324 Extremely critical

"Ta Kung Pao" published a notice to fight the Japanese.It was also rare news that immediately attracted attention.

The Japanese in the Japanese Concession in Tianjin immediately started to make noise when they saw it, regardless of whether they were really capable or not, they immediately went to the "Tianjin Daily News" newspaper and threatened to destroy the prestige of the people of the country.

Fang Yaoyu, the editor-in-chief of "Daily News", was holding a pair of glasses in his office to study some ancient coins of the Han Dynasty that he had just collected, when he was pushed open the door by a few Japanese.

"Baga, what are the Chinese people so arrogant about!"

"Look at what's written on the news!"

Fang Yaoyu was a little displeased because the actions of the Japanese had knocked out a few of his ancient coins, which were his treasures.

Fang Yaoyu lowered his head and picked it up carefully, put it on his mouth and blew, lifted it up to see that there was no damage, then looked at the Japanese who entered the door, and said, "Are you sure about it?"

"We belong to a martial arts school, so intelligence competition is not acceptable, but the group arena is not afraid of the sick man of East Asia!"

The corners of Fang Yaoyu's mouth twitched. These people were indeed warriors. If the Japanese at the embassy saw him, they would definitely not say "sick man of East Asia" to his face.

However, he also knew that ordinary Japanese would not treat him normally, and he was used to it, so he said, "You guys mean to fight?"

Several Japanese warriors said: "If you don't kill a few, you don't know how powerful we are!"

Fang Yaoyu said unhurriedly: "I know, I will publish it in the newspaper."


Not only the Japanese saw it, but Nong Jinsun from Tianjin also gave Huo Yuanjia the newspaper.

He is a master who loves to fight, and he is about to leave for the capital immediately.

Nong Jinsun couldn't help telling: "When you go to the capital, you will be at the foot of the emperor. It is very different from Tianjin. Don't act hastily, let alone hurt the lives of the Japanese."

His words are completely different from those of Japanese warriors, and they are much more cautious.

But Huo Yuanjia didn't care about this: "If you don't dare to sign the life and death certificate, these stinky sweet potatoes and rotten eggs will get out of here as soon as possible."

Huo Yuanjia also really wanted to visit the capital, he spent most of his time in Tianjin, finally had a chance to go to the capital, maybe he could become famous, and he would definitely not let it go.

Nong Jinsun knew he couldn't persuade him, so he sent a telegram to Li Yu.

Li Yu still wanted to take the initiative to contact him, but Huo Yuanjia came by himself, happily driving to Zhengyangmen Railway Station to pick him up.

Huo Yuanjia had never seen a car before, and it was a novelty after he got on it: "The trains of foreigners can run without rails."

Li Yu had no choice but to explain to him what a car is, and mentioned that he can produce the core components of a car.

Huo Yuanjia was greatly surprised: "The emperor's brain is really good!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "You should pass a factory area when you take the train. That will be the factory in the future, and it can be exported overseas at that time."

Huo Yuanjia praised: "The emperor is really proud of us."

When he came to Li Yu's mansion, Huo Yuanjia never thought that Li Yu's house was so big, it looked like a palace.

It is indeed about the same size as a regular palace. After all, Rong Lu was a powerful minister at the time.

Li Yu arranged a good room for him, and then begged him to teach him how to do it.

Huo Yuanjia was bored anyway, so he agreed, but he still warned: "Teacher Emperor, although your physical fitness looks good and you look tall, but practicing martial arts is hard work, and it is difficult for ordinary scholars with thin skin and tender flesh. "

Li Yu said, "I just learned something to defend myself."

Huo Yuanjia said: "Pure self-defense is easy to talk about. But for the emperor, do you know what the best self-defense is?"

Li Yu listened attentively: "Master Huo, please enlighten me."

Huo Yuanjia said word by word: "Thirty-six strategies, the best strategy is to walk!"

Li Yu was taken aback: "Escape?"

Huo Yuanjia nodded: "That's right!"

Li Yu was a little disappointed: "This..."

Huo Yuanjia seemed to know what Li Yu wanted to say, so he said: "Master Emperor, your ability is not in martial arts, but in wisdom. Since ancient times, only wise men can do great things. This kind of fighting is not suitable for you, because your Life is more precious, and it is not worth fighting and taking risks."

