Compared with the academic atmosphere and level, the current Tokyo Imperial University is incomparable with European universities. It should be said that there is a huge gap.

There are so many people present, and not all of them are science and engineering students. There are many other majors, and of course many people will join in the fun.

Therefore, Li Yu can't talk about too profound things, and is only going to talk about literature and the recent hot topic "Fractal and Chaos".

Hantaro Nagaoka made the opening remarks. Although Li Yu is very famous now, after hearing that he was from China, there was only sparse applause from the people below, most of whom were from Chinese.

The Japanese's discrimination against the Chinese started a long time ago, and it will continue until a hundred years later.

It stands to reason that China, Japan, and South Korea should unite like the European Union. Unfortunately, due to historical reasons and the United States' obstruction, there is basically no hope in a short period of time. ——Critical The West would not want to see a united East either.

Li Yu didn't pay much attention to the reaction below, and directly started to talk about the observation and calculation methods of Pluto, as well as the opening chapter of fractal theory.

But soon, someone below began to throb.

"A pig-tailed Chinese actually gave a speech at the highest institution of our Great Japanese Empire. How can he be worthy of such an achievement?"

"Stop acting, China Pig, come down!"

"There is nothing more absurd than your theory!"

"Do not insult our sacred podium!"

Nagaoka Hantaro scolded: "Baga! What nonsense! Mr. Li Yu is my guest, and he is the most shining star in the scientific world. What qualifications do you have to say about him? What achievements have you made?"

But some students below are still dissatisfied: "I don't believe that inferior Chinese people can have this level. They should all look ugly smoking opium."

Nagaoka Hantaro retorted: "So, the dignified British Royal Society will also get it wrong? Will the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awarded the Nobel Prize, get it wrong?"

A student said: "Westerners are nothing special, they are second-class ethnic groups, and Chinese people are the worst."

Nagaoka Hantaro said angrily, "Which major are you in?"

The student said: "I'm from the Department of Mathematics. Why, Professor Nagaoka wants to use his authority to expel me? I'm not afraid. I will tell the media that the professor of Tokyo Imperial University has used his power to expel students at will."

Li Yu had guessed that such a person would come out a long time ago, so he was not surprised at all. He grabbed Nagaoka Hantaro and said to the students: "You will know if you are good or not. Since you are in the mathematics department, use your poor mathematics Let's compare knowledge."

The student dismissed it: "Chinese people are not worthy to compare with me."

Li Yu smiled and said, "Are you so scared? Don't worry, if you finish your studies well, your math level should be able to reach the level of lifting my shoes."

The student's name was Hisada Takada, and he asked excitedly, "How do you want to compare?"

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "Of course you have to use high-level questions. Have you ever heard Hilbert's 23 math questions?"

Kuta Takata said: "Of course I have heard of it, and I will solve it all in the future."

This man is really arrogant. Li Yu has seen braggarts before, but he has never seen such braggadocios.

But now Japan is really inflated.

Li Yu said: "There is a question about Riemann's conjecture, do you understand?"

Kuta Takata thought for a while: "Of course I know, why, you want to test me?"

Li Yu shook his head: "Since it's Bibi, of course we need to solve it together, and there's no need to prove it, because it's too difficult. Even I can't prove it, and you can't even lift my shoes, of course you can't. So we just need extreme Simplify the problem and only need to come up with a few solutions.”

The Riemann conjecture has not been proved 100 years later, and the difficulty is not something that the mathematics world can solve at this time.

Because of the achievements of Professor Zhang Yitang, the Riemann Hypothesis has now become an Internet celebrity problem.

In addition, there is another very interesting but absurd question that has attracted many people's attention to the Riemann conjecture, that is, the sum of all natural numbers is -1/12.In fact, if you study it, you will know that it has left the definition domain of Riemann's conjecture.

Saying that the sum of the natural numbers is -1/12 is like saying that the result of 1/0 is infinity.

——It seems reasonable, but in fact it doesn't make sense at all.

Riemann's conjecture is that Riemann constructed a function, and then Riemann guessed that all non-trivial zeros of this function are on the straight line 0.5i in the complex plane.

In other words, the real part of a nontrivial zero is 1/2.

One more thing, the Riemann function contains a sine function. As we all know, the sine function has periodicity.So as long as the sine function takes a periodic result, it can be zero, and then countless solutions can be obtained, which is the so-called "trivial zero point".

This is not difficult at all, so the "non-trivial" zero point is emphasized in the Riemann Hypothesis.

However, although Riemann gave a conjecture at the beginning, he himself did not seek any solution at all...

Maybe the great master is different, he has seen through everything, and he can discover the laws of all solutions without seeking a solution.

In fact, the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann function are really troublesome to solve.

The Riemann conjecture was proposed around 1859, and until the beginning of 1903, no one had solved a solution.

