Chapter 267 Paris
Reputation travels fast.

Carl Siemens was eager to publicize Li Yu's achievements, and by the way, his newly established laboratory.

Nowadays, Germany really pays too much attention to science and technology from top to bottom, and wants to surpass the two old technological powers of Britain and France.

Along with the reputation comes not only applause, but also various sponsorships.

After Daimler successfully developed a new car, it first stated that it would give one to the laboratory.

Of course Li Yu could accept it, and at the same time proposed to buy a few more and send them to China.

Daimler has done similar business, but it basically only exported to Britain across the strait. When it heard that Li Yu wanted to ship it to Tianjin Port, it took a long time in its mind to realize how long it was.

"Mr. Academician, you have to think about it. Such a long distance by sea will be very expensive." Daimler said.

"I understand that it's normal for rare things to be more expensive, but I still want to see new-style cars in China." Li Yu said.

He has calculated in his mind that if it is shipped to Tianjin Port, it is conservatively estimated that the cost of a car will reach at least 1000 taels of silver.

Converted to future generations, it is about 40 million yuan, which can definitely buy a BMW 3 Series or a Mercedes-Benz C-Class.

Considering the backward domestic economic situation in the late Qing Dynasty, the status of a car may be raised to the level of 7 series or S class or even Maybach class.

Maybach himself understands Li Yu's thoughts: "I think it will be a good thing if you can see such technological products in your country."

After all, ordinary people only know how powerful warships are on the sea through hearsay, and most people don't even see trains.

But cars can go deep into life, and cars are highly crystallized in industry, so the stimulating effect on people is actually greater.

As the saying goes in psychology, when you can see a psychological problem, you are a big step closer to solving it.

The same is true in technology. When you can see the gap, at least it means that you have to act quickly.

Li Yu asked, "Can I pay in US dollars?"

Most of the money that Li Yu can use overseas is now in American banks.

Daimler is more involved in commercial activities. He said: "Of course, our ex-factory cost can be charged to Mr. 1000 US dollars."

It is a little more expensive than the American Cadillac, but after all, it also has an extra four-wheel drive system.

Li Yu nodded: "Acceptable."

Daimler immediately said: "But the cost of sea freight may be worth the price of a car."

"I understand," Li Yu said, "so you try to put as many trucks on one freighter as possible."

It's a pity that the container has not yet come out, otherwise the cost of shipping would not be so high.

Daimler said: "We can leave this matter to us. If we can open up markets in the East, it will also be beneficial to us."

I have been in Berlin for a long time, and I am about to leave.

Although Europe is not as convenient as the complete European Union in later generations, there must be railway connections between big cities like Berlin and Paris.You just need to change trains and go through the security check.

In other words, the relationship between Germany and France is not so good now.

This time Li Yu's reputation is much greater than when he came to France last time. When he came to Paris, French President Roubet actually wanted to personally award Li Yu.

Lube said: "A year ago, your Excellency came to Paris with the prince of your country, and I knew that you were not an ordinary person. Goodbye now, you are indeed the youngest academician in the scientific community, and an academician of many countries!"

Li Yu said: "Thanks to the President for personally awarding the award!"

Lube also said: "Although I can't understand mathematics and physics, the books of Star Wars are indeed very exciting. Once they were published, I stayed up all night to read them, and even almost delayed the next day's meeting. So when the Faculty of Arts proposed When I gave you the medal, I gave it a thumbs up."

Li Yu said with a smile: "I really never thought that a set of science fiction works would be so popular."

Lube said with some pride: "As far as the level of science and technology is concerned, we in France are not convinced by others, so why is it surprising that science fiction works are popular? Mr. Verne also won a medal from the Academy of Arts back then."

"Your country's scientific and technological level, especially mathematics, is indeed outstanding." Li Yu said.

In fact, not only at this time, but before Li Yu traveled, the Ecole Normale Supérieure in France was still almost the world's number one in mathematics.

"The Academy of Sciences awarded you an award at the same time. Today, there are many celebrities who have come here for two sessions. It is difficult for me to see a person as attractive as you, who can leverage the two fields that have nothing to do with literature and science." Lu Bei explain.

Li Yudao: "It still has something to do with it."

There are a lot of sincere people present today, it is better than Madame Curie and others also came to support Li Yu.

Mrs. Curie came over and said: "Without the braids, it looks more refreshing. Your current achievements really amaze me."