What Huo Yuanjia said was very reasonable, but how could Li Yu not feel itchy when he saw people like Huang Feihong and Huo Yuanjia?I don't know how many martial arts TV series and martial arts movies I watched since I was a child. If I don't teach him two hands today, I won't let him go.

Li Yu said: "What Master Huo said is very true, but if you are in trouble, you have to get out of it."

Huo Yuanjia said: "It makes sense, then I will dare to teach the emperor a few moves of Mizong Quan. This is Huo's housekeeping skill. It is not difficult to learn, but it takes time to master it."

Li Yu didn't expect Huo Yuanjia to come up with a unique skill, and was moved: "I must practice hard!"

Huo Yuanjia took two steps back and put on a posture.

Like Huang Feihong, this kind of person who practiced martial arts all the year round immediately felt Yuan Tingyue Zhi, very imposing.

He is not a showman, he is all real kung fu. He said while performing boxing: "This boxing art pays attention to softness with strength, steps like a cat, and quickness like lightning. But there are not many people who want to achieve the artistic conception of 'softness with strength'." The basic skills of the year are absolutely impossible to achieve, so in view of what the emperor asked, I think the pre-emptive tactic is more suitable, and I can wait for the opportunity to escape."

What Huo Yuanjia said earlier was very majestic, but the last four words "waiting for an opportunity to escape" almost broke Li Yu's defense.

But I guess I can reach this level.

Li Yu learned from Huo Yuanjia, but for most of the day he only learned a little superficial.

Huo Yuanjia said: "It's not bad, but fortunately your physical fitness is in place. The accuracy is not enough, but the strength is good."

Li Yu knew that what he said was tactful enough. Anyway, Huo Yuanjia is fine these few days, so he can learn slowly, unlike when he was looking for Huang Feihong when the time was too tight.

Even so, after two or three days, Li Yu still only felt a sense of getting started.


This morning, Feng Ling told him that some more telegrams had come, so Li Yu went to the study to deal with matters.

When I came to my own yard, I ran into Xiao Wang by accident. He seemed to be in high spirits, dancing there in the cold weather, not wearing much.

Li Yu asked curiously, "Did you learn radio gymnastics when you were in Chongshi School?"

Xiao Wang didn't dare to face Li Yu directly, so he turned his head sideways and said, "What, what is radio gymnastics?"

Li Yu said, "It's just a kind of physical activity in school."

Then I remembered that I only mentioned it to Kano Jigoro when I was in Hongbun School in Japan.

Xiao Wang said: "Sports activities, we do at school... Well, I'm going to help Dad with things."

Xiao Wang ran away in a hurry.

Li Yu shook his head, not taking it seriously.

When he arrived in the room and just sat down, Li Yu felt that the table was inexplicably messy and wanted to tidy it up, but Jin Wei Zhaoxue came in with a cup of coffee.

"It's better for you to drink coffee early, sir."

Li Yu felt that she was too enthusiastic, so he said, "Girls from Bicheng will do all these small things well, so you don't need to worry about this. Instead, you should do a good job in starting the business."

Konoe Zhaoxue said: "Miss Bicheng went to see Mr. Yan Fu today, that's why I made coffee for you. Also, I have already processed all the paperwork, and now I am waiting for the court to sign."

Li Yu said: "With Master Xu Shichang's help, I don't think there will be any obstacles, just keep pushing forward."

Konoe Zhaoxue said, "Okay."

But after she finished speaking, she stood there and did not leave.

Not long after, there was a noise outside the mansion.

Four officers, soldiers and seven Japanese surrounded the door and questioned, "Is this the Li Yu's mansion?"

Uncle Wang replied at the gate: "Exactly."

The officers and soldiers said: "We have received a solid report that Li Yu has colluded with the rebel party and was ordered to search."

Uncle Wang turned pale with shock: "Treason?"

The officers and soldiers said: "Get out of the way!"

Uncle Wang was at a loss: "I, I'll go and tell the master."

The officers and soldiers said: "You don't need to tell us, we just go in by ourselves."

Zhao Qian and Feng Ling also heard the movement and came to the door.Feng Ling had seen some of the world, and asked: "The search requires an official ticket, do you have it?"

