Chapter 268 Fright
The documents from the tsar did help a lot, because the situation between Japan and Russia is already very tense, and most of the trains on this train are Russian soldiers, who are preparing to strengthen the military power in the Far East.

After the train started, Li Yu met Rear Admiral Makarov who he met when he returned from the Trans-Siberian Railway last time on the train. He saw that this time he would be officially transferred to the Far East to take up his post.

Among the Russian generals in the Far East, Marklov is considered to be a relatively good one, and the other generals are indeed a bit unqualified. Of course, this is compared to the Japanese army in the Russo-Japanese War.

As I said before, Makarov is not only a soldier, but also a marine scientist, explorer, and academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, so he has long heard about Li Yu being awarded an academician.

"What a coincidence, and this time I will walk with you all the way to Dalian." Makarov said.

Li Yu had already seen that this carload of soldiers would be dispatched to various parts of the Northeast, especially key cities such as Harbin and Vladivostok, but he actually didn't have a good impression of them in his heart.

So I dealt with it casually, and spent most of my time in the carriage writing the outline of the Star Wars prequels. After all, they promised Planck to complete it as soon as possible, and the boss must pay attention to the draft.

After a long journey, when the train arrived in Harbin, Mark Love suddenly found Li Yu: "The train will stay here for several hours for loading and unloading. A little welcoming ceremony."

"Welcome ceremony?" Li Yu wondered.

"That's right," Makarov said, "after all, we are both academicians of the Academy of Sciences, and you have obtained a document written by His Majesty the Emperor. As General Horvath in Harbin, he specifically asked to welcome you together. Jiao Ni is a Chinese."

Li Yu murmured in his heart: welcome a wool, he is not Chinese, welcome me in Harbin?It's just funny, isn't it!

But the whole car is full of Russian soldiers, and Tsarist Russia has actually controlled the Northeast, the land of Longxing in the Manchu Qing Dynasty.So it turned out to be "on someone else's territory", and Li Yu couldn't refuse it very well, so he could only make do with it.

Horvath, the director of the Middle East Railway Administration, will be promoted all the way to lieutenant general. From his position, it can be seen that Tsarist Russia attaches great importance to railways.

Li Yu and Makarov got off the train and came to the train hall. Horvath even brought a small military band and a guard of honor with him, looking quite grand.

As the military music played, Horvath stepped forward and said, "General Makarov, Academician Li Yu, you have worked hard all the way!"

Li Yu had just said "hard work" in his heart, and Makarov had just shaken hands with Horvath, when suddenly there was a rapid gunshot next to him, and Horvath's military band and guard of honor collapsed instantly.

Then there was a burst of shouting in Japanese: "Kill the chicken!"

"Oh, it's Japanese!"

Several people quickly hid behind a cargo box, gunshots continued around them, and the guard of honor brought by Horvath was quickly slaughtered without weapons.

"Why are there Japanese soldiers here?" Makarov asked.

Horvath spat: "[-]% of them sneaked in. The group of station workers I recruited should all be local Chinese."

"Where are the guards?" Makarov said anxiously, "We are about to be surrounded!"

"The guards are all outside the station and it's at least a couple of minutes before we get to the lobby," Horvath said.

"Then we have long been souls of the dead!" Makarov said, "Are these Japanese crazy? How can they get out here alive!"

Li Yu said: "The fanatic Japanese are like this, we still have to think about how to save our lives."

"It's not that easy to carry out a beheading operation!" Horvath drew out a pistol that he carried with him, "Major General, do you have a side weapon?"

Makarov didn't expect this to happen, "No."

"That's up to me. They're almost out of bullets. I'll kill some damn Japanese first."

The gunshots on the opposite side gradually faded away. The Japanese mixed into the workers and couldn't bring much ammunition, so they drew their short knives and ran towards the three of them.

"Fuck those two Russian generals to death! The Northeast belongs to the Emperor!"

"Whoever can kill them is a fearless warrior!"

The Japanese rushed over like crazy.

Horvath was a general at any rate, not just for nothing, he raised his hand seven or eight shots and killed the first few people.

The Japanese ran out of hot weapons, so Li Yu poked his head out and saw a dozen or so people rushing over.

Soon Horvath ran out of bullets and had to fight hand to hand, but they didn't even have blades.

"Sukkabule!" Horvath cursed a curse word in Russian, and threw the pistol on the ground, "It's not that easy to kill me!"

Makarov also knew that he had to survive these few minutes first, and when the guards arrived, these little Japanese devils were all shot dead, so he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight them for the time being.

They immediately fought with the Japanese, but there were only two of them, and they could only retreat while barely parrying.

