Chapter 272
This time Li Yu and Lu Bicheng waited in Dalian for two days before boarding the ferry, and they were stopped by a huge warship of the Japanese Navy not long after.

The captain was very annoyed and stood on the deck and shouted: "Why don't you let us sail?"

There is no concept of high seas yet, but it has indeed left the range of Lushun Port.

Li Yu and Lu Bicheng came to the deck and saw a row of Japanese navy standing on the tall warship.

Soon, they took a small boat to the passenger ship.

The leader was a senior general of the Japanese Navy in his 30s. He said to the captain: "I am Shinyuki Akiyama, the first staff officer of the United Fleet, and was ordered to investigate the hidden suspects on board. Cooperate."

The captain glanced at the soldiers with live ammunition behind him, he didn't dare to force it, but he still said: "We are a passenger ship, you can't search it at will."

Akiyama Shinyuki said directly: "If it makes sense, you can complain to the Navy Headquarters." Then he said to the soldiers behind him: "Do it!"

How could the captain find the Navy headquarters? He is not a white beard, so he can only let Akiyama Shinyuki send soldiers into the cabin.

Akiyama Shinyuki was a great hero in the Japanese-Russian naval battle since then, and the decisive turning plan in front of the enemy in the Tsushima naval battle came from him.

It was a tactical decision that went down in naval history.

It was by this trick that the Japanese navy wiped out the Tsarist-Russian Baltic Fleet that had sent their heads thousands of miles away.

Of course it's still a gamble.

Japan learned from the problem of low hit rate under big waves during the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, and conducted key training.

Then confront the demoralized Baltic Fleet in the choppy Tsushima Strait.

When the warships of both sides drove past in a straight line and reached the range of 8000 meters of naval guns.

Suddenly, the Mikasa led by Togo Heihachiro led the navy and began to turn, that is, the big turn in front of the enemy!

At this time, in fact, you will be completely helpless and exposed to the enemy's artillery fire, and you can only let the Russian army's front artillery attack.

But Dongxiang Heihachiro knew that the hit rate would be extremely low on the rough sea just after entering the range.

This is a big gamble: I bet you can't hit me.

It is true that the calm Baltic Sea did make it impossible for the Russian Navy to train its shooting accuracy in big waves.

It was at this time that Togo Heihachiro gave the order to the fleet: "The rise and fall of the imperial kingdom is here to fight, and everyone will work together."

The Japanese army completed the classic "T" formation in the naval battle, and was in the dominant position of the T, and achieved a big victory in the naval battle of Tsushima.

After Akiyama Shinyuki finished arranging his subordinates, he even sat aside and began to meditate, like a monk.

——He really wanted to become a monk in his life.

It is contradictory to say that Buddhists pay attention to not killing, but joining the army is exactly the opposite.

Two people around Li Yu suddenly exclaimed:

"What a majestic warship!"

"It would be great if we also have such a warship!"

"I'm afraid it will still be the same as in the Jiawu period, when good things can't be used well."

Li Yu turned his head to look over, and recognized them all at once. It turned out to be Chen Tianhua and Huang Xing!

They failed to organize a volunteer team to reject Russia in Japan, and returned home angrily. They even went to Dalian for an inspection on the way.

Li Yu said: "This warship is the latest battleship, the 15000-ton Shikishima class, which is no longer the same as the ironclad warships during the Sino-Japanese War."

Chen Tianhua and Huang Xing looked at Li Yu: "How do you speak Chinese so well?"

They thought Li Yu with short hair was Japanese.

Li Yu said, "I am Chinese."

Chen Tianhua was stunned, and suddenly realized: "I remembered, you are Mr. Li Yu! You once gave a speech at Hongwen Academy in Tokyo."

They are all international students selected by Tokyo Hongwen College, that is to say, they are all classmates of Brother Xun.

Brother Xun, this group of students is truly extraordinary.

Huang Xing also clasped his fists and said, "Excuse me! Mister has cut his hair, so he didn't recognize it."

Li Yu looked at their heads: "Didn't you cut your hair too?"

Chen Tianhua said: "Could it be that Mr. is also like us, vowing to fight against the Qing Dynasty? Then we are comrades!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "I just do it for academic convenience."

Chen Tianhua said: "No matter why, Mr.'s actions have already explained everything."

Li Yu said, "Actually, I just think it's too troublesome and ugly."

Huang Xing slapped the railing and said indignantly, "Sir, you are right! It is indeed extremely ugly, making people all over the world laugh at it! What we have to do is to make the Chinese people return to what they were before."

Chen Tianhua looked at Akiyama Shinyuki who was wearing a navy uniform in the distance: "In the future, China should become strong like Japan. At least we can't let the Russians invade our land."

Huang Xing said: "That's it. If we can overthrow the corrupt Qing court and have such a magnificent warship again, no one will bully us!"

The revolutionaries at this time were relatively idealistic.

Especially Huang Xing, he is not the same as Mr. Zhongshan. Mr. Zhongshan almost grew up in a Western environment since he was a child.

However, Huang Xing was born in a famous family in Changsha, Hunan Province. He had systematically received traditional Confucian education in his early years and passed the examination of scholar.

It's just that he is indeed strongly dissatisfied with the imperial examination system, otherwise he would not want to study in Japan.

In short, Huang Xing is a person whose thinking gradually changes, somewhat similar to Liang Qichao.

Li Yu said: "In the First Sino-Japanese War, our warships were more advanced than those of Japan, so we lost as well."

Chen Tianhua couldn't believe it: "How can we be more advanced than Japan?"