The officers and soldiers took out a document with a big seal from their arms: "Did you see it? Get out of the way!"

After the officers and soldiers finished speaking, they rushed in.

The Japanese immediately followed in, and Xiao Zuoxiang was among them.

Uncle Wang's son, Xiao Wang, was the first to enter the yard. Xiao Zuoxiang looked at him, and Xiao Wang nodded.

Xiao Zuoxiang was even more convinced that there was no problem.

The officers, soldiers and Japanese came to the courtyard where Li Yu was, and swaggered to the study.

Seeing their appearance, Li Yu immediately flashed some bad thoughts in his mind, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Looking at Li Yu's image, the officers and soldiers had already cut their hair, so they said, "Sure enough, he looks like a rebel, and he still lives in Lord Rong's residence."

Li Yu said coldly: "Being rebellious against the party does not mean you are rebelling against the party."

The officers and soldiers walked into the study room: "Is it right, just search and find out."

Then greet other officers and soldiers: "Brothers, search!"

Jinwei Zhaoxue suddenly stood in front of him: "What are you doing! Do you know that he is the emperor's master!"

The officers and soldiers said: "If you can't find anything, the brothers must kowtow to the emperor to admit your mistake, but if you find it..."

Konoe Zhaoxue said, "No way!"

The officers and soldiers said impatiently: "Little girl, do you have a place to speak here?"

He pushed Konoe Zhaoxue away.

Konoe Zhaoxue fell backwards, pushed his right hand to a stack of books on the table, and several letters scattered out.

The officers and soldiers took a look, and then said: "Liang Qichao's letter! You said it was not a traitor to the party?"

Li Yu's head buzzed, he had no written correspondence with Liang Qichao at all.

The officers and soldiers said: "Master Emperor, please come with us to the yamen."

Then let the officers and soldiers continue to search for other letters.

Another officer and soldier took out a letter: "What kind of text is this?"

Little Zuo Xiang behind said: "It's from the Russians. Let me see...it's from Horvath, the director of the Middle East Railway Administration."

Li Yu's head buzzed again, damn, I don't know a few words of Russian, okay?Absolutely framed!

But before he had time to resist, the Japanese wanderers behind Xiao Zuoxiang couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted: "Russians? You actually tipped off the Russians?!"

Most of the people present did not understand Russian, Xiao Zuoxiang opened the letter in a dignified manner, and said: "Well, in the letter, Horvath said, thank you Li Yu for the information, which allowed him to see through the Japanese treachery and arrest him. And killed many Japanese spies."

"Killed?" A Japanese ronin behind said loudly, "Could it be that the deaths of Senior Ikeda and the others were caused by you kid?"

"Senior Ikeda!" The other Japanese ronin became emotional in an instant, "Baga! I'm going to kill you!"

Little Zuo Xiang was stunned for a moment, why were they so excited all of a sudden, seeing that the rogues had really drawn their swords, he quickly said, "Calm down, we have to bring this matter back to the yamen."

The Japanese ronin said: "I don't believe in the yamen of the Qing court! Baga, let me tell you why Senior Ikeda died suddenly at the hands of Russian dogs after hiding for many years. It turned out to be your fault!"

Li Yu and little Zuo Xiang were all puzzled.

Xiao Zuoxiang asked Postman Cui to fabricate the letter at will, and then asked Naniwa Kawashima to find him some Japanese helpers.

Kawashima Naniwa was also unaware of the assassination incident in Harbin, so he sent some Japanese ronin at random. Firstly, he himself was a ronin, and secondly, he could only find ronin.

Who knew it was such a coincidence!
The Japanese ronin was very emotional, and he drew his samurai sword in a hurry.

Seeing that they were going to be serious, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were a little scared. The officers and soldiers in charge said, "You guys, what do you want to do?"

The Japanese ronin didn't pay attention to the officers and soldiers at all: "Go away, you Chinese officials and officials protect each other. If you let him enter the yamen or prison, he will definitely get away with it. I must let him be decapitated today!"

Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and even Konoe Zhaoxue didn't expect that these ronin who came here were so impulsive.

The leading Japanese ronin rushed into the study with his samurai sword held high. There were several officers and soldiers in the room, but they didn't dare to fight back or stop him at all when they saw the crazy appearance of the Japanese ronin.

