Chapter 273 Conspiracy
Akiyama Shinyuki quickly got all the information out of the Russian.

It has to be said that although spy geniuses such as Sorge (he was actually a German) were produced in the Soviet Union since then, in the early [-]th century, in terms of espionage work, Russia could not be compared with Japan at all, and the degree of emphasis was too different. Far.

For quite a long time, Japan has regarded espionage work as a key link in political and military affairs.

Of course, we were also deeply affected later.

After all, intelligence is the most critical factor in decision-making.

Today, the negotiations between Japan and Russia on the rights and interests of the Northeast have reached a deadlock, and there is no way to talk about it.

Not only does Japan want Russia to withdraw its troops from the Northeast, but Britain also does not want Russia to have a comfortable outlet to the sea.

But now Russia has three powerful naval fleets in its hands. It is a second-class naval power. If it does not even have a serious ice-free port as an outlet to the sea, it is really unreasonable.

Although St. Petersburg is also a good port, the conditions for going to sea are harsh and it is easy to be blocked.

So I just want Lushun and the Northeast.

Anyway, in the eyes of Russia, the Qing Dynasty is a big fat pig who is ready to be slaughtered, or the kind of brains that are not bright, and the legs and feet are not good.I can't cut the west side, can't I still cut it off?
I have spent 17 billion rubles. If the Northeast cannot be won, the world powers will not laugh their teeth out.

It's just that they didn't expect that Japan's ambitions for external expansion are no worse than their own.

The Russo-Japanese War was also the first war between two modern countries in East Asia. Many people also called it the Zeroth World War.

Now Japan is not afraid of offending Russia, and even wants to take the initiative to provoke troubles and cause war.

Because Japan understands very well that once the Siberia Railway is completely repaired, Russia will move troops to the Far East on a large scale, and it will take a year or two to completely stabilize its position, and it will be impossible to win.

Akiyama Shinyuki sat at the desk, picked up a pen and began to write a letter to Tou Shanman.

He uses a brush, and his calligraphy is not bad.

In fact, if it weren't for the strong persuasion of his brother Akiyama Koko, the father of the Japanese cavalry, Akiyama Shinyuki might have embarked on the path of literature.

His son Masaoka Shiki was a famous literati in modern Japan, and the relationship between the two was very good.

Akiyama Shinyuki recalled his good friend Masaoka Shiki, who had died of tuberculosis, and wrote letters in a Japanese literary style.

After Touyama received the letter, he was not in the mood to carefully ponder Akiyama Shinyuki's literary rhetoric and wording and sentence-making skills, but he was shocked by the information in the letter, and he immediately gave it to Uchida Ryohei's joint staff.

"Russia has now built several base stations along the route, and it will soon be able to establish contact with Moscow faster. Once communication can be achieved with Moscow, the information will be transmitted to the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg very quickly." Tou Shanman said.

——It's just that he still overestimated the efficiency of the Russians.

But they must think about things from the most unfavorable angle, so as to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Ryohei Uchida asked, "What base station did General Akiyama mention?"

Tou Shanman said: "I have done some research. This is a radio device successfully developed by Li Yu. It can communicate with the headquarters at any location without relying on telegraph lines."

"Wouldn't it be very convenient in field battles!" Uchida Ryohei instantly realized the power of the radio.

Tou Shanman nodded: "It is indeed a very terrifying technology, and as far as I know, Li Yu is already the world's top level in this regard."

Uchida Ryohei asked: "We don't have such capabilities?"

"No!" Tou Shanman said, "Many of the most advanced achievements are involved, and Li Yu's patent was applied for in the United States."

"Apply in the United States?" Uchida murmured.

Obviously, even though it seems harmless to humans and animals now, the United States still cannot be easily offended, and it is unrealistic to grab it.

Tou Shanman said: "From the mouth of the Russian spy, we also know that Russia intends to establish more contacts with Li Yu's company, hoping to have a long-term supply contract. They hope to put the equipment in Tokyo so that they will not be monitored. to communicate with the home country. And this requires a lot of radio equipment."

Uchida Ryohei slapped the table: "The Russians have a good idea, and they also want to plant spies under the emperor's feet! Fortunately, you can see his identity at a glance. Without this information, we would still be kept in the dark."

Tou Shanman said: "The current situation is that Russia is ready to send people to sign a contract with Li Yu's company, and we cannot stop this matter."

Uchida Ryohei really covets this advanced technology, but buying it simply cannot meet the needs of mastering the core technology. Japan is now trying its best to get rid of its dependence on Europe in terms of industrial technology, and wants to independently produce locomotives, rails, and ships.

