Chapter 131 Settlement
Li Yu was very curious about Lu Bicheng's situation, and asked, "Why did you come to Tianjin alone?"

Lu Bicheng said: "I have no one to rely on. My father died young many years ago, and my fellow clansmen thought that our Lu family no longer had males, so they usurped our family property. In desperation, my mother had no choice but to take us sisters to my uncle's house in Tanggu. But now my uncle is going to force me to get married. But I, Lu Bicheng, will never marry someone I despise!"

Although this point of view seems uncommon in the eyes of later generations, in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, it is simply a "model" of not abiding by women's morals.

Li Yu didn't have any residual feudal thoughts in his heart, and praised: "That's right, why should women be vassals, women can hold up half the sky!"

Lu Bicheng read: "Women can hold up half the sky... Well said! Mr. Li Yu is indeed a master of western learning, with such advanced thinking, this sentence can only be said by a great man."

Li Yu smiled and said, "I didn't say it, but I really heard what the great man said."

Lu Bicheng affirmed: "It's half the sky! Except for the [-] million male compatriots, don't we have no strength when we are united by the [-] million female compatriots?"

Li Yu gave a thumbs up: "Excellent!"

Therefore, Lu Bicheng can become the first of the four talented women in the Republic of China.She insisted on writing in classical Chinese all her life. Although her popularity and influence on later generations are far inferior to that of "Hongmeiling", her pattern and mind are not comparable to the other three.

There is no first place in literature, and the four talented women have their own strengths in literary talent.

But Lu Bicheng is not limited to this, she doesn't want to just be a "female poet", what she wants to do is to remove the word "female"!

She also founded women's schools and advocated women's education.

And she has never been troubled by love, has very high vision, and does not hesitate to never marry for the rest of her life.The style of writing is also completely different from that of ordinary female writers who write novels, which are all kinds of romantic stories.

Because of this, they are qualified to be called "Women's Twin Heroes" together with Qiu Jin.

In the feudal era of wild thinking, she is really advanced, just like a progressive woman in the 21st century.

However, her previous situation was indeed rough. Lu Bicheng said regretfully: "I want to study women's studies, but my uncle said that I 'disregarded women's morals' because of this, and I don't know if my half of the sky will be bright."

Li Yu said: "It must be possible! From the overall perspective, emancipating women has released the productivity of the other half of society."

The two talked more and more vigorously, but the rickshaw driver who pulled the cart couldn't stand it anymore: "I said, sir, have you finished talking? No matter whether you finish talking or not, I can't run anymore! How about letting this heroine It’s okay to ride a horse at a slower speed, I only have two legs, how can I outrun a four-legged horse.”

Lu Bicheng stuck out his tongue: "I'm sorry, I haven't ridden a horse for a long time, and I suddenly became a little excited."

When they arrived at the "Ta Kung Pao" newspaper office, Ying Lianzhi hadn't come back, so they waited in his office.

Li Yu said: "There is just a pen and paper here, you can write something good, and show it to Mr. Ying later."

"It's not easy."

Full of confidence, Lu Bicheng took up a pen and wrote:
"Gloomy Shenzhou, Xin Shuguang, a long-range shot.

Ask who, women's rights advocate, Joan Dak?

Xuelang Chihiro mourns the sea of ​​karma, and the tide of the [-]th century looks at East Asia.

Listening to the boudoir, she swears and speaks wildly, and the king is not surprised.

Secluded and closed, like a long night;
Fetter and bond, without rest.

Knocking on the emperor and not seeing him, it's hard to let go of his anger.

There is no way to get away from the soul everywhere, and there is no way to shed the blood.

Sighing at the frog house, the bottom of the well is willing to violate frequently, and the love is empty. "

After reading it, Li Yu praised: "It's really well written! However, I have a little question I would like to ask."

Lu Bicheng asked, "What's the problem?"

Li Yu pointed to the poem: "What does the 'Ruoandak' in the poem refer to?"

Lu Bicheng was surprised and said: "French heroine, that girl Joan Dac who led the French army to victory in the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France! Don't you know?"

I'm dizzy!

It was Joan of Arc.

Now there are only a few people who know foreign languages, and the level of the translation industry is limited, so it is normal for translation names to be confused.Joan Dac is an irregular translation of the French heroine Joan of Arc.

Li Yu said: "I know, it's the so-called 'a group of British people who insulted half of the history of France'. France had been retreating steadily back then, but I didn't expect to be beaten back by a girl leading the army all the way."

"I didn't expect you to know. I can't see that you not only understand science, but also Western history." Lu Bicheng said, "I admire her very much, she is what a woman should be."

Li Yu said: "If you really like heroines, there is a painting that you might be very interested in."

Lu Bicheng said: "What painting?"

"It's also from a French painter called "Liberty Leading the People." Li Yu suddenly wondered whether this painting was too advanced for Chinese women today.

Lu Bicheng asked: "I don't know much about western painting, what is the content of the painting?"

Li Yu said: "The French Revolution is talked about, and the focus of the painting itself is freedom and the people, but standing in the C position is a woman holding a national flag and holding a gun."

"Who is C?" Lu Bicheng asked.

"Just standing in the most visible position."

Lu Bicheng looked forward to it: "It's so fascinating, it's almost like Joan of Arc, where can I see this painting?"

