Chapter 283
The three of them first came to the "Shenzhen" museum in Shanghai. As soon as Li Yu entered the door, he saw a beautiful woman who was indeed outstanding. Even if she was just waiting for someone bored, she sat there with her back straight.

Li Yu had to remind Li Yu of some female stars who had seen filming near the school, not those traffic stars, but female stars of the acting school.He inadvertently discovered that they were the same, maintaining a more elegant posture all the time.

Obviously after long-term training, he was born in a professional class.All kinds of film schools and media schools must place great emphasis on physical courses.

If it's an actress who suddenly became famous and became popular, she often can't support the real big scene, let alone the details.

Shi Liangcai handed out a "resume" to Li Yu. It was written in Chinese, English, and Japanese.

Li Yu read it once, and he was really excellent in all aspects, and he is really a talent in today's era.

However, Li Yu still felt that something was wrong, and said, "Your name is Wei Zhaoxue, right? Judging from her resume, she is a talented woman, but now most of my place is male, so I'm afraid it's not convenient."

Konoe Zhaoxue bowed lightly: "To serve the country, there is no distinction between men and women. This is what the little girl saw you write in the newspaper. Am I not worthy?"

"It's a good match, but I see that Hangzhou, your hometown, if you travel to the capital, it will be inconvenient to go home in the future." Li Yu said.

Konoe Zhaoxue didn't care at all: "I've thought it over and made up my mind, otherwise I wouldn't have handed in the registration form."

"But a lonely woman, will it be dangerous, and..."

Before Li Yu finished speaking, Shi Liang interrupted: "Brother Li Yu, don't worry so much! She was personally recommended by Mr. Yuan Shuxun of Shanghai Daotai. Whoever dares to mess with her, don't worry."

"Shanghai Daotai?" Li Yu wondered, "Is there any need for an official to intervene on such a trivial matter?"

"Of course!" Shi Liangcai said, "I said in the notice that the company run by the Imperial Master will be the world's top company, and will be endorsed by the Ministry of Commerce of the Qing Dynasty. That's why many students with good backgrounds rushed to sign up. "

Li Yu understood it, and Shi Liang just made the matter bigger. No wonder it was so easy to recruit people this time.

It feels like later generations suddenly recruited people at the headquarters of a large central enterprise, and everyone squeezed their heads to get in.

Shi Liangcai went on to say: "Originally, Mr. Xu Shichang personally supervised your business establishment. Everyone even knew that even Mr. Zai Zhenbei, Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, personally stamped you. With such a hard relationship, Shanghai Daotai Yuan It's normal for adults to worry too much."

Although Yuan Shuxun's current official rank is not high, everyone knows that he has a lot of room for advancement. He will become the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in a few years.

So face is not small.

Li Yu said: "As expected of you, you are really well informed."

"How can I be a reporter without any news channels!" Shi Liangcai said proudly, and then pointed to his resume and said, "It's amazing, look at this English vocabulary, I didn't understand it at first."

Li Yu took a closer look: "international trade", and then said in surprise: "International trade? She can write such professional words!"

Shi Liangcai patted Li Yu on the shoulder: "So I said you can't miss this talent. How many people can say the word international trade now? I just know that you want to earn money from foreigners. International trade is not necessary." few!"

Having said that, Li Yu had no choice but to agree: "Okay, I accept."

Shi Liangcai smiled and said, "He is definitely a pillar of talent."

However, Li Yu still doesn't know that Yuan Shuxun recommended her, but behind the scenes, he received a letter from Konoe Dumao.

Li Yu asked her, "When will the girl leave?"

Jinwei Zhaoxue replied: "Your Majesty, you can just call me Zhaoxue. Zhaoxue is ready and can go back to Beijing with you."

Li Yu said: "Well, it just so happens that some students from St. John's University and Nanyang Public School are also planning to leave immediately, so we will be together then."


Li Yu and Bu Fangji came to St. John's University again, and informed several students of the departure time and meeting place.

The boat tickets are not cheap these days, fortunately Li Yu bought them all.

Just in time for St. John's University to finish school, Li Yu saw Song Jiashu who came to pick up Song Ziwen.

"Mr. Song!" Li Yu greeted.

Song Jiashu walked over with Song Ziwen, "Call me Uncle!"

"Uncle." Song Ziwen called out.

Li Yu was stunned for a moment before replying, "Hi, you're so good."

Uh, so cute...

It feels weird to say it, maybe it’s just being so good when I was a child 0.0
Song Jiashu said to Li Yu: "Is there something the emperor can find?"

Li Yu said, "I want to buy a batch of machinery and equipment."

This is Song Jiashu's old line: "What does the emperor need to do?"

Li Yu gave him a general introduction. After all, there is no monosodium glutamate, instant noodles, and no soap production factories in China, so I can only describe it roughly.

Song Jiashu pondered for a while and said, "It seems impossible to buy ready-made machinery."

Li Yu said: "I understand that you only need to buy similar ones. If you buy more, you will definitely need to modify them."

Song Jiashu said: "Then it will be easy, I will try my best to buy as suitable machinery as possible for the emperor."

Li Yu said goodbye to him, and then went to find Cai Yuanpei, planning to pass the news of his departure to the students of Nanyang Public School and Patriotic Society who wanted to go north with him immediately.

As soon as he arrived at Cai Yuanpei's residence, Li Yu saw him chatting with a bald young man.

Seeing Li Yu approaching, Cai Yuanpei got up and said, "Brother Shucai, I'm so sorry! I was supposed to pick you up with Principal Bu, but it happened that a friend returned from Japan."

