Mystery: Undead don't die from passing fire

Chapter 103 The Tempted by Fire

Chapter 103 The Tempted by Fire

The evening of June 9.

Backlund had two assassinations.

The ambassador of the Republic of Intis, Bakerland, was assassinated and killed. The major newspapers in Backlund worked overtime that night to make this news hit the front page.

On the other hand, Klein, who was also assassinated at his home, appeared to be 'calm', for example, nothing was even damaged in this battle.

Instead, it was Rosago who gave away the head thousands of miles away.

Let Klein obtain all the potion formulas of the Seer Path Sequence 7 Magician, Sequence 6 Faceless Man, and Sequence 5 Secret Puppet Master through psychic communication, as well as a 'All Black Eye' polluted by the real creation.

If you want to buy them at Extraordinary parties, these items are worth at least tens of thousands of gold pounds.

But right now Klein only spent a thousand pounds.

This made Klein feel a little grateful for Rosago's generosity.

After that, Klein decided to do a careful divination to ensure nothing would go wrong.

Klein took out a coin with nothing to do, and recited in a low voice:
"Bakerland is dead."

The 1p coin rolls and jumps up.

Klein silently thought, it doesn't matter if he doesn't die, if he doesn't die, he will do the divination again tomorrow.


The coin landed firmly in Klein's palm, head up.

This means yes.

very good!Bakerland is dead!

Klein was overjoyed, and suddenly relaxed from his tense state.


In the living room of a townhouse in Hillston District.

Mr. A, who had just completed the assassination and retired, was wearing a black robe with a hood, kneeling in the darkness.

In front of him was a small statue of a man hanging upside down with his legs bound by chains.

"Cough cough."

Mr. A, who was originally chanting devoutly, suddenly coughed violently. He coughed up a bunch of bloody fragments, and these fragments were still wriggling after falling to the ground.

But soon, Mr. A leaned down with his hands on the ground.

With a pious posture, he pressed his mouth to the ground, and licked back all the bloody shards he coughed up just now.

He even licked the corners of his lips eagerly.

But in the next second, Mr. A seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned around vigilantly.

As far as the eyes can see, a figure is quietly separating out from the darkness.

"Dark Saint."

Mr. A was startled, and immediately bowed his head respectfully.

"Do you remember the person who assassinated you last time?"

The dark saint walked out of the shadows and said slowly.


Mr. A nodded without hesitation, gritted his teeth and said, "I know even turning into ashes!"

"very good."

The dark saint nodded slightly, and said slowly, "The Lord sent an oracle."

Hearing this, Mr. A immediately looked serious, and bowed his head respectfully and reverently.

"His name is Ember, I want you to find him, and then..."

"kill him?!"

Mr. A raised his head, looking a little excited.

"Do not."

The dark saint said in a deep voice, "Help him!"

Mr. A's face froze, and when he came into contact with the warning in the eyes of the dark saint, he hastily bowed his head respectfully and said, "Yes, how can I help him?"

The dark sage nodded slightly, a child can be taught.

"What does he want, what do you give."

The dark sage glanced at him calmly, but still reminded, "He should be looking for clues about the Black Emperor now. If you meet again, take the initiative and tell him all the information you know."

"The Dark Emperor?"

Mr. A raised his head in surprise, with obvious confusion and bewilderment in his eyes.

"The royal family of Loen."

The Dark Saint did not explain in detail, but said succinctly, "If he asks, tell him about our cooperation with the royal family and the Witch Sect."

"The royal family and the witch sect..."

Mr. A hesitated.

They seem to be in a cooperative relationship with these two parties now.

If you tell the whole story, isn't that purely selling your teammates?
"Don't worry about them, they're just a bunch of ignorant idiots."

The Dark Saint said indifferently, "And what you have to do is continue to cooperate with them while concealing your relationship with Ember. Do whatever they ask you to do, and then tell Ember what you did. When necessary, we will Will also help out."

The more Mr. A listened, the more confused he became, and he was extremely puzzled.

Although he has no objection to being a second or fifth boy, it is not enough to be a second or fifth boy.

On the one hand, they have to help the royal family complete their plans, and on the other hand, they have to reveal all the information to Ember.

What's the point of doing this?
Mr. A hesitated, "He destroyed the container of the coming of the Lord, why should we help him?"

"Containers don't matter!"

The dark saint took a deep look at him, "The Lord does not need to come to this world, but the Lord needs embers to complete his mission, do you understand?"


Mr. A lowered his head and asked respectfully, "Lord Saint, forgive me, you should know more than me, why don't you contact him personally?"

"Thank God."

The dark sage suddenly recited a few words reverently in a low voice, and then his expression changed suddenly. After a long time, he said slowly, "It's not yet time, Ember discovered that the speed of the 'Black Emperor' must be consistent with the royal family's plan. He should not know more details until the royal family's plan is completed. Otherwise, spreading fire will be meaningless."

"In case something changes, you can tell him secret information about other gods to divert attention."

"Pass the fire?"

Mr. A seems to have grasped some kind of key.

The purpose of doing all this is to make each other spread fire?

Then what is the purpose of spreading fire?
And the Church of Evernight—

The embers are obviously backed by the Church of Evernight, which means that the Church of Evernight should know more information.

So, their purpose is also to spread the fire from the embers?
"Master Saint."

Mr. A asked in a low voice, "Does the Church of Evernight also want him to spread fire? If the goals are the same, is it possible for us to cooperate with Church of Evernight?"

"Do not."

The Dark Saint said in a deep voice, "Don't believe them, the Church of Evernight knows more than us, but they don't necessarily want the embers to spread fire!"


Backlund, Saint Samuel Church,
In the large prayer hall, a lady in a simple linen robe stands under the altar, bowing her head piously.

"His Royal Highness Arianna."

The old man with a beardless face and wearing a black and red archbishop's robe came to the big prayer hall, hesitating to speak.

"You have questions?"

Arianna was still pious and asked softly.

"I do not understand,"

Anthony was silent for a long time, and asked the question that he had been puzzled all along, "There are also paintings in the world church, why do you have to borrow the one from the Aurora Society?"


Arianna whispered, "The Goddess needs time, and Her Majesty the Favored One also needs time. The painting world of the Aurora Society can send His Majesty the Favored One to the Sunya Sea, which can buy at least a month."

Anthony was silent. Although Arianna's words could not solve the doubts in his heart, he did not ask any more questions.

"Your Excellency is back, what should I do?"

Anthony was silent for a long time, and asked softly.

"It's business as usual."

Arianna raised her head and said softly, "Meet all the needs of Your Excellency."

"Except for the Black Emperor?"

Anthony asked back.

"Yes, except for the Black Emperor."



Arianna parted her vermilion lips lightly, and said in an ethereal tone, "The time is wrong."

After finishing speaking, Arianna lowered her head again and chanted devoutly under the altar.

As a devout believer of the goddess, she will not try to guess the goddess' intentions.

For example.

She would not secretly speculate that the reason why the Goddess did not let the favored person go to the painting world of the Tranquility Church was because she did not want the people in the painting world to know the return of the favored one.

after all.

The three sisters have been guarding the coffin of the king in the painting world.

If they were told that His Excellency the Blessed One had recovered from the outside world, the Goddess might be in a lot of trouble.

of course.

These malicious speculations must have nothing to do with her, Arianna, who is a devout follower of the goddess.

(End of this chapter)

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