Mystery: Undead don't die from passing fire

Chapter 102 The Sun God of Five Equal Divisions

Chapter 102 The Quintile Sun God

"A fool who does not belong to this era;"

"You are the mysterious ruler above the gray mist;"

"You are the Yellow and Black King of Good Luck."

In the captain's room of the Blue Avenger, Alger prayed to the Fool with some trepidation.

To briefly explain the situation -

Because there are a little too many extraordinary creatures to hunt, it is difficult for them to save in time.

Therefore, I hope to sacrifice it to Mr. Fool and let him keep it on his behalf.

at the same time.

Klein, who was having dinner at Lawyer Jurgen's house, felt something and apologized to Mrs. Doris.

Then he got up and went into the bathroom, and his soul went above the gray mist.

And when he received the prayer from Mister Hanged Man, Mister Fool was taken aback for a moment!
"Is there such an operation?"

Klein had a weird expression.

He is familiar with storing items on the gray fog!

But it was the first time for him to keep other people's things.

But anyway, there is nothing to lose, and he would not refuse it.

After thinking about it, Klein recovered, and replied to the Hanged Man in a calm and soothing tone of 'The Fool'.

"I see."


Alger opened his eyes, and he heaved a sigh of relief when he got the accurate answer.

The Fool didn't object, but replied with 'I see'.

It shows that Mr. Fool doesn't care about such trivial matters at all.

After all, Mr. Fool is a genuine god, so he naturally looks down on these mid-sequence extraordinary creatures.

But if they weren't members of the Tarot Society, Mister Fool probably wouldn't be so tolerant, right?
Thinking in his heart, Alger suddenly felt a little glad that he had joined the Tarot Society.

"Mister Fool agreed to our request."

Alger adjusted his mentality, walked out of the captain's cabin, and said to Ember standing on the side.

"Then sacrifice as soon as possible."

Ember suddenly turned around and walked towards the cabin, and said without looking back.

"it is good."

Alger nodded, but he didn't have any doubts.

And the other side.

After returning to the cabin, Ember stood still and stretched out her palm.

A pool of silvery liquid slipped from his body, and finally condensed into shape in his palm.


Ember whispered softly, "What did you see?"

Ember didn't explore the island herself because she learned the lesson of exploring the world of painting.

And what went instead of him was the artificial teardrop in his hand.

Like a teardrop, it seemed to feel something, and stretched out two long tentacles to the sides of Ember's head.

In an instant, memories flooded his mind like a movie.

From quietly disembarking from a boat like a teardrop, to entering a ruined ruin through the jungle.

Until the end, the picture freezes on a huge picture.

The color of the picture is dark, the background is a blurry figure, and the main body is a long table.

Lying on the long table was a figure carrying a glorious cross, surrounded by three shadowy figures.

One of them is handsome and vigorous, one is majestic and heroic, the other has a white beard and looks very intelligent, but the three pairs of eyes are full of indescribable evil, and the behavior is the same:

Opposite them, sat cross-legged a gloomy and dark baby.

This scene looks a little weird, but it is actually a little weird.

But Ember looked directly past them, and looked at the most unobtrusive figure in the corner.

It was a girl with long white hair.

She was sitting on a high stool taller than her, her crystal white and tender feet swaying slightly in the air.

And in front of her was a huge, unfinished oil painting.

And beside the girl was a nun guarding her side with a scythe in hand.

Although the figure is shrouded in the nun's robe, the graceful figure of the nun can still be discerned vaguely.

Just this time.

The behavior of the nun is quite different from her dress.

She was still holding a red scarf in her hand, and the other end was connected to the figure that was being shared by the other four.

And the red turban seemed to be alive, greedily sucking blood from that figure's body.

"Miss? Friede?"

Ember opened her eyes with a slightly surprised expression.

Because he recognized the real bodies of those two figures.

Also saw what they were doing—

The eldest lady is painting, while Friede is collecting the blood of the figure carrying the glorious cross as paint.

As for the figures of the other four eating corpses, Ember couldn't recognize them.

But presumably they should be natives of this world.

And the one who was eaten was undoubtedly a god.

The only problem is that.

Who killed him?

The picture only shows the scene of dismemberment, and it seems that the people in the picture joined forces to kill it——

Not only the few people who shared the food, but also those figures who served as background boards seemed to be involved as well.

But things don't seem to be that simple.

For example--

Ember recalled the picture.

Although there are only a few people on the surface.

But among the blurred figures that acted as the background, one figure was clearer than the others.

Although the whole body was covered under the black robe, only a back was exposed, and the teardrops could not see his appearance clearly.

But according to the graceful back left by that figure, it can also be discerned that it is a woman.


Do not know why.

Ember felt inexplicably familiar with her black robe, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

But the memory is obviously a little fuzzy, and I can't remember it...

