After a few glasses of wine, Zhang Taiyan felt a lot more familiar in an instant. Zhang Taiyan asked again: "Little brother, I only know that your name is Li Yu. I don't know if you have a name?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "To be honest, the younger generation doesn't have any."

"There is no name?" Zhang Taiyan was very surprised, "With the knowledge of the little brother, it shouldn't be!"

Li Yu said frankly: "It depends on what kind of knowledge you are talking about. If it is about Chinese studies, I am no different from someone who has only attended a private school for a few years."

"I don't believe it!" Zhang Taiyan shook his head.

Li Yu said: "It's Mr. Taiyan who didn't know that in the admissions examination of the Imperial University, I got the lowest No.1 in the self-cultivation and justice chapter."

Zhang Taiyan asked: "No.1 from the bottom? With your reputation, they dare to give you the number one from the bottom? Who is the judge?"

Li Yu said: "The chief teacher of Chinese at the Capital University is Mr. Wu Rulun, and the deputy chief teacher is Mr. Gu Hongming. I don't know who is the one who grades the papers."

Zhang Taiyan rubbed his chin and thought for a while: "If Wu Rulun fails you, I won't say it, but if Gu Hongming dares to fail you, I, Zhang Taiyan, will be the first to disagree!"

Li Yu said embarrassingly, "It's true that my country's studies are too weak."

"Weak?" Zhang Taiyan began to correct again, "Haven't you read Gong Zizhen's poem? I urge God to cheer up and send down talents of all kinds! If even you have to waste time reading those useless scriptures, why not?" How to carry out the way of science?"

Li Yu cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Taiyan is right."

Zhang Taiyan said: "It should be like this! Besides, these people know nothing about Confucian classics! They are just old and stubborn, and they don't understand the essence of Confucian classics at all."

Zhang Taiyan's tone is still loud, but he is indeed qualified to scold him.

Li Yu thought that it would be better to simply ask Zhang Taiyan to bestow a character, so he said, "If possible, please ask Mr. Taiyan to bestow a character for the younger generation."

Zhang Taiyan drank a glass of wine: "You don't need to be polite to me if you are a junior or not! People whom Zhang Taiyan respects don't need to be called juniors, you can be my old man."

Well, Li Yu didn't even know how to answer the conversation, Zhang Taiyan deserved to be called the chapter lunatic of the Republic of China.

But Zhang Taiyan is indeed not much older than Li Yu, he is only 34 years old.

"How old are you?" Zhang Taiyan asked again.

Li Yu said, "I am 24 years old."

"Good time!" Zhang Taiyan said with emotion, "But it really should have had a brand name, let me think about it."

"Mr. Lao Taiyan." Li Yu said.

Zhang Taiyan frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Although I can't understand the scientific articles you wrote, it doesn't prevent me from learning about your achievements through the newspaper reports on you. And I also specially found European newspapers to read. I have a relatively comprehensive understanding of you. I found that the high-level scientific circles in Europe attach great importance to you. Even their highest Royal Academy of Sciences dare not neglect you. Even the King of Sweden also received you, which made me very clear about your importance in the field of science. His status has far surpassed that of me and other literati in Confucian classics."

Li Yu said with a smile: "There is still a difference between science and literature."

Zhang Taiyan said: "There was a difference at the time. But no matter how good I was in Confucian classics, it seemed that it was not worth mentioning to foreigners, because this kind of culture is difficult to communicate with. But science is different. I vaguely feel that science It’s what runs through the world.”

Li Yu added: "Not only that, what belongs to the culture belongs to the world."

Zhang Taiyan gave another thumbs up: "Little brother speaks well, so I will never believe that your level of Confucian classics is too low."

Li Yu smiled awkwardly: "I heard other people say it all."

With Zhang Taiyan's level, it would be a joke to let him know his level of Chinese studies, and I'm afraid it will make him laugh.

Zhang Taiyan said: "You are too talented in science, and you have spread the world at a young age. In my opinion, it is more than that. Your future achievements should be higher and higher, so high that I can't imagine."

Li Yu even wanted to play werewolf killing with Zhang Taiyan. This guy's vision is too sharp, and if he is a prophet, he will definitely kill everyone indiscriminately.

Li Yu asked: "Mr. Taiyan will be ashamed to praise me again."

Zhang Taiyan poured wine: "I'm just stating the facts. Since the little brother will also have the supreme glory in the future, I suddenly thought of a very important thought in Confucian classics: the mean. The ancients said that too much is too late. This is deeply hidden in the core of our culture. Yes. If I were to choose a word for you, I would find a way to make you 'moderate', of course, this is not a kind of derogation."