"It's just advanced equipment, but it's not actually advanced," Li Yu said, "But if we had had enough rapid-fire guns, explosive bombs, and incendiary bombs in the Yellow Sea naval battle back then, we can't say if we won, but we would have tied." At least it is possible. And if the sea dominance had not been lost, the Japanese army would not have had the strong cover of the navy, and the army would never have been invincible in the Liaodong Peninsula.”

The caliber of the navy's cannons is by no means comparable to that of field artillery. Later, during the Battle of Songhu during World War II, the national army fought out all the best, but it was still a disastrous defeat.At that time, Japan used naval guns to support them. The destructive power was too terrifying. When a shell fell, a platoon of soldiers disappeared. It was very tragic.

Huang Xing opened his mouth wide and said after a long time, "Sir, you have such a clear understanding of the current situation."

Li Yu sighed: "It's not the current situation, it's just the smoke and dust scattered on the sea."

"But we don't know what Mr. said." Chen Tianhua said.

——Of course, how could the Qing court reveal the details of such a scandal.

Li Yu said: "What's more, the Japanese once committed a brutal massacre of more than 2 people in Lushun."

Huang Xing shook his body: "2 people? Massacre!?"

Li Yu nodded painfully: "That's right!"

As mentioned before, this incident was covered up by Japan for quite a long time, just like the Nanjing Massacre that was tried to cover up and did not admit it.

More than 30 years after the Lushun massacre, Sun Baotian risked his life to investigate and obtain strong clues.

However, Japanese scholars have shameless views on this: "11 people including Lieutenant Zhongwan died in battle. At that time, there was an incident of Qing soldiers insulting the corpses of Japanese soldiers. They cut noses, gouged out eyes and ripped open the stomachs of our soldiers, causing the whole army to be furious. Atmosphere. It is said that the head of Lieutenant Zhongwan was found after the invasion of Lushun. Many documents in Japan and abroad indicate that the feeling of revenge for insults led to the massacre in Lushun.”

This kind of nasty little trick of words makes people sneer at it, and even disdain to refute it.

After insulting 11 corpses, 2 people will be killed?What kind of logic!

It's like Japan said that it was the only country in the world that was bombed by an atomic bomb, and then sold it everywhere.

Sister, why didn't you mention why you were hit by the atomic bomb?Why didn't you mention how many Chinese were killed?

Typical cause and effect do not distinguish!
But Lushun has been occupied most of the time, and the truth is really not easy for the Chinese people to know at this time.

Huang Xing and Chen Tianhua have never heard of this matter at all, they still hope that Japan will continue to be strong, and then defeat Russia, and learn from Japan.

Chen Tianhua swallowed and spit: "It can't be true, can it?"

Li Yu snorted: "Don't have illusions about any great powers. No matter how many years there are, the bones piled up underground will not deceive people."

Huang Xing clenched the railing tightly: "I understand, naturally we still need to be strong."

During the conversation, several Japanese navy officers captured a Russian.

The Russians struggled: "You can't catch me! I'm a legal Russian citizen!"

Li Yu frowned. He had seen this person before, and it turned out to be the Russian who drank together on the train!
A Japanese navy handed several documents to Shinyuki Akiyama: "General, these documents are all evidence that Russia sent people to infiltrate our army."

Akiyama Shinyuki opened his eyes: "Is there anything wrong?"

"We brought in dedicated Russian-speaking talent, there can be no mistake," said the soldier.

Akiyama said with satisfaction: "The Black Dragon Society's information is really reliable, take him away."

Li Yu was quite shocked. It turned out that Tou Shanman was really not just drinking at that time, and somehow he could see the details of the Russians next to him.

There was a tinge of chill on his body, this old man was truly extraordinary, and he didn't know if he was showing his secrets.

The key is that I didn't know who this Russian was at the time, and I just drank with him casually. Who would have thought of such a coincidence.

Fortunately, the Russian also said at the time that he didn't know him, but it's not sure whether the black dragon will continue to be suspicious in the future.

Li Yu felt a headache.

After the warship left, the passenger ship set sail again.

Li Yu was about to disembark at Tianjin Port.

The ship will continue to sail south along the coastline, stopping at Qingdao Port, Shanghai Port, and Ningbo Port until it arrives in Guangzhou.

But Huang Xing and Chen Tianhua were going to disembark at Shanghai Port, and they would transfer to Changsha by inland waterway for Xing Zhonghui.

Huang Xing said: "Sir, if you go to Changsha, I will definitely welcome you warmly!"

Li Yu naturally knew that their revolutionary activities in Changsha would be discovered, and they would continue to flee to Japan next year or the year after.

But now I can only say casually: "I will go to Wuhan to build a school, maybe I will have the opportunity to go to Changsha at that time."

Huang Xing said: "Building a school? This is a great thing! You are the whole of China, no, the person who understands Western learning best in the whole world, if you do it, it must be extraordinary! We also have many students in Changsha, and Bibi will also build a school in Changsha!"

Li Yu couldn't refuse: "I will do my best." Then he asked: "The two of you must be going to Changsha to do something big, right?"

Huang Xing said: "Mr. also cut his hair, so there is no need to hide it from you. Everyone can see that the overall situation of China has reached its extreme destruction. From now on, only the implementation of revolution can save the danger from danger!"

Li Yu said, "We have come to the same destination by different routes."

Huang Xing said: "In the future, I will still rely on my husband!"

Li Yu clasped his fists and said, "Where there is history, there must be people, and there will be a period later!"

Huang Xing also raised his fists: "Where there is history, there must be people. Well said! I will do something and leave my name in history."

There is no country without a public, and there must be people in history.This was actually an elegiac couplet sent by Zhang Taiyan at Huang Xing's memorial service, Huang Xing had never heard of it before his death.

It is not easy to get Zhang Taiyan's evaluation, and he is worthy of this evaluation.

(End of this chapter)

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