Chapter 218 Goodbye Zhang Taiyan

Li Yu had met Jiang Shixuan before, who was interested in running a civil power company.

At that time, Li Yu built the telegraph line to the door of his house, and it was he who completed the power wiring this time.

Who knows that there are so few people who understand electricity in the capital now.

Jiang Shixuan remembered Li Yu, and this time he came to know Li Yu's name thoroughly: "Mr. Emperor, it turns out that it is your house that connects the wires!"

Li Yu asked, "Aren't there many people who use electricity now?"

Jiang Shixuan said: "It can't be said that there are very few. After all, since Prince Qing and Rongzhongtang used electric lights in the mansion, officials who have seen it have asked a lot."

Nowadays, the only people in Beijing who can afford electric lights are the officials and rich households.

However, there are quite a few officials in the capital, large and small palaces, Baylor’s mansions, and mansions of officials at all levels, counting at least ten thousand electric lights, although the number sounds small, but at this time Also a good piece of meat.

If the civil power company does not eat this piece of meat, the Siemens company in Germany will bite sooner or later.

The dignitaries are also picky. They already know that German products are good, and it is really difficult to compete head-on.Therefore, we can only take advantage of the hatred between the government and the public and the people towards the great powers after the Gengzi national disaster, and quickly let go.

Li Yu said, "I remember last time you said you wanted to supply electricity to residential buildings. How is the progress?"

Jiang Shixuan said: "I have worked in foreign companies for many years, and I have figured out the general truth, but now I lack funds to buy generator sets."

Li Yu thought for a while and asked, "How much money do you need?"

Jiang Shixuan said: "There are still about 2 taels of holes."

Li Yu thought about it, "I can become a shareholder."

Jiang Shixuan had long felt that Li Yu was definitely not someone who lacked money to be an emperor's teacher, but now officials are not too afraid to invest in these industries.

"The emperor is really a visionary!" Jiang Shixuan said happily.

It's just that Li Yu's money is not greedy.

Li Yu knew that Jiang Shixuan was a very upright person, otherwise he would not have dared to impeach Yikuang, the most important official in the dynasty, and ended up being dismissed from office.

Jiang Shixuan was also a Jinshi, and the official was able to patrol the city and censor.

He once proposed to set up a national bank (Household Bank) with a principal of 400 million taels of silver. 100 taels per share, a total of 4 shares, 2 shares will be subscribed by the Ministry of Accounts, and the other 2 shares will be issued by the government and the people.

Jiang Shixuan knew that businessmen did not trust the government, and there were very few people who responded, so he proposed to let the rich and powerful take the lead in buying shares, so as to attract businessmen to buy shares, so as to prevent the national bank from going bankrupt.

The imperial court did indeed order that princes and nobles should take the lead in depositing silver in the national bank and not in foreign banks.

It's just that Jiang Shixuan heard from the accountant of HSBC Bank that Prince Qing Yikui had at least 120 million taels of silver in HSBC bank deposits, so he went up for impeachment.

But how could he defeat Yikuang.

The Qing court couldn't ignore the imperial censor's memorial, and sent people to HSBC to check it in a fake way, but the result was that there was no such evidence.So the Qing court said that he had no basis to slander the minister, and ordered the dismissal of the censor.

In fact, he did not understand the rules of foreign banks.

Yikuang is a big client, and HSBC will definitely not disclose the client's information.At the beginning, the accountant estimated that he said so in order to attract customers.

Because although Yikuang is not very capable, he is really thoughtful about money, even if he wants to save money, he will not do it by himself.

In addition, the investigators sent by the Qing court were only perfunctory, and it was even more impossible to ask questions.

Fortunately, although Jiang Shixuan was dismissed from office, he was not discouraged. He put down his status as a Jinshi and started a business in a down-to-earth manner.

And Yikuang is also quite interesting, he doesn't hold grudges very much, and the impeachment will pass when it is over.

