Chapter 271 The Water of Life
The Japanese's crazy coveting of the Northeast and their strong resistance to Tsarist Russia really run through the whole country.

Today, the whole of Japan is twisted into one rope to kill Tsarist Russia and engage in expansion. This kind of militarism ideological education is really quite scary.

It seems that the effect can be seen in a short period of time, but it is not a good thing to be sincere for a long time. It is the common people who suffer.

But now the whole of Japan is tied to the strings by the high-level, and they have to say goodbye, as if they are driven by an invisible whip.

Due to the reckless actions of its subordinates, the Black Dragon Society lost quite a few spies in Harbin Station, but they still got a general idea of ​​Li Yu's travel situation through the internal staff of the distribution system at Changchun Station.

Li Yu took an ordinary train and continued to Dalian, preparing to take a boat to Tianjin Port.

He even took a few bottles of Russian vodka and pulled the Russians at the table next to him to drink together.

"Li Yujun, we meet again."

Li Yu didn't need to look up, just by hearing the voice, he knew that Toushanman was coming again.

"Please sit down, last time you entertained me with sake, this time I brought the best vodka in Russia to entertain you."

Tou Shanman sat across from Li Yu, and Li Yu immediately poured a whole glass of vodka in front of him.

The strong smell of alcohol came to the nose, and the sake that Japanese people are used to drinking is not high in alcohol, so they are not quite used to it.

Li Yu saw that Tou Shanman frowned, and said with a smile: "Mr. Tou Shan doesn't like it? In Russia, this is a wine that everyone can drink to its heart's content."

A Russian at the table next to him drank a little too much, and he also murmured: "In Russia, we can have delicious snacks, but we can't have enough vodka; we can have silly jokes, but we can't have enough vodka; we can have amazing food. Women, but not enough vodka; more vodka, the better!"

The corners of Toushan's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile, "Thank you Li Yujun for your hospitality, but I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Yu stuffed a glass of wine into his hand: "Mr. Toushan, these bottles of vodka come from the Smirnov family, the best winemaking family in Russia. Out of their hands."

Tou Shanman said: "Wine is really good wine..."

Li Yu immediately continued: "Of course it's good wine! Vodka means water of life in Russian. By the way, does Mr. Toushan know how to drink vodka? No matter how much is in the glass, he must drink it up."

Li Yu clinked glasses with him, "Do it!"

The cup is not big, but there are about one or two halves of a cup. Li Yu swallowed it in one gulp, and then took a sip of the yogurt next to him.

Tou Shanman frowned, so he had to do it too.

The pungent feeling passed through his throat, making him a little uncomfortable, and he couldn't help coughing.

Li Yu laughed loudly and handed him a bottle of yogurt: "Drink this."

Russians usually drink like this, blowing their breath, taking a breath, and then either drink some drinks, or eat pickles or bacon.

It's really a bit raw, or there are so many drunks.

Tou Shanman took a sip of the yogurt, and his throat finally felt better.

Li Yu then filled him up again, "In a place of bitter cold, liquor is indispensable."

Toushanman wanted to stop him, but after hearing Li Yu's words, he stretched out his hand and said, "I didn't expect Li Yujun to have such a huge amount."

Li Yu deliberately smiled and said: "There is an old saying that people are refreshed when they have happy events. This time I came back from Europe with a lot of rewards. Of course I am happy to have won so many honors!"

Tou Shanman also echoed: "It's really a blessing."

Li Yu picked up the wine glass: "Why, why don't you congratulate me?"

Tou Shanman bit the bullet and raised his wine glass and said, "Congratulations are indeed deserved."

Li Yu went on to do it again, and Toushanman had no choice but to follow.

Li Yu praised: "Mr. Toushan is also very good at drinking, he is worthy of the lord of ronin!"

For the Japanese, the alcohol content of vodka is indeed high, which is not suitable for them, and it is too fast to drink a cup in one sip.

Tou Shanman immediately took another sip of yogurt to suppress it, and then reluctantly said: "It's just mediocre!"

Li Yu said: "Is the flavor very good? I brought ice cubes from Harbin specially and kept them chilled."

Li Yu poured it again, and Toushanman hurriedly said, "Li Yujun, to be honest, I'm a bit too drunk."

Li Yu laughed and said, "Could it be that Mr. Toushan is afraid of Russian wine? I heard that Russian soldiers would distribute vodka during wars to boost morale."

"Is there such a thing?" Tou Shanman said.

Li Yu said, "How dare I lie to you? If you don't believe me, ask some Russians next to you."

It is said that during World War II, the benevolent father Stalin also ordered the front-line soldiers to have a daily quota of 100 milliliters of vodka, and the tank soldiers doubled.

Some people even joked that the reason why the Soviet Union was able to defeat the German army relied on two things: vodka and Katyusha.

Tou Shanman became a little interested, "I want to see if there is such a magic power."

The two drank again.

After three glasses of wine, the weight is already half a catty.

Li Yu told him the difference between wine: "Your sake is made from rice, while vodka is made from potatoes and sweet potatoes."

Tou Shanman was a little dizzy at this moment, and followed Li Yu and said, "The taste is too spicy."

