Chapter 130 An Unbelievable Collision

After Li Yu stayed in the hotel, he came to the school every day in a rickshaw.

Yes: not only for the surveying and mapping department to teach the basics of mathematics and mechanics, but also for the students to take shooting lessons and equestrian lessons.

And today Li Chun began to arrange live ammunition shooting lessons for Li Yu.

Li Yu is very interested in this, after all, which man does not love guns and BMWs!
Li Chun took out a pistol: "Sir, if you don't want to join the army, it is enough to learn a pistol. This is the latest Browning M1900 pistol, and it is also the most advanced pistol in the Beiyang Army. If you can shoot 20 rounds a day, it is estimated that In less than ten days, you will be a master with a gun."

Beiyang really gave Li Yu a lot of face, 200 rounds of live ammunition shooting opportunities, in the entire Beiyang Army, I am afraid that only elite troops can do it.

In fact, even in the later Japanese Army, recruits only had about 200 rounds of live ammunition, and many of them were even training ammunition.

Li Yu's shooting class went quickly. After all, he didn't shoot today. It was Li Chun who was teaching Li Yu how to use guns and precautions, as well as training how to hold a gun.

After the shooting class is the equestrian class, and the training started today is independent horse trotting.

Once you start riding a horse independently, the feeling will come up immediately, it's really cool!It is definitely twice as cool as riding a battery car!

After practicing equestrianism for four or five days, Li Yu was able to trot the waves more steadily and comfortably.

And after a week, he could barely run the horse, but Li Yu still couldn't control the rein well, and he was always thrown high by the horse.

In addition, after a few days, Li Yu's dissertation had already been written, and just received news from De Ling that she was going back to the capital near the end of the year, so Li Yu came here to see her off.

"Brother Li Yu, aren't you going back to the capital for the New Year?" De Ling asked.

Li Yu shook his head: "I'm not going back." Then he asked, "Is there nothing wrong at home?"

De Ling said: "Father sent a letter saying that he can go back. Because Mr. Rong Lu is unwell, their family is not suitable for weddings now, so this matter will pass first."

Li Yu said, "That's good, don't go against your will."

De Ling nodded, then got on the train, and asked again: "Brother Li Yu, is it really okay if you don't go home for the New Year? You are alone..."

Li Yu said: "Don't worry, don't worry about me, I am very fulfilled now."

De Ling couldn't say anything more, so he waved goodbye to Li Yu.

The more holidays there are, the sadder it is for a person.

It's like playing games alone while others celebrate Valentine's Day...

Fortunately, Li Yu is indeed quite fulfilled now, and it is rare to learn something new, such as horseback riding and shooting, which he could not easily learn in his previous life.

Li Yu went to the post office and mailed the finished thesis on the third law of thermodynamics to Martin, and asked him to stamp it with the seal of the Imperial University before sending it back.

Then continue to go back to school to attend classes.

After a few more equestrian lessons, Li Yu was able to push waves more comfortably and stably
And when the ten days expired, he was already able to run relatively safely and fast.

For daily use, it is quite sufficient.

It's just similar to the test of a car driver's license in later generations: Anyone who has driven a car knows that there is still a long way to go before getting a driver's license and being able to drive a car proficiently on the road.

But Li Yu couldn't wait!

I'm going to ride on the road immediately!

He received the stamped thesis from Martin Martin, and he planned to ride directly to the Tianjin post office to send it.

Li Chun was quite worried: "Sir, don't fall off..."

Li Yu was full of confidence: "Trust me, there is no problem!"

Li Chun said, "I think it's better to take a rickshaw, sir."

Li Yu had drifted away now, and said resolutely: "Don't worry, I know what I know, I won't ride fast."

Li Chun couldn't persuade Li Yu either, so he had no choice but to let him ride a horse.

Li Yu felt nervous when he was on the road for the first time.I used to ride on the playground, so I didn't have to worry about bumping into people, but now there are no traffic lights, sidewalks, or driveways, and the difficulty has risen sharply.

But the horses are all out, and it would be too shameful to turn around again.

Li Yu really didn't dare to ride fast at all, and it took him a long time to see the post office.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "It's finally here! It seems that there is nothing difficult!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he relaxed his mind, the rein flicked, and the horse lost control. It happened that there was a woman on the side of the road, and the horse ran towards her.

Li Yu shouted: "Be careful!"

When the woman heard the sound of horseshoes, she turned her head to see a horse rushing towards her, and immediately dodged aside deftly, but the package in her hand fell to the ground.

The horse's hoof stepped on the package impartially.

Li Yu hurriedly pulled the reins, and barely managed to control the horse.

He immediately turned over and got off the horse: "I'm so sorry! Girl, didn't I hit you?"

The woman leaned over to pick up the package and said, "I wasn't hit, but my manuscript."

She opened the package, and inside was a stack of manuscript paper, a broken pen and a broken ink bottle.The ink flowed wantonly, dyeing the manuscript paper black and black, and the handwriting was almost invisible.

The tears in the woman's eyes immediately wanted to spin: "My poems are all ruined!"