However, Li Yu knew that Jiang Shixuan was going to co-found the "Hua Shang Electric Power Company". Although the name was inconspicuous, it had almost monopolized the power supply in Beijing except for Dongjiaomin Lane for decades. After that, it slowly developed into the largest power company in North China. power plant.

And it has survived to later generations, and its name was changed to State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company, which can be described as a small giant state-owned enterprise.

The more the times develop, the more promising the power company will be.

Jiang Shixuan said: "Tomorrow I will ask Mr. Feng Shu to come to you in person. He is worrying about money."

Li Yu said, "It's easy to talk about."

On the same day, Li Yu's house was lit with electric lights, and there were arc lamps with higher brightness in the yard, which finally gave it a little more modern atmosphere.

Zhao Qian looked at this thing with a real novelty: "Sir, others don't know, passing by we might think it's a foreigner."

Li Yu laughed and said, "Electric lights are not only available to foreigners."

Li Yu installed electric lights in every room, including the place where Uncle Wang and Zhao Qian lived.

Uncle Wang was also very happy: "It's a good feeling, and I can work at night in the future."

Zhao Qian said: "In the past, people who were blind and confused could never see, but from now on it will be fine!"

Feng Ling said disdainfully: "I don't want to see you."

The next day, Feng Shuzhen and Jiang Shixuan came to visit.

Feng Shu was the general manager of Huashang Power Company after its establishment, and he was also raising funds for it.

Feng Shu is also a Jinshi, and the first electric power company in Beijing can be regarded as a high-talented company.

He is also a collector and calligrapher. Most of the plaques in the Liulichang store are written by him.

Feng Shu cupped his fists as he entered the door and said, "Mr. Emperor, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Li Yu said, "Please sit down."

Feng Shu said gratefully: "You unexpectedly passed the most worrying test. You don't know how much I have put in for these 8 taels of silver."

8 taels is not much for establishing an electric power company, but at present, there are not many people who can foresee the future of electric power, and high-ranking officials are only greedy for money, and do not know how to invest.

Li Yu said: "I have more or less selfish intentions. If I set up a laboratory in the capital, I hope to be able to supply stable electricity."

Li Yu knew that for a long time, except for some wealthy households, many residential buildings in Beijing had poor power supply and lacked transformers and other equipment. The voltage of many residential buildings was unstable and the lights were dim.

Many people even call it a "dark company", that is, although electric lights are installed, candles are always needed for emergency.

Feng Shu said: "You will be the major shareholder in the future, and of course we will guarantee your needs. Is the laboratory just a place for scientific research?"

Li Yu nodded: "That's right."

Feng Shu said seriously: "I am a person who respects education, Master Emperor, don't worry, if your place loses electricity even for a day in the future, I will come to apologize."

Since then, Yenching University and Tsinghua University have also been supplied by Huashang Power Company.

Due to the high price of electricity, it is true that only such rich universities can provide stable power supply around the clock.

Li Yu intends to set up a test center in Beijing and Shanghai, and then establish primary and secondary schools in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuhan, Guangzhou and other places.

As for the university, it is safer to put it in Shanghai. Not only is it safe, but the most important thing is that Shanghai has a large area of ​​concessions at this time, and the corresponding urban construction area is also large. Naturally, there are many places where land can be bought.The development of Tianjin will take more than ten years at night, which is too long to wait.

Xie Yuxi completed the formalities in Tianjin, and the next step is to go to Shanghai to purchase another piece of land.

The housing prices in Shanghai have risen too scary, the sooner you buy it, the better.

As soon as they arrived in Shanghai, they encountered a vigorous anti-Russian movement.

In fact, as early as two years ago, there were already signs of rejection of Russia, but later the "Xin Chou Treaty" was signed, and the 4.5 million taels of compensation shocked the whole country, and this matter was suppressed for the time being.

The recent death of Shen Jin revealed the affairs of Tsarist Russia again, and the big guy really couldn't do it anymore.

After the two arrived in Shanghai, Li Yu first approached Hartong and asked Xie Yuxi to discuss the purchase of land with him, while he went to Zhang Yuan to see the situation.

