Chapter 217 Different People's Perspectives
"Tch, just say that Li Yu is a person who can only write about children's theory!"

Gu Hongming looked at the "Star Wars" trilogy just published by the Commercial Press, and was very contemptuous.

Although I can't understand Li Yu's works on mathematics and science, I can understand science fiction.

"Return to the Galactic Empire! Damn! The stars live on gods, how could they be human!"

"Spaceship? Man-made death star? It's just nonsense, it's just nonsense!"

Although Gu Hongming scolded while watching, but his body was very honest, it took two days to read it from beginning to end.

"I didn't finish writing it at first glance! This kid, you're still farting!"

"I don't know when I can see the sequel..."

Domestic readers saw it early.

Although Collins Publishing House in the United States received the manuscript relatively late, it was more professional and knew that the book would be a hit, so it immediately completed the publication of the school magazine after receiving it, and printed it at its European branch as soon as possible.

The boss Planck has been waiting for a long time, and bought it immediately to read.

"Wow, it turns out that the princess and Skywalker are brother and sister, and Darth Vader is also Skywalker's father!"

Planck put down his work and read it in one sitting.

Not only this boss.

As another superstar Einstein in physics at the beginning of the [-]th century, he also read the Star Wars trilogy.

Although Planck is not so famous now, he is a university professor and academician of the Academy of Sciences, and Einstein is now just a temporary worker in the patent office.

Although this Swiss patent office has always been quite proud of having Einstein as a super temporary employee in later generations, there are epigrams such as Einstein creating the theory of relativity posted on the windows.

But at this time, no one knew that this young man with hair like a chicken coop would have such high achievements in the future.

Einstein's work is not complicated. Thanks to his IQ, it only takes half the time of others to complete the patent examination work.

The rest of the time can be freely arranged, and today he is concentrating on reading this set of Star Wars novels by Li Yu.

For entertainment, bosses are also needed.

However, since Einstein was younger than Planck, he was not as indifferent and relaxed as Planck.

Looking at it, he keenly discovered something of interest in some details:
"Why does the Millennium Falcon spacecraft use space jumps when traveling through space? This space jump is a bit interesting, and it seems to imply something."

Einstein found Li Yu's previous papers on astronomy published in Science.The Milky Way alone is 10 light-years away. Even if he doesn't know that the observable universe is 900 billion light-years in size, 10 light-years is already an unimaginable distance.

If you move at the speed of light, the time you want to travel through the Milky Way is far longer than the human lifespan.

So, how is it done in Star Wars?Do time and space have strange properties?

Einstein had a little inspiration, but his thoughts were still a bit confused. Now he wanted to meet Li Yu himself to discuss it more and more.

Einstein was so itchy that he simply wrote another telegram and sent it:

"Dear Mr. Li Yu, I was very moved after reading many of your works, but many thoughts cannot be expressed in a brief telegram. If I have time, I would like to meet with you in person."

Well, before Planck just sent a telegram to remind the post-Star Wars, Einstein's goal was directly directed at Li Yu himself.

So Li Yu replied: "Mr. Einstein, I believe we will meet soon."

After all, he was the top physicist of the twentieth century, and Li Yu certainly wanted to see him very much, but it was really cumbersome to go back and forth to Europe, and he needed to make some more complete preparations before leaving.

Li Yu found out from Fengtai Photo Studio that the photography equipment in the photo studio was purchased from a foreign firm called Qi Luofu in Dongjiaomin Lane, so he called Zhao Qian over to have a look directly.

The founder of the foreign firm was a Danish businessman Kirulf, who was also the first Western trading company in Beijing and was famous in the capital for exclusively selling imported products.In addition to foreigners in Beijing, they are also very popular with the rich and powerful in the capital.

Since there is no concession in Beijing, there is only one Dongjiaomin Lane, so there are really not many foreign goods.

When Li Yu walked into a foreign firm, there was a wide variety of things inside. The most eye-catching ones must be all kinds of clocks and watches that dignitaries especially love, and then there are some Western machinery, lamps, foreign wine, canned food, perfume, and soap; And there are all kinds of Western cool and warm clothes, boots and hats that foreigners need.

The place is not big, but there are so many kinds of things, and there are not many places to stay in the house.

However, more varieties generally mean that there are fewer subdivided products under a certain category, so if you want to buy something, you can choose very few.

The power generation equipment used for the first electric light in Beijing was also purchased from this foreign firm.

In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi was preparing to revert to Guangxu, and retired to Xiyuan to take care of her life.

The Ministry of Industry launched a large-scale construction project for the Empress Dowager Cixi to repair the West Garden. Li Hongzhang appointed Enzuo, the general manager of the Shenjiying Production Bureau of the Military Machinery Department, to undertake the construction. He purchased the power generation equipment from the Danish Qiluofu Company in Dongjiaomin Lane with 6000 taels of silver.They were used to light up the lights in the Yiluan Hall, the dormitory of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

At this time, it was not long before Edison improved the filament, and the Empress Dowager Cixi was also regarded as the first person to use electric lights in China.

—Anyway, powerful people can always do it.

Just like the poor and white Africa in later generations, many chiefs still have private jets and Rolls Royce.

Li Yu turned around and found that their equipment was indeed of a very old style. No wonder the first film "Dingjun Mountain" produced by Fengtai Photo Studio was really mediocre.

Many of the foreign firms are products that are several generations behind.

Fortunately, the foreign firm was able to place an order, so Li Yu paid a deposit to purchase a set of the latest camera and photography equipment made in Germany.

By the way, I forgot to say that this foreign firm has now been sold to the Germans by a Danish businessman.

So purchasing equipment from Germany is the fastest.Prior to this, Li Hongzhang also bought another set of generators from Germany to use in the Summer Palace.

Besides, the key to photography and photography is optics, and German optics are really not covered.

Although Leica has not yet been born, the famous Zeiss has been established for many years.

As long as the mobile phone manufacturers of later generations can name Leica or Zeiss, they will definitely be able to brag about it for most of the day at the press conference.

It's just that the more troublesome thing is that the transportation of goods to and from Europe is time-consuming and requires waiting.

I have come here today, and I definitely can't make a trip in vain. Li Yu is going to buy some electric lights, and it is really unbearable to have no electricity at home.

Li Yu bought several electric lamps for indoor use, as well as arc lamps for lighting the yard.

Li Yuzu had many advantages in Dongchang Hutong. At this time, except for Dongjiaomin Lane, Xiyuan Yiluan Palace, the Summer Palace, and the Ningshou Palace where Cixi lived in the Forbidden City, the entire Beijing city basically had no power supply.

Speaking of the lighting equipment used by Empress Dowager Cixi alone, the Ministry of Households allocates 6 taels a year for the maintenance costs of the electric light office.

As for private commercial use, Siemens Trading Company was the earliest, and they started preliminary private power supply a few years ago.The earliest folk electric lights in Beijing were on Nanluoguxiang, and soon Ronglu's house next to Li Yu's house was also supplied with electricity.

So the distance is very close, and it is not complicated to pull the wires.

It's just that according to Li Yu's idea, if he wants to build a scientific research base in Beijing in the future, electricity must be indispensable.

We have to find a way to make Beijing's civilian electricity work ahead of schedule.

(End of this chapter)

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