The engine for the Wright Brothers was finally done, a 12-horsepower, aluminum four-cylinder.Although this kind of engine will not be used in cars in the future, its application is relatively limited, but it can be regarded as giving some engineers in his laboratory and new students such as Zou Zhou a little knowledge.

Li Yu then sent a telegram to the Wright Brothers in North Carolina.The engine is a key part of the aircraft, and the Wright brothers came to New York to pick up the goods after getting the news.

The elder brother Wilbur Wright weighed it first and said with satisfaction: "Perfect weight!"

The younger brother Orwell Wilbur said: "Sir, do you really not take money?"

Li Yu smiled and said: "It's all agreed, if you don't want it, you don't want it. Just let me watch it when you test the flight. I also want to see the process of your flying into the sky."

The Wright brothers said excitedly again: "Thank you so much! We will definitely let your engine fly into the sky."

This is already the best answer for Li Yu.

However, there is still half a year left for the Wright Brothers to test the flight until the end of this year.

During this period of time, Li Yu naturally still had to be busy with his own affairs.

The current laboratory staff, the three engineers hired must be fine. Zou Zhou is also a fast learner, and can cooperate with the initial manufacturing of the electronic start system, but the efficiency is not good enough.

Buick asked suspiciously: "You also make cars? Could it be that the last time you bought an engine was for this?"

With this thing in hand, the obstacles in the radio hardware are basically cleared.

Calculated in a year, it is close to 1 US dollars. According to the calculation of the US Department of Labor, this income can definitely enter the top 3% to [-]% of high-income groups in the United States, and the purchasing power of the US dollar has begun to become strong at this time.

Li Yu said: "I just want to set up a factory. Although I don't know how to make complete cars, the products are also related to cars. If you don't mind, you can come to me and become a technical director, and there will be original shares."

The funds from the fund must not be used. Fortunately, Li Yu had funds on hand by selling patents.

"Looking forward to your arrival, Director Buick!" Li Yu said with a smile, "I have been on Fifth Avenue in New York during this time, and you can come to me after you are done with your work."

"Let's not mention that for now," Li Yu waved his hand, "The factory I set up is right next to it, so you can try it out first. The salary I will give you will definitely not be low, at least 800 US dollars per month, and when it grows bigger in the future, the original shares The benefits that can be brought will be even greater.”

Therefore, many people in later generations regard the invention of the triode instead of the diode as the real starting point of the birth of the electronics industry.

Many technical experts can save Li Yu a lot of things in the future.

Carnegie's second hometown is Pittsburgh. At the beginning, his giant Carnegie Steel Company was in Pittsburgh, and the Carnegie Institute of Technology (the predecessor of Carnegie Mellon University), which was established a few years ago, was also in Pittsburgh.

This is a more difficult question.

Carnegie asked casually, "Why are you going to New York?"

Tesla was also extremely shocked when he saw this thing, and said in surprise: "What a terrifying creativity!"

Carnegie nodded: "Of course I know."

After some demonstrations, Tesla felt even more amazing, "I almost lost interest in radio, and I didn't expect it to have so much content to discover."

That is, a guarantee of 800 US dollars, followed by a picture, but this cake is still very likely to be realized.

However, at the beginning of the [-]th century, the role of electronic tubes must not be underestimated.

Isn't that very important? It can be said that it has ushered in the electronic age.

Not Buick, but Buick.

In mathematical sciences, the United States is still following the lead of Europe.

"In a bad mood?" Li Yu asked.

The Buick in history has been very miserable since then.

Because Li Yu saw him again in Buick's company (workshop), and he was full of frowns.

Since Carnegie sold his property, he is light and doesn't need any airs. He knows Westinghouse, who is also a great inventor.Carnegie said friendly: "Hello, you are the founder of Westinghouse Electric."

"800 dollars?" Buick was a little tempted, he really had nowhere to go now.

When Westinghouse boss Westinghouse knew about it, he immediately prepared to leave for New York from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Carnegie the rich man himself was also in the car with him.

Westinghouse said: "That's right, that's Li Yu who discovered Pluto and recently completed three feats in astronomy at the Harvard Observatory."

The first and easiest solution for receiving radio is to use a mineral radio, which is the simplest of all radio receiving devices.

If he wanted to set up a small factory, Li Yu could buy an old one in Detroit. Anyway, Detroit has a lot of small car factories and workshops.

Now transmitting radio is no longer a technical problem. The more troublesome one is the transmission of effective information, which is the so-called modulation; the other is how to receive it.

What can really play a role is the triode, and the change is very small, that is, a grid is added between the filament and the plate of the diode, that is, the vacuum triode.

Fortunately, Li Yu is familiar with this issue.

Li Yu found Tesla confidently with the triode.