As soon as he loosened his fingers, the paper manuscripts scattered on the ground.

Li Yu hurriedly helped her pick it up again. The remaining verses can be seen in beautiful handwriting. Didn't expect it to be a female poet?With a glance, the inscription is "Lu Bicheng".

Let me go, this time I bumped into the head of the four talented women of the Republic of China!

Li Yu said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, how should I compensate you?"

"You!" Lu Bicheng looked at Li Yu, wanting to get angry but didn't know how.She tilted her head and took out a handkerchief to wipe her eyes, but she didn't want to cry in front of others.

Then he turned around and said decisively: "Of course you have to make up for it!"

"Okay, okay, how do you make compensation? I don't know if you can still remember the poem manuscript?" Li Yu asked.

Lu Bicheng said: "I remember it, but I came to Tianjin alone, penniless, where can I have money to buy paper and pens? I originally hoped to use them to find a position, but now..."

Li Yu thought quickly: "Of course I should compensate you for your writing tools. If you don't have a place to live, I can also give you money to rent a house and apologize."

But Lu Bicheng shook his head: "I'll just make up for what should be compensated. As for the rest, I don't want a man to help."


Li Yu scratched his head. Lu Bicheng was the first advocate of the feminist movement in China, and it was very important in the feudal and backward era.

Li Yu said: "Miss Bicheng, I don't mean anything malicious, I..."

"Wait!" Lu Bicheng said, "How do you know my name?"

In fact, Lu Bicheng is not her real name, but a pseudonym. For a lady in the feudal era, using a pseudonym is perfectly normal.

After all, this is also the number that has been with her for the rest of her life.

Li Yu pointed to the poem manuscript in his hand: "There is an inscription on it. Miss Bicheng's handwriting is really excellent, and the broken chapters and sentences are also full of literary talent."

Lu Bicheng took the manuscript in Li Yu's hand and said, "It's good only when the public recognizes it. Unfortunately, in this era, these sentences are written by a woman like me. I'm afraid it will never see the light of day."

Li Yu said, "Miss, don't worry, I have a connection. I know the editor-in-chief of Ta Kung Pao and I can introduce you."

"Really?" A gleam of hope flashed in Lu Bicheng's eyes, but she quickly restrained herself. Although she was only 20 years old, she had already experienced many setbacks in her life, and she would not trust others easily.

Li Yu saw her worry, and quickly added: "Actually, I am also here to submit the manuscript, and we reach the same goal by different routes, but my writing direction is a little different from yours."

"The direction is different?" Lu Bicheng asked, she still didn't know the details of Li Yu, "What did you write, prose? Or the inscription in the book?"

Li Yu shook his head: "I'm writing a thesis."


Li Yu also took out his manuscript from the bag: "Scientific papers."

"Huh?" Lu Bicheng felt dizzy. Although she had studied Western studies, she had never seen anyone write a paper on Western studies. She took a quick look and saw "On the new law of thermodynamics" at the beginning of the cover, and the signature was "Jing Shi University Hall Li Yu".

"Li Yu?" Lu Bicheng asked in surprise, "Which Li Yu are you?"

"Are there a lot of Li Yu? It's not a carp in the Yellow River." Li Yu laughed.

Lu Bicheng said: "In the past few days, almost all the newspapers in Tianjin have been frantically reporting on that famous western scholar, could it be you?"

Li Yu spread his hands: "Why, it doesn't look like it?" He pointed to the manuscript and said, "There is still a chapter on the university hall here, how could it be fake?"

"Wow! It's really you!" Lu Bicheng exclaimed in surprise, "You are a great hero! Everyone adores you! Unexpectedly, I met you."

Li Yu said, "Now you trust me."

Lu Bicheng nodded vigorously: "I believe it!"

After dispelling the doubt between his brows, Lu Bicheng's eyes widened. Looking at it this way, he is really pretty, even more delicate than in the photo.

Lu Bicheng asked: "Can I read the manuscript you wrote?"

"Of course." Li Yu handed it over, "I read what you wrote, and then you read what I wrote, that's only fair."

Lu Bicheng flipped through it and said, "It's so profound, I can't understand it at all."

But she also understood that the Li Yu in front of her was the genuine Li Yu.

Li Yu said again: "In order to completely reassure you, let's go to the "Ta Kung Pao" newspaper office now, it's not far away anyway. But the trouble is that there is only one horse. By the you know how to ride a horse?"

Lu Bicheng's mood had cleared up, and he said, "Of course! I ride much better than you!"

Lu Bicheng rode up on the stirrups gracefully, and came back after turning around the street a few times proficiently, "Mr. Li Yu, I'm not saying, your horse riding skills are really... hey, you really need to improve."

Li Yu felt so ashamed, he never imagined that a lady from everyone could ride a horse better than herself!
But in fact, he needn't be too sad, after all, Lu Bicheng was the last strange woman in China before modern history. Riding a horse was common for her, and she and Qiu Jin were called "women's twin heroes".

Li Yu said embarrassingly, "I'll call a rickshaw."

Unexpectedly, for the first time in my life, I would ride a rickshaw formally on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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