Chapter 123 Model
On this day, Li Yu came to Jingshi University Hall to talk to Ding Weiliang about recent events. When he came out, he happened to meet Fan Xiren, Ouyang Mouyuan and others.

"Brother Li!" Fan Xiren hadn't seen Li Yu for a long time, "You've gotten a lot of attention recently."

Li Yu said, "Brother Fan, long time no see! Is this the end of get out of class?"

"That's right, the courses in our official school are much easier than those in the teacher's school. Are you interested in drinking tea and playing cards together?" Fan Xiren asked.

"What cards are you playing?" Li Yu asked back.

Fan Xiren said, "Mahjong, what else can it be?"

Li Yu spread out his hands: "I'm not very good at playing mahjong."

"That's so boring," Ouyang Mouyuan said, "Brother Li, what entertainment do you have?"

His question reminded Li Yu that in this era of material scarcity, there are no computers, no mobile phones, and no Internet. It seems that there are really few things to play.

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "I know it's fun."

Fan Xiren was a little scared: "Brother Li, you must consider our acceptance level..."

Li Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's a game played by multiple people. It's not only fun, but also educational."

"It sounds quite suitable for our current status as a university student," Fan Xiren became interested, "What is so fun?"

Li Yu said: "It's a strategy game. Let's call a few more people. It's not easy to get started. It's just a test of everyone's IQ!"

"Hey!" Fan Xiren became excited when he heard this, "Is it a test of IQ? You don't need to test your knowledge. Who can compare to you! I'll see if everyone is smarter than you!"

Li Yu laughed and said, "Then shake people!"

Li Yu found Feng Zuxun and He Yujie, and said, "Stop studying, let's play games!"

The two were studying math problems attentively. When they heard Li Yu's greeting, they asked, "Playing games? I'm afraid it's not very good. I don't even play cards now."

"We can't be a rigid engineering man," Li Yu said, "work and rest! You can't study every day, and besides, I can still harm you? I'm taking you to play a game that tests your IQ."

Feng Zuxun and He Yujie also became interested when they heard it, "We listen to Brother Li Yu!"

When the three found Fan Xiren, he had already found eight of them, and it turned out that the people from the official school were rich and free, and they wanted to mix in whatever was interesting.

Among them was Li Yu, a thin and tall man whom he had never seen before. Fan Xiren pointed to him and said, "This is Li Guojie, Li Houye, whose ancestors are the deceased Li Hongzhang, Li Zhongtang."

Li Guojie cupped his hands and said: "I have admired you for a long time, Brother Li Yu's name is very famous in the capital now."

Li Yu replied casually: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Li Guojie is the eldest grandson of Li Hongzhang. A hundred days after Li Hongzhang passed away, his father Li Jingshu also died, so Li Guojie inherited Li Hongzhang's title of Marquis of Suyi.

However, Li Guojie had a very bad reputation later on. When he became the chairman of China Merchants Steamship, he even wanted to sell it to American merchants.They even arranged for the assassination of high-level officials of the Republic of China government, which annoyed Lao Jiang, and finally arranged for military reunification agents to kill him.

It's just that he is only 22 years old now, and he is in the "Dingyou" period, so he has no actual official position for the time being.

Fan Xiren said: "Master Hou is now coming to our official school as an auditor to learn some Western knowledge."

This kind of situation is very normal in the Shixueguan. Because many court officials have no time to go to school full-time, they will choose to be "listeners" and come to the university to teach. It is somewhat similar to the on-the-job training methods of night universities and TV universities in later generations.

Anyway, there are a lot of people now, so it doesn't matter if there is one more or one less, Li Yu mainly wants to play with these college students.

They came to Watson's bar together and found a large private room.

Li Yu wrote twelve pieces of paper and introduced them to them: "The game we are going to play is called 'Werewolf Killing', which tests everyone's reasoning ability, analysis and judgment ability, and eloquence. Everyone draws cards to choose their identity, and all The basis of the analysis is in everyone's turn to speak..."

The game threshold of Werewolf Killing is actually relatively high, but the advantage is that the props are simple, and you can play in a venue, which is very suitable for college life in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China when there were no after-school entertainment activities.

Li Yu explained the rules of the game several times after distributing ID cards to them. Today was almost spent in teaching, and it was not until the last one that everyone understood the game.

Once you get started, it's really addicting!

Because it's fun!In the 21st century, board games can stand firm among the crowd of computer games, and their appeal is undeniable.

Of course, as for the result of the game, Li Yu still wins because of his rich experience, and he happened to be a werewolf again, almost killing everyone indiscriminately.

But Fan Xiren and the others were not convinced at all, and clamored to continue the next day.

