Chapter 284 What You Think You Think Is What You Think

For the students, the ship sailing on the sea is indeed relatively idle.

Jinwei Zhaoxue didn't deliberately contact Li Yu, but she was indeed outstanding among these students.

Konoe Zhaoxue is very smart, but he just showed his strength among the students, and Li Yu will definitely pay attention to him by then.

The students were idle and bored, and they were all studying some of Li Yu's papers on the boat. After all, they wanted to enter Li Yu's enterprise and laboratory.

It's just that some of Li Yu's articles are indeed too esoteric, especially the mathematical theory papers, which involve a lot of advanced mathematical knowledge, and it is impossible for them to understand them.

However, some of Li Yu's recent articles on "Science" are relatively popular, such as the content about calculating the three major cosmic velocities just released.

Konoe Zhaoxue was able to understand some of the points, and even explained them to other students.

Although it is not a profound knowledge, it can't be said that it is very powerful, but among these people, it seems to be very outstanding.

"Unexpectedly, a girl can learn complex mathematics knowledge!" the students praised.

Konoe Zhaoxue smiled slightly: "Not only that, but have you heard of Mr. Li Yu's patent on radio?"

"Radio? What?" The students really didn't know this high technology.

Radio is relatively abstract. At present, domestic schools seldom even talk about communication, let alone radio.

Konoe Zhaoxue continued to explain to them on the paper: "Radio is a long-distance communication device that does not require telegraph wires..."

Konoe Zhaoxue did not understand profound technical knowledge, but the simple science popularization also made the students fascinated.

Everyone knows that what Li Yu is doing is powerful, but now that he hears it, it's too advanced!I don't understand at all!

He became more and more determined to follow Li Yuqian.

Afterwards, Konoe Zhaoxue also mentioned the patent of Li Yu's car direction. Now there are not many cars in Shanghai, and most of the students have never seen it.

Jinwei Zhaoxue actually knew a thing or two.

The students became more and more convinced of her, and praised her as "both beauty and wisdom, temperament and elegance".

It seems that a lot of little fans have been born.

Li Yu was also more curious, she really knew too much.Especially the radio, she had just brought it back to China, and it was only circulated in a small area, and the people who bought it were all ministers and ambassadors, so she already knew something about it.

Do you often watch American news?
But Li Yu didn't think much about it for the time being.

After returning to the capital, Li Yu settled them in the Rong Mansion next to him, but luckily he rented it out.The Rong Mansion is very big, it is too easy to live with this small number of people, you only need to enter the courtyard two or three times.

Only Konoe Zhaoxue is special and needs to arrange a separate room for her.


On the second day after returning to Beijing, Lu Bicheng came to look for him.

He also brought the latest "Ta Kung Pao", angrily said: "Look, this article is really annoying!"

Li Yu unfolded the newspaper, which was written by De Cuilin, the tax department of Tianjin Customs.

Ever since the revelation of Dongchuang's conspiracy to plunder the Kaiping Coal Mine was exposed, De Cuilin became angry and published various slanderous articles. Today, she even pointed the finger at Confucius.

However, he did not dare to speak out directly, but borrowed the words of the great German philosopher Hegel.

Hegel did say something like this: "In fact, in Confucius' cognition, it is more of a common sense morality, which can be found in any nation, which is nothing outstanding. Confucius is indeed a A wise man, there is no philosophy speculative in Confucius at all, but more of some moral lessons, and it is difficult for us to obtain anything special from it.”

Hegel even said: "In order to maintain Confucius' reputation, it would be better if his books had never been translated."

Hegel obviously didn't understand, and then blackened Confucius, belittling Confucius as worthless.

Later, Detriline rambled about the content of "The Analects of Confucius", but he obviously read the English or German translation, and did not get the essence.

Li Yu scoffed at De Cuilin's approach.

But ordinary readers saw that he moved out of Hegel. Even though many people had never heard of it, after knowing from the article that he was an important German philosopher, they felt a little bit bleak and even felt inferior.

Even Kong Lingyi, Duke Yansheng of the Confucian family, did not make a sound.

But Li Yu didn't count on him either.

This Kong Lingyi, during the invasion of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, first gave a memorial to the Lafayette of Xishou, hoping that the Empress Dowager Cixi would take care of her health, don't overwork, and the good days of singing and dancing will come.

On the other side, the portrait of German Emperor Wilhelm II was welcomed into the Confucian mansion with gongs and drums to worship!

Of course, there is also a statue of King Edward VII of the British Empire.

Simply ridiculous!
Yan Shenggong seemed to be not xenophobic at all, keeping up with the pace of the times, knowing that the most powerful countries in the world at that time were England and Germany.

Just like the flattering look when the Qing army entered the customs.

Zhang Taiyan, a real master of Chinese studies, issued an article calling for "Shandong scholars and people to be the Boxer Regiment, and do nothing to proclaim Shenggong"!
Li Yu is well aware of the low self-confidence of the Chinese people now, and he must be the vanguard himself.

"This bastard De Cuilin!" Li Yu said to Lu Bicheng, "Come and wait in my room. I will write an article to refute him right now and post it on Ta Kung Pao."

