After the train arrived in New York, Carnegie said to Westinghouse: "The laboratories of Li Yu and Tesla are both on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, right?"

"That's right, not far from the Waldorf Astoria where you usually stay," Westinghouse said.

Carnegie said, "Let's go and see."

Westinghouse asked in surprise, "Are you going too?"

Carnegie said: "My little granddaughter is waiting for me there. Oh, no, she's already here."

Sierra was waiting outside the station in her Buick.

Carnegie said to Westinghouse: "It happened to be in the car together."

After getting in the car, Sierra asked Carnegie, "Grandpa, why did you return to New York early?"

Carnegie said: "Who told you to make too much noise here? My friends at the Patent Office told me that Li Yu has won several important inventions."

Sierra said: "You really should take a look, otherwise it's not good for others to follow."

Spencer said: "It's amazing how quickly you've done the mobile radio. If there had been this efficiency, I think Mr. Morgan's money would have been injected."

Luckily, Morgan was a smart guy, took a puff on his pipe and said, "I remember, 'carp effect' right?"

Feldenson is almost unknown, but in fact the number and types of patents he obtained are extremely high, and he obtained as many as [-] patents in his lifetime.Most notable is the modulation of radio waves.

Moreover, the operating mechanism of the stock itself is not described by mathematics, and mathematics is not used for this.

As expected of the top chaebol in the United States, his eyes and ears are astonishing, and he knows all these things.

Li Yu smiled and said, "Thanks to Mr. Carnegie's appreciation."

Tesla smiled bitterly: "Mr. Spencer, stop teasing me."

Tesla has been unable to refuse, can only accept: "Okay, but only for temporary radio transmission."

In 1900, there were 10.8 kilometers of railways under Morgan's direct and indirect control, accounting for almost two-thirds of the current US railways.

Fedenson is a technical fanatic, and he can't care about Carnegie and Westinghouse, so he immediately buried himself in the preparation.

After the sizzle of electric current, the radio made a sound:

Westinghouse first let Tesla demonstrate the AC to DC test, and felt relieved after seeing the success: subsequent orders are guaranteed!

Li Yu said frankly, "It's just a coincidence."

Well, luckily he thought about it.

Similarly, if Westinghouse made it itself, Li Yu would have to pay more for the patent licensing fee.

Li Yu corrected a sentence: "It should be a radio broadcast."

If mathematics can make use of probability theory in gambling to some extent, it is possible to make profits, but it really does not have much effect in stocks.

Fedenson vowed: "It won't be long before we can use mobile radios to receive radio signals from a long distance!"

Westinghouse asked curiously, "How?"

"Mr. Morgan, hello!"

Morgan's office was also in Manhattan. Li Yu and Tesla arrived under the building, led by his assistant Spencer.

At this time, Morgan has become a "world creditor", holding a large amount of national debt of the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Argentina and other countries, relying on these to earn a lot of money.

Tesla contacted Morgan, who immediately agreed that Tesla and Li Yu would come to him with a mobile radio.

Fedensen has always been obsessed with radio transmission, and when he learned of Li Yu's ore radio patent, he was very excited.

Morgan continued: "Can you also use your math knowledge to make a stock forecast for me?"

Li Yu's patent has laid an excellent foundation, and it can even be said to help Fedensen get rid of some detours.

After arriving at Fifth Avenue, they came to Li Yu's laboratory, where Tesla also waited after knowing that Westinghouse was coming.

Fedenson lived up to expectations and completed the modulation in a short time, mainly because Li Yu's triode and ore radio were too effective.

——Li Yu intends to stimulate Tesla again.

Sure enough, Tesla felt a little embarrassed. He had always claimed to be the inventor of the radio, but now Li Yu and Fedenson completed the test of the mobile wireless receiving device.

Tesla and Li Yu greeted each other first after entering the room.

"No, no, no," Morgan waved his right hand holding the pipe, "I think it must be because of your strong mathematical knowledge, after all, the stock market is full of numbers."

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Tesla said: "Mr. Morgan, it's time to start, please listen."

It's also a coincidence that these two are Li Yu and Tesla's "golden masters".

Westinghouse pulled one person over: "Feidensen, you will stay with Mr. Tesla in the future and continue to complete the mobile radio receiving device."

Morgan didn't take it seriously, but he was really afraid that Li Yu said he could predict it.

Carnegie smiled and said, "Don't worry, even though I've retired, it's not enough that no one will listen to me."

Marconi has completed the transmission of fixed radio points before, but once the mobile device can receive the signal, it will definitely be great news.

"There are so many industries involved, it is dizzying," Carnegie said. "Although I am not familiar with the automobile industry, the construction industry, and the radio industry, I believe that there is great potential in all of them. I have very high hopes for your prospects."

But if Kaneki showed his face, they would have to give up.

Li Yu's several patents are indeed a bit ruthless, especially for electronic tubes. I am afraid that other consortiums will force them to buy them.