You must know that there are infinitely many non-trivial zeros of the Riemann function!
One can imagine the difficulty of this problem.

Otherwise, Hilbert would not say: If I am resurrected after 150 years, I will first ask others whether the Riemann Hypothesis has been proved.

Kuta Takada thought for a while: "Just find the solution of the function?"

Li Yu nodded: "This is much easier than proving a conjecture. Besides, you were so loud just now that you seemed to ignore the entire scientific community in Western Europe. You won't be afraid of this question, right?"

Kuta Takata said: "Okay, I will compare with you."

Li Yu said: "I'll give you three days. If you can solve one, you win; for fairness, if you solve one, I have to solve 10 to win. How? After all, I think you really do mathematics. Much worse than me."

Kuta Takata sneered and said, "You Chinese people who don't know what's good or bad, I'll crush you with IQ! Let you know whether you should be ruled or not!"

Li Yu seemed to be looking at a militaristic angry youth, not angry at all, and sneered: "If you lose, you have to apologize to all Chinese people in front of the whole school."

"Apologize? Why should I apologize to the Chinese people? Just kidding!" Kuta Takata was still quite arrogant.

Li Yu spread out his hands, let's see how long you are arrogant.

Nagaoka Hantaro was very guilty: "I didn't expect to invite you, but it turned out like this. It's a shame for Tokyo Imperial University."

Li Yu said, "It's not the professor's fault."

Masataka Ogawa also sighed: "There is such a dangerous thought in the school, it should be taken seriously. Sir, you can go to Northeastern University to see, it should not be so extreme."

Now the university admission requirements are not as strict as the follow-up. The situation of Japanese universities is not bad. Tokyo can only be said to be the most intense collision area.

After the show ended, Zhang Taiyan approached Li Yu with a curse: "This gang of stinky red deer! They only know how to watch people order dishes all day long, and they don't care about people's true talents and learning. Brother Li Yu, I have read your report. You are this .”

Li Yu looked at Zhang Taiyan's thumbs up and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Taiyan."

Zhang Taiyan asked in surprise, "You know me?"

Li Yu said: "Of course, Mr. Taiyan's name is very famous."

"My little reputation is nothing, it's just to use the knowledge of my ancestors to make a name for myself in front of my own people. It's actually useful! I understand it. I really want to beat this group of red deer and foreigners. , only democracy and science.”

Well, as expected of Zhang Taiyan, he can always see problems decades earlier than others, and the slogan of the May [-]th Movement has been chanted ahead of time.

Li Yu said with a smile: "Isn't this just right? Mr. Taiyan is not just a scholar. I think we happened to be walking on these two paths."

Zhang Taiyan laughed loudly: "You don't even shy away from it."

Li Yu said, "Could someone else hear it?"

Zhang Taiyan said: "It's interesting! Come on, I just prepare some thin wine and have a drink with my little brother. You are the first Chinese I have ever seen who understands Western science. I must get to know you! You must give me face!"

Zhang Taiyan was famous for his great knowledge and temper, and he dared to scold anyone. Li Yu said: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

Zhang Taiyan smiled and said: "This is not too bad. If you are not respectful, I will carry you there."

The two entered a tavern, and Zhang Taiyan was sitting at the table very skillfully, that kind of kneeling.

Li Yu had never received this kind of training, so he was sitting awkwardly across from him.

Zhang Taiyan said: "I don't want to do this either, but I found that the Japanese are so obsessed with our ancient culture that they have to sit upright when they have a drink. And tea, my God, their tea ceremony is actually from the Song Dynasty. Matcha, don’t drink Gaiwancha at all.”

Li Yu generally knew this too: "When a tiger learns its skills, it will betray its master."

"Otherwise," Zhang Taiyan is a master of Chinese studies after all, "I have studied Japanese Confucianism, and I can only say that they learned superficially, but did not learn the essence at all. Our Confucianism emphasizes benevolence and righteousness, while theirs Confucianism and Taoism only use loyalty."

Li Yu nodded: "Mr. Taiyan's words are very true. If this continues, it will be very dangerous after many years."

"I also have this hidden worry, but it's a pity that the court can't understand it at all." Zhang Taiyan picked up the sake pot and poured wine for Li Yu. "Try Japanese sake. It doesn't have much strength, but there is no other good wine."

Li Yu took a sip of sake and asked, "Why did Mr. Taiyan come to Tokyo Imperial University today?"

Zhang Taiyan first spat: "It's really fantastic for the Japanese to return to the 'Imperial' University." Then he said: "I heard about it from others, but I don't know much about science, but they all say that the lectures are famous in the West. As soon as I heard your name, Li Yu, a university student in science, I came here immediately. It is said that Mr. Kang, who claimed to have "insight into the truth of the universe", also said to his disciples in Japan such as Liang Qichao and Mai Menghua, "Li Yu has already Small achievements, you can listen to it'."

