There is a playground in Kano Jigoro's Kobun Academy, and it is a standard-sized playground. After all, they also play sports, and the facilities in this area are much better than other colleges.

Li Yu asked, "Does Mr. Garner have any plans for the future of so many students?"

Kano Jigoro shook his head: "I just try my best to do what I should do. As for what university they can go to in the future, they can even be admitted to Tokyo Imperial University. It is their own ability. I will not influence the major and direction .”

Li Yu nodded, "I understand."

It seems that Kano Jigoro's education model is indeed a "stocking" type, but this is quite in line with the current situation.

Because these Chinese international students have basically never had much contact with Western learning, it is tantamount to fantasy to let them say what they want to learn, and they can only discover it through slow self-study.

What's more, even if the direction is determined during the two to three years of study at Hongwen Academy, it may change later. After all, the changes in this era are so fast that many people's thinking can't keep up with the changes. It is a major change unseen in 3000.

Kano Jigoro called everyone to the playground to arrange the exercises. This is very common in schools of later generations, but it was indeed very rare in the early twentieth century.

Kano Jigoro was very proud of his "innovation", and said to Li Yu: "How? There are not many ordinary schools that can introduce militarized operations."

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's really tidy, and I feel like I can do radio gymnastics."

"What is radio gymnastics?" Kano Jigoro asked puzzled.

"Uh... it's a kind of gymnastics that all the students do together, as you said, to keep fit." Li Yu explained.

"Skoichi!" Kano Jigoro opened his mouth wide, "It's really enlightening me to invite you here today. I didn't expect Mr. to have such a deep understanding of education."

This really made Li Yu a little embarrassed.

However, any person who has received modern education travels to the beginning of the 100th century, and his understanding of education is far better than that of anyone now. The development of education in the past [-] years has not been in vain.

Kano Jigoro was not going to let Li Yu go: "Can you show me what kind of radio gymnastics can be done by all the teachers and students in the school. I have spent many years without success in promoting judo."

"This...isn't appropriate." Li Yu said awkwardly.

"What's inappropriate?" Jigoro Kano looked serious, and then bowed deeply: "Please advise!"

Li Yu felt that one head was two big, so he reluctantly did a few movements of the eighth set of radio gymnastics.

Unexpectedly, Kano Jigoro admired it very much and applauded frequently: "It turns out that this kind of gymnastics can be promoted in the whole school, which really opened my eyes! I will promote it widely in my Kobun Academy in the future!"

Li Yu patted his head in embarrassment: "Actually, running is also very good. Running 3000 meters a day is better than anything else."

Kano Jigoro was very modest: "What you said is very true."

It would be really interesting to ask him to promote radio gymnastics...

After the chat, Jigoro Kano stood on the podium and said loudly: "Mr. Li Yu who is invited today must have been heard by you. He is the most outstanding young scholar in the scientific world today, and he is also from China. I don't need to say more. , you know him far better than me, let Mr. Li Yu come on stage and say a few words!"

Immediately there was warm applause below.

Li Yu looked at the young people in their twenties in front of him, many of them were future bosses.

Looking over, Lu Xun was ruled out first, and Hu Hanmin, Chen Yinke, Yang Du, etc. are also famous, which is simply embarrassing!
This is only for those who come to study at present. Hongwen College will be in operation for another six years, and there will still be many big shots coming to study in the future.

Who can imagine that there are so many big bosses in an international student school in Japan.

Among these people are future great writers, great historians, and political leaders, and many of them are people who can influence the course of history.

Facing them, Li Yu really didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, he should just talk about the science he is good at.

Li Yu cleared his throat and said, "I won't introduce myself anymore. To put it simply, I am a science researcher, and everyone should know about Western learning. The main Western learning we lack now is nothing more than two major directions, politics and law and science. , Of course, these two directions are very big and important. Today I will briefly talk about the science I know.