Li Yu didn't take it seriously: "The principal doesn't need to apologize."

Cai Yuanpei introduced him to the bald young man beside him: "This is Tao Chengzhang who returned from Japan Chengwu School."

It turned out to be the future boss of the Restoration Society.

Next year Cai Yuanpei will co-found the Restoration Association with him.

He's only 25 now, very young.

Tao Chengzhang was completely disappointed with the Qing court as early as two years ago, thinking that he was just "slaving the ears of the white people."

But after staying in Beijing for a period of time, he soon realized that just assassinating Cixi or princes and ministers would not change the overall situation, and he should take the revolutionary line.

But although Tao Chengzhang understood this truth, some people did not understand that he was assassinated as soon as the Revolution of [-] succeeded.

In addition, Song Jiaoren was also assassinated afterwards, which made the atmosphere very bad. The political arena in the early years of the Republic of China was like the underworld. If you can't win, you will be killed.

So many bigwigs stood up and strongly denounced, such as the heavyweights Zhang Taiyan and Liang Qichao.

It's just that Liang Qichao once bought a murderer to kill Yikuang.

Of course, he figured it out later and knew that assassination was useless, so he kept berating Song Jiaoren and others for their misfortune.

Perhaps there is also a reason that someone speculated that Liang Qichao was suspected of hiring a murderer, so Liang Qichao wrote a long article in response.

Afterwards, someone joked that Liang Zhuoru, who wanted to kill Yikuang, had nothing to do with Liang Qichao.

This kind of stalk turned out not only to Lu Xun.

——You want to arrest Zhou Shuren, what does it have to do with me, Lu Xun?
Tao Chengzhang was funded by Cai Yuanpei to study in Japan. He only stayed in Japan for more than a year, but he made rapid progress because of getting acquainted with Huang Xing and others.After seeing them return to the country to start the revolution, they also resolutely returned to the country.

Tao Chengzhang clasped his fists and said, "Emperor Master, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Li Yu said in the same way: "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Tao Chengzhang looked at Li Yu's hair: "As the emperor's teacher, you can actually cut your hair, which really surprises me."

Then he touched his bald head and said: "And your hairstyle is really handsome, I'm so envious! I went to shave my hair a few days ago, but many people dared not. I had no choice but to find Jing'an Temple and said that I wanted to shave and become a monk. That's why they shaved my head bald."

Cai Yuanpei on the side couldn't help laughing: "It's a good shave! In case the officials of the Qing court ask you later, it's convenient for you to say that you don't have long hair naturally."

Tao Chengzhang said bitterly, "Why don't I shave my hair often?"

Li Yu joked: "It reminds me of a good business. If one day we change back to Han people's clothing and traditions, so many people will have their hair cut, it will be a great business!"

Tao Chengzhang clapped his hands and said, "The emperor's brain is still good! Don't tell me, this matter needs to be prepared in advance, and maybe a small profit can be used as an activity fund."

As soon as he heard the word "funding", Li Yu knew that they were already discussing about the recovery of the association, so he quickly mentioned his purpose: "Principal, please inform the students who want to go north immediately, and meet at the pier in two days."

Cai Yuanpei said, "Are you leaving so soon?"

Li Yu said: "The sooner things are done, the better."

Cai Yuanpei said, "I see."

After explaining the good things, Li Yu bid farewell and left.

He also wanted to see Yu Heqin's progress in purifying monosodium glutamate.

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.

Yu Heqin is still doing purification experiments, much more refined than when Li Yu left Shanghai last time.

After Li Yu arrived, he immediately asked him to drink soup.

Li Yu commented on the taste: "It's very good, I want to experiment for a while, and then I can study the specific production process."

Yu Heqin liked doing chemistry too much, and after receiving Li Yu's approval, he became more motivated: "I think I can continue to improve the purity."

"Why don't you go to the capital with me!" Li Yu extended an invitation to him.

Now in China, if you want to find someone who is serious about chemistry, Yu Heqin should be the best choice.

Yu Heqin asked, "Sir, do you want me?"

Li Yu nodded vigorously: "I need you very much!"

"It's done!" Yu Heqin said very straightforwardly, "As long as you have the words of the master, I will definitely go to the capital with you."

"Great!" Li Yu said happily, and gave him another vaccination, "Don't worry, it won't delay your study abroad in the future."

Then he said to Zhong Guanguang: "I'm sorry, I borrowed your partner away, and you should be busier in the store in the future."

Zhong Guanguang said with a smile: "Sir, if you need to be here, even if this shop is thrown away, I will not hesitate."

Li Yu waved his hand: "Be sure to keep it well, there are still things I want to entrust to you."

What Song Jiashu mentioned before was about equipment, and this time he dragged his time around to buy as many experimental equipment and raw materials as possible, and the more the better, the better.

The quantity must be large, and it is a big order for Zhong Guanguang.

Zhong Guanguang accepted Li Yu's request without fail: "Don't worry, sir, if you miss anything, it won't miss your business."

Things in Shanghai had almost come to an end for the time being, Li Yu took Shangyu Heqin and these students to prepare to return to Beijing.

And Xie Yuxi had already returned to Tianjin first, because in comparison, the construction of the school in Tianjin was progressing the fastest. After all, with the support of the two school fathers of Nankai, Zhang Boli and Yan Fansun, the progress was very smooth.

Along the Huangpu River, the passenger ship whistled and gradually left Taikoo Wharf.

(End of this chapter)

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