Li Yu said: "It's a bit far away. In the Louvre in Paris, it can be regarded as one of the few masterpieces in the Louvre."

Fortunately, it is far away.

Lu Bicheng said: "I will definitely go and see it in the future."

During the conversation, Ying Lianzhi also came back. After seeing Li Yu, he asked directly, "Why are you here, sir? Is there any big news?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "How can there be big news every day, today I am here to introduce a talented woman to you."

"Talented woman?" Ying Lianzhi looked at the handsome Lu Bicheng behind Li Yu, "Is that her?"

"Exactly," Li Yu introduced them, and then said, "It's useless to talk too much, you can see for yourself."

Ying Lianzhi took the "Manjianghong · Feelings" written by Lu Bicheng just now, and excitedly said after reading: "Beautiful! It is so beautiful! The girl is really beautiful, and the words are even more beautiful. This word tells the truth about women for thousands of years. "Down at the bottom of a well" is depressed, I haven't read such a good female poet's works for a long time."

After winning Ying Lianzhi's praise, Lu Bicheng said happily, "Mr. Xie's praise."

Ying Lianzhi said: "The girl is going to contribute to us?"

Lu Bicheng said: "Not only that, I also hope to enter a newspaper office and become an editor."

"Editor?" Ying Lianzhi asked in surprise.

Not to mention his newspaper office, all the newspaper offices in China now absolutely do not have a female editor.

Li Yu said: "Mr.'s "Ta Kung Pao" has the words of 'opening up the atmosphere' and 'enlightening my compatriots to be smart'. I think advocating women's rights should also be an act of 'opening up the atmosphere'. Of course, there must be women among my compatriots." .”

"Mr. is right!" Ying Lianzhi said, "What are you afraid of? If no one has done it, then I will do it first! Our newspaper will also become the first newspaper in Tianjin and even the mainland of China to have a female editor. It's majestic! What's more, the girl has a brilliant literary talent, and this alone has surpassed countless pedantic scholars. If you are not qualified to be an editor, I am afraid that few people in our newspaper are qualified."

Lu Bicheng said happily: "Thank you again sir!"

Li Yu also gave a thumbs up: "You are so open-minded!"

Ying Lianzhi said: "Do what you say! Girls can come to work in my newspaper office tomorrow, and I will also publish in the newspaper to tell the world that there is a female editor in our newspaper office. Let them scold whoever comes to scold me. Let's see who can do it better." Cursing! I promise to finish scolding their eighteen generations of ancestors, and he thought I was praising him."

Li Yu said with a smile, "Sir, you are indeed brilliant."

Ying Lianzhi also laughed and said, "Since I've become a reporter, why don't I have a thick skin, we're 'gentle scum'!"

Li Yu laughed and said: "Mr. has realized the essence, no wonder the "Ta Kung Pao" can be compiled."

Ying Lianzhi asked Lu Bicheng again: "Is it convenient for the girl to come to work at my newspaper office?"

Lu Bicheng shook his head and said, "To tell you the truth, I just arrived in Tianjin and I was wandering around. I happened to bump into Mr. Li Yu, who introduced me."

Li Yu said, "I bumped into you..."

Ying Lianzhi understood: "Looking at the girl's attire, she is not an ordinary person. Why don't you stay at the Fozhaolou Hotel, which is one of the best places to stay in the French Concession."

Lu Bicheng's father was a Jinshi at least in those days, he was a member of the Hanlin Academy, and he also worked as a scholar in Shanxi Province.Lu Bicheng's father's two sons died young, so he took special care of his daughters and encouraged them to read and practice calligraphy since childhood.

The Lu family used to be a big family in Xuancheng, Anhui, with tens of thousands of books and thousands of hectares of fertile land.So when he died, the family property would be targeted by the same clan.

Lu Bicheng bit his lip and said, "But I don't have any money with me."

"I can help you pay it first," Li Yu knew that Lu Bicheng was very self-reliant, and added, "I will pay you back after you get paid."

Lu Bicheng resolutely said: "I will pay you back everything!"

"A word is settled!"

After settling her down, Li Yu prepared to return to the Beiyang Military Equipment Crash School.

Lu Bicheng watched him get on the horse with a little jerk, and said, "Be careful, don't hit anyone again."

Li Yu said with a smile: "Could it be possible to meet another talented woman in Tianjin?"

Then he pulled the rein gracefully: "Drive!"

But the horse didn't leave, and Li Yu pulled it again: "Drive!"

The horse still didn't leave, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Lu Bicheng smiled and said, "You need to use both hands and feet while riding a horse. Gently pinch the horse's belly with your legs to give it a signal to move forward."

Li Yu coughed: "Of course I know!"

However, when he pinched his legs, the force became stronger, and the horse raised its legs and ran away quickly, Li Yu almost fell off the horse again.

It's not handsome at all!

It seems that the equestrian class will continue to be strengthened.

Li Yu didn't forget to send the letter along the way.

After Li Yu left, Lu Bicheng came to the newsstand and asked, "Do you have any reports about that great Western scholar Li Yu who shocked the West?"

The newspaper owner said: "Of course there is! We have just compiled a collection of reports on Li Yu recently, and they are selling very well! Do you want a copy?"

"Collection?" That's really easy, Lu Bicheng nodded, "Get me a copy."

She wants to see how powerful this Li Yu is.

(End of this chapter)

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