He pondered for a while and said, "Is it possible to obtain radio technology from Li Yuna?"

Tou Shanman said: "I have had two meetings with him. Although it is difficult for me to judge this person's position, it is obvious that he will not stand on our side."

Uchida Ryohei said: "There are many Chinese people who are pro-Japanese. Why isn't he pro-Japanese?"

Tou Shanman said: "This is really inexplicable. It stands to reason that we and China should fight against white Russian talents. Now that Russia's plan has been leaked, Chinese students studying abroad have been anti-Russian, but this Li Yu has not shown too much. So many thoughts like that."

Uchida Ryohei frowned: "There are indeed doubts! Is there any more information about him?"

Tou Shanman said: "Unfortunately, no."

Uchida Ryohei said: "We should have more control over him. Technology has made a strong contribution to the West."

"In this regard, I have a suggestion." Tou Shanman said suddenly.

Uchida Ryohei immediately asked, "What suggestion?"

Tou Shanman said: "According to the only information, it can be seen that Li Yu is not married, and it seems that he does not resist female sex. Because I found that he took a beautiful Chinese woman to Europe, but the two People are not husband and wife.”

"Oh?" Uchida Ryohei said, "It's not a husband and wife relationship, but they went to Europe together?"

Tou Shanman smiled and said: "It seems that he is also a vagabond. Although his performance is almost impeccable, but the hero is sad to be a beauty, he is young and vigorous, and he is full of blood. After all, there are flaws."

"It's a good breakthrough point. I'm afraid there is no weakness, and once there is a weakness, it can be exploited," Uchida Ryohei said. "But he is already accompanied by a beautiful woman. Will this strategy be difficult to work?"

"Don't worry!" Toushan said confidently, "I have observed that the girl named Bicheng walking with him is not an understanding woman, and she doesn't know what is charming."

Uchida Ryohei said, "What do you mean?"

Tou Shanman held up his teacup, "She doesn't know what a woman is at all."

Uchida Ryohei laughed heartily after hearing his words, "Mr. Toushan also understands women, but women understand women better! Do you have a suitable candidate?"

Tou Shanman seemed to have considered this link, and replied: "We can write a book to Mr. Konoe, the chairman of the House of Nobles. His Shanghai Dongya Tongwen Academy must have many talents."

The Mr. Konoe mentioned by Toushan Man, that is, Konoe Toshimaro, is also the father of Konoe Fumimaro, the notorious modern-day culprit who invaded China.

The East Asia Tongbun Academy is a high-level espionage school founded by Japan in Shanghai in 1901 to conduct "Chinese studies" research.

Before 1920, the Academy only recruited Japanese students, and organized previous students to conduct on-the-spot investigations on our country for more than [-] years, covering all provinces and regions except Tibet.The content involves various aspects such as geography, industry, commerce, society, economy, and politics, and the results are an important basis for Japan's decision-making on China.

In short, it can be seen that Japan attaches great importance to espionage work. The maps of China drawn by the Japanese back then were even more detailed than our own.

Uchida Ryohei nodded and said, "Mr. Konoe will definitely support our opinion."

Konoe Atsumaro is the undisputed soul of the current "Japan's foreign hard movement" and has a deep relationship with the Black Dragon Society.

Later this year, when his position as Speaker of the House of Peers expires, Tou Sanman even plots for him to form a cabinet.It's just that Konoe Totsumaro contracted actinomycosis during his two previous trips to China, and he will die next year.

——This disease is very difficult to treat without penicillin.

The speed of the telegram exchange was very fast, Konoe Totsumaro has always been extremely concerned about China's affairs, after all, he also wants to take over the Manchuria region.

Konoe Totsumaro quickly mentioned a very suitable person, who happened to be in Shanghai Dongya Tongwen Academy.

After receiving Konoe Atsumaro's reply, Tou Shanman immediately came to Shanghai and met the young Japanese female spy.To be precise, it should be said to be a spy student.

The first impression is very good, because from Tou Shanman's eyes, at least the appearance is very high, and this alone is half the success.

"Hello, my Black Dragon Club is full of mountains."

"President Toushan, my name is Konoe Zhaoxue."

Toushanman was stunned: "Jinwei?"

Jinwei Zhaoxue smiled slightly: "We are the distant branch."

Toushan heaved a sigh of relief. In Japan, the Konoe family is the head of the five masters, second only to the emperor.

Konoe Zhaoxue said in Chinese: "There is a Chinese teacher in my family, and I have cultivated Chinese culture since I was a child."

This fluent Chinese export, Tou Shanman feels [-]% more confident.