"That's because your sake has not been distilled, and of course the alcohol content is not high," Li Yu said.

"But I have drunk wine, and it feels like sake, not so spicy." Touyama said.

Li Yu said: "But if wine is distilled again, it becomes brandy."

"I've heard of brandy, and it's said to be very expensive." For some reason, Tou Shanman started chatting with Li Yu about wine.

Li Yu waved his hand: "They're all C[-]H[-]O, so what's the point? If I'm happy, any wine is good wine."

Toushan said: "Carbon what oxygen?"

"It's ethanol." Li Yu paused, "Alcohol."

"Yaoxi! I know this, wine is the essence of grain!" Tou Shanman raised his glass, "Li Yujun said well, it's just alcohol, let him make it noble or not!"

The two clinked glasses and drank again.

Tou Shanman was already quite drunk, "I said, Li Yujun, you have such a good brain, you are not afraid of drinking and burning out? Everyone says drinking is a mistake!"

"Hey! You don't know that!" Li Yu picked up the wine bottle, but his hands began to shake again. It was obviously the effect of alcohol. Have you ever heard of Professor Mendeleev? He is a Russian national treasure-level chemist, and he decided on the name of vodka, and it was only called grain wine before."

"Sao Kar!" Toushanman held up the cup, "Of course I've heard of it, what a name! For Mendeleev, let's have a drink!"

After drinking to this level, there are no excuses.

The two pushed the cups and changed glasses, and soon each drank about a catty of vodka.

Tou Shanman even sat next to Li Yu, and the two of them hooked their shoulders.

"Hi!" Tou Shanman hiccupped and said to Li Yu, "I said, brother Li Yu, is there anything wrong with my brother talking like that?"

Li Yu said: "Mr. Toushan is more than 30 years older than me, and his name is brother. I think there is something wrong."

"No no no!" Tou Shanman said, "There is nothing wrong with calling me brother! I ask you, why are we inferior to white people?"

Li Yu also drank too much, so he said, "It's definitely not worse than them!"

"Very good!" Tou Shanman said, "Brother values ​​you so much because you are better than white people. Bageyalu, what kind of a bastard are white people!?"

Li Yu stopped him: "Mr. Toushan, please keep your voice down!"

There are many Russians in the car.

Tou Shanman was already drunk and said loudly, "What am I afraid of?"

"Brother, I can't call you brother!"

Li Yu saw that Tou Shanman was about to drink high.

"Brother Li Yu, just wait and see, brother will do something earth-shattering sooner or later, and then there will be no more Russians in the Northeast!"

Fortunately, he said this in Japanese, and the people around him also thought the two of them were drunk, anyway, I saw them a lot in Russia.

Li Yu actually pushed the fire: "I believe it!"

Unknowingly, the train was approaching Shenyang, and Tou Shanman's guards carried him before he got off the train. Tou Shanman was still unsatisfied: "Good wine, good wine! Please continue to drink next time..."

Li Yu didn't hear it either, because he had already fallen asleep on the chair.

Lu Bicheng sighed, covered him with clothes and sat aside to watch over him.


After Dangtou Shanman sobered up, he saw Uchida Ryohei as soon as he opened his eyes.

"You finally woke up, and you have been sleeping for a day and a night." Uchida Ryohei said.

Toushan wanted to get up, but felt a splitting headache, which was obviously a reaction to alcohol, struggling and said: "I drank all the way for some reason."

Uchida Ryohei said: "I drink with you on weekdays, but I have never seen you drunk like this."

Tou Shanman said: "Russian wine is indeed a little different, and we should study it in the future."

Uchida asked: "Leave the wine matter aside, have you noticed anything unusual about that Li Yu?"

Tou Shanman covered his head, took a sip of hot tea, and said, "I observed that he seemed to be just immersed in happiness."

"Happy?" Uchida Ryohei was a little puzzled.

Tou Shanman said: "These researchers don't love money, they only love fame. Now he has a stronger reputation in Europe, and he should be happy because of this."

Uchida Ryohei was not particularly satisfied with this answer, but he couldn't say anything.


On the other hand, Li Yu had already sobered up when he slept in Dalian, almost a whole day earlier than Toushanman.After all, he was thirty years younger and physically stronger.

But it's really not very comfortable.

Lu Bicheng poured him a large cup of hot water, and Li Yu gulped it all down to feel better.

Lu Bicheng was concerned: "Why drink so much wine?"

Li Yu rubbed his temples and said, "If you don't do this, you won't be able to fool that old fox. It's a pity that I spent a lot of money to buy a few bottles of high-quality vodka. I originally planned to drink it slowly in a month, and it would be gone after a meal. "

Lu Bicheng said: "If the Japanese can not be suspicious, a few bottles of wine are nothing. I see that old Japanese man, he should be fine."

Li Yu said: "Perhaps, everyone is acting on the spot."

Lu Bicheng didn't quite understand: "We're all called brothers, why are we still playing around?"

Li Yu said casually: "It's just friends with wine and meat. Who knows what the other party thinks."

When the train stopped at Dalian Station, Li Yu washed his face, exhaled, cleared his mind, and got off the train.

(End of this chapter)

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