Li Yu said with a smile: "Mrs. Curie will definitely win the Nobel Prize in Physics this year. There is a gap between me and you, and I need to continue studying."

"It's just a nomination, it's uncertain." Mrs. Curie said.

But Li Yu, as a latecomer, of course knew that she would definitely win the award this year.

Before Li Yu could answer, another person suddenly jumped out and said, "Madam, you must win the prize and let everyone know that women can do it too!"

Mrs. Curie looked at this handsome woman: "Who are you?"

"My name is Colette. You may not have heard my name, but if you have read "Claytina", you should know me. Because I actually wrote this set of books." Colette said.

In the past two years, the Claretina series has set off a phenomenon-level rush to buy in Paris. Mrs. Curie has naturally read it, "So it was written by you, so I said why Mr. Willy's brushstrokes are as delicate as a woman, and he can penetrate into the girl's life." The details of growing up."

"That's why I hope that my wife can win the award. If it is possible in science, of course a woman can also be a woman in literature. I don't want to always be a vassal." Colette said.

Pierre Curie said: "I didn't expect Mr. Willy to be such a person."

Colette came to Lu Bicheng: "You are the signed Ms. Bicheng?"

Lu Bicheng was a little surprised: "It's me."

"Good sister! You are like a hero, I am so envious! It is a pity that my husband is not like Mr. Li Yu, who has such a heart." Colette said with some regret.

"I think it can be won." Lu Bicheng said.

Colette sighed: "Marriage is such a thing, it really makes people feel a great bondage."

"Restraint?" Lu Bicheng asked.

"Good sister, let's talk over here!" Colette said and pulled her aside.

Madame Curie saw them go aside, and said: "Your Madam has the graceful beauty of oriental women."

"Uh," Li Yu said, "Actually, it's not a husband and wife relationship..."

Madame Curie opened her eyes wide: "You don't want to be contaminated by the bad habits of those upper class people in Paris."

Extramarital affairs of all kinds are rife in Paris these days.

Li Yu quickly waved his hand: "It's not like that! It's..."

Mrs. Curie pursed her lips and smiled: "Just kidding, I can see it."

"Aren't the upper classes in Paris all courteous people." It was Verne who spoke.

Pierre Curie said with a smile: "It is indeed a bit absolute."

Verne said to Li Yu: "I have read the Star Wars series you wrote. It is very exciting. I have written science fiction all my life, and I have to admit that you are very talented in this area. Especially the structure of the macro background I really appreciate it, and I think it's something only someone with a broad scientific outlook could have written."

Li Yu said: "Mr. Verne is awesome! In terms of literature, I am really just a primary school student, but I can only make up a story. If there are many writing skills that are not polished by Bicheng girl, I am afraid that no one will be able to read them. "

"You're being too polite. Science fiction is all about making up a good story," Verne said. "After all, it's not as serious as the works of Balzac, Hugo and others."

Li Yu said, "What Mr. Verne said is true."

"Speaking of literature, I remember that Mr. Hugo mentioned that there are many classic works in your country, but I searched bookstores and only saw a set of "The Analects of Confucius" from 2000 years ago, which was too serious to read." Fan Erner said.

"There are indeed many good works, but it is a pity that the translation industry is not yet able to translate." Li Yu said.

But he doesn't hold out much hope for that either.

As a traveler, he knows that culture is closely related to national strength, and it is almost impossible for foreigners to read Chinese masterpieces.

But if one day we become stronger, maybe when the whole world learns Chinese, it will make a big difference.

Verne said: "I will look forward to it. Also, do you have any ideas for writing some more science fiction books?"

"In fact, I will continue to write the prequels of the Star Wars series." Li Yu said.

"Is it the story about the super handsome villain Darth Vader?" Pierre Curie blurted out.

"Yes." Li Yu said.

"It's so exciting!" Pierre Curie said, "I'm a big fan of him!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "This character does have some unique charm."

Verne said: "I still have an unfeeling request. If the prequel is released, can I write the preface?"

"It would be my honor if you could write the preface yourself!" Li Yu of course agreed.

"It's a deal!" Verne said, "It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to read it in advance."

Pierre Curie said with a smile: "It turns out there are such great benefits."

"A few gentlemen are discussing the Star Wars series?" Jean Perrin approached.

Pierre Curie immediately told him the good news: "It won't be long before we can see the sequel!"

