Chapter 122 New Papers

Uncle Wang, Zhao Qian, and Feng Ling were all stunned. How long did it take? Why did the court issue a reward again.

Looking at the stack of banknotes and two paintings in Li Yu's hand, Uncle Wang said excitedly, "Sir, you really amaze us, 5000 taels!"

Li Yu said, "You can go out and brag about 5000 taels, but try not to talk about these two paintings."

"They are worth more than 5000 taels of silver?" Zhao Qian asked in confusion.

"It's hard to say now, but in the future there will be no way to compare." Li Yu said.

Uncle Wang and Zhao Qian turned pale with shock: "That's a treasure!"

Fengling was trained in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in the brothel. She laughed and scolded: "Stop embarrassing yourself in front of Mr.! Our master is a man of culture, so you should learn more in the future, because you will lose face when you go out." .”

Uncle Wang and Zhao Qian said yes: "I will ask Ms. Fengling to teach me more in the future!"

While the few people were talking, there was a beeping sound from the East Wing.

Uncle Wang said, "Master, it's your black box again, why does it keep ringing?"

Li Yu pointed to the tall telegraph wires outside and said, "The telegraph wires are set up outside the house for its use. This is called a telegraph machine."

Li Yu came to the East Wing and translated the message through Morse code. It was sent from the Royal Academy of Sciences, and the sender was Lord Kelvin:

"Mr. Li Yu, I am surprised to hear that you have won the Mathematics Prize in Sweden and have published your mathematical works. Congratulations. I hope you will write another manuscript for us! Looking forward to it!"

Well, this is jealousy.

But Li Yu also happened to have something to post. He didn't spend his days on the train staring at the Siberian wilderness.

Li Yu plans to return to his old school of physics this time and post an enlightening article.

Inspired by nature is one of his strongest fields, quantum mechanics.

But he also understands that this process will be very long, let alone be too reckless, after all, the Planck master introduced the Planck formula as early as 1900, and no one cares about it until now.

——Quantum mechanics is too huge, it needs the moisture of the soil and the irrigation of time.

After thinking for a long time, he came up with a clever entry point—discussing why magnetism occurs.

This question also belongs to the category that seems to be very simple, but in fact the truth is very profound.

Because if you want to explain why a magnet can attract iron, you need to use quantum mechanics in the microscopic field!

Therefore, it is also a perfect case that belongs to common life phenomena but hides great principles. It is very suitable to write a paper, which can have a certain explosive point and will not be left out in the cold, otherwise it will lose the meaning of inspiration.

In this era, through the efforts of a bunch of experts in electricity, everyone already knows the existence of electric charges, so it is speculated that the magnetism of magnets is also due to the existence of "magnetic charges", similar to electric charges.

But in fact it is definitely not the case. Otherwise, according to this theory, one side of the magnet is positive magnetic charge, and the other side is negative magnetic charge. Negative magnetic charge on one side?
The "magnetic monopole" like positive and negative charges just appeared (for example, it does not refer to the magnetic monopole predicted by the great god Dirac, and this has not been discovered yet).

But in fact, no matter how many times you cut it off, the magnet will quickly re-form its north and south poles.

So "magnetic charge" does not exist, only electric charge exists.

Charges generate an electric field, and the relativistic effects of the electric field generate a magnetic field.

Anyone who has studied physics in junior high school understands that electricity generates magnetism, magnetism generates electricity, and electromagnetism is a family.

To explain why a magnet can attract iron, it must penetrate to the microscopic level: a few years ago, electrons have been discovered, and everyone knows that particles are charged, and the movement of charged particles generates a magnetic field.

The famous nuclear magnetic resonance actually uses these principles.

In short, there are so-called "magnetic chips" formed by microscopic particles arranged in a certain sense in the magnet, thus forming a magnetic field.

As for iron, cobalt and nickel, etc., there are chaotically arranged "magnetic chips".

When the magnet is close to the iron-cobalt-nickel, the chaotic magnetic chips in the iron-cobalt-nickel will be straightened out through the action of the magnetic field lines, and then they can attract each other.

So in essence, the magnet magnet is the interaction between the magnetic fields: first turn you into a magnetic field, and then attract you.

Although the content of this paper is not long, the microscopic model has actually been used.

Of course, Li Yu wouldn't speak too clearly, as long as he explained the truth, he didn't have to worry too much about how it would develop in the future.

Li Yu was very satisfied with this short paper and was going to send it out immediately.

