Chapter 288 Embarrassment
Lu Bicheng felt distracted, and today he was not in the mood to study whether the emperor had any clothes on in the fairy tale he was translating, so he decided to find an excuse to go back and take a look.

But suffering from no good reason, Qiu Jin's eyes were so sharp that he immediately understood what she was thinking.

He pulled her to find a newsboy: "Is today's Ta Kung Pao out?"

The newsboy raised a stack of newspapers in his hand: "Fresh! Guess what? Ever since our Master Di Shi wrote articles again, many Germans have become unhappy! The counselors of the German embassy have to send a note to the court, and Master Di Shi is not allowed to Insulting the sages of Germany again."

Lu Bicheng grabbed the newspaper: "It really is a big deal! I have to inform him immediately. Sister, I'll go back first!"

Seeing her leave, Qiu Jin shook her head with a smile, took out her purse, and said to the newsboy, "This is 20 Wen, give me a copy too."


At home, Li Yu finally finished his work and wrote this essay on "Maxwell's Demon".

All are analyzed using Boltzmann's theory and Planck's epoch-making quantum theory.

Of course, it is too early for him to bring out the uncertainty principle.

But explaining Maxwell's demon must be inseparable from "entropy", so Li Yu made Shannon's information entropy theory created by later generations specially for Maxwell's demon come out a little earlier.

However, limited by the times, he did not write too carefully.

But "information" also has entropy, which is enough to shock the world.

The specific content is more complicated. To put it simply, if there is a "Maxwell's demon", if it wants to obtain information about the speed of molecular motion, it needs to consume energy, which is the increase in entropy.

It is thus impossible to naturally make hot air hotter and cold air colder.

Otherwise, if it is really so powerful, humans don't need to invent water pumps and refrigerators.

Of course, the article is still relatively advanced. Fortunately, Li Yu has written an extended article on the entropy increase of the second law of thermodynamics before, expanding the principle of entropy increase to all walks of life and laying a certain theoretical foundation.

The principle of entropy increase is originally a super epoch-making advanced theory that will be placed in later generations. It just happens to be extended from the thermodynamic theory that is relatively acceptable to all walks of life, and the academic circle will not contradict it.

After finishing writing, Li Yu felt more at ease, and got up to mail it out.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw Lu Bicheng coming in.

"A big deal has happened!" Lu Bicheng said anxiously, "Look quickly! The "Ta Kung Pao" said that many Germans are going to trouble you! Hey, I've said it all, it's not a good thing to mess with foreigners!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "I thought it was a big deal, don't worry. The court is still allowed to argue with each other, so I can write an article to refute it? They are nothing more than feeling a little unhappy. If they are unhappy, go ahead, I don't care. .”

"But they still want to send a note to the court, saying that you have humiliated the German sages." Lu Bicheng said.

"Am I humiliating? These mediocre people obviously don't understand the truth, and they are humiliating their own people." Li Yu said indifferently.

"and also……"

Li Yu interrupted her: "Okay, okay, don't make a fuss. If they really scold me, they should first understand the paper in my hand!"

Lu Bicheng warned: "You must never attack their sages again."

"Where there is, there is nothing!" Li Yu was very confident, "I will show you."

Li Yu wanted to dispel her doubts.

But as soon as I got up, I heard a stabbing sound.

Dizziness!There was a rough edge on the table, and a big hole was ripped into the trousers in an instant.

Luckily it wasn't all torn apart, but after all, there are no underwear yet - underwear won't be around for at least 30 years.

Lu Bicheng quickly turned around and covered his face.

Li Yu was very embarrassed. It was really uncomfortable to not have underwear, and the anti-human things like the Burmese crotch pants of the Qing Dynasty were even more uncomfortable.

The atmosphere was extremely cold in an instant, and neither of them knew how to ease the atmosphere.

Suddenly Konoe Zhaoxue came here and entered the yard. He entered the door and said, "Mr. Li Yu, I have finished reading the few introductory textbooks you gave me earlier, and I have also taught other students. Can you borrow some more esoteric books now? Everyone can't wait to ask for help." Enter the factory for actual combat."

Li Yu said in surprise: "So fast? It seems that I underestimated you all. It just so happened that I brought back some of the latest books from the university. I'll bring them to you...I'll bring them to you another day."

Konoe Zhaoyuki looked at the bookshelf in the room: "Didn't you tell us to show us those practical books on mechanics? They're right there. I think it's fine now."

"Then you can come in and get it yourself." It is inconvenient for Li Yu to stand up now.

