Chapter 287 Heat Death
After Li Yu waited for Prince Su to seal the seal, he bid farewell to the two of them: "Just wait and read the newspaper tomorrow."

It was easy to refute Detriline.

In fact, not only Engels, but Maxwell and Boltzmann also opposed the theory of heat death.

Because heat death is really too pessimistic, and now that human society just feels like conquering nature, heat death gives a huge sap when it comes up, bluntly saying that the universe will go to a dead silence, and no one can accept it.

I have said many times before that thermodynamics is still a super hot subject.

The second industrial revolution is also closely related to thermodynamics, and it still has a long life. After all, the internal combustion engine has just been born and has not yet begun to show its power.

After hundreds of years of dark medieval times and colonial wars, Europeans finally feel that they have become "masters of the world". Now someone suddenly says that the universe will be dead in the future, and even cells and even atoms will no longer exist. How can they not be pessimistic.

This kind of resistance exists not only in the scientific community, but also in the cultural circle and ordinary people.

It's just that at the beginning of the [-]th century, the theory of heat death can't find any obvious loopholes in theory.

Not only Clausius, but another Kelvin who expressed the second law of thermodynamics also mentioned the theory of heat death.

The two thermodynamic masters said so, and it seems that this will be the case.

Russell even said sadly: "The crystallization of all ages, all beliefs, all inspirations, and all the brilliance of human genius are destined to be destroyed with the collapse of the solar system. The temple of all human achievements will inevitably be buried in the collapse. Among the ruins of the universe—all these are almost so certain that any philosophy that denies them has no hope of success."

Wiener, the father of cybernetics, could not "control" his depressed feelings, and almost lamented in despair: "Sooner or later we will die, and it is very likely that when the world moves towards a unified and huge thermal equilibrium state, there will no longer be any real When something new is created, the universe around us will die due to heat death, leaving nothing..."

The conclusion is that Russell, Wiener, Maxwell, Boltzmann and others, as representatives of the scientific community, opposed the heat death theory from a scientific point of view.

Engels opposed the theory of heat death because he opposed the direct philosophizing of science, and then distorted science and directly turned it into idealism, and the starting point was no problem.

Because as a German, he believes in the power of science and technology more anyway, and coupled with his own firm materialism, he is naturally very afraid that theology will rise again to suppress science.

Although this kind of worry is also a bit too pessimistic in the eyes of later people.

But even if there is a connection, after all science is science and philosophy is philosophy.

It is really not easy to directly refute the theory of heat death. In fact, it was not until Li Yu traveled through that heat death theory began to be shaken.

However, this involves a large number of very sophisticated astronomical observations, and even the theory of dark energy that was absolutely impossible to understand at the beginning of the [-]th century.

And it's just beginning to waver, and it's not sure how it will be.

Anyway, when Li Yu was in school, there was no conclusion on how the universe was born or how it would end.

Li Yu pondered for a while in the study, and decided to rely on existing theories to refute:
"Mr. Detriline, you need to understand a premise. The premise of discussing cutting-edge science is that you need to have the same theory, otherwise there will be no equal dialogue at all. In Chinese words, it becomes a chicken talking to a duck, and a cow playing the piano.

"To understand the concept of entropy, you need to have a basic foundation of calculus and probability, and I don't know to what extent you understand it.

"But from the point where you want to beat science with philosophy, you're on the wrong track.

"I can tell you simply that entropy does not increase to infinity. Infinity is a mathematical concept that cannot be extended to physics at will.

"So I think you can study physics and mathematics carefully to understand the difference between the two.

"But here, I can write a little bit of the calculation process, and let you discuss how far away the 'end of the world' will be if there is one."

Li Yu wrote a bunch of mathematical calculations in a hurry. It is impossible to be convincing without some real things, but it seems that there are not many people who can understand it.

The publication of this article is enough to refute Detriline.

It's just that De Trilin gave Li Yu an inspiration for his thesis: because of the discussion of entropy increase, it is inevitable to discuss the "Maxwell's Demon", one of the "Four Great Beasts" in physics.

Since there are many expressions of the second law of thermodynamics, the proposal of "Maxwell's demon" is actually against the theory of heat death.

Simply explain Maxwell's demon, that is, a container is divided into two parts, one side has a high gas temperature, and the other side has a low temperature.

But according to statistics, even if the temperature is high, there are molecules with small kinetic energy, and there are molecules with greater kinetic energy, but it only reflects a temperature statistically.

Then there is a small door in the middle of the container, and there is a goblin guarding the door, which allows only slow-moving molecules to move from the high-temperature side to the low-temperature side; fast-moving molecules go from the low-temperature side to the high-temperature side.

In this way, the temperature on the high temperature side is getting higher and higher, and the temperature on the low temperature side is getting lower and lower.

Of course, modern people can see the obvious violation of the second law of thermodynamics at a glance, because if there is such a monster, then there will be a second type of perpetual motion machine, which is obviously a problem.