"Many people may not know that our ancestors had a glorious time in science. There were four major inventions in technology, each of which had a profound impact on the modern West; not much else in mathematics. Zu Chongzhi's calculation of pi It is also 1000 years ahead of the West; in physics, even the Mohists in the Warring States period understood the principle of buoyancy and leverage. It is a pity that we have not continued well, so it is not that we Chinese are not good at science, but that since the Ming Dynasty, our stereotyped Taking scholars seriously restricts the development of ideas and imprisons everyone's multi-angle development.

"Because of this, I am not a special existence. I believe that Chinese people who are proficient in science like me will emerge in endlessly. You don't need to worry about learning Western learning. There is nothing difficult! It's just that our starting point is indeed late, and it is also low. But that's okay too, we've been ahead before, so if we work hard, we'll be able to get back there again."


Li Yu stopped talking after more than ten minutes, and then said: "It's just that I'm not interested in talking. You should ask more questions. It's better for us to communicate."

A young international student next to Lu Xun raised his hand and said, "I, Qian Junfu, once studied at Qiushi Academy in Hangzhou. We all respect Mr. Li Yu. According to what you said, how far do you think we are from the West? "

Good guy, Li Yu almost forgot about him.

Although Qian Junfu is not well-known, the Qian family is really a well-known big family.

Qian Junfu's son is Qian Xuesen, the founder of the famous aerospace industry.

Since then, the Qian family has also become famous, such as the meritorious service in the field of nuclear physics Qian Sanqiang, the great writer Qian Zhongshu, the masters of Chinese studies Qian Mu, Qian Xuantong and so on.

Of course, the Qian family is related to Xu Zhimo, Jin Yong, Jiang Baili, etc.

Qian Junfu and Lu Xun are hardcore, plus Li Suizhi, the three of them came to Japan together, entered Hongwen College together, and shared the same class, so the relationship is very good.

If it is in the later life, it will be the college roommate, the brother who sleeps in the lower bunk, the absolute best friend level.

The Qiushi Academy in Hangzhou, where Qian Junfu attended, is also a big deal, because in the future its name will become: Zhejiang University!
Li Yu said: "Of course there is a big gap, and it's very big. Europe started the industrial revolution 200 years ago, and we still regard science as a strange skill, and we don't even have a decent primary and secondary school. We have to catch up." If so, the journey is like going to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures, it is as long as one hundred and eight thousand miles, and there are more than ninety-nine or eighty-one difficulties."

Qian Junfu was a little discouraged: "So the gap is really so big."

"Sir, just tell me, is it possible to catch up?" It was Hu Hanmin who spoke.

He will be a leader of the National Party in the future, so I prefer to have a result first when asking questions.

After all, they are playing politics, and they like to have a set direction and then move forward.

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "We can catch up, but it will take a long time."

Hu Hanmin asked: "How long is it? One generation, two generations? Sacrificing a little time is nothing!"

Li Yu said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it will take hundreds of years, and there will be more than seven or eight generations."

Yang Du on the side was stunned: "It's so long? Can we afford to wait?"

Li Yudao: "Of course! After all, the current Western science is developing rapidly, but we are still in the initial stage of ignorance. In the short term, even if we start to catch up, the gap will become wider and wider."

Yang Du was surprised and said: "The gap is getting bigger and bigger? Then how to catch up? Although I don't know much about science, I also know how important it is. Isn't it just a matter of learning?"

Li Yu said: "Of course it's not like this, so I just said that politics, law and science are what we lack the most, and even science takes longer. If you can study abroad, you are all leaders in your country, but if I have a blackboard now, I can use it in Just listing a few mathematics or physics questions from Western primary and secondary schools on the blackboard can stump the audience. So you can imagine how big the gap is! And talents are the most sensitive to the soil of science, and it is the most important thing to cultivate excellent scientists. hard."

Li Yu’s words came from the bottom of his heart. This kind of difficulty is more understood by people later: even if excellent scientists can be cultivated through untold hardships, whether they can retain them is another matter.

But the current people are still not aware of that level, because relatively elementary scientific knowledge is already an incredible threshold.

Although Lu Xun was not engaged in revolution or politics in the future, his sharpness of thinking was definitely first-class. He clenched his fists: "Never mind it, just learn!"