Li Yu nodded: "Mr. Taiyan is a scholar, I agree with what you said."

Zhang Taiyan paused: "Talent wins the world, and you seek the mean in your heart; elegance is vulgar, and vulgarity is elegance. I thought of the word 'sparse talent', which means 'short of talent and shallow learning', but in fact you are not talented and shallow in learning. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be so neutral."

Li Yu had nothing to say, he couldn't think of so many things to say, and he repeatedly praised: "Shucai, Shucai, good words! Thank you, Mr. Taiyan."

Zhang Taiyan smiled and said: "No one dares to laugh at those who dare to laugh at themselves. I also saw the ignorant red deer mocking you in a Japanese university today, and I also thought of this word."

Li Yu raised his wine glass: "Dangfu Dabai!"

Zhang Taiyan laughed loudly: "It is also a great blessing in my life to be able to give characters to the current scientific talents. A big white is not enough, just drink three cups in a row!"

After a while, Li Yu asked again: "Mr. Taiyan is going back to China?"

Zhang Taiyan wiped his mouth: "Yes, I will return to Shanghai soon."

Li Yu calculated in his mind, according to the historical process, Zhang Taiyan was very likely to be arrested by the Qing government again when he returned this time, so he said, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Zhang Taiyan said: "My little brother may not have seen it. Forget it. It's better not to see it. You don't have to dirty your eyes. Just listen to what I say." Liang Qichao and others commented that India's subjugation was due to the self-establishment of the provinces" and "Response to North and South American businessmen on China's only feasible constitution but not revolution" are really absurd. They openly slandered the revolutionaries, saying that revolution can only accelerate its demise. He said that China's The only thing we can do is to amend the constitution, to say 'no distinction between the Manchus and the Han, and the ruler and the people rule together'. It is really childish, if the imperial power is not destroyed, how can there be no distinction between the Manchus and the Han?"

In fact, even Liang Qichao couldn't stand Kang Youwei's actions anymore, but in the first article, Kang Youwei reprimanded Liang Qichao who had different opinions.Liang Qichao had no choice but to continue to listen to Kang Youwei because of the affection between teachers and students.

Zhang Taiyan has a bad temper, and he looks down on Kang Youwei's practice of raking in money crazily around, and then commanding a large number of royalists by remote control with poor cognition.

Li Yu sighed: "Before dawn is often the darkest."

Zhang Taiyan's eyes brightened: "You kid keeps saying that your level of Chinese studies is poor, how can you speak golden sentences at every turn."

Li Yu said, "It's all from other places."

Zhang Taiyan said: "It is precisely because of the darkness that people need to lighten themselves, instead of just claiming to be a sage like Kang Shengren. Do you think I, Zhang Taiyan, is his kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Li Yu knew that this road was not easy for him, so he said, "Mr. Taiyan, you have to be careful, don't give away your head for nothing."

Zhang Taiyan laughed and said, "How can I be so stupid?"

Li Yu thought about it too.

It won't be long before Zhang Taiyan will indeed be arrested in Shanghai, but it sounds like a dark humor, the kind of joke that makes people want to laugh but can't laugh.

Zhang Taiyan was caught by the Qing government in the British Concession in Shanghai, but the Qing government could not bring him out of the British Concession, so he could only sue.

Ever since, a farce-like trial was launched in the court of the British Concession.

The plaintiff was the Qing government, the defendant was Zhang Taiyan, and the judge was British.

Isn't it funny that the dignified Qing government wants to be the plaintiff in the British court in its own country!

The key is that the Qing government lost the lawsuit, and in the end they did not take Zhang Taiyan out of the British Concession and kill him.

Moreover, Zhang Taiyan is different from ordinary people in prison. He can read books and newspapers, and many apprentices went to accompany him to prison. It feels like setting up a luxurious suite in a prison.

People of insight in Shanghai even took pride in having spent time in prison with Zhang Taiyan.

But that was also the British Concession, and there were so many concessions on the country, it was not so funny no matter how you thought about it.

And there is no concession in the capital, so of course Li Yu can't do whatever he wants like Zhang Taiyan.Even if he wanted to cut his braids, he had to officially have an international student status or a degree from a Western European University. Fortunately, this was not difficult for him, and it would not take long.

After drinking and eating, the two chatted for several hours before they parted. Li Yu returned to the residence and fell asleep first, and then got up to calculate the solutions of several Riemann functions.

