Chapter 195 The Absurd Hall

Everyone was eager to try it. After Li Yu said a few words, he was going to take them to the laboratory to see for themselves.

And when they came to Fifth Avenue together, a man with a gloomy face suddenly stopped with a group of people.

"Mr. Li Yu, I'm serving a vegetarian duck, Mai Shirong." The other party said, "I'm afraid you don't know that any Chinese in New York who wants to do something must report it at the hall."

Li Yu didn't expect that all the gangsters would come here, so he calmly replied, "I don't know, may I ask which law you read about?"

Su Ya laughed and said, "Law? You are really naive. What's the use of reading so many books?"

Situ Meitang came over and said, "Su Ya, the fight between us has nothing to do with Li Yu, so don't make trouble."

Su Ya's eyes flashed: "Why should I listen to you? This land does not belong to you."

Situ Meitang sneered: "Of course it's not mine. Why, don't you dare to think about Fifth Avenue?"

"I don't dare," Su Ya said, "but if there are Chinese people, I can take care of it. According to the original agreement, you can't intervene in this area anyway."

Su Ya quickly raised his hand and said in horror: "You, you dare to shoot here, aren't you afraid of going to jail?"

Su Ya said: "Mother-in-law, is it wrong for me to ask them to apologize?"

When Su Ya's subordinates heard him swearing, they immediately rushed out to be the vanguard: "Situ Meitang, keep your mouth clean!"

Su Ya was very annoyed. When they arrived, they yelled: "It's only been quiet for a long time, and you are going to shoot. I won't let this matter go away!"

Li Yu asked, "Chinese?"

Situ Meitang added: "In the end, the gun was fired. This matter must be brought to the attention of the public security officer, Mr. Li."

Situ Meitang murmured: "It's him again!"

Situ Meitang asked: "What do you want?"

After Liang Cheng knew that Li Yu was able to start a company, he even went up to him: "No, I want to meet the people from Xie Sheng Tang in person, so there is no sense."

It was not until the Anti-Japanese War, with Japan as the common enemy, that these halls were finally united.

Su Ya felt that the whole world was deceiving him, and said dejectedly: "What is it! Even that Kang Youwei is the same, he can't figure out anything, so he just let me do things, this money is really useless!"

Liang Cheng, Qing's envoy to the United States, found out in Washington and rushed to New York to find Li Yu.

Li Yu said, "I will understand this book."

Li Xiling is regarded as the first godfather of the American Chinese gang.

His subordinates operated many casinos and even opened opium dens in the United States.

Su Ya asked her mother-in-law: "You guys... really have something to do?"

Josephine glanced at McLaokin and said, "We..."

This incident was so serious that even American newspapers reported it, and the public opinion was completely one-sided. They even believed that the presence of Chinese threatened New York law and order.

Li Yu wasn't too worried, but he knew more or less about the bloody fights between the major Chinese gangs in the United States in the early [-]th century.

Liang Cheng sighed: "That's true, but if the policy is not implemented, the stone in my heart will not be able to be implemented for a day."

Su Ya felt guilty and waved his hands: "Anyway, they will give me an answer to this matter, and they will even pay me money!"

Situ Meitang spat: "Just say that you can't do anything. You only know about brute force fighting every day, and you don't understand the law at all. I have a lawyer behind me, and shooting is just self-defense. Get out now, and if you dare to come again later, you will be shot." It's you!"

Situ Meitang said: "Calm down, the one in front of you is Master Liang Chengliang, the Minister to the United States."


Li Xiling also knew a little about Li Yu's affairs. After seeing Li Yu's laboratory, she sighed: "Those little bastards have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, and they will always be just little bastards."

Then he assured Li Yu: "Don't worry, sir, this kind of embarrassing thing will never happen again."

Su Ya was surprised: "I didn't even agree, what did you reconcile?"

Situ Meitang had practiced kung fu, so he kicked this subordinate into the air, "Do you have something to say?"

Situ Meitang nodded, "Mr. Li Xiling is also the boss of Anliangtang. He used to be the deputy sheriff of New York County."

"Well, I'm looking forward to your new book." Liang Cheng still believed in Li Yu.

Su Ya said: "If Li Yu wants to open a factory, he must accept our protection and we will take a commission, otherwise..."

Su Ya looked more and more wrong, and asked: "Are you all okay?"

Liang Cheng asked, "A sequel to Star Wars?"

Li Xiling understood that Situ Meitang had his reasons for daring to shoot, and it was not for nothing that he hired so many American lawyers, and he would not really go to jail, so he said: "It is really time to restrain the vegetarian duck."

During this time, Li Yu asked three American engineers to train more than 20 Chinese including Zou Zhou, and at the same time completed the engine for the Wright Brothers.

Situ Meitang said: "I was so angry at the time, they really didn't know what to do, and asked Mr. Li Yu to collect protection money."

His subordinates were annoyed, and drew out a knife from his bosom to rush over, but Situ Meitang suddenly took out a revolver and shot him on the leg, then pointed the gun at Su Ya: "Boy, don't blame me for being rude."

"Just to relieve boredom," Liang Cheng said, "It's not a science fiction novel, but is it also a professional book on science?"

Behind Su Ya, a woman in her 40s suddenly said, "Mai, you should give in."