Li Yu said with a smile: "I didn't expect the big guys to pay so much attention to me."

"That's not true," Zhang Taiyan said, "Mr. Kang still seems to want to take you as his apprentice."

Li Yu almost spit out his sake and coughed a few times.

Zhang Taiyan pursed his lips and said, "Why, can't you bear it?"

"I can't bear it, I can't bear it!" Li Yu wiped his mouth, "I'm still free."

"You don't have to be so polite. If you want me to just scold him, Kang Youwei, what qualifications do you have to be Li Yu's teacher?"

Zhang Taiyan was famous for being able to curse people, and he had already broken up with Kang Youwei.Immediately he added: "However, following him can lead to good fortune. He is really rich now."

Li Yu said: "Overseas Chinese who are abroad work harder. It's all hard-earned money. If the money is given to me, I will not spend it with peace of mind."

"Oh?" Zhang Taiyan asked along, "Speaking of Mr. Kang, I would like to ask, which side do you think is correct, the revolutionary faction I belong to or the royalist faction in Kangliang?"

Now Liang Qichao has not completely broken with Kang Youwei.However, Kang Youwei had already traveled around the world to collect money, and only Liang Qichao, who was the most combative, was left to run the "Xinmin Congbao" in Japan.

However, after Liang Qichao came to Japan, he read a lot of original works of western studies, and found that it was not quite the same as what his master Kang Youwei told him...

But anyway, he hasn't gone out completely independently yet.

So now the reformists are all supported by Liang Qichao himself, and they are facing the revolutionaries such as Mr. Zhongshan, Zhang Taiyan, Chen Tianhua, Hu Hanmin, Wang Zhaoming and so on.

Li Yu took a sip of his wine and said directly: "The universe remains unchanged, and the world is difficult."

Zhang Taiyan laughed loudly, "Well said! For this sentence, I also want to offer Mr. Xiao a glass of wine."

The two drank it all, and Zhang Taiyan said: "Kang Youwei went against the trend, but he didn't know that the Qing court had long been hopeless, and he didn't even think about it, how could the gang of Eight Banners allow them to improve?"

Li Yu said: "What Mr. Taiyan said is very true. The biggest problem is that the minority ruled the majority, and they did not recognize the majority as one with themselves. This way of ruling is too dangerous. Only the Han people can regain power, otherwise the Qing court will remain the same. It is better to defend against the Han than to defend against the outside, so you can only restrain yourself and achieve nothing."

Zhang Taiyan's eyes brightened: "I didn't expect Mr. to look at the problem so transparently, which made me even more impressed!"

Li Yu thought to himself, this is the most common theory in history books 100 years later, of course he knows it.

Moreover, Li Yu has seen too many similar tragedies where the minority ruled the majority, either they were completely destroyed, or they went into deformity.

Of course, the worst destruction is the tragic infighting between the Hutu and Tutsis in Rwanda; and the most typical deformity is of course India, which has been ruled by a few people for thousands of years. In order to maintain its dominant position, the caste system has been used for thousands of years , It cannot be eradicated until the 21st century, deeply restricting social development.

Of course, the current Qing court is already very deformed in Li Yu's eyes. It is an incomprehensible miracle that the Qing court can rule for so long.

The correct approach can only be political consultation and peaceful coexistence, which is what Li Yu's era looked like.

If you put a minority group in full power, it will definitely get worse and worse.

Zhang Taiyan said again: "Mr. Bu Ruo, please join our revolutionary faction!"

Li Yu shook his head: "What I want to do is the road of scientific research, and I don't have extra energy. Besides, we have already divided the work. Democracy and science, each person walks a different path."

"It's about, we can't walk on one leg." Zhang Taiyan was a sensible person, immediately became clear, and then said, "Why don't you cut off those troubles, look at me, how refreshed, it is like raising your head again."

Zhang Taiyan cut off his braids in 1900, which caused a sensation.

In fact, at most one year later, that is, starting in 1904, many overseas students cut off their braids. After Zai Zhen and other high-level royal family officials went abroad to investigate, they also found it very indecent to keep their braids, so they basically acquiesced in this matter.

By the time the Qing court sent five ministers abroad again in 1905, half of the more than 40 people accompanying them had their braids cut off.

So Li Yucai is not in a hurry, "I will cut it off in a short time, but it will take a long way to get all Chinese people to cut off their braids."

Zhang Taiyan held the wine glass again: "Sir, you have such a broad vision, what we have to do is to remove all the Chinese people's braids!"

Li Yu also picked up his wine glass: "Then I will try my best to get rid of the braids in the hearts of the Chinese people."

Zhang Taiyan immediately recognized what Li Yu was referring to, and said, "What you have to do is much more difficult than what I have to do."

Yes, it's really difficult.

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