As for finance majors...

Carnegie walked around the room, and Li Yu introduced him to patents on electronic ignition systems, zippers, expansion screws, and electronic tubes.

When financial institutions recruit people in later generations, they like two kinds of people the most: one is from a super-rich family, and they can save a small goal when they come up; the other is from science and engineering, especially mathematics.

Morgan's office is very elegant. He is only two years younger than Carnegie, and he is also a 66-year-old man, but he is rich after all, so it is well maintained.

Carnegie said: "If it can be made, I think not only Mr. Morgan, but also Mr. Rockefeller and others will want to buy it very much."

Taking advantage of this time, Morgan asked Li Yu again: "I heard that Sierra of the Carnegie family invested [-] U.S. dollars casually in the stock market, and now has a profit of nearly [-] U.S. dollars. It's unbelievable. According to my information, she followed You ordered the stock to be bought."

For this kind of big chaebol, money is just a number, and time is the most important thing to them, and the temptation to quickly obtain information is too great.

Tesla put the radio on the table: "Mr. Morgan, in 10 minutes, you will hear the sound from Wodenclyffe Tower, Long Island through it."

Morgan must have seen a telegraph, but it is really unexpected that this kind of thing that is not connected to the telegraph wire and can be carried away can also receive messages.

Li Yu smiled and said, "That's right."

Tesla and Li Yu took the device to Morgan's office, while Fedenson made a radio broadcast on Long Island according to the agreed time, and then the device was able to receive the signal.

Tesla did not expect the effect to be so good. Fortunately, Li Yu directly used the triode.

There were other engineers who came with Westinghouse. They could only take another carriage, but fortunately the distance was not far away.

Transmission and broadcasting are two distinct concepts, the latter being much broader in scope.

This is a passage from the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible.

Once a stock is predictable, it ceases to exist.

This person was previously the chief chemist under Edison, but he also left Edison and joined Westinghouse Electric with Tesla.

Westinghouse said: "Mr. Tesla, I think your Wardenclyffe Tower is best used for radio transmissions at this time."

He took a closer look at the ore radio, and he knew from the structure that radio reception could be completed, and he couldn't wait to test it.

The bulk of the machine was completed by Li Yu, so the patent is controlled by Li Yu.But since Fedenson is a member of Westinghouse Electric, if Li Yu wants to build it himself, he will have to pay Westinghouse Electric some patent royalties in terms of modulation.

Morgan lit a pipe: "Exciting."

Li Yu said with a smile: "Actually, the effect of the triode is better."

The molding machine was also made.

But when it comes to stocks, humans don't have any discipline or theory that can make predictions.

Li Yu almost fell over.

Carnegie is a super successful entrepreneur with a keen eye. After listening to Li Yu's introduction, he knew that these inventions had great potential.

Li Yu said: "I also believe that it will not be long before Mr. Modern can see the equipment he has dreamed of."

At this time, several engineers in a carriage also arrived at the laboratory.

Li Yu is currently solving hardware problems, and radio reception still needs to modulate the radio waves.

"Mr. Carnegie, Mr. Westinghouse, hello!"

"If someone wants to sue you and take your coat, let him take your coat too. If someone forces you to walk one mile, go with him two miles. If anyone asks you, give it to him. If someone asks you Those who borrow money must not refuse."

Carnegie felt more and more that Senator Sierra and White had sharp eyesight and accurate judgment on people.He made up his mind not to let other large consortiums get too involved in Li Yu's inventions, patents and even industries.

Although the effect of the triode is obviously better than that of the ore radio, but there is the word "radio" in the patent name, which made Feidensen very interested.

The capital market is very bloody.

Li Yu had no choice but to explain to him: "Mr. Morgan, although mathematics is the most reliable means for human beings to understand the world, it is not the only one, nor is it omnipotent. There are many problems that mathematics cannot solve. There are too many factors involved in the rise and fall of stocks. , the company's own operations, economic environment, future expectations, and even political policies will all affect it. It cannot be described by one or even a few mathematical formulas. A chaotic system: impossible to predict the future."

Fedenson was the first person to complete radio wave modulation.

Morgan said: "Please sit down, it's rare for two outstanding scientists to be here."

"It's incredible!" Morgan exclaimed even though he was well-informed.

Westinghouse was very happy: "Great, we must do our best to complete it!"

"It's entirely because Mr. Li Yu's patent and Mr. Feidense's modulation are too good." Tesla said.

Morgan stood up, looked at the radio, and asked, "If there is a transmission tower in New York, can it transmit information to the Atlantic Ocean or even European resorts?"

Li Yu replied affirmatively: "Yes."

"Excellent!" Morgan said, "and the passage you chose is very thoughtful."

Morgan naturally didn't care about how much money it was, and nodded to Spencer, and then he said, "Mr. Tesla, congratulations, your project can continue to receive funding."

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