Li Yu walked out the door, just as Zhao Qian happily came back with Feng Ling, who was holding some cheap rouge gouache, combs, mirrors and other items that he had just bought.

Feng Ling said: "Not to mention, this market just opened is full of things."

Zhao Qian scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry, Feng Ling, I can only buy you these cheap ones, they are not as good as your previous ones."

Before Fengling was in the place of fireworks, the paint and paint used were all high-end products.

Feng Ling said: "Don't say that!"

Li Yu walked over and said, "In the future, when you buy daily necessities, clothes, shoes and hats, you will buy them, and ask me to reimburse you after you buy them."

Feng Ling said: "Sir, what can I do! Clothes are all that matters, these rouge powders are not necessary for a maid."

Li Yu said with a smile: "As you said before, you can't lose face to our Li family. You should dress better in the future."

Feng Ling and Zhao Qian said gratefully, "Mr. Xie!"

Li Yu said to Zhao Qian, "Come on, let's go out and send letters to the Daqing Post Office."

"Come on!" Zhao Qian took out a towel and wiped the seat of the car, "Please get in the car, sir, and let me take you through the streets and alleys of the capital!"

Zhao Qian was very fast, and when he finished sending the letter and walked back, he still did not forget to tell Li Yu something new: "Sir, do you know that Dong'an Market has just opened in Jinyu Hutong, and it is very lively. Ling just went there to buy rouge and gouache, and there is everything in it.”

Dong'an Market is the earliest comprehensive shopping mall in Beijing. It is located next to Wangfujing today. After more than 100 years of vicissitudes, it is still alive.

Li Yu became interested: "Let's go and have a look!"

When passing by Jinyu Alley and Dong'anmen Street, the familiar street stalls and hawkers were gone, not even the Ding Deshan stall where Li Yu often went to eat noodles.

"Both sides of the road are really clean." Li Yu said.

Zhao Qian said: "That's right, sir, I heard that it was because he delayed the official's entry into the palace, and Natong Shangshu, who lives in Jinyu Alley, drove all the vendors to Dong'an Market."

Dong'anmen is the only way for officials living in Beijing's east city to go to court. More and more vendors along the street block the road, and sometimes cars and horses can't pass through it. Every day is like going to the market.

"It's not a bad thing to gather together to form a shopping mall," Li Yu said.

Zhao Qian said: "At the beginning, many vendors were reluctant to come, and some went to the temple fair, but the market became more and more prosperous, and the vendors came naturally."

The current capital really needs a big market. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured Beijing in 1900, the large fence outside the front gate was burned to rubble. The former vendors inside have been wandering around in the past two years. Now they have a foothold and quickly transferred to Dong’an. market.

Li Yu walked inside, and the newly established Dong'an Market was very simple, with street stalls, cloth sheds, and cart pushers everywhere.

However, it is a good choice to gather together. After all, there are everything for sale, such as snacks, groceries, vegetables, melons and fruits, clothes, shoes and hats, etc., most of which are small stalls.

Li Yu found Ding Deshan in the market, walked up to him and said, "How is the business recently?"

"Hey! Guest officer, long time no see!" Ding Deshan said, "You can see that the business in the market is good. The old and regular customers also know me, and they all come here, and now many stall owners from other places also eat me Cooked noodles. Does the guest want a bowl of noodles?"

"Make me four bowls of noodles and take them away," Li Yu said.

"Okay, sir, wait a moment!"

Li Yu saw a green ticket pressed under Ding Deshan's cash box, and asked, "What is this?"

Ding Deshan said from the side: "Pay the land money and the ticket given by the market. If you don't have it, you will be driven out by the resident patrol."

Li Yu pointed around and asked, "Do all the booths have tickets?"

Ding Deshan said: "There are both, but they are different. Guest officer, look at my green ticket. It is specially issued to a booth covering an area of ​​one foot. It costs 70 yuan a day. If the booth is only five feet square, it is a pink ticket." , 40 Wen per day. I heard that there are even larger stalls over 110 feet long, and they cost [-] Wen, and they will be issued one green ticket and one pink ticket.”

Li Yu said: "I didn't expect the management to be quite strict."

"That's right!" Ding Deshan continued, "Tickets will be collected when the market closes every day, and you have to buy tickets again the next day."

Li Yudao: "Then they are really saving tickets. There are only a few tickets, and they can be sent back and forth every day."

Ding Deshan packed four boxes: "Guest officer, your face."