But who is Maxwell, this theory is as difficult to explain perfectly as other mythical beasts, such as Zeno's tortoise, Laplace's demon, and the yet-to-be-born Schrödinger's cat.

Nobody in physics currently can handle it.

Being able to tame this divine beast is also an incredible achievement.

And it is a very popular theoretical result.


After Li Yu left the Industrial Inspection Bureau, Naniwa Kawashima also left immediately, and saw Konoe Akiyuki who came to report to him at his residence.

The Japanese pay great attention to rank. Konoe Akiyuki must first meet Kawashima Naniwa before continuing to meet the spy chief Nobujun Aoki and the Japanese minister Uchida Yasuya.

"Mr. Kawashima, under the entrustment of Mr. Konoe Toshimaro and Mr. Toyama Man, I was ordered to come to the capital to secretly monitor Li Yu."

Naniwa Kawashima took a look at Konoe Akiyuki, who was indeed very gorgeous, "Master Konoe and Mr. Toyama have high hopes for you, they must have some ability."

Konoe Zhaoxue leaned over and said, "Mr. Kawashima has a great reputation, and I look forward to your advice in the future."

Naniwa Kawashima looked through her collar, and said, "Yaoxi, Li Yu is really cheap, and then asked: "Do you know the way of the house?"

As an intelligence officer, Konoe Zhaoxue did not evade when asked such a question: "I have learned it in class."

"Just learned it in class?" Kawashima Naniwa asked.

Konoe Zhaoxue replied, "Yes."

Kawashima Naniwa said evilly: "I can teach you a thing or two."

Kawashima Naniwa is also a person with evil tastes, otherwise Yoshiko Kawashima would not have forcibly defiled her as an adopted daughter when she was 17 years old.

Who told her how to say that her surname was Aixinjueluo, she was of Qing Dynasty, and her biological father was a dignified hereditary iron hat king, born of a noble family.

Konoe Zhaoxue said: "Master Kawashima, you should understand tradition. A perfect body is more useful to me. Although I don't care, but for the great cause of the empire, I must make better use of it."

Naniwa Kawashima opened his mouth, feeling a chill in his heart: This woman casually took this kind of thing as a bargaining chip for a task. She is so young and thoughtful, which is really scary.

Naniwa Kawashima coughed: "Very well, I'm just testing you a little bit."

Jinwei Zhaoxue smiled slightly, not sure if he had seen through it, but said: "I understand the humble job. If you can't even pass this test, how can you lead the clan to be promoted to the main family and become a Chinese clan."

The Chinese are the aristocratic class that existed in Japan between the Meiji Restoration and the end of World War II.

After the "return of the registration" of the various local princes in Japan, the original titles such as "gongjia" (gongqing) and "daimyo" (vassal princes) were also abolished, and they were collectively referred to as the Hua nationality.

Then in 1871, Japan once again abolished the old status system, and divided the citizens into four classes: royal family, Chinese family, gentry family, and common people.

The Chinese became an aristocratic class second only to the royal family and enjoyed many political and economic privileges.

It can be simply understood as the five titles of Duke, Marquis, Bo, Zi, and Nan.

Naniwa Kawashima's eyes were restrained, and he understood that this woman's plans were far-reaching, and she was even more untouchable.If he really entered the Master Jinwei's house, then he would definitely not be able to provoke him.

So he said: "You go back first, General Aoki Nobusumi is not in the capital yet, we will report after he comes back."


Li Yu's home.

Sometimes he got up and sometimes sat down, scribbling and changing, preparing to write an article about "sacred beasts".

The reason why it needs to be altered is because some theories that are too advanced have to be deleted.

There are too many things in my mind, and I need to unravel at this time.

Regarding the second law of thermodynamics, both Boltzmann and Maxwell analyzed the molecular field.

However, considering the special existence of Maxwell's demon, if you talk too much, you will inadvertently pop up the bursting theory of "uncertainty principle".

When Li Yu was concentrating on thinking about the problem, he didn't notice Lu Bicheng and Qiu Jin standing outside the window.

Qiu Jin looked at him for a long time, and said to Lu Bicheng: "You are so tall, no wonder you are so fascinated. He is indeed a handsome man, and his spirit, spirit, and spirit are far from being comparable to those of dudes."

1.8 meters in the late Qing Dynasty was indeed called a little giant.

Lu Bicheng grabbed the corner of her clothes: "Sister, let's go, it's not good for him to see."

Qiu Jin understood her thoughts, and sighed in her heart: "Perhaps under free love, love really exists."

The two turned to leave, but saw Jinwei Zhaoxue returning at the gate of Rongfu.

Passing by, Qiu Jin asked Lu Bicheng, "Why are there other beautiful girls in the house?"

Lu Bicheng said: "He told me that a group of students came from Shanghai and they will work in the company in the future."

Qiu Jin warned: "Be careful."

Lu Bicheng asked: "Be careful of what?"

Qiu Jin said: "Just one glance, you can see that she is not simple."

Qiu Jin was prepared to venture into the rivers and lakes alone, and she was quite gifted for this.

(End of this chapter)

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