It is really troublesome for other people to solve it, but it is not too much trouble for Li Yu, because he has a big killer in his hand: a calculator!
The Riemann function has been extended by Riemann analysis, and the solutions are all complex numbers, so the calculation is really cumbersome.

If it is done purely by hand, it often takes dozens of days or even months for ordinary people to calculate a solution, but with a calculator, Li Yu can solve one in 15 to 10 minutes.

Although it's a bit rambunctious, but who told that kid to be ignorant of good and bad, and to offend people who shouldn't be offended, let him know the dangers of science...

Li Yu's calculations were in full swing, and someone came to him again.

Li Yu opened the sliding door, and there was a middle-aged Japanese man in his forties standing outside.The other party said: "Mr. Li Yu, hello! Excuse me, let me introduce myself. I am Kano Jigoro. I was very interested in hearing your speech at Tokyo Imperial University today. After checking the information, I found out that Mr. A genius of science."

Li Yu had heard of Jigoro Kano, who was the founder of judo and can be called the father of judo.

Li Yu asked, "Why did Mr. Jiana come to see me?"

Kano Jigoro said: "I also graduated from the University of Tokyo earlier. I came back recently to promote the judo I created. It happened to be a lecture given by my husband, and I also learned that my husband is Chinese. I think my students will be very interested in you." .”

"Student?" Li Yu didn't know why.

Kano Jigoro nodded: "I have established a Hongbun Academy in Tokyo, which specializes in recruiting Chinese students. It has enrolled nearly a thousand students. It can be said that it is the largest school for Chinese students in the Tokyo area. The students in the school have also heard about the deeds of Mr. They all jointly asked me to invite Mr. to our school."

Li Yu always felt that he had heard the name of Hongwen School somewhere, and a Japanese who did this, Kano Jigoro could also be called a "heterogeneous" among Japanese.

So Li Yu said, "Of course it can."

Kano Jigoro bowed: "Welcome sir!"

When he came to Hongwen College, Li Yu really saw a lot of Chinese people, and there was one Li Yu in the crowd who was really familiar with him, it should be said that he was even more familiar with Zhang Taiyan.

Because it's Brother Xun!
Lu Xun!

No wonder Li Yu felt so familiar with Hongwen College. Last year when Lu Xun went to Japan to study, he entered the Japanese crash course of Hongwen College and studied for more than two years before entering Sendai Medical College.

Of course, Lu Xun is not called Lu Xun now.

No, it should be said that he has not used the pen name "Lu Xun", but Zhou Shuren.

Kano Jigoro said: "To enter my Kobun Academy, one must not only study, but also practice judo, so the students who leave from me can be called capable of both literature and martial arts."

Well, did Lu Xun also learn judo?

Li Yu couldn't help asking: "Everyone wants to learn?"

Kano Jigoro said proudly: "Yes! But everyone has their own talents in judo. Some are naturally good at it, and some are not. But my purpose is not to make them fight, but to have a strong physique."

Li Yu said: "Mr. actually engages in quality education, which is respectable."

"Quality education?" Jigoro Kano heard this term for the first time. "It makes sense! Sir, I think he is also a person who has a deep understanding of education for being so talented. In the future, you must tell me more about what it is." Quality education', I must study hard!"

Well, Li Yu just casually uttered the most common educational vocabulary in the 21st century, but he didn't expect a big principal to directly extend it.

Li Yu had no choice but to reply: "It's easy to say."

However, according to what Jigoro Kano said, Lu Xun had really learned judo. It seems that even if it was a fight, he might not have beaten him.

In Li Yu's previous impression, most of the literati looked weak and unfazed, but occasionally there were a few "chivalrous men" in the novels that impressed people, the most typical one being Xin Qiji.

But I really didn't expect Lu Xun to know judo!
This is simply incredible.

It feels like suddenly knowing that Li Kui can embroider, which is completely unexpected, okay?

Li Yu had briefly learned Sanda and Taekwondo in the past, and they were all in some interest classes set up by the school, basically only a taste of it.

When he was still young, he asked his coach, "If you really fight with bare hands on the street, which genre is the most effective? Boxing, Sanda? Or what?"

The coach thought for a while and said: "These are not good. If it is really a street fight, the best way to use it is close combat skills. The core method is wrestling. If you knock others down, your advantage will be infinite."

Judo can also be regarded as a close combat skill, which is very useful in fighting.

Li Yu couldn't help but take a closer look at Brother Xun. He looked thin, and he should be in the 60 kg class.

... Li Yu quickly shook his head, what's going on, he thought of fighting for no reason!

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