Zhao Qian took it and said to him, "I'll bring the box back later."

Someone behind Li Yu also yelled at them when they saw this: "Beef noodles are the perfect match, let's have another bowl of beef noodles!"

Ding Deshan said to Li Yu: "Guest officer, he is Wang Fukui, the 'explosive belly king' in Dong'an Market. Although the price is not cheap, he has good taste."

"Since it was recommended by you, then I must try it," Li Yu said to the "King of Belly Explosion", "Give me four portions of Belly Explosion."

Wang Fukui yelled: "Come on! Four copies! A total of 80 articles."

The belly burst is huge and very affordable.

Wang Fukui is the first generation of "Burst Belly King", and then the second generation of "Burst Belly King" Wang Jinliang directly developed into a merchant, and also established the name "Xideshun".

This is a century-old brand that has continued to this day.Hou Baolin's cappella and storytelling will say: "When you go to Dong'an Market, there is Xi Deshun..."

Of course, not only Xi Deshun, but also many centuries-old brands born in Dong'an Market, such as Daoxiangchun and Baodufeng have been passed down to this day.

The bean juice seller next to him saw it and greeted him: "Guest officer, let's have some bean juice too!"

Li Yu's heart trembled, he really couldn't drink the bean juice.

Li Yu asked Zhao Qian to pack his belly, and when he was about to go home, he suddenly saw something "fresh" and asked, "Shopkeeper, how do you sell your tomatoes?"

"My name is Persimmon, it's very delicious," said the owner.

Li Yu smiled and said, "Okay, then you weigh ten catties of persimmons for me."

Zhao Qian glanced at it and said, "Sir, what is this?"

"A vegetable that is delicious and nutritious," Li Yu said.

Zhao Qian looked at the red fruit and said, "It looks poisonous, can I eat it?"

Although tomatoes were introduced to China as early as the Ming Dynasty, the scope of influence was always very small, and few people ate them in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties.

The large-scale planting and promotion of tomatoes will have to wait until 70 to [-] years later.

Li Yu said, "Of course you can eat it. I'll make it for you when I get back!"

There are quite a lot of things to buy now, Li Yu and Zhao Qian left Dong'an Market.

Although the market is still dilapidated, within a few years, Dong'an Market will gradually develop from an open-air market with stalls to an all-encompassing mall that includes shops, shops, bookstores, and entertainment from all walks of life. supermarket.

Li Yu went straight to the kitchen when he got home, "Fengling, break some eggs for me, I want to show everyone some skills and make dishes!"

Feng Ling turned pale with shock: "Where is the master in the house cooking for himself? Sir, don't worry about it, just tell me what you want to eat, and I will cook it."

Li Yu took out the tomatoes and asked, "Can this be done?"

Feng Ling said in surprise: "What is it, it looks scary."

Li Yu laughed: "I'll just say it, let me do it!"

Although Li Yu's cooking skills are average, he can still make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which is the most common home-cooked dish.

Not long after, a plate of red and yellow dishes was served on the table.

Li Yu proudly said, "Try it!"

But Uncle Wang, Zhao Qian and Feng Ling didn't dare to eat, they looked at the plate and said, "Sir, don't scare us."

"Let me be the first one to eat the tomato." Li Yu picked up the chopsticks and took a bite: "Yes! Thanks to the addition of sugar, it tastes great!"

The three of them dared to taste it when they saw Li Yu move their chopsticks. Once they ate, they couldn't stop.

"Wow, sir, I didn't expect you to be a chef!"

"Yeah, I'm still the chef of watercress!"

"I didn't expect our master to be so versatile. Just this dish, I think it is worth the restaurant at the front door!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "This is not watercress, it's an authentic Chinese dish. If you go to any country, no one will make you scrambled eggs with tomatoes, even if they don't lack tomatoes or eggs."

Feng Ling immediately said: "Sir, although I can't learn your Western knowledge, I must learn this dish!"

"Next time I make it, you can look forward to it! What's more, tomatoes can not only be cooked, but also eaten directly."

Li Yu then directly ate a tomato raw, and several people followed suit after seeing it. It was indeed sweet and delicious, and they were greatly praised.

As the first of the four common dishes in China, the first dish that every person who learns to cook learns, the "national dish" tomato scrambled eggs, actually appeared around the 1940s, but Li Yu made it It was released 40 years in advance, which is considered a modest "innovation".

(End of this chapter)

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