A Man of Science and Engineering in Troubled Times Wandering in the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 144 Physics in the Early Years of the Neon Country

King Gong and the others naturally wanted to stay longer in Yokohama, and soon the Tokyo Imperial University got news that they already knew that Li Yu had arrived in Yokohama.

Yokohama is very close to Tokyo, and Japan's first railway was built between Yokohama and Tokyo.

Nagaoka Hantaro, a professor of physics at Tokyo Imperial University, and Ogawa Masataka, a chemist who is the acting president of Tohoku University, even came to find them in person.

Inukai Takeshi and Shimoda Utako are also celebrities in Japan, so they found Yokohama Daito School without much effort.

However, Li Yu did not know them, and indeed they were not important figures in the history of physics or science.

The guard whispered a few words in Inuyang Yi's ear, and Inuyang Yi raised his eyebrows: "Professor of Tokyo Imperial University!?"

The guard said, "That's right, they've arrived at the door."

Although Nagaoka Hantaro and Ogawa Masataka are not prominent politicians, Tokyo Imperial University is now the highest institution in Japan. Everyone also deeply understands the importance of education and scientific research to national strength, and everyone respects the professors of the University of Tokyo. .

Quan Yangyi didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly greeted him: "Why did the two professors visit my small school?"

Hantaro Nagaoka went straight to the point and said, "May I ask if there is a Chinese named Li Yu at your place?"

Inuyang Takeshi nodded: "Yes, this person is visiting our school."

"Then we have come to the right place! That's great!" Masataka Ogawa said happily, "Please show us Mr. Li Yu. We have admired his name for a long time, and we can't wait to see him in person."

Although Quan Yangyi was somewhat puzzled, could an emperor teacher be so powerful?But the other party is an important professor after all, so he had to follow suit: "You two, please follow me."

Inuyang Takeshi pointed to the front: "That one is, he just came to Yokohama for more than half a day, and I didn't expect you to get the news."

Hantaro Nagaoka said: "To be precise, we knew from the time he stepped on the train to Yokohama. We thought he was going to come directly to Tokyo, but unexpectedly got off the train in Yokohama on the way. We couldn't wait, so we rushed over." .”

Quan Yangyi opened his mouth and was speechless, but Li Yu's energy was beyond imagination.

Although he doesn't understand mathematics and science, Nagaoka Hantaro and Ogawa Masataka are both people in the scientific research circle. They immediately exploded on the spot after seeing Li Yu's paper earlier, and they knew in their hearts what level of existence Li Yu was.

Nagaoka Hantaro stepped forward quickly: "You are Mr. Li Yu?"

Li Yu knew Japanese, and Nagaoka Hantaro was older than him, so he used honorifics when he came up.

Li Yu replied: "This is Li Yu, who is your Excellency?"

Nagaoka Hantaro immediately introduced himself: "I am Nagaoka Hantaro, a professor of physics at Tokyo Imperial University. I sent a telegram to the Qing Dynasty before. I wonder if you have received it?"

Li Yu said: "It turned out to be Professor Nagaoka, sorry for your disrespect. I received the telegram, and I was planning to visit the professor at the University of Tokyo."

Nagaoka Hantaro said: "You are now a scientific star in the entire East, and it is our honor to be able to come to Tokyo."

Nagaoka Hantaro was the first professor of physics in Japan, and he was also regarded as the pioneer of Japanese physics in the early days.

Masataka Ogawa also said: "Although Japan does not have all the complete papers of your husband now, we have already read your papers on rays, thermodynamics and new planets; by the way, there is also the recently published "Fractal and Chaos" .”

Li Yu was surprised: "The two professors have seen so many."

Nagaoka Hantaro said with a smile: "There are not many people engaged in scientific research who haven't read Mr.'s papers."

Ogawa Masataka suddenly recalled: "You can speak Japanese! This is even better. We are still thinking about how to let my husband give a speech at Tokyo Imperial University. Now it is too difficult to find a translator who understands the professional field."

"Do you still want to give a speech?" Li Yu asked.

Nagaoka Hantaro said: "Yes, it is really rare to find a gentleman who understands the most profound science."

"Okay." Li Yu really couldn't refuse.

Hantaro Nagaoka is still eloquent: "When I first entered the University of Tokyo to study mathematical sciences, I was confused when I was faced with choosing a major. I doubted whether the Orientals could learn science well and make achievements in the future. For this reason, I even took a break from school to think about it. , I consulted a large number of Chinese classics, and found that the Chinese had created such things as the compass and gunpowder, discovered the aurora, and measured the movement of celestial bodies, so I established the confidence to continue to study science."