Li Yu really wanted to poach Buick, at least he didn't have to worry about his technical level.Even if he doesn't make complete vehicles, Li Yu's business will not be small in the future, let alone his talent.

Carnegie was already well-known in the United States, and both of them were in the luxury car. Westinghouse took the initiative to say hello to him: "I didn't expect to meet the distinguished Mr. Carnegie here."

Many people are already very unfamiliar with electron tubes, and it is normal. After all, the world of semiconductor materials, transistors and even integrated circuits has been ruled by later generations.

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's hard to explain, anyway, I'm going to ask you again, these three patents are much more important than the previous two."

Li Yu said: "The last time I was helping someone build an aero-engine, it took less than half a year for it to go to the sky."

——It was the advent of the electronic triode that promoted the vigorous development of wireless electronics.

What Li Yu does is not a complete vehicle, so the space requirement will not be very large; raw materials and accessories are also more convenient to obtain in Detroit.

Li Yu went up to greet him: "Mr. Buick, hello."

Not only is it simple in structure, it does not require batteries, and almost all amateur radio enthusiasts can make it by themselves.

Buick thought for a while and finally said, "I accept your invitation."

Li Yu continued: "If you feel inappropriate in the future, it's okay for you to leave again."

Still, he added: "But my interest in radio has really rekindled."

Tesla has almost completed the conversion of alternating current and direct current, and then the radio receiving device is more worrying.

So Li Yu prepared to apply for the patents of diodes, triodes, and ore radios together.

Buick sighed: "I have already negotiated with Mr. Durant, and my company will be sold to him in the future. But the contract is very unfriendly to me, even if I want to be a technical position, I'm afraid I can't do it."

It is said that the invention of the electronic tube is also related to Edison. He discovered the so-called "Edison effect" in the laboratory and applied for a patent, but he did not know the principle, so it did not form much hindrance to the application of electronic tube patents in later generations. .

But historically no one will file for a patent on electronic diodes until next year, and diodes are obviously not that helpful for radios.

At the beginning of the [-]th century, although the scientific level of the United States was far from that of Europe, the United States could already be said to be a great country of invention.

Westinghouse continued: "Tesla told me that he and Li Yu completed the manufacture of a radio receiving device, even in ships as far away as the Atlantic Ocean or in European castles, they can immediately receive information from the United States. ,and……"

Compared with transistors, electronic tubes are much simpler, and it can even be done in about the same time as the expansion screw patent.

Therefore, it is the right way to make more inventions and apply for patents in the United States.

The price tag is not high, and it only cost less than ten thousand dollars.

"Of course," Li Yu said, "the prospect of wireless is much better than wireless power transmission."

——An American from Sierra would save a lot of trouble for this kind of matter.

"It can only be said that it is evenly matched." Tesla is still obsessed with his wireless power transmission and refuses to give up.

"Oh, Mr. Li Yu, you are here again." David Buick said.

Westinghouse said: "I got a telegram from Mr. Tesla,—oh, you know him, the Tesla who invented alternating current."

Buick said: "I still have some procedures to complete for Mr. Grant, and I will be able to join your company in a short time."

But this thing can only be listened to by one person, and the reception performance is relatively poor.

But at this time it is obviously better to walk on two legs.


Li Yu happily hugged him, "It's an honor to have you join me!"

Sierra worked quickly, and the patent was applied for quickly.

It is not easy for the proud Tesla to say this.

Westinghouse said modestly: "Exactly."

Li Yu still has a plan to buy here, and the goal is obvious: Buick.

"Wait a minute," Carnegie interrupted him, "You mentioned Li Yu?"

Then a more mature solution is to use electronic tubes.

When he came to Detroit again, Li Yu quickly took a fancy to a factory building not far from David Buick, so he decisively asked Sierra to buy it.

With the three patents in front of him, Sierra didn't know what to say, and asked in amazement, "Is your brain different from others?"

"Aviation? Engine?" Buick had apparently never heard of such a concept.

But it is this small change that not only makes the triode more sensitive, can emit music or sound vibration, but also integrates three functions of detection, amplification and oscillation.

Carnegie continued to deliberately ask: "Is he very capable?"

"It's unbelievable," Westinghouse said, "I once met him at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, and I didn't expect him to have a very high level of invention in addition to advanced mathematical sciences. Not long after, seven patents have been obtained, of which two patents for electronic tubes are probably the great achievements of non-transmitting electric lamps and alternating current."

"Oh?" Carnegie was also a little surprised, "So powerful?"

Westinghouse said: "It's more than amazing. I'm afraid he will become the next Mr. Edison."

"Very good." Carnegie looked at the scenery outside the train with great interest. It seemed that his fund had chosen the right person.

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