The side branch is far from the orthodox Konoe clan of the real Gosho family, that is, the Konoe Atsuma clan.

After all, these big families in Japan have been multiplying for too long. Counting from the Kamakura period, it has been thousands of years, and the population is large, just like the many idle clans in the Qing Dynasty or the large number of folk royal families in the late Ming Dynasty.

For some distant branches, the only relationship with the Konoe family may be the surname.

Just like Li Hongzhang, governor of Zhili, and Li Goudan, a villager, both have the surname Li, which doesn't explain much.

But Tou Shanman knows very well that the more such a person is, the more at ease it is to use.

The distant branches of big families want to be recognized by the near branches, because the near branches who hold great power often don't like them very much.

Japan's traditional families are also full of grievances and grievances.

Konoe Atsumaro personally recommended her, so she must have had a high opinion of her.

Tou Shanman was very satisfied: "How about your espionage-related studies?"

Konoe Zhaoxue took out several evaluation sheets from Toa Tongbun Academy, all of which were "excellent".

Tou Shanman dug out the evaluation sheet on mathematics and science subjects, and asked, "Do you know the target of this task?"

Konoe Zhaoxue said: "I know. Li Yu is one of the top mathematical scientists in the world today, and he is proficient in astronomy and engineering. He is proficient in three foreign languages: English, Japanese, and German."

Tou Shanman said: "This man is a rare talent, I hope you will try your best to get close to him."

Konoe Zhaoxue asked, "Is it for information about technology?"

"Not only that," Tou Shanman said, "Talent is the most important resource. I hope you can use the unique means of women to make him turn to the pro-Japanese side. This will be your biggest mission goal. I have already talked with Mr. Konoe Communication, this matter is a long-term task.”

"A means unique to women?" Konoe Zhaoxue asked.

"That's right, it's okay to be his woman! But your heart must always belong to the Great Japanese Empire!" Tou Shanman said solemnly.

"Zhaoxue understands!" Konoe Zhaoxue said.

Tou Shanman said: "I have met Li Yu twice. This person is still young, only in his twenties at most, and he is tall. It is much better than letting you commit yourself to some old Qing dignitaries."

Some female spy trainees of Jinwei Zhaoxue have accepted similar tasks.

They have all received relevant training, because those in power always have some bad tastes, and they like noble foreign women very much.

Although it is impossible to defeat the great powers in fact, it can be used as a vent.

After the Russian coup, many Belarusian aristocratic women went to Harbin, Shanghai, Tianjin and other places to become dancers, and their business was very good.

Although Konoe Zhaoxue is not a close branch of the Konoe family, the surname of Konoe is very lethal, so it has always been regarded as a trump card.

He even wanted to keep her in contact with the high-level Russian army, but it was really difficult to break into the Russian army.

These Japanese women are also willing to accept such tasks, and even a large number of Japanese women went to Nanyang to work as kiln sisters to earn money to sponsor military expenses.

At this time, the whole of Japan's thinking is quite terrible.

Konoe Zhaoxue said: "I have seen Li Yu's photo in the newspaper."

Tou Shanman said: "Very well, you have to study your identity carefully, and use the Chinese name 'Wei Zhaoxue' for the time being. Once the time is right, you will come up with the Japanese identity of 'Jinwei Zhaoxue'. This is a step-by-step strategy."

Jinwei Zhaoxue said: "Zhaoxue remembered."

Tou Shanman said: "You must keep your identity in mind every day. Since ancient times, women are born with the advantage of espionage. I hope you can fulfill your mission."

Konoe Zhaoyuki was expressionless: "Even if I die, I will turn into a cherry blossom in Tokyo."

Tou Shanman said: "No, your goal is to live well. Once you die, spies are worthless."

Konoe Zhaoxue said: "President Xie Toushan taught!"

Toyama Man said: "I will personally contact General Aoki Nobusumi and Mr. Sakanishi Rihachiro who is in the residence of Yuan Shikai, Governor of Zhili in Beiyang. They will provide strong support for your future espionage work."

Tou Shanman pointed out both the first-generation spy chief and the second-generation spy chief in Japan.

Konoe Zhaoyuki was very moved, leaned over and said: "Zhaoyuki will definitely not let down the seniors! If you can get back the technology you want for the emperor, Zhaoyuki is willing to give everything!"

Looking at Konoe Zhaoxue's beautiful side face and the snow-white skin that leaked when he leaned over, Tou Shanman almost froze, but immediately stabilized his thoughts.

——Even he was a bit difficult to control, he didn't believe that the young Li Yu could stand up to the women of the Japanese Empire!

(End of this chapter)

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