Although he earned 100 yen at the fair, Li Yu still had something to buy.

After turning around, I bought a pair of high-precision drawing instruments and several typewriters.

Drawing tools are naturally rulers, compasses, etc.; I bought several typewriters because I bought one each for English, French, and German.

Present typewriters all are simple mechanical mechanism, can only carry out the input of phonetic characters.

As the only Chinese calligraphy currently used on a large scale in the world, the real Chinese input will continue to struggle until the digital age.

Although someone invented the Chinese typewriter ten years later, one can tell from seeing the real thing that it was actually looking for words on a large lead board with more than 2000 characters. ——It cannot be called a "typewriter" at all, it is more appropriate to be called a "typewriter".

The speed is not even as fast as handwriting!

So many people want to abolish Chinese characters, or replace Chinese characters with a set of Latin alphabets, because they feel that Chinese is too "backward".

There is even a typewriter next to the Korean language.

Many people may not know that although Korean characters look like square characters, they are actually a special phonetic script with 24 letters.

But it's not just Chinese that is in trouble.

Japanese is a mixture of ideographic Chinese characters and phonetic pseudonyms. The Japanese typewriters that appeared later were as complicated as Chinese.

After all, Japanese does not use all Chinese characters. They once wanted to completely remove Chinese characters.

During the Meiji period, I tried not to use Chinese characters and use pseudonyms throughout the text, but soon found that it was impossible to read at all, and I changed it back within a few years.

So, the Japanese are not much better, and it is definitely a wrong idea for some Chinese people to want to abolish Chinese characters.

Even Wei Sanwei, the father of American Sinology, said in person: "Once Chinese characters are abolished, China will cease to exist."

Foreigners can understand this problem.

Of course, he was also a really talented designer. Lin Yutang later designed a typewriter that could type more than 8000 Chinese characters, and it also used a purely mechanical structure.

There is no association and no font library, which is a bit similar to the early intelligent ABC input method (maybe not many people know this input method).

It's just that the mechanical mechanism of this typewriter is too complicated, and it is really difficult to mass-produce it with the technical level at that time. Even if Lin Yutang spent all his savings on this, investing a total of 12 US dollars, it failed to truly benefit the people of the country.

——The structure is too delicate and cannot be produced in an assembly line.

When Li Yu bought these typewriters, he just went back and typed foreign languages.

After all, it is not easy to buy a typewriter in China, and finally saw it at the expo, and bought it together.

Japan is a small country, and several major cities on Honshu Island have already built railway connections.

On this day, Li Yu, King Gong and his party took the train to Yokohama.

Not long after the train started, King Gong said in surprise: "I don't know why, but I always feel that riding a Japanese train is a bit different."

Qi Chengwu, the son of Nayantu, was eating Shaqima, and said casually: "What's the difference, aren't they all trains?"

Li Yu said beside him: "King Gong feels that there is nothing wrong, the train speed in Japan is relatively slow."

Prince Su's son charter feels impossible: "Japan is stronger than us, how can it be possible to build a train slower than us?"

Li Yu pointed to the outside: "Just look at the railway tracks and you'll know."

A few people poked their heads out, looked at it and said, "There are also two railway tracks, the same as the ones I saw in China."

"I mean the gauge, which is the distance between two rails." Li Yu added.

"It seems... a bit narrow?" King Gong finally saw why.

But Qi Chengwu and Charter didn't seem to pay attention to this: "Isn't the width and narrowness all repaired casually?"

Li Yu said: "Of course the gauge cannot be repaired casually. There are rules. Japan has many mountains and little land, so we chose narrow-gauge railways, but we chose standard gauge from the beginning."

As the ancestor of the railways of the two countries, Zhan Tianyou's long-term vision on this point is obviously better than that of the father of Japanese railways, Masaru Inoue.

Katsura Inoue’s choice of narrow-gauge railways was mainly based on economic issues, but his choice has plagued Japan’s railway development for a long time.