Ember resolutely discarded the messy thoughts in her mind.

If you can't remember it, you don't want it, anyway, you will remember it sooner or later.


Ember, who no longer thinks and has no troubles, instantly brightens up a lot.

He turned and walked to the deck, thinking about seeing how Alger was progressing.

At the same time, Alger had already arranged the sacrificial ceremony, and was reciting devoutly in the ancient Hermes language:
"A fool who does not belong to this era;"

"You are the mysterious ruler above the gray mist;"

"You are the Yellow and Black King of Good Luck."

"Your faithful servant prays for your watch;"

"Pray that you accept his offering;"

"I pray that you will open the gate of the kingdom."

The ancient mantra echoed in the spiritual wall, stirring up the swirling gale, bringing the shock of natural forces.

Alger took out a dark brown glass vial from his pocket with ease, unscrewed the lid, and poured out a lot of sesame seeds.

These particles flow with metallic luster, which has an indescribable beauty.

He then sprinkled the particles, into the wind.

The wind became more and more violent, but it was no longer fierce, and it was dyed in two colors: silver white and dark black.

During the constant collision and fusion, the two winds of different colors poured into the candle that symbolized "The Fool",

The expansion tore out a normal-sized illusory door.


Although this was not the first time, Argel still couldn't control himself and began to tremble.

It was deep fear, and it was inexplicable excitement.

But the silver knights next to them were already on the alert, after the door of illusion was opened.

Then he began to throw the extraordinary creatures piled up on the deck into the gate of illusion.

And that illusory gate didn't seem that big, as if just a sentence from the corpse of an extraordinary creature could block it.

But actually.

Whenever those huge corpses try to block the illusory gate, they will be wrapped and absorbed in an instant until they completely disappear inside the gate.

The Silver Knights are extremely efficient.

In just a few minutes, the mountain of corpses that had originally piled up had been cleaned up.

Alger was relieved.

At least he no longer has to think about how to preserve these corpses.

"Thank you for your generosity, Mister Fool."

Alger lowered his head and said respectfully.

Mister Fool did not respond to him as before, but cut off contact after a moment of silence.

Alger raised his head and looked forward, and saw that the illusory gate disappeared, the strong wind stopped, and the candlelight returned to its original state.

Everything is as if it never happened.

In the magnificent palace above the gray mist.

Klein looked at the pile of corpses in front of him with a numb expression, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Although Alger has stated in advance that there are some things that he hopes can be stored with him.

But this number is a bit too exaggerated!

I'm afraid you didn't take over the lair of these extraordinary creatures, right?

"There are so many extraordinary creatures, how much does it cost?!"

"Even if you give me one-tenth, I can even out the debt owed to Ember, and even have more."

Klein's eyes suddenly turned red, and his heart felt sour.

Originally thought that agreeing to the other party was a trivial matter!
But now when he saw these things, he felt like a clown!

The exhausting work, the work that was born and died, actually earned less than the fraction of embers!

After all, these extraordinary creatures are like living gold pounds in his eyes!
Even in death, it is still a heavy gold pound!

Even if the most valuable Extraordinary characteristics have been poached in advance, the remaining parts are worth at least one hundred thousand gold pounds!
Although such a large piece of material, even if he steals a little blood or something, it should not be discovered.

But that's ember stuff after all.

Although I, Klein, am poor, I also need to be poor and ambitious!


Now I really look like a clown!

Klein looked like he was about to cry, but why did he agree to Alger's request!
Facing a golden mountain all day, he is also very difficult, okay!


Klein felt that part of his potion must have been digested.

Because now he really looks like a clown!

"That's a good thing, too."

Klein took a deep breath and forcibly calmed down his restless emotions.

Although this golden mountain can be seen or eaten, it is a good thing to be able to digest the potion.


That's right!

That's it!

That's it!

Klein earned his blood today!

Klein remembered what happened to him recently, and suddenly his eyes twitched.


He really wanted to ask Ember to borrow another sacrificial ring, but he couldn't hold back this face.

After all, the debt owed last time has not been paid off yet.

But don't borrow it, I will inevitably feel a little panicked.

Although Miss Justice has been entrusted to ask someone to assassinate the ambassador, it will take a certain amount of time after all.

Before the ambassador is assassinated, he is likely to come to trouble him first.

If it's just sacrificing the ring, it's not too safe.

After all, the opponent is likely to guard the corpse and kill him again.

Therefore, the safest way is to find a way to find a bodyguard for yourself.

At least it must be a bodyguard of Sequence 6 or even Sequence 5.


For the time being, it's not that dangerous.

After all, the ambassador's main goal now is to find Ian Wright and that 'important item'.

In other words.

At least until that item is found, he's safe.

But no matter what.

Now I can only hope that Mr. A can give a little help.