Although Li Yu didn't have that much time, he still took time to entertain them as much as possible. After all, he also felt that there was too little to play now.To be honest, no one can bear to study and do scientific research every day. There must be some normal recreational activities.In my previous life, I could watch movies, play games, and exercise, but now I really have nothing.

He plans to make Three Kingdoms in the future, and the standard package is enough for them to play for several years.

It was also thanks to Li Yu's "contributions" that the extra-curricular life of the students in the Imperial University was greatly enriched. Later, as these students studied in Japan, they also brought the board game culture out of the country.

Then it slowly spread to European and American countries, and universities all over the world competed to carry out various "killing".

College students all over the world privately respect Li Yu as the ancestor of board games, and because Li Yu was the first to design Werewolf Killing and Three Kingdoms Killing, everyone prefers to call him "Killing Ancestor".

While they were having a great time, Britain also received the papers sent by Li Yu.

After reading it, Lord Kelvin said to Huggins, the president of the Royal Society: "Interesting! Before we guessed that Li Yu was a supporter of atomic theory, this time he finally stopped hiding it and completely explained the principle of magnetism with atomic theory. , the angle is very novel.”

After reading it, President Huggins also said: "The arguments are sufficient and reasonable, and there are no flaws to be found, but it is estimated that many people will still question it when it is sent out."

Lord Kelvin didn't care at all: "What are you afraid of? Let them quarrel. The scientific community should be as lively as boiling water, so that new discoveries can be made. Otherwise, what research are you doing when you are dead? Now Li Yu added a fire , depends on the effect."

Huggins said: "Since the old president has said it, let's send out the original text completely. Li Yu is also happy to have a leisurely time. Even if the big guy has doubts, he can't bother him. I think the complaint letter is a fortress." Fill our mailbox."

President Huggins was very prescient. Once the manuscript was published, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The newspapers did not "let go" of Li Yu, and once again paid attention to scientific progress and reported Li Yu's thesis.

Who is Li Yu? Now he is making a name for himself with "Fractal and Chaos". The article he wrote this time starts with the most common phenomena in life. Even ordinary readers who don't understand the subsequent physical derivation can easily read it understand the problem.

All of a sudden, magnets began to be discussed in the streets and alleys again, and all the magnets in the stores were sold out.

But now there are many people who don’t believe in atomic theory, and many complaint letters have been sent to the Royal Society:
"Blood talk! Nonsense! I admit that atoms are microcosmic existences, but I use them to explain macroscopic phenomena? How can a small atom have such great power? Are there only elementary school students in the Royal Society?"

"According to the article, the magnetic field is generated by electric current, so does it mean that there is electricity in the magnet? I have bought three magnets, and none of them has electricity! Where is the electricity?! Ah?! Explain to me, electricity where?!"

This is more or less understandable, and some people said seriously: "Everyone knows that the world is composed of four elements: wind, fire, water, and earth. This is what the Greek sages pointed out! Even if it is a magnetic field, I think it is the same. It is made up of the four elements with a certain effect."

There is even more anger: "The Royal Society should be disbanded quickly! Everything is God's will. Don't try to speculate on God's approach here. When humans think, God laughs!"

Huggins looked at the letters and blew his beard. "Why do some clowns want to talk about science?"

Lord Kelvin happily said with a cigar in his mouth, "This is the fun."

After hearing what he said, President Huggins couldn't laugh or cry: "Mr. Lord, I told you to read the letter but you didn't read it. Now you can smoke cigars leisurely."

Lord Kelvin smiled and said, "I don't want to watch it! Don't worry, there will always be someone who understands."

Of course there are people who understand, and the one who understands the most is Thomson, the electronic discoverer.

After reading the thesis, Thomson seemed to be shocked by an electric shock, and his mind became brighter: "Electronic motion, electronic motion, yes, that's the right explanation!"

Thomson immediately began to write an article: "We assume that inside the atom, there are several particles moving in a spherical ball with uniform distribution of positive charges. The questions we need to answer are, first, the details of the internal structure of the atom, In other words, how does the particle arrange itself in the sphere? Second, what properties does this structure give to the atom? We can imagine a model like this..."

This is the so-called "date cake model" (also known as the raisin pudding model), and it is also the earliest detailed model of atomic structure.

Thomson believes that positive charges are evenly distributed in the atom, while negatively charged electrons are embedded in the atom, showing electrical neutrality as a whole.

Although everyone now knows that the "Jujube Cake Model" is full of loopholes and mistakes, but it finally makes people realize that atoms also have further structures.

Therefore, the "jujube cake model" is not "bad" at all.

Historically, Thomson indeed proposed the model in 1903.

Since then, the research on the atomic model has officially kicked off, and good shows have come one after another.

With the study of atomic models, the behemoth of quantum mechanics has gradually emerged the tip of the iceberg.

(End of this chapter)

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