Jinwei Zhaoxue knew that Li Yu couldn't die casually, and was of great value, so she was stunned for a while in front of Li Yu, not knowing what to do.

The Japanese ronin didn't know that Konoe Zhaoyuki was Japanese, and seeing her standing in front of her, she wanted to cut her with a knife.Since the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese ronin living here have always been ruthless and didn't care about killing a few Chinese.

Of course Li Yu knew the nature of the Japanese better than anyone else, so he pulled Konoe Zhaoxue over in a hurry, then grabbed a pen holder and threw it at the Japanese ronin.

The Japanese ronin chopped it down with a knife, and the pen holder was cut in half.

Then he raised his knife and slashed again. Li Yu had no choice but to grab the chair beside him to block it, and a leg of the chair was cut off in an instant.

Gaining power, the Japanese ronin continued to attack, and slashed at him again, cutting off the leg of the chair and scratching Li Yu's thigh.

Li Yu groaned in pain, but fortunately the chair blocked it, otherwise his leg might be useless, but he couldn't resist anymore.

Seeing the Japanese sword being lifted up again, Li Yu's thoughts were all lost. Did I want to die here so unjustly?
Fortunately, the savior finally arrived at the critical moment.

Huo Yuanjia heard the movement and had already arrived in the courtyard. Seeing Li Yu's situation, he immediately picked up a brick from the courtyard and threw it over, hitting the head of the Japanese ronin Tsukiyo.

The blow was so heavy that the Japanese ronin was dizzy for a moment, so the knife didn't cut down.

Huo Yuanjia immediately snapped his palm, forcibly snapped off another brick, and smashed it at other ronin.

The bricks are smaller and faster.

As the bricks hit, several Japanese ronin were recruited one after another.

Taking advantage of this gap, Huo Yuanjia picked up a broom and jumped into the study from the window, blocking Li Yu's face.

Seeing that Li Yu was still staying where he was, Huo Yuanjia yelled: "What are you doing in a daze?! Forgot how I taught you? The 36 plan is the best plan!"

Li Yu knew that he was a burden here, and he didn't have a gun by his side, so he could only escape through the window.

He grabbed Jinwei Zhaoxue: "Run."

Jinwei Zhaoxue watched the blood flow down Li Yu's leg, lost her sense of proportion, she didn't move when Li Yu pulled her.

Li Yu shouted: "Don't stand around stupidly! It will only delay Huo Daxia."

The Japanese ronin rushed up again with a knife, but Huo Yuanjia swung the broom, but was hacked.

However, he is very adaptable, and then he pulled out a few bamboo joints from the broken broom pole, which was more useful than the broom.

Li Yu's thigh was injured, and he climbed out of the window with the help of Jinwei Zhaoxue.

The target of the Japanese ronin was Li Yu, and after several rounds of fighting, he immediately realized that the person holding the bamboo knot in front of him was a stubble, so he rushed towards Li Yu.

Huo Yuanjia then quickly dodged to the yard, continued to stand in front of them, and said viciously: "Little Japan, what kind of skill is it to bully scholars? Let's pass Grandpa first!"

Li Yu had no choice but to run away at this time, Zhao Qian had great strength, and immediately rushed over and squatted down to carry Li Yu on his back, "Master, let's run in a car."

Zhao Qian came outside the yard, put Li Yu in the car, and jumped into the driver's seat, but he couldn't start the car anyway, and he didn't know what went wrong.

Huo Yuanjia in the room didn't have any weapons at hand, so he couldn't get away for a while.

Seeing that Li Yu was about to run away, the Japanese wanderers surrounded Huo Yuanjia with three people, and the other three continued to pursue.

Zhao Qian couldn't start the car after twisting the key several times. Beads of sweat came out on his forehead, and he saw his rickshaw in a blink of an eye.

He immediately jumped out of the car again, "Master, foreigner's things are not reliable, they have to be my two legs!"

He helped Li Yu onto the rickshaw, and then ran away.

The Japanese ronin had already reached the street, and was hotly chasing after him.

Zhao Qian felt that he had exploded into a small universe. He looked back at the Japanese who was chasing him, and said loudly, "Come on! It's good enough! I'll let you know what is meant by the capital's 'smooth'!"

(End of this chapter)

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