Jinwei Zhaoxue glanced at Lu Bicheng next to him, not knowing why, but he still walked into the room and took out a few books from the bookshelf.

"Let me sign the booklet." Konoe Zhaoxue came to Li Yu's desk.

Li Yu had no choice. Now the table was full of manuscript papers, which was rather messy, so he had to find them by himself.

He had no choice but to pinch his legs, then leaned over to take a booklet: "Here you are."

Jinwei Zhaoxue's eyes are so sharp, he immediately noticed something wrong with his clothes, then thought of the red-faced Lu Bicheng in the corner, he seemed to understand something, and hurriedly signed: "I'm sorry to bother you, sir."

Li Yu said: "No, no trouble, why bother?"

Jinwei Zhaoxue hastily exited the door: "I'm leaving now."

The corner of his mouth raised when he went out, and his confidence increased greatly: I just played this game in broad daylight. It seems that no matter how smart the brain is, it is still an animal that thinks with the lower body!

There were only two people left in the room, Lu Bicheng broke the embarrassment and said, "Well, shall I make up for you?"

Li Yu said, "No need, no need..."

"The material looks like it should be high-quality, and money can't be wasted like this." Lu Bicheng said.

How does this sound like educating yourself?However, Li Yu felt that it was necessary to make up for it. The material of Xiangyi was first-class.

"Then I'll make it up."

Lu Bicheng asked: "Why, can you still be a female celebrity?"

"Uh, no."

"That's it! I'll come." Lu Bicheng said.

Li Yu suddenly remembered: "By the way, now there is a machine that can mend clothes very quickly."

"There is also a machine for mending clothes?" Lu Bicheng obviously hadn't heard of it.

"Yes, it's called a sewing machine, and it can be called a home travel tool. Oh no, it's the most powerful tool for women at home," Li Yu said.

"Sewing machine?" Lu Bicheng said, "I've only heard of looms."

"It's different. It has a needle, threaded the thread, and can sew clothes with the pedal, which is much more efficient!"

Li Yu demonstrated it to her while talking, but when he raised his hand, the torn clothes fell down again, so he had to lift it up again.

Lu Bicheng turned around again: "You, you should change your clothes first."

Li Yu said, "Fortunately, I'm quick."

Lu Bicheng snapped, "How can I be quick-eyed, I will regard you as the emperor."

Li Yu wondered, "What emperor?"

Lu Bicheng said, "The emperor's new clothes."

Li Yu's eyebrows twitched, he stopped guessing, and changed his clothes quickly.

Sure enough, it's better to wear a suit more neatly.

Li Yu came back and said, "I'm going to send a letter, how about taking you to see the sewing machine?"

Lu Bicheng was really interested, "I'd like to see it."

The two first came to the Qing Post Office, and Li Yu took out 10 silver coins and letters.

Lu Bicheng was surprised: "It takes so much money to send a letter? It's too extravagant!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's indeed a bit expensive, but there is no way."

The postman looked at Li Yu's name and said to him, "There just happened to be a letter for you from Germany, let's take it together."

Li Yu took the letter and saw the name "Einstein", amazing!

He couldn't wait to take it apart and take a look. When he found the mass-energy formula, he was very shocked.

In any case, it is amazing to have such a super theory in the early twentieth century.

And this personal letter showing the mass-energy formula for the first time can be said to be invaluable.

Einstein's manuscripts of later generations were auctioned to the level of tens of millions of euros, which is really gold.

Lu Bicheng asked curiously, "What's the matter with you, are you short of breath?"

Li Yu took a deep breath: "This is something groundbreaking, I..."

He suddenly remembered that he had to buy a sewing machine, so he had to put aside the important event of creating the world.

Li Yu's heart was surging in the carriage, and he couldn't help thinking about how to reply to the letter.

On the other hand, Lu Bicheng saw that he didn't say a word, and thought he was still embarrassed about the pants.

They came to Qiluofu Foreign Firm in Dongjiaomin Lane, and now the operators of the foreign firm are also Germans.

Li Yu had been here before, and the boss recognized him immediately.

"Mr. Li Yu, I've read the newspapers these days. Why do you talk about the great philosophers of our country?" The boss couldn't help asking.

Li Yu had no choice but to explain: "It's just some routine discussion, does the boss think there is something wrong with what I said?"

The boss thought for a while: "I don't seem to see any problem. To be honest, I don't know advanced knowledge, and I came to the capital just for business. But they are talking about your views in the newspapers, so I have to try to read it too. one time."

Li Yu asked: "Have you read your own experience? Don't listen to other people's words."