The problems with narrow-gauge railways are obvious: slow speeds and poor capacity.

However, Qi Chengwu didn't seem to know which is better, and said: "Fortunately, we don't build many railways. In the future, we should learn from Japan and adopt their standards."

This kid really doesn't distinguish between the bad and the good and bad.

Li Yu had no choice but to explain to him again: "Standard gauge is obviously better, and most countries also use standard gauge, including Western countries."

King Gong asked: "Then Japan made a mistake? Is it impossible?"

Li Yu said: "It can be said to a certain extent, but once the inertia is formed, it is difficult to change it."

Japan did think about changing back to the standard track, but after three battles in 1887, 1894, and 1908, it has not been implemented due to rigid conservative thinking and vested interests.

It was not until the construction of the Shinkansen more than half a century later that the speed must be pursued, and the standard rail was used.

The charter said: "I don't believe the Japanese will make such a mistake!"

Li Yu snorted: "If you don't believe me, go to Europe or the United States to have a look."

He is also drunk, and there is such a spirit now.

But Li Yu has seen too many people like this, and there will be more in the future.

Yokohama is considered a metropolis in Japan, on the verge of the port, close to Tokyo, and densely populated.

Yokohama got the news early on that the honorary principal Inukai Takeshi, the honorary principal of Datong School specially set up for the children of overseas Chinese, and the director of academic affairs Utako Shimoda came to welcome everyone.

Inuyang Takeshi has now set foot in the political arena, but it is still unable to compare with the status of Xiyuanji Gongwang, Gui Taro and others.It will be nearly 30 years before he becomes Prime Minister of Japan.

The accompanying Japanese counselor acted as an interpreter and introduced the two parties.

As the host, Inuyang Takeshi said: "Welcome the Mongolian Prince of the Qing Dynasty and his two sons to Yokohama."

King Gong said: "Mr. Lao Congressman is here to greet you in person."

Inukai Takeshi belongs to the slightly friendly faction in the Japanese political arena, and has always been against the radical policies of the military.

What he imagined was to exchange the nominal sovereignty of the Northeast for the actual interests of the Northeast, the so-called "peaceful way".

Of course, China's interests are actually damaged, but Inuyangyi's strategy is to boil frogs in warm water, while the military's approach is to kill chickens and extract eggs, let alone use unscrupulous means.

Inuyang Takeshi can be regarded as the last chain that can suppress the Japanese military department. After he was assassinated by the military department, no one can contain the Japanese military department anymore.

Inukai said: "There are actually several similar schools for foreign students in Tokyo. It is my honor for you to choose my Datong school."

Inuyang Takeshi led everyone in, and said, "As expected, everyone will go to Tokyo again, right?"

"Exactly," Gong Wang said, "we want to see the school education in Japan at all stages."

"Very well, education is the weapon that our great Japan can use to reach today and even a more glorious future, and it is more worth looking at than the weapons of the military department."

From time to time, Inuyang Takeshi still expresses his dissatisfaction with the military's unrestrained increase in military expenditures.

Shimoda Gezi didn't speak before, but said softly at this time: "Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently. Education is the bottom foundation."

Inuyang Takeshi smiled and said, "Ms. Utako's Chinese poetry is still high."

Then he said to King Gong and others: "Miss Gezi used to be the female official with the highest level of waka and Chinese poetry in the palace, even the empress praised her very much."

King Gong said: "It's amazing, it just so happens that we also have an emperor teacher from our sage coming with us."

"Emperor Master?" Inuyang Yi asked in surprise.

King Gong said: "However, he is the emperor's teacher in Western learning. He is called Li Yu. I don't know if you have heard of him?"

"Li Yu? I seem to have heard of it. It is said that he has achieved a level of shock in the West in terms of mathematics and science." Inuyang Takeshi doesn't pay much attention to mathematics and science, but just knows a general idea.

King Gong pointed to Li Yu: "That's him."

