze, the staff he raised condensed a faint blue light.

"Ding! Ding ding!!"

After casting the spell for a short time, it was accompanied by a crisp sound like knocking crystals.

The faint blue light turned into a rain of arrows all over the sky, shooting at the extraordinary creatures rushing ahead!

These extraordinary creatures, who couldn't even see where they were, were naturally unavoidable, and were almost instantly hit by the arrow rain without warning.

But what is surprising is that the blue arrows disappeared the moment they pierced their bodies.

It didn't even leave the slightest scar on their skin, as if nothing had happened.

but in the meanwhile.

The pupils of these extraordinary creatures with intact bodies suddenly dilated.

【Flan Arrow Rain】

[One of the advanced magics of "Flan Short Arrow".

Can shoot soul short arrows continuously.

This is crystallized by the old man himself,
After being entrusted to the deacon, with his daughter—
Hazel's name signature magic. 】


The huge bodies of the extraordinary creatures, as if they lost all their strength in an instant, fell down one after another, splashing a lot of sand.

These incomparably powerful creatures in the past have never been able to get up again at this moment.

"What ability is that?"

Alger could only feel his soul trembling, and his heart was full of disbelief.

These are not two extraordinary creatures!
but all!
All the extraordinary creatures that were hit by that shower of arrows, no matter what they were doing before, all without exception stumbled forward on the beach at this moment.

Alger had no doubt that they were dead!
Even if their body surface didn't have the slightest scar, their lifeless pupils already said everything.

Although I have never been exposed to similar abilities.

But Alger was very sure that it was an attack that directly hit the soul!
These dead extraordinary creatures were not crushed by the rain of arrows, but their souls!

"Is this caused by that staff? Or Ash's own ability?"


Ember put away her staff, and said suddenly, "Let's bring the boat over."

"it is good."

Alger took a deep breath and answered.

He left the beach quickly but returned 10 minutes later.

And this time, they arrived from the sea, driving the Youlan Avenger together.



The Silver Knights leapt down from the deck, dragging the corpses of extraordinary creatures with the clatter of armor.

Argel on the other side had already stabilized the boat, furled the sails and dropped anchor.

At the same time, the springboard was lowered and extended to the sea surface in order to improve the handling efficiency of the Silver Knights.

"Do you want to continue exploring?"

Alger glanced at the embers on the deck from the corner of his eye, and pretended to ask casually, "There is still plenty of time, we can wait until night before leaving."

"Do you want to hunt some other extraordinary creatures?"

Ember slightly raised her eyebrows and asked.

Alger shook his head decisively.

He had already obtained the two main materials he wanted, and there were still dozens of corpses of extraordinary creatures, so he had no interest in other extraordinary creatures.

"Then leave as soon as possible."

Ember looked at the sea level in the distance and said casually.

For him, exploring the island is nothing more than a side quest.

But now he has the soul of a demigod in his hands, and he only needs to return to Backlund as soon as possible to advance the main line.

And why waste time exploring the side quests yourself?
not to mention--

Anyway, he already knew the coordinates of the island, so he could come anytime in the future.

It can't be that this island can run with long legs, right?

"In that case, let's go later."

Alger nodded seemingly regretfully, but in fact he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He didn't really want Ember to continue exploring the island.

Because he knows that there is a bigger secret deep in this island!
The island was discovered by him and Chillingus.

But the last time he came, he could only wander around the periphery because his strength was too weak, but Qilingos had the opportunity to go deep into the interior of the island.

Even the magical item 'Wriggling Hunger' that Chillingos is famous for was probably obtained through the island's secrets!

It is precisely because of this reason that the gap between him and Qilingos is getting wider and wider!

He missed the opportunity last time, because his strength was too weak and he could only watch the opportunity slip away from his hands.

In any case, he didn't want to experience this feeling again!

If Ember must explore, he can't stop it.

But since Ember doesn't want to continue exploring, he won't push Ember to explore all the time.


After hesitating for a moment, Alger suddenly said, "There is a mirror dragon among the corpses of those extraordinary creatures, but Miss Justice's commission still lacks a fruit of the tree of elders. I know there is a tree of elders nearby. Tree, there is plenty of time, how about going to help Miss Justice get a fruit before leaving?"


Only then did Ember remember what was going on with Audrey, nodded and said, "You want me to go with you?"

"Need not."

Alger shook his head, "The tree of elders is nearby, and there is no danger, after all..."

"Even if there was danger in the first place, it's gone now."

Alger looked down at the corpses of the Transcendent creatures on the beach, and thought silently.

Walking off the deck, Argel quickly jumped over the Silver Knight and the piles of extraordinary creatures on the beach, and ran to the forest ahead.

Different from ordinary forests, the trees here are thick and tall, with dense branches and leaves.

Even the most 'thin' one is at least as thick as two people hugging each other.

And the bark of these trees has obvious scales, densely spliced ​​together piece by piece, it seems that it will come to life at any time, and it will wriggle on the surface at any time.

But Alger knew very well that these trees were actually not dangerous.

After all, he has been here more than once.

Along the way, Argel's mood became more and more relaxed.

Because along the way, he didn't find any traces of anyone passing by around him.

The reason why he came to the tree of the elders was also to confirm this point.