Maybe it can save two young lives written in textbooks.

This Zhang Yuan was not the Tianjin Zhang Yuan which was also very famous later.

The Zhang Garden in Shanghai has a relatively short history, but it was the largest public activity space in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty.The most prominent point of Zhang Garden is that it is often used as a place for gatherings and speeches from all walks of life.Since Zhang Yuan was located in the Shanghai International Concession, the Qing government had no right to intervene, so various political rallies and speeches were mostly held in Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan is now the center of the anti-Russia movement in Shanghai.

The Shanghai Chinese Educational Association, the Patriotic Society and the general public are holding a meeting to reject Russia in Zhangyuan.

Since the last school strike at Nanyang Public School, Cai Yuanpei organized a Patriotic Society to take in students.

Just by the names, you can tell that they are all young people who are full of vigor.

Today the main organizers are also Cai Yuanpei and people from the Patriotic Society.

Prior to this, they had directly telegraphed Russia and the Qing court: "Even if the government agrees (the treaty), the people of the whole country will never recognize it. If the people's hearts change suddenly, no matter where you see the hatred of foreigners in the country, it will be caused by Russia. Nothing to do with our country."

Cai Yuanpei first delivered a speech, and then read the calls from Japanese students studying abroad.

Japan is also on the side of "rejecting Russia" at the moment, but their ambition is to replace Tsarist Russia and occupy the Northeast.

Chen Tianhua, the author of "Turning Back" and "Warning Bell" was also included in the volunteer team for rejecting Russia organized by Japanese students studying abroad.

Chen Tianhua was studying in Kano Jigoro's Hongbun Academy at this time, so he and Lu Xun were also considered classmates.

When Cai Yuanpei read that "Russia's misfortune is urgent, students studying in Japan have called the ministers of Beiyang and Beiyang to take the lead in the battle and form a volunteer team to go to the enemy, hoping to help", the discussion below directly ignited.

Many people came to the stage to give speeches.

Among them was Zou Rong who had just returned to Shanghai at the age of 18. He stepped onto the podium and said impassionedly: "Tsarist Russia occupied the northeast of China and destroyed our country. The life and death of the Chinese nation is at stake. My parents, uncles, brothers and sisters will be slaves from now on. Enthusiastic patriotic man, how can he bear this! A man, I would rather be a ghost of a subjugated country than a subjugated person! China is the China of the Chinese, how can Tsarist Russia be swallowed up! I am Heshan!"

Since then, dozens of people have come to the stage to give speeches:
"The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the body can be eroded. This little patriotism, even if it is blown to pieces by thousands of guns and bullets from thousands of guns, it will never be destroyed!"

"It is better to be a ghost of a subjugated country than a subjugated person."

In the excitement of the crowd, everyone finally decided to learn from Japanese students and set up the "Russia Rejection Volunteer Team". Cai Yuanpei and Zhang Shizhao also joined, cut their hair short and had to practice daily, expressing their willingness to "be the lead of the artillery and arouse the national iron-blooded integrity."

Everyone was so enthusiastic. Although Li Yu knew that there would be no result in the end, because Tsarist Russia would be defeated by the Japanese in less than two years, but at the venue at this time, his mood was agitated.

After everyone gradually dispersed, he could come to Cai Yuanpei's side.

"Oh, it's Mr. Li Yu!" Cai Yuanpei said, "When did you come?"

"Just arrived today." Li Yu said.

Cai Yuanpei said: "I have read the introductory textbooks of various science subjects that you entrusted the Commercial Press to publish. They are really wonderful."

Li Yu was not in the mood to talk about textbooks for the time being, so he called to Zou Rong who was about to leave: "Student Zou!"

Zou Rong had just returned from studying in Japan, and was also Zhang Taiyan's close friend, so he had naturally heard of Li Yu's name.

"Mr. Li Yu! It's an honor to meet you!"

Li Yu asked, "Seeing how you are in a hurry, where are you going?"