"In the future, I will write a book, which may be helpful to the Minister." Li Yu said.

Li Yu said with a smile: "Your Excellency, don't worry about me. Your business is more important. I don't know how the study channel and the return of Boxer's indemnity are going?"

In fact, the American police couldn't stand the fighting between gangs, so Li Xiling somehow came up with such a trick to build a bridge for the two, hoping to temporarily stop the fighting by means of "marriage".

Josephine is an American and doesn't think there's anything wrong with it: "We really love each other."

Don't tell me, this trick is quite easy to use.

Situ Meitang quickly explained: "It's not me, it's from Xieshengtang."

Situ Meitang sighed, and said to Li Yu: "I am laughing at you, although this kind of thing happens often, but today is really... Hey, I hope you don't feel disappointed, sir, I will definitely not let your training school and factory go out. question."

Su Ya's mother-in-law Josephine said: "You should lose money. If you apologize, you are also at fault."

Su Ya is not very afraid of any ministers stationed in the United States, but Liang Cheng is always officially recognized, and it is also officially recognized by the United States, so his arrogance is a little bit less: "Even if you are a minister, you can't just shoot and hurt people."

Li Yu said: "President Roosevelt and the Secretary of State have agreed, and I believe there will be no major obstacles."

"Why are you still turning your elbow?" Su Ya dissatisfied, "Even if the envoy is present, we don't have to show timidity."

Li Xiling said: "They have already been engaged. Some time ago, they asked me where the pastor could officiate the wedding."

Situ Meitang said: "You are really stupid! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand factories, and don't use the vulgar means of collecting protection fees to tarnish our national industry."

Su Ya said weakly: "I don't want to care about it anymore, let's say it clearly, he was the one who found me, it's too bad luck!"

"Kang Youwei?" Situ Meitang became alert, "I said how could your brain know so much, so it was him."

Of course Su Ya couldn't swallow the bad breath.Situ Meitang planned to meet with him the next day to talk about today's affairs.

Liang Cheng said: "What can I do? I have contacted the American congressmen everywhere, but they are high above them, and the answers they give are all erratic, so I don't know much about it."

Liang Cheng raised his voice: "But what?"

Li Yu said, "Yes."

The next day, Liang Cheng took Li Xiling, Anliangtang Secretary-General Gong Laojin and Situ Meitang to find Su Ya.

The sales of this patent are even better. At this time, the infrastructure industry in the United States has already entered the fast track, and it will continue for 30 to [-] years.

Su Ya didn't bring a gun today, so he was immediately discouraged and ran away in desperation.

Li Yu said with a smile: "No. Unexpectedly, the Minister also read that book."

Li Yu understands his difficulties, he has done a very good job.As a diplomat of a weak country, Liang Cheng is really not easy, and the means he can take are too limited.

Anliangtang Secretary-General McLaojin said: "Ms. Josephine and I talked about this matter in advance, and we have already made a settlement agreement."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Situ Meitang said angrily: "Idiot! Try it!"

Of course, Liang Cheng couldn't control Hongmen, but he was very worried that Li Yu would be implicated, so he approached Situ Meitang and asked, "Do you know who Li Yu is, and you actually set his mind on him?"

Liang Cheng also didn't expect it to end in such a bloody way, but as long as they don't make trouble, it's fine.

Su Ya's face turned green, things were moving too fast, and he wasn't ready at all.

Li Xiling had basically retreated behind the scenes and didn't show up much, but a few Chinese people shot on Fifth Avenue. The incident was not a small one, so he had to come over in person.

You can't be like a certain driver in the later generations, fighting with Da Mao, thinking that you have NATO support, but you can't get what you want.

Liang Cheng smiled bitterly and said, "What you write is too high-end. Although I was educated in the United States, I really don't understand it."

Liang Cheng said to him: "I already know a lot about you from the American police, but I don't believe that you don't have any conscience in your heart. Do you know what Li Yu is doing?"

"Ah!?" The plain ducks were dumbfounded. Why did everyone treat themselves like monkeys? Somehow, the top management of Anliangtang became his father-in-law again. Thinking about it, it was even more unacceptable.

Su Ya didn't take it seriously: "If you have to pay, you have to pay, otherwise you will have to bear the consequences."

Fortunately, there was no danger. Liang Cheng returned to Li Yu's laboratory and took a closer look at his current situation, "Recently I have been busy with trivial matters. I can't imagine that you have done so many things in just over a month. I'm so ashamed!"

The patent for the expansion screw was also approved.

Li Yu doesn't understand diplomacy, but he also understands that once there is a disparity in strength, diplomacy is not entirely diplomacy.

Then he said to Situ Meitang: "And you, how many times have I told you, don't do anything outside Chinatown, let alone use guns."

Su Ya said, "I know, but..."

Liangzi is getting bigger and bigger.

So he was quickly spotted by construction companies, and many construction companies came to him.

Li Yu had no choice but to grant the right to use at a price of US$2 each, and within a short period of time, 8 construction companies bought it.

After a period of time, as the development of the western United States accelerates, more companies will be purchased.

If Li Yu launched it four or five years later, the price would be even higher, but the price tag of 2 each is not a small amount, and there are other patents that can be applied for in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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