"You can be an emperor teacher at such a young age?" Quan Yangyi couldn't believe it after seeing Li Yu.

Shimoda Utako was also very surprised, she had seen the news of course, but when she saw the real person, she realized that she was indeed too young, in Japan she would be a university student.

Shimoda Utako asked curiously, "Are you really proficient in Western science?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's not a matter of proficiency, the science is so extensive, I just take a spoonful to drink."

"You can speak Japanese?" Inuyang Yi had always thought that Li Yu was just a follower, but he didn't expect the master to be behind.

Shimoda Utako said: "I didn't expect you to be equally outstanding in Chinese poetry."

Uh... Maybe only the Japanese would say that. Li Yu's Chinese studies level in China can be crushed into scum.

But the Japanese do really like Chinese poetry and Waka.

Otherwise, Shimoda Utako was just a very low-level female official in the palace, and would never have had the chance to meet the queen.

You must know that the palace fights in the Japanese imperial palace are no worse than those in China, and if the female officials can climb to the highest level of "Dianshi", they can serve in bed.In case of being favored by the emperor (formerly the shogun), then one person will directly attain the Tao, and the chicken and dog will ascend to heaven.

In addition to the empress, Emperor Meiji's remaining concubine, several of them were female officials.

After hearing Shimoda Gezi's praise, Li Yu had no choice but to reply: "My Chinese poems are simply not available in China."

Shimoda Gezi smiled and said, "I can understand, but you are not good at Chinese poetry."

Inuyang Takeshi paid more attention to Emperor Guangxu's enthusiasm for science: "Isn't the empress dowager the one in power in your country? The emperor...what is his attitude towards Western learning?"

Li Yu said: "The emperor is interested in science, but the current foundation is still weak, after all, it has only just begun."

Inuyang Yi squeezed his beard and whispered: "In this way, the emperor may be able to win."

After walking into the school building of Datong School, I saw that many Chinese people were teaching arithmetic, and the lecturer was a 27-year-old woman.

King Gong was surprised: "Even the teachers are women? Can they teach well?"

Japanese Counselor Amano-kun's eyes flashed: "My lord, Ms. Kawara is the most outstanding female teacher in this school, and she has an extraordinary background. She graduated from Tokyo Women's Higher Normal College and can speak fluent Chinese. She is a rare talent."

King Gong was very interested: "I'm planning to build a girls' school in the palace, but I can't find a good teacher."

Amano-kun immediately tried to recommend: "Miss Kawara is perfect, and she is very friendly to China, and she already has ideas to go to China."

King Gong said: "This is the best! I was always worried that even if I found a good teacher, I would not agree to leave Japan, let alone go to the grassland with difficult conditions."

Amano-kun shouted at her: "Mr. Kawara, please come here."

Amano-kun was too obvious, Li Yu tried his best to piece together the memories in his mind, and finally had a little impression of Ms. Kawara.

Her full name is Kawahara Koko, she is the first generation of female spy in Japan, and can be said to be the ancestor of Yoshiko Kawashima.

Kawahara's daughter walked slowly. She was born in a feudal family with good tutoring, giving people the feeling of being from the upper class.

She proficiently greeted Gong Wang and the others in Chinese: "Welcome the distinguished prince and son to Japan, and wish you a pleasant stay in our country."

Inuyang Takeshi and Shimoda Utako have always spoken Japanese and communicated through Amano-kun's translation. The sudden arrival of a Japanese who can speak Chinese really surprised Gongwang and the others.

King Gong replied: "The Chinese taught by He Yuan is really good."

Heyuan Caozi smiled lightly: "I'm showing my ugliness."

King Gong asked with some doubts: "You, a daughter, are you really willing to go to the distant grassland alone?"

Kawahara's lips twitched, and she didn't speak for a while, she remembered what happened a few days ago.

Fukushima Yasuo, a senior staff officer at the headquarters of the Japanese army base at that time, suddenly found her.

Kawahara had also met Fukushima Yasushi in the past, but only knew that he was a friend of his father's and held a high position.