Li Yu smiled and said, "That's right, I think so too! We are too far behind now, so it is of great practical significance to make up for the gap a little bit. Everyone is a celebrity in Chinese studies, and they must know the empty talk of the Jin Dynasty. The wind harms the country and the people. So I don’t want to shout slogans, but I think as long as we keep our feet on the ground, with the wisdom of the Chinese, we will definitely stand up again. Even if it takes 100 years, so what? Looking around the world, there is one civilization that has survived. Is it as old as ours? Three or four thousand years have passed, so what if we have another 4000 years? We can afford it!"

Lu Xun took the lead and began to applaud: "Sir, what you said is great!"

Lu Xun turned his head and said to Li Suizhi next to him: "Suizhi, don't hesitate, you will be like me in the future, let's study medicine! Heal the country first, heal the people!"

Li Suizhi nodded vigorously: "I have decided to study medicine! Science is too profound, but medicine is also a Western study, which is more meaningful to me."

Lu Xun patted him on the shoulder: "That's right, as Mr. Li Yu said, keep your feet on the ground and catch up slowly. Isn't the strength of all of us united, and everyone should do their own thing well."

Li Suizhi did become a doctor after that, and he was the first generation of western medicine in China. He even founded Zhejiang Medical University and Hangzhou Red Cross Society.

But Lu Xun, who agreed to study medicine together, hehe...

Li Yu didn't talk too much today, but it is true that few Chinese people understand science at present, and the students kept him directly, wanting to ask more questions.

Chen Yinke asked: "Sir, do you think western learning is opposed to middle school?"

Li Yu said: "Actually, the term 'Western Learning' is not correct. There is no distinction between Chinese and Western learning. It is shared by all human beings. Otherwise, gunpowder was invented by us, and it would be better understood by Westerners."

Chen Yinke is an extremely smart person, and he knows everything in his mind after one sentence: "I understand."

Lu Xun even asked: "Is the difficulty of medicine relatively simple among Western subjects?"

This is the subject that Brother Xun wants to "dedicate himself to", so of course he is more concerned about it.

Li Yu said with a smile: "There are no simple subjects. Strictly speaking, medicine can be said to represent the forefront of science in terms of application, especially now."

The "now" mentioned by Li Yu is not only the current early 21th century, but also includes the [-]st century.

And in the West, many of the best learners often go to study medicine.

There is even no medical major at the undergraduate level in the United States. Only graduate students can study medicine, which shows how much attention is paid to it.

But seeing Lu Xun finally, Li Yu couldn't help but ask again, "Sir, have you decided to enter the medical field?"

Lu Xun nodded firmly: "This is my ideal, I want to heal the Chinese people!"

Li Yu gave a thumbs up: "Great!"

But I thought to myself: You will definitely go on another path in the future.

However, studying modern science such as medicine is indeed very useful for becoming an excellent literati.Maybe this journey of seeking medical treatment really influenced Lu Xun in a subtle way.

Hu Hanmin said again: "Sir, can you give me an example? I really want to know how difficult Western science is. Wait a moment, I'll get a small blackboard!"

Li Yu looked at the blackboard, thought for a while and said, "Okay, I just need to write a few questions, and it's only at the level of primary and secondary schools."

Li Yu casually drew a coordinate system and a parabola on the blackboard, connected several lines, and then wrote a quadratic function of one variable, saying: "This is called a function, and the one next to it is called a function image. This is the most basic math problems."

The people below were puzzled, and Hu Hanmin asked, "Is this mathematics?"

Li Yu said, "That's right, and as I said just now, it's just the most basic math topic in Western schools."

Hu Hanmin asked again: "What is the significance of this thing?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "When you know what it means, you can really understand why you study mathematics."

Hu Hanmin closed his eyes and let out a long sigh: "I know! I also know what to do in the future. I really didn't expect that we are so far behind! From this point of view, I am already too late, and I can only find a way to make China teenagers start learning Western learning as early as possible."

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