Zou Rong said, "I'm going to jail."

"Prison?" Li Yu asked in surprise.

Zou Rong said: "Mr. Taiyan is in prison, and I want to go to prison with him and share weal and woe."

Li Yu frowned, that's how Zou Rong died.

He is too young now to be fearless.

No way, we must find a way to stop him.

So Li Yu said, "I will go with you."

When Li Yu said this, Cai Yuanpei became a little anxious: "Sir, what is this?"

Li Yu said: "I'm going to visit Mr. Taiyan. Mr. Taiyan took my name. Unfortunately, he is now in prison. I should visit him no matter what."

Cai Yuanpei said: "Okay, then I will go too!"

Zhang Taiyan was imprisoned in Tilanqiao Prison in the Shanghai International Concession.

In fact, the concession also knew that Zhang Taiyan was a celebrity, and apart from the regular eight-hour workday, they would not torture him.

After getting permission to visit the prison, Zou Rong rushed in immediately, crying through the iron fence: "Brother Zhang, you have suffered!"

Zhang Taiyan smiled and said, "It's not bitter, and I even feel very peaceful."

Zou Rong said: "From today onwards, I will go to jail with you!"

Zhang Taiyan scolded with a smile: "Stop joking, there is no fool in the world who throws himself into a trap."

Zou Rong took out "Revolutionary Army" and said: "I have already written it, please show me."

Zhang Taiyan praised: "At such a young age, with such lofty ambitions, it is a joy in life for me to befriend you as a little brother."

Li Yu knew that Zou Rong had been in prison for two years, and then his body became weaker and weaker, and he even fell ill. When the situation was very serious, he was allowed to be released on parole to see a doctor.The doctor prescribed some medicine, and Zou Rong went back to prison to take the medicine. He died in the middle of the night, vomiting blood at the mouth. People once suspected that he was poisoned to death.

However, these have become suspicious clouds in history and cannot be verified.

But now that he is here alive, he can't really be put in prison.

Li Yu said: "Brother Zou has not completed his studies, I think you have more valuable things to do."

But Zou Rong said: "I can learn a lot if I can accompany Mr. Taiyan in prison."

Zhang Taiyan also felt that what Li Yu said made sense: "This is not a school, and you have to do work every day. You haven't finished your studies in Japan, so you should focus on your studies."

Zou Rong said, "I'm afraid that you will be... persecuted by them!"

Zhang Taiyan smiled and said: "This is not the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, no way."

Li Yu also urged: "If you want to go to jail with Mr. Taiyan, that's fine, but you should at least get your graduation certificate first, or there is a volunteer team outside. With so many things to do, it shouldn't be because you are afraid of your studies. Are you afraid of knives and guns?"

Li Yu wanted to stir him up a bit, since he was a young man after all.

Zhang Taiyan is of course sensible, and he definitely does not want an 18-year-old youth to accompany him to jail, saying: "Shu is a person with great talent, you are right. Although I am in prison, I can see the news. You I know what to do outside."

Zou Rong said bitterly: "You don't want me to be here?"

Zhang Taiyan laughed loudly: "If you are outside the prison, you can visit the prison from time to time. The food in the prison is not good, and I will be very happy if you can bring me some roast chicken and wine."

The two fought back and forth, and Zou Rong finally gave up the idea of ​​going to jail together: "Then I will definitely come to see you often!"

Zhang Taiyan said: "Is that right?"

In fact, the courts in the concession were not very willing to take care of the "Su Bao" matter. If the Qing court had not insisted on being the plaintiff, Zhang Taiyan would not have been imprisoned for long.

So if Zou Rong didn't throw himself into the trap, no one in the concession would arrest him.

After all, Tilanqiao Prison was just built not long ago, and it has not yet been expanded to the scale of the first prison in the Far East. Nowadays, there are not many empty cells, and a few are only locked up for writing.

In short, let him stay outside first, as for his youthful energy that has nowhere to vent, then find a way for him to vent.

(End of this chapter)

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