Fukushima Anzheng went straight to the point: "I don't have much time to talk to you in detail, but the Great Japanese Empire now needs your contribution."

The first sentence made Kawahara overwhelmed.

Kawahara didn't know why, so she was just an ordinary female teacher, and asked tremblingly, "What does the empire need from me?"

Fukushima Anzheng said: "Through our careful arrangements and years of planning, we finally found a breakthrough among the Mongolian kings. As you know, the Mongolian kings are not close to Japan. Once we start a war with Russia, they will take advantage of the geographical advantage. It is very easy to provide intelligence to the Russians, so it must be guarded against."

Heyuan Caozi didn't expect to talk about military and national affairs as soon as he came up, and he was completely unprepared: "I'm a weak woman, why are you telling me these things?"

"No, you are not a weak woman, you are a woman of the empire," Fukushima Anzheng said, "now the king of Mongolia Karaqin wants to set up a girls' school, and he needs a female teacher. You are very suitable. The empire needs you to enter the palace internally so as to provide us with important information in the future."

"You mean, let me be a spy?" Kawahara asked in surprise, "But I don't know how to be a spy."

Fukushima Anzheng's tone was completely commanding: "You can do it! We have observed you for a long time and found that you are very talented and can be fully qualified for the job of a spy. As for any problems in the process, I will arrange a commissioner to deal with you. guide."

The incident happened suddenly, and if it was an ordinary woman, she might not be able to adapt for a while, but Kawahara's father was a typical feudal vassal who was "loyal to the emperor and patriotic", and Kawahara was also raised in this kind of educational environment since she was a child.After thinking for a while, she agreed: "I accept."

Fukushima Yasuo was very satisfied with Kawara's performance. He just picked a sudden opportunity to ask questions. Only those who can quickly calm down at such a critical moment can be a qualified spy.

"You have to remember that for the success of our cause, we must always consider the worst. You should also know what the ultimate destination of the spy is. Frankly speaking, you must pay your own life at any time."

Kawahara Koko actually replied directly: "I understand that my life is not to be cherished. The future of the Great Japanese Empire is the goal that I don't bother to pursue."

Fukushima Anzheng nodded: "Very good!"

Then he told her about the situation of Mongolia and Russia, as well as some short-term tasks in the future.

And that night, after knowing that she was going to be a spy of the military department, Kawara Koko's father excitedly called her to the Buddhist hall, handed her a pistol and a dagger, and said, "This is for ending my own life. You must not tarnish the reputation of the Kawara family, let alone damage the honor of Japanese women! You are fighting for the country, and we will be extremely happy to hear that you have sacrificed your life for the emperor!"

Well, the whole family has been brainwashed by militarism.

Seeing King Gong approaching so quickly now, Heyuan Caozi was a little excited. It turned out that she liked the thrill of being a spy.

Heyuan Caozi categorically said to King Gong: "I am willing to go to the grassland, and I am more willing to contribute to the construction of a women's school in the palace. This is my supreme pursuit of education."

King Gong was very happy: "It's really unexpected that women in your country have such noble character."

The cover-up was perfect, King Gong couldn't see any flaws at all.

Li Yu felt that he was watching a play, and he was not in a hurry.

On the one hand, he doesn't know much about spies, and he can only expose himself if he deliberately speaks; on the other hand, in a short period of time, Kawahara must be familiar with the inside and outside of the palace, and he has no chance to carry out spy work. The real Russo-Japanese War will start a year later.

Several people continued to visit Datong School. Some of these overseas Chinese students really worked hard in their studies.

Li Yu said: "Now there are so many Chinese students in Japan."

Inuyang Takeshi explained: "There is also a Datong school in Tokyo, which also accepts Chinese students. The founder is very famous in the Qing Dynasty. I think you will know it."

"I know you?" Li Yu asked in surprise.

"You should know him," said Inuyang Takeshi, "this man's name is Liang Qichao."

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