Jean Perrin said in surprise: "Academician Li Yu is so energetic! With so many scientific achievements, he still has the energy to create science fiction novels."

Pierre Curie whispered to him: "He has a beautiful girl to help out now, and he is still walking with him, how can he lose energy?"

Jean Perrin smiled and said, "It will damage your energy, right?"

Pierre Curie said: "He is only in his 20s now, what do you think he was like at that time?"

Jean Perrin suddenly said: "I see! I do have energy!"

Li Yu said awkwardly, "What are you talking about?"

Jean Perrin immediately said: "It's nothing, I'm talking to Mr. Curie about the progress of my recent experiment."

"Avogadro's constant?" Li Yu asked immediately.

"That's right," said Jean Perrin, "preliminary results have been obtained, and I don't think it will be long before we can get exact values."

"Great!" Li Yu said, "This data will be the dream of many people."

Jean Perrin said: "The academicians have said so, I will speed up the progress."


The banquet that day was held very harmoniously.

After it was over, Li Yu asked Lu Bicheng, "What did Colette tell you?"

Lu Bicheng said: "It's nothing, just chatting about the differences between Beijing and Tianjin and Paris, especially in things like relationships and marriage."

"I think after she hears this, she will think that Paris is pretty good again, right?" Li Yu said.

Lu Bicheng said: "Yeah, when she knew the situation of Chinese women, she was a little worried about me, but I said you don't have to worry, because I am different."

"What's the difference?" Li Yu asked.

Lu Bicheng snorted softly, "You don't understand this!"

Li Yu wanted to ask again, but she didn't say anything.

"I'm afraid of you," Li Yu had no choice but to admit defeat, "But since we are leaving, why not buy something interesting, I don't think any woman can resist."

"I don't believe it! Is there anything I can't resist?" Lu Bicheng asked.

Li Yu said to himself, "Come with me!"

Fubao Avenue next to the famous Champs Elysees, Hermès main store.

"This... this is too beautiful!"

Lu Bicheng's eyes almost burst into light.

Hermès is now a top luxury brand in Paris. They mainly made high-end harnesses before, and this year they just started to set foot in women's bags, accessories and other products.

Once launched, it immediately aroused great repercussions.

This thing is to women what luxury cars are to men, it is almost an obsession engraved in the bones.

Want to rebel?There are no doors!

Li Yu said proudly, "Do you like it?"

"I like it, I like it so much! There is such an exquisite bag!"

Lu Bicheng looked at the avant-garde and exquisitely designed leather bags one by one, picked them up from time to time and played with them carefully, he couldn't move his feet.

Paris now ranks first in the world's fashion circle, not to mention Lu Bicheng, many Americans have never seen such exquisite leather bags, so how could it not fall.

Li Yu said to the clerk: "Everything that Ms. Bicheng likes just now, pack together."

The clerk said in surprise: "Sir, they are all limited editions, and the price is not a small number!"

Li Yu said, "Thank you for reminding me! I almost forgot to add some new top hats!"

Shop clerk: "..."

Li Yushun also bought two sets of high-end suits on the Champs Elysees, one thinner and the other thicker, as well as several shirts, which can be adapted to different seasons.

Similarly, Lu Bicheng also bought a few foreign clothes.

There is actually nothing to say about the suit, but the fabric is more refined, and the overall shape is nothing new.But when it comes to women's dresses, Paris is just too good.

When they return to the capital, it should be a unique landscape.

Shopping is about the same, it is almost time to set off, otherwise I really have to go by sea after staying for a long time.

When they arrived in St. Petersburg, Markov had already arranged for the conferment of the academician, and there was an autograph of Tsar Nicholas II.

It is already a very high courtesy.

After all, Nicholas II is still an emperor in the traditional sense, and his status is different from that of the French President Roubet, at least he thinks so.

Markov said: "If I knew that there was a document from His Majesty the Emperor, I would not have to rush to fight for the right to use the large railway. This signature is enough."

It seems to save a lot of trouble.

Li Yu borrowed Planck's words before and said with a smile: "From now on, we will also be considered colleagues."

Markov said, "I am lucky to be your colleague, and I will ask you for more advice when I have the opportunity in the future!"

Li Yu hurriedly said, "It's more appropriate for me to ask you for advice."

In the future, this kind of math boss can solve many problems.

(End of this chapter)

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