Klein rubbed his temples, and waved his hand to drive the gray mist to hide the corpse of the extraordinary creature.

In an instant, his figure disappeared in the majestic palace above the gray mist.


at the same time.

Backlund, 117 Burningham Road, Hillston District.

"Why don't we just forget about it?"

Fors sat on the sofa with her pillow in her arms, and whispered with some hesitation, "I always feel a little unreliable."

"There is something unreliable."

The petite Xio Man said indifferently, "We just act as a middleman to release the commission, and no matter what happens after that, we won't be blamed. Isn't that easy?"


Fors shrank her shoulders and whispered, "Have you forgotten what you did last time?"

Mr. A had been 'disappeared' for half a month before, and it was not until a few days ago that the Extraordinary Gathering was reconvened.

It is because Xio betrayed Mr. A's information to Ember.

Although Mr. A was lucky enough not to die, it can be judged from his recent state that he must have suffered a lot.

Now Xio is going to find Mr. A again, entrusting him to assassinate the ambassador of another country.

Are you not throwing yourself into a trap?
"no problem."

Xio patted his chest confidently and said, "It was Ember who troubled him last time. What does it have to do with me, Hugh Dilcha? What's more, didn't he not notice when we went to the Extraordinary Party last time?"

"Furthermore, there is a full 1000 gold pounds for this commission! Forsi, don't you have the heart to see a huge sum of 1000 pounds slipping away in vain?"


Forsi hesitated for a moment, gritted her silver teeth, "Then I'll go with you."

"No...well, let's go together then."

Xio just wanted to refuse, but when she met Forsi's firm gaze, she had no choice but to give in and nodded helplessly.

Forsi touched the stone bracelet on her wrist.

Even if they are in danger later, it's okay for them to escape if they want to.


Fors suddenly whispered, "How do you feel about Ember now?"


Xio looked at Forsi strangely, "Didn't Miss Audrey say that he was on a business trip?"

"How could it be a real business trip?"

Forsi sighed, somewhat doubting her friend's IQ.

Just after finding trouble with Mr. A on the front foot, he went on a business trip on the back foot.

To say that Forsi would not believe that the two had nothing to do with each other.

"What else can it be if it's not a business trip?"

Xio looked at Fors with some strangeness, and asked in confusion, "It's not like we never went to the Church of Evernight to ask, didn't Ember's captain, Mr. Al Hasson, admit it himself?"

"That's why I'm worried."

Forsi said helplessly, "Mr. A was seriously injured, and he hasn't shown up for more than half a month. Even if Ember is much stronger than Mr. A, he probably suffered a serious injury. Although it was said that he was on a business trip, I guess he is now It should be recuperating in a church..."

"And the boy."

Fors suddenly stopped, hesitating to speak.

"Will Auceptin?"

Xio's expression changed slightly, "Did you dream about him again?"


Forsi whispered, "He asked me to tell Ember that he was dead, and told Ember not to look for him again."


in the afternoon.

Hillston District, Mr. A's new residence.

"4000 gold pounds?"

Mr. A's eyes moved back and forth on the two ladies in front of him, and he said with a low smile, "Don't you know the consequences of assassinating a country's ambassador? This may directly cause the Kingdom of Loen to go to war with the Republic of Intis."

"People like Mr. A still care about this?"

Xio met Mr. A's gaze without fear, and asked back.


Mr. A leaned back slowly, letting his back touch the back of the sofa, and said leisurely, "I can take on this task, but 4000 gold pounds is not enough, and I need to add more money."

"Ten thousand gold pounds, heh, this is the amount of reward offered by Admiral Qilingus of Hurricane. Bakerland's strength is definitely not as good as him, but the difficulty of assassination is not low. Believe me, he is worth this price."

"it is good!"

Xio and Forsi looked at each other, nodded slightly, but at the same time gave their request, "We can pay a deposit of 2000 gold pounds first, but the final payment must be settled after the task is completed. In addition,"

Xio paused, and added, "We have received information that Bakerland is about to step down as ambassador and return to China, so this task must be completed within three days."

Considering the danger and urgency of the entrustment, Audrey gave them great autonomy.

4000 pounds is just a test, but in fact Audrey's bottom line is 12000 pounds.

As long as it does not exceed 12000 pounds, they can make their own decisions.

"Three days?"

Mr. A gave a low laugh.

It takes less than three days to assassinate an ambassador.

"The money is not with me, we will send it in the afternoon."

Xio said without a trace.


Mr. A nodded and gestured to see off the guests.

When the two left the mansion by themselves, Mr. A's original smiling expression suddenly darkened.

more than half a month ago.

The embers broke into his house suddenly, wiped out all his subordinates, and even destroyed the container of the Lord's coming!

Although he was lucky enough not to die, his years of business in Backlund were ruined.