The boss said: "Actually, I can't even read Hegel, let alone Clausius who later studied thermodynamics. It's just because of my inner tendency, I still think our sages are right."

Li Yu sighed: "Then you should really read my article carefully. I am not the only one who is against it, you Germans are also arguing."

The boss said: "Maybe, but please don't blame me for being blunt. I always feel that the Germans should not let the Chinese intervene in the debate."

Lu Bicheng said angrily, "Could it be that you can't tell if you're wrong?"

The boss scratched his head: "It's just my inner thoughts."

Li Yu grabbed Lu Bicheng: "It doesn't matter, there is no need to argue about such a trivial matter."

The boss suddenly said: "But I think the emperor is still qualified. With your achievements, you can criticize everyone."

The boss singled out Li Yu, of course, because of his unrivaled achievements in the scientific world.

It's just that Li Yu doesn't lack this exclusive sense of respect, "I don't want to criticize anyone, but Mr. De Trilin should not humiliate our Chinese sages first."

The boss knew that this matter was wrong, so he had to say, "I think Mr. Detriline doesn't know enough about China."

Li Yu didn't want to talk about this anymore, so he pointed to a few sewing machines and said, "Let's talk about business, how do you sell the sewing machines?"

Of course, the boss doesn't want to waste his brains, and is more willing to sell goods. If he has money, he is a fool. "Each set is 50 silver dollars."

Li Yu said, "I'll buy two."

He dropped the silver dollars, had the boys load the wagon, and went home.

There is no learning experience on sewing machines, and Lu Bicheng will soon be able to master the skills of using them.

It is true that Li Yu has never touched needlework, and even seeing sewing machines in his previous life only stayed in his superficial memory when he was very young.

But it is said that in the early years, this thing, together with watches and bicycles, was called the "three major items" that the family must have.

When Lu Bicheng was working as a female celebrity, Fengling came back from shopping outside, seeing the situation, rushed over and said: "Grandma, how can you bother you to do such a trivial matter yourself!"

Lu Bicheng raised his head and asked, "What grandma?"

Feng Ling said: "Anyway, this kind of thing is what a servant like me should do."

Lu Bicheng said: "My girl life is very good, you may not be better than me."

Feng Ling said: "Of course, how can a slave servant compare to you!"

Lu Bicheng said: "Also, your husband said that we should be equal and don't call ourselves slaves."

Feng Ling said: "The big grandma's lesson is, wait, why is it our family?"

Zhao Qian coughed outside, Feng Ling finally realized, smiled and said: "I, I'll go to the kitchen to cook first, you must not leave."

Feng Ling went out and twisted Zhao Qian: "What are you coughing, you little bastard? What's your brain?"

Zhao Qian was in pain: "There is a Jinshi master who wants to find our master."

"Master Jinshi?" Feng Ling saw a person standing at the door.

It was Zhu Guozhen who came, that is, the one who was inexplicably replaced as the No. [-] scholar in the imperial examination this year.

"Zhu Guozhen, a young student, is here to pay a visit to the emperor's teacher."

Feng Ling hurriedly said: "Go forward quickly, the master happens to be fine right now."

Then hurriedly asked Zhao Qian to tell Li Yu.

No matter what, Zhu Guozhen was a second-class Jinshi, and his status was not low in the feudal era.

Li Yuying came out and said, "Brother Xingtai (Zhu Guozhen's character) why suddenly came to the humble house?"

Zhu Guozhen smiled and said: "The emperor's house is not a humble house. I remember it was Rong Zhongtang's mansion before."

After Li Yu brought him to the hall, Zhu Guozhen said again: "This time, I want to join the emperor's division. I read from the newspaper that you want to recruit people and build a new enterprise. I am very interested."

Li Yu was taken aback: "This is not an official career."

Zhu Guozhen said: "I know, but Zhang Jian, the number one scholar, can do business, so I can't?"

"Yes, yes..." Li Yu said.

"That's it!" Zhu Guozhen's attitude turned out to be very firm, "To be honest, I have read most of the books you gave me on various subjects in Western Studies, and I have benefited a lot. I realized that I am still so far away from the truth of the world. Sudden had the idea to follow the emperor and you for a while."

Zhu Guozhen talked eloquently, but Li Yu didn't expect him to be so interested in mechanics and chemistry.

It seems that the first people in China who started to get in touch with Western science are basically like this.

After all, chemistry is relatively easy to learn and more interesting; while mechanics largely represents the industrial revolution.

Li Yu seemed unable to refuse: "Okay, since brother Xingtai has made up his mind, of course I welcome it."

(End of this chapter)

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