Previously, Japan was also a scientific desert. Like He Yujie, the later hero of the Department of Physics of Peking University, they crossed the river by feeling the stones.

Li Yu said: "Professor's perspective and method of looking at history is worth learning."

Nagaoka Hantaro continued: "For hundreds of years, white people are the strongest in science. But I have always believed that there is no reason for white people to be ahead of us in every aspect! I hope to beat those white people in 10 or 20 years. And you You did it early and did it so well! We really admire it!"

Li Yu smiled and said, "I also agree with what you said, it is impossible for white people to be better than us in every aspect."

On the side, Inuyang Yi found that the dignified professor of Tokyo Imperial University and Li Yu had an interesting chat. It seems that he is definitely a real talent, not a fake.

He asked Ogawa Masataka in a low voice: "Is Li Yu really so powerful?"

Masataka Ogawa said: "In terms of science, especially mathematics and physics, he can be said to be the best now."

Quan Yangyi was shocked: "There is such a person in the Qing Dynasty, what is his educational background?"

Masataka Ogawa shook his head: "We don't know about his past, we only know that his achievements are very magnificent, isn't that enough?"

Inuyang Takeshi nodded thoughtfully: "Enough."

Nagaoka Hantaro turned to Inukai Takeshi and said, "If you don't mind, Mr. Li Yu, we would like to invite Mr. Li Yu to Tokyo Imperial University now."

Inuyang Takeshi said: "Of course there is no problem, as long as Li Yu himself agrees."

Gong Wang and others will stay in Datong School for a day for inspection, and they don't understand science, and they don't have much interest, so they are not in a hurry to leave Yokohama.

Li Yu's kindness was hard to turn down, and King Gong and others would follow in Tokyo, so he had to agree to go ahead.

On the train, Nagaoka Hantaro talked about his scientific research direction again: "I am also a staunch supporter of atomic theory, but I have never been able to find anyone to talk to. I am so excited to meet you today. I have always had an idea about the atomic model in my mind, which is different from the 'jujube cake model' proposed by Professor Thomson, and I just want to discuss it with my husband."

Li Yu said, "Professor, please speak."

Nagaoka Hantaro took out a stack of papers from his bag: "This is the result of my research during this time. I imagine that the microscopic model of atoms should be similar to the structure of Saturn and its satellites."

"Huh?" Li Yu picked up the piece of paper. A huge nucleus was drawn in the middle, surrounded by small extranuclear electrons. It really looked like the structure of Saturn and its satellites.

Nagaoka Hantaro asked with a little expectation: "What do you think, sir?"

Li Yu said: "It is indeed more advanced than the jujube cake model, how did you make such a guess?"

Nagaoka Hantaro said: "In fact, I also rely on intuition and guessing."

Li Yu sighed inwardly. Although it seems that Nagaoka Hantaro's "Saturn model" is similar to Rutherford's "planetary model" a few years later, physicists have very vicious eyes: one is Saturn with satellites , one is the sun carrying the planets.Essentially very different.

Rutherford dared to propose a "planetary model" with a foundation: that is, the famous α-particle scattering experiment.It was through this experiment that Rutherford knew that most of the nucleus is empty, and the size of the nucleus should be very small.

That's why he proposed a "planetary model" similar to the entire solar system, because the solar system is also very empty, and the mass of the sun happens to be huge.

But Nagaoka Hantaro's model is too guesswork: the system of Saturn and its moons simply doesn't have that much empty space.If Nagaoka had also done the alpha particle scattering experiment, he would certainly not have proposed this model.

But after all, it is better than the jujube cake model, so Li Yu had no choice but to say: "You can try to publish it."

Nagaoka sighed honestly: "I have sent to many scientific journals in the West, but no organization is interested. Now Japan has no right to speak in the scientific community, and there is no place to express opinions. That's why I Shocked that your achievements can make those white lords, and the Royal Academy of Sciences, treat you with more courtesy."

"It's really not easy." Li Yu said.

He was able to achieve this kind of achievement entirely because of the far-sighted vision of a future person. Even a guess without evidence will be denied by foreigners.

Nagaoka Hantaro said helplessly: "I have also studied abroad, and I can see that most white people think that people of other skin colors are inferior. But I firmly believe that in terms of morality and integrity, Asians are far better than Westerners. poverty."

There is nothing wrong with saying this, but it always feels weird to say it from a Japanese population.