Because the other party not only broke into his house and killed him, but even notified the Church of Evernight in advance!
As a result, the believers who survived by chance were also besieged and suppressed by the Church of Evernight afterwards.

This led to the fact that although he was still the general manager of Backlund in name, although some peripheral members were lucky enough not to reveal their identities, the Extraordinary men under him were killed and injured.

Now he is simply a polished commander!
Even if it wasn't for the protection of the dark saint, he might not even be able to keep the position of the polished commander now.

That's why he had to reconvene the Extraordinary Gathering as soon as possible.

One is to develop some believers from these wild Extraordinary.

The second is to raise funds as soon as possible to rebuild the organizational structure of the Aurora Society.

Right now, the [-] gold pounds sent to the door is certainly a good opportunity, but what if it is another trap?

"No, they dare not."

Mr. A's frown slightly eased.

It is not difficult for him to assassinate an ambassador of a country.

So what if there is a conspiracy?

The person who broke into his house was at least a demigod. An ambassador of a mere country would not have a demigod guard, would he?

That night.

In the Bar of the Brave, Klein once again met Maric who rejected him last time.

But this time, the other party spoke directly.

"Is your commission still valid?"


Klein couldn't react immediately.

"A friend of mine is short of money recently and is willing to accept this entrustment. However, she only protects you for three days, 1000 pounds."

"it is good!"

Klein agreed without hesitation, and then asked, "When will it start?"

"Now you can."

Maric gave him a surprised look, "However, 1000 pounds is not a small amount? Don't you need a little time to prepare?"


Klein looked calm.

Money is not important, life is important!
What's more, does he seem to be short of money?

With dozens of corpses of extraordinary creatures in his hands, he is now extremely rich!
Although those golden mountains are not his.

But it doesn't prevent things from being here with him!
The bank's money is not the bank's, but no one would doubt that the bank has money, right?
Otherwise why would someone rob a bank?

After a pause, Klein added, "Since the protection period is three days, it's okay to pay in three installments, right?"

"no problem."

Maric nodded, in case the protection fails, there is no need to give the money behind, which is fair.

Klein was relieved to have a bodyguard, but at the same time he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Three days should be enough, right?
No matter how useless Mr. A is, he is a Sequence 5, so killing an ambassador should be very easy.

Unless, he takes money and does nothing.

The corner of Klein's eyes twitched, thinking of the worst guest.

If Mr. A really takes the money and does nothing, then he must ensure that the protection time of these three days is just right——

It happened to be the time when Ambassador Bakerland sent someone to assassinate him.

And how to grasp this time.

Well, wait for him to do some divination first.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Klein said to Maric.


Seeing that the Blue Avenger had successfully returned to the safe channel, Alger explained with a sigh of relief, "From here, we will go west along the main channel, and it will take about five days to reach Bayam."

"Don't you need to bring your sailors?"

Ember asked in some surprise.


Alger shrugged, "I gave them a month's vacation, and it's too late for them to be happy."

Actually not.

If this is his ship, it doesn't matter if he takes these people or not.

But he is a follower of the Church of the Storm, and the Blue Avenger also belongs to the Church of the Storm.

Those sailors are usually support, but they are also surveillance.

Now he left those sailors missing for more than a month for no reason, and it is not a small trouble to explain afterwards.

But compared to explaining to the Church of the Storm, Alger didn't want to waste Ember's time because of these trivial matters.

After all, no matter what he said, the other party had done him a great favor, so he naturally had to reciprocate.

Of course, there is no need for Ember to know about these trivial matters.

He can handle it himself.

Alger added, "My artisan friend is in Bayam, and you can ask him to help transform those magical items in your hand."

"Of course, those unnecessary Extraordinary materials can also be sold on Bayam's black market."

"forget it."

Ember shook her head lightly, "It might be useful to keep these things."

"it is good."

Alger immediately nodded in agreement.

Things are embers, and the other party can deal with them as he wants, of course he won't talk too much.

Ember thought for a while, and then said casually, "As for the corpses of extraordinary creatures, you can decide for yourself. You can sell as much as you can, and you will earn [-]% of the money."

"Five to five?"

Alger was a little moved.

Those corpses can be sold for at least 10,000+ gold pounds, and he can get at least 8 if it is [-]-[-]!
For Alger, this is undoubtedly a big temptation.

"Need not."

Alger took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Those extraordinary creatures are all your trophies. I didn't do anything, and I deserve [-]% of it. Once it's done, it's my hard work in helping you find a buyer. fee."

If someone else came to him, he would have to earn at least [-]% for this kind of work.

But Ember couldn't stand the high demand, and it helped him a lot.

Naturally, a friendly price should be given.


Ember didn't force it, but just nodded nonchalantly.

(End of this chapter)

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