Li Yu returned to the study, spread out the manuscript paper, picked up the pen, and wrote vigorously:

"Your Excellency Detriline, you are really arrogant and prejudiced, but you don't know how ignorant you are in such a tone!"

Li Yu came up and pointed out that he didn't understand at all, and then went on to write:
"I don't even want to mention you, Mr. Detriline, besides you = you are also borrowing Hegel's words. Then I will tell you, not only you, but Hegel also doesn't understand "The Analects of Confucius"!
"I once traveled in Europe and saw the translation of "The Analects of Confucius".

"You foreigners must think that "The Analects of Confucius" is a collection of aphorisms that are crude, unnutritious, and clichéd?

"But in fact, you don't understand the esoteric classical Chinese at all, and it is even more impossible to understand what kind of environment the Spring and Autumn Period is! Do you know what is meant by ritual collapse and music destruction, what is lost and rebuilt, what is ancient ideals, and what is called people and people A healthy relationship!?

"If you don't understand these things, don't say you can understand "The Analects of Confucius", let alone say that you understand Chinese people!
"In the end, you don't understand at all! Don't think that what you think is what you think!

"Mr. Detriline, I can say bluntly that you speak in an ignorant tone, which will only make you look even more ignorant!"

Li Yu felt very happy after finishing writing, and handed it to Lu Bicheng: "Send it."

Lu Bicheng kept watching from the side, and said in surprise: "It's published in the newspaper like this, I'm afraid it will make Mr. De Cuilin very angry. He is a former tax secretary."

Li Yu said disdainfully, "So what?"

"But..." Lu Bicheng still hesitated.

Li Yu said with a smile: "The articles are all signed. If there is any problem, let him come to me. I'm not afraid of foreigners!"

Lu Bicheng said: "You, you are too brave! Well, I will listen to you."

After the article was published, it did cause an uproar.

Newspaper offices like such things that have topics and debates.

Soon other newspapers such as "Zi Lin Xi Bao" and "Beijing-Tianjin Times" reprinted it one after another.

Not long after, "The Times" and Shanghai "Shenbao" also published the original text.

Everyone applauded Li Yu one after another.

Nowadays, there are too few Chinese who can be respected by foreigners, and it is unheard of to dare to criticize foreigners.

And Li Yu even dared to scold foreigners!
The key is to refute the great German philosopher Hegel, and the people's blood is surging.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door of Li Yu's residence.

Lu Bicheng was also there today, and asked, "Could it be a foreigner?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "What's there to be afraid of? Uncle Wang, open the door to welcome guests."

The door opened, and it was Gu Hongming standing outside.

And he's dressed very formally today.

Li Yu didn't expect him to come to visit, so he walked out of the hall and asked, "Mr. Gu, why are you here?"

Gu Hongming's tone was not as sharp as before, but a little soft: "I heard that little brother Li Yu returned to the capital, so I came here to pay a visit."

Li Yu hurriedly said, "Sir, please come in!"

Holding the latest "Ta Kung Pao" in his hand, Gu Hongming said: "I never imagined that you were the first to speak out in defense of Confucianism, and your words are so powerful that I have to admire you."

Gu Hongming argued with himself many times, but now he came to the door in person, and his tone softened, which made Li Yu a little at a loss.

"Just for self-defense," Li Yu said.

Gu Hongming asked: "Are you speaking from the bottom of your heart?"

Li Yu said, "Of course!"

Gu Hongming asked: "Didn't you always oppose Confucianism?"

Li Yu said embarrassingly: "How did I ever say that? How did it spread like this? I have always said that Chinese studies and science are not contradictory and can develop together."

Gu Hongming said: "I didn't believe it before, but when I saw it today, I felt inferior in comparison. When I saw the German article, I couldn't even think of how to refute it. On this point, you are better."

Li Yu hurriedly said: "Mr. Gu is overrated. I am far behind you in my understanding of Chinese studies. I have benefited a lot from reading the book you gave me a while ago. Otherwise, I would not be able to write such an article to refute the foreign devils." .”

Gu Hongming smiled and said: "Foreign devils, good words. I didn't expect that you really read my book, but now I don't understand much of what you wrote. I am ashamed. Otherwise, I don't think I will face foreigners. Sometimes I can’t tell why.”

Li Yu said: "I was just one step ahead, and I think you will write sharp articles to refute it in a short time."

During the period of the Republic of China, Gu Hongming did confront foreigners many times.

But at this time, he said seriously: "You don't have to be polite to me! I, Gu Hongming, said that you are superior to me today, and you are superior to me!"

Gu Hongming is a madman, not many people are convinced by him, not to mention Li Yu is still a young man.

Li Yu said with a smile: "Acknowledgement."

Gu Hongming said: "Today, my attitude towards you has changed a lot."

"I am like this! Before that, we were just competing for ideas," Li Yu said, "But just like I once spent a period of time in the Imperial University, my classmates and I sometimes joked and scolded the university for various things. But it’s only limited to our own people, if foreigners scold us, it will gradually fail! It must be unanimous to the outside world!”

Gu Hongming was stunned for a moment, clasped his fists and said: "Today I realized that Your Excellency's title of Emperor Master is not for nothing, I also want to respectfully call you Emperor Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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