After all, what the Japanese did in China a few decades later can be called immoral and unethical.

However, Nagaoka Hantaro is a pure scholar without any military-related thoughts. Even when Japan invaded China later, engaged in "slavery education" in the occupied areas, and forced the Chinese to learn Japanese, he said indignantly: "(to China), It is necessary for Japan to re-understand this country and its people. We must fully consider the greatness of this country and their contribution to world culture. Just let them speak Japanese! It is impossible for Japanese people not to speak modern Chinese. I should abolish ancient Chinese subjects and learn modern Chinese.”

At that time, many professors and presidents of the University of Tokyo expressed their incomprehension to the Japanese army's actions, but the strength of the academic circle was too small after all, and the Japanese army had long been out of control at that time.

Li Yu said: "Perhaps the fate of East and West will indeed be reversed after many years, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi."

Apart from guessing a "Saturn model", Nagaoka Hantaro has no special contribution, but he is indeed the originator of Japanese physics, and his disciples are quite powerful.

His student was Yoshio Nishina who studied the atomic bomb for Japan.

Of course, even the team led by Heisenberg in Germany failed, and Yoshio Nishina is even less likely to succeed.What's more, Japan has no uranium mines at all.Without even the raw materials, can an atomic bomb be made by shouting long live with the spirit of Bushido?

But in fact, if you can think of the atomic bomb, a weapon that perfectly interpreted the top theory of atomic physics and the highest technology in the 40s, you can imagine how far Japan's physics has developed in just three to 40 years.They even built particle cyclotrons in the 30s...

After being hit by a "little boy" in Hiroshima, he went to the scene to investigate what weapons the US military used, and finally concluded that the atomic bomb was Yoshio Nishina.

The Japanese Army probably started the atomic bomb project in 1941. Later, the Japanese Navy was wiped out, and when they had nothing to do, they used Kyoto University to set up another team to study the atomic bomb.

After seeing the power of the atomic bomb, they wanted the atomic bomb even more, and ordered Yoshio Nishina's team to build the atomic bomb within six months.

It's just that the people in the military department don't understand the principle at all, let alone nuclear physics. They only dream that the empire can stand up again with this thing. What they have to do is to survive the difficult six months, and then the new empire tomorrow.

However, as early as April 45, Yoshio Nishina's laboratory and important materials were bombed by the US Air Force, let alone six months, six years would be useless.

The army didn't care about anything, this was the only hope, so they dragged these scientists to a new base to continue their research, but they didn't have to worry about it, because the second "fat man" also came soon.

Later, Japan has been gaining sympathy internationally, saying that it is the only country attacked by the atomic bomb, which is too miserable.But they never mentioned why they were bombed, haha.

As the second generation of Japanese physics, Yoshio Nishina wasted away in the research of the atomic bomb, but the third generation later became really powerful, that is, Japan's first Nobel Prize winner in physics-Yukawa Hideki.

Well, that's all for later.

Soon the train arrived in Tokyo, and when they came to Tokyo Imperial University, they went directly to the Faculty of Science.

Anyway, now there are many universities with no distinction between physics and mathematics, and Li Yu can fully understand it.

Nagaoka Hantaro said: "It's not early, sir, take a good rest today, and tomorrow we will hold a grand speech for you in the auditorium."

Li Yuzhen was a little tired that day, and originally wanted to visit the Neon Country. During the few days in Japan, he was either watching the Encouragement Expo or visiting schools or hurrying.I heard that the hot spring here is good, but as soon as the idea came up, I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

I slept soundly that night, because I didn’t have to worry about falling off like sleeping on a small bed in a hotel—this time I slept directly on the floor in a very traditional way.On the contrary, it also shows that Hantaro Nagaoka arranged a large residence for Li Yu, and he put his heart into it.

The next day, when Li Yu came outside the auditorium of the Faculty of Science, there was already a sea of ​​people. He even found some Chinese people among the crowd.

There is one person Li Yu is quite familiar with because he is so famous: Zhang Taiyan!
He has traveled back and forth between China and Japan many times, and being able to attend today is not an exception.

The Chinese people in this era are indeed too inferior. After finally meeting an outstanding Chinese, everyone wants to see it with their own eyes.

As a top-level outstanding scientific researcher, Li Yu's reputation in the circle of Chinese and overseas Chinese is now greater than that in China.

Of course, Li Yu was not good at organizing, and his reputation would never be comparable to that of "Sage Kang" (disregarding the words of revolutionaries).

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