Walking along the road he knew well, he finally found a big tree with a thickness of more than ten meters!
Even in this forest, its size is definitely one of the best.

And most notably.

It has to be the anthropomorphic old man's face on its trunk.

This is also the reason why the other party is called the tree of the elders.

As an extraordinary creature of the plant system, its threat is not as great as other extraordinary creatures.

After all, plants don't have legs.

This also caused Alger to obtain a fruit from it with almost no effort.

During the whole process, the tree of elders acted like a real elder, and the face on the trunk maintained a benevolent expression without any reaction.


Argel breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his right hand, wearing two rings on his fingers.

To be able to get the fruit so easily, these two rings are also indispensable.

It's just that Alger didn't rush to leave after getting the fruit of the Elder Tree.

Instead, he looked behind the tree of the elders.

There is the depth of the island, and it is also the core area of ​​this primitive island.

He stood there watching for a long time, and finally turned and left silently.

His strength is not enough to go to that area.

At least we have to wait until we have the strength of Sequence 5 to explore in depth.

Taking a deep breath, Argel returned along the original path again.

It's just that he didn't notice.

Under the cover of the shadow of the forest, a figure was watching him silently.

Seeing Alger leave, the figure also moved simultaneously.

When Argel returned to the beach, he happened to see a silver knight carrying the only remaining body of the blue falcon to the boat.

And opposite to the empty beach, is the deck of the Youlan Avenger that is piled up——

Even the waterline with the Youlan Avenger has risen a lot.

And Ember was still standing on the deck.

"Is he really not interested at all?"

Alger hesitated, and couldn't help thinking silently in his heart.

"The fruit of the Elder Tree has arrived."

Back on the deck calmly, Alger took off the two rings on his right hand and returned them to Ember.

Although he was a bit reluctant, he knew that these rings did not belong to him after all.

"What are you going to do with these corpses?"

After Ember took the ring, Argel asked casually.

"Sell it."

Ember thought for two seconds, then pondered, "How much can it be sold for?"

Alger looked at the corpse of the extraordinary creature on the deck, and briefly analyzed, "The market price of extraordinary materials for Sequence 7 is usually around 500-700 gold pounds, while the market price of extraordinary materials for Sequence 6 is around 1200."

"If they were all sold, these extraordinary materials alone would be worth at least [-] gold pounds."

"Besides, even if you don't count extraordinary materials, the physical value of these extraordinary creatures is very high."

"Make an analogy."

Alger paused for a moment, then continued, "The 'Mirror Dragon's Eye' that Miss Justice wants is a relatively rare Extraordinary material, but the market price does not exceed 1000 pounds. And the mirror dragon blood she needs is priced at 50 pounds per 100ml about."

"The price of the former is ten times that of the latter, but a mirror dragon has only two eyes, but it has a lot of blood. It's just that usually when hunting, it will cause the mirror dragon to bleed profusely, and only a few hundred can be collected in the end." Milliliters."

"Of course, there is no trouble in this regard for you."

Alger said, looking at the huge 'dragon corpse', the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Mirror Dragon is said to be a dragon, but it is actually a gigantic lizard.

The blood in its body is not calculated in milliliters, but in liters!

If they could all be sold, they would definitely be worth far more than a pair of eyes.

But when ordinary people hunted and killed extraordinary creatures, which one didn't make blood and flesh splatter?
By the time the mirror dragon was killed to hunt for the eyes, the blood in its body had almost flowed out, and what could be collected in the end was only a few hundred milliliters.

After all, not everyone can kill these extraordinary creatures without bloodshed like Ember.

Each corpse is extremely well preserved.

Secondly, the market demand for Mirror Dragon's blood is actually not that great.

There is a lot of blood on their hands, but not so much that can be sold.

Thirdly, it is extremely difficult to preserve the blood of extraordinary creatures, and they are different from each other.

If you don't have a special understanding of the characteristics of these creatures, even if you get it, it may be wasted.

of course.

Right now, the blood is still in the body of the extraordinary creature, so there is no need to consider the issue of preservation for the time being.

But here's the problem.

"I have to warn you, these things are not easy to keep."

Alger informed Ember of his concerns, and reminded, "The extraordinary materials condensed by extraordinary creatures after death will hardly rot, but their physical bodies do not have this kind of treatment."

"My suggestion is to dig out the Extraordinary materials first."

"Then take some of the best value from the corpse and save it, and the rest is left to fate."

"It would be best if they lasted until they were sold, but if they rotted, they would just go to waste."

"How about a sacrifice?"

Ember suddenly asked.


Argel was slightly taken aback.

"Sacrifice these things to the fool."

Ember said casually, "For the fool, it should not be difficult to preserve these extraordinary creatures."

Although his soul space can also be stored, and the space is almost unlimited.

But the soul space can only place materials.

For example, Extraordinary properties and Extraordinary materials are considered materials, but complete corpses are not included.

Otherwise he would have to take someone's body with him.

One is to keep it as a thought, and the other is...

"good idea."

Alger's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "I'll pray to Mister Fool immediately."

Sacrifice the things to Mister Fool and let him keep them.

When needed, it will be given by Mister Fool.

This is the best solution for them now.

none of them.

The only difficulty is.

Alger couldn't be sure whether Mister Fool would agree with them to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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