During the attack, the two Japanese also saw Li Yu behind the pillar. They held Japanese knives that looked like ribs in their hands. They glanced at each other, hesitated for a second, and raised the knives to kill Li Yu. .

"Damn it, even I will be killed!"

At the moment of life and death, Li Yu had no time to hesitate, and took out the Browning M1900 pistol that Duan Qirui gave him from his arms, and hit the two of them with two "bang bang" pistols.

In fact, when the two Japanese saw Li Yu pull out the pistol at close range, they knew it was too late, and they didn't expect Li Yu's marksmanship to be so good that he didn't even shake his hand.

——In fact, they are all instinctive reactions under the desire to survive.

Anyway, the two hundred rounds of live ammunition training in Beiyang was not for nothing.

Makarov had already been stabbed with a knife. He grabbed the knife-holding hand of the Japanese man on the other side, and slammed his other hand fiercely at his face. He was very strong, but the man was beaten beyond recognition. let go.

The other two Japanese ronin rushed over quickly, and were about to chop Makarov's neck with their knives.

The situation on Horvath's side was also very bad, and he was unable to save Makarov.

At a critical moment, "bang bang"!Two more shots were fired.

The two Japanese ronin were shot and fell to the ground. Li Yu then fired all the remaining three bullets, and the bullets hit the ground. Only one Japanese was shot in the shoulder and did not die immediately.

Seven Japanese ronin were missing again, and the situation improved in an instant. Makarov reluctantly pulled out the dagger pierced into his waist. The stimulation of blood made his eyes turn red. The short knife in one hand slashed wildly, and it took more than a dozen cuts before stopping.

The guards finally arrived at this time, and the last few ronin were shot dead in an instant.

Only the Japanese who was hit in the shoulder was left lying on the ground.

Horvath hurriedly said, "Leave a life alive!"

But this Japanese ronin actually shouted: "Long live the Emperor!" Then he stabbed the knife into his neck without hesitation.

Horvath and Makarov were a little stunned, so desperate?
"It's the fucking Death Squad! These Japanese people have been brainwashed, and there is no way they can survive." Li Yu said.

In terms of understanding of the Japanese, Li Yu is still better than the Russians.

At this time, a large number of guards and soldiers arrived, and Li Yu and the others quickly moved to a safer place.

Horvath went on to order: "Investigate all workers immediately, and kill any Japanese!"

Makarov was a little worried about the situation: "The Japanese have been able to infiltrate here and organize beheading operations. Is the Northeast still under our control?"

Horvath really did not expect: "They must have been planning for a long time, even growing their big braids, just to imitate Chinese workers."

"Sukkabuli! They have had this idea for a long time!" Makarov scolded.

"I guess the Japanese side must have known the news of the general's appointment, so they acted in a hurry." Horvath said.

"Damn Japanese!" Makarov continued viciously.

The military doctor bandaged his wound, and Makarov said to Li Yu, "Thanks to Academician Li Yu today, otherwise the three of us might meet in hell."

Li Yu was really a little scared at this time. At that time, his mind was completely blank, and he didn't have time to think about anything. He only wanted to save his life, and only then did he realize that he killed someone.

It was so shocking!I have killed fish at most when I was cooking at home before, but today I killed several little devils in one go, so don't be afraid.

If it is in later generations, such as Laomei, she will definitely take half a year of administrative leave for psychological counseling.

So at this time, his expression was a little stunned, and Makarov didn't hear what he said.

"Mr. Academician!" Makarov called him again.

Only then did Li Yu come back to his senses: "Why, what's wrong?"

Makarov said: "Mr. Academician saved me and General Horvath today. We can't thank you enough!"

Li Yu said, "I also want to protect myself."

Horvath was shocked by Li Yu's marksmanship: "Mr. Academician doesn't seem like a casual researcher. This kind of marksmanship is top-notch in the military."

Li Yu had no choice but to briefly talk about how he once taught in the Beiyang military academy and practiced marksmanship.

Makarov said: "So that's how it is. Your mastery of pistols is probably top-notch. In short, you have saved our lives. If there are any requests from now on, I, Makarov, will absolutely agree, without ambiguity."

Li Yu sighed: "Beware of the Japanese."

Makarov asked Horvath, "Do you have any clues about these Japanese?"

Horvath said: "I asked the staff officer just now, and it is likely that they are all Japanese ronin and do not belong to the Japanese military."

"Ronin?" Makarov said.

"It's just some warriors among the people." Horvath explained.

"How can the folk warriors have such an organization? Can they still know our whereabouts?" Makarov didn't believe it at all.

Li Yu said: "General, don't underestimate these ronin. It is precisely because they have no background in the military or the government. On the contrary, it is easier for them to obtain some information, and it is not easy to be detected."

(End of this chapter)

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