Chapter 325 If People Offend Me, I Will Offend Others

Ronin's running speed is still very fast.

Zhao Qian saw several coachmen and shouted at them: "Quickly block Little Japan!"

Most of the drivers didn't do anything when they saw this, but a colleague who used to have a good relationship with Zhao Qian threw his car into the middle of the road after Zhao Qian ran over.

When he stood up and wanted to chase after him, "Yi Liu Yan Er" had already been wandering through the streets and alleys without knowing where he had gone.

After running wildly for more than ten minutes, Zhao Qian felt his heart was about to explode, and finally couldn't run anymore, leaning against the wall of the alley next to him, gasping for breath.

Li Yu said, "They can't catch up anymore."

Zhao Qian supported the wall and asked: "Sir, what's going on with these people, are they crazy?"

"I don't know either," Li Yu asked as he tied his trouser legs against his thighs, "Where are we now?"

Zhao Qian looked around and said, "We just walked out of Zongbu Hutong, and now it should be Beijige Hutong."

Li Yu said, "You really are a living map."

Zhao Qian said: "Just now I saw the Kelinde Monument, and further ahead is Prince Yi's Mansion, you can't miss it."

The trigger for the invasion of the Eight-Power Allied Forces in 1900 was the killing of the German Minister Klind, which was located in Zongbu Hutong.Since then, while the "Xin Chou Treaty" was still being discussed, a "Klind Stele" was built here as a commemoration.The inscription was inscribed by Guangxu himself, and was regarded as a national humiliation by the Chinese people.

Prince Yi's Mansion in Beiji Pavilion Hutong is already a very small mansion, and it has encountered many accidents such as fires before.

Li Yu asked: "In other words, we have been running south. How far is it from Dongjiaomin Lane?"

Zhao Qian said, "There are about 3 miles left."

Li Yu said, "Then go directly to Dongjiaomin Lane."

"Sir, sit down." Zhao Qian had already rested, got up and said, "Dongjiaomin Lane is very long, where shall we go?"

Li Yu scolded with a smile: "Nonsense, of course we should go to Tongren Hospital first!"

Tongren Hospital is the earliest Western medicine hospital in Beijing, located just in Dongjiaomin Lane.

Zhao Qian quickly said yes, and quickly ran to Tongren Hospital.

Tongren Hospital is run by Americans.

In fact, Western medicine at the beginning of the [-]th century was the same, but it was not a problem to deal with trauma.

The word Western medicine itself is a bit weird. I feel that the "Western medicine" that everyone understands now should be called "modern medicine" to be more accurate.

The relationship between medicine and science is extremely close, and it is almost one of the applied disciplines at the forefront of science.

Therefore, Western medicine can be powerful only under the premise of strong modern science.

The real rise of modern science is only a few years old.

As for the western medicine that goes's like a punishment.

Doctors from Tongren Hospital disinfected Li Yu and bandaged the wound. Fortunately, he didn't cut it directly, and the blade didn't penetrate much into the flesh, so he could recover after a period of recuperation.

Then Li Yu asked Zhao Qian to take him to the British embassy, ​​where he found reporter Pu Lande.

Pu Lande was quite surprised to see Li Yu like this: "I haven't seen you for a while, are you on the battlefield?"

Li Yu smiled wryly: "Someone plotted against me."

Li Yu entrusted him to send a telegram to Xu Shichang.

That afternoon, Xu Shichang rushed to Dongjiaomin Lane with monk Tang Shaoyi in the capital.

Beiyang has many eyes and ears, and they immediately knew the general ins and outs of the matter.

Tang Shaoyi first asked: "Brother Shucai, are your injuries okay?"

Li Yu said, "It's nothing serious."

Xu Shichang then asked: "Master Emperor, you don't really have correspondence with the rebels, do you?"

Li Yu said: "If I remember correctly, there are still files of the former reformers in the capital, and there must be Liang Qichao's handwriting in them. If they are compared and compared, the truth will be revealed."

Xu Shichang said: "Good idea."

Tang Shaoyi asked again: "It is said that there are still letters from the Russians?"

Li Yu said: "That's even easier. Just check the postmark on the stamp to see if it was sent from Harbin."

Tang Shaoyi saw that Li Yu was speaking in an orderly manner, and she immediately put down a big stone in her heart. As long as it was purely framed, it would be fine!He lit a cigar, and said to Li Yu: "Brother Shucai has a clear mind, and he can be a lawyer or a county magistrate to directly settle the case."

"It's just a normal deduction," Li Yu said, and then asked, "It should be the infantry commander's yamen who is in charge of this matter?"

The supreme commander of the infantry commanding yamen is the so-called admiral of the nine gates, and the inner city of Beijing (that is, within the second ring road) is under his control.

The part outside the inner city is governed by the governor of Shuntian Prefecture.

Both Admiral of Nine Gates and Governor of Shuntian Mansion are high-ranking officials, but in terms of official titles, Admiral of Nine Gates is still three ranks higher, one is from the first rank, and the other is the third rank.

Xu Shichang nodded: "According to common sense, it is indeed under the control of the yamen of the infantry commander."

Tang Shaoyi thought for a while and said, "The admiral of the Nine Gates is Mr. Natong. With his character, he probably wouldn't directly order the emperor's teacher to be arrested."

Xu Shichang said: "Of course it's not him, otherwise we would have already heard about it."

Li Yu asked, "Who gave that order?"

Xu Shichang said: "Natong just took over as the admiral of the Nine Gates. The previous one was Prince Su Shanqi. When he was in office, he once supported the separation of the military and the police, and set up a patrol headquarters to replace the past patrol battalion."

Li Yu immediately guessed in his heart: "Is the Japanese Naniwa Kawashima in charge of the Patrol Headquarters?"

Xu Shichang said: "That's right, the task of patrolling and arresting in Beijing is actually in the hands of Mr. Kawashima."

Naniwa Kawashima has already obtained the official title of "Second Rank of Keqing", and he can be regarded as a high official.

"Made!" Li Yu cursed inwardly.

Tang Shaoyi asked: "Brother Shucai, did you have any problems with the Japanese before?"

Li Yu said: "There is no festival. It can't be because I sold some radio equipment to the Russians, right? The British, French, Belgians, Germans, and Americans also bought it."

Tang Shaoyi said: "They may only pay attention to the Russians."

He knows a little about the Japanese.

"Wait!" Li Yu's mind flashed, "If it's all the Japanese's plan, wouldn't it be a closed loop? If the trial is also conducted by the Kawashima Patrol Headquarters, I won't be able to clear it up even if I jumped into the Yellow River .”

Tang Shaoyi said: "It is indeed possible."

Li Yu said, "This is going to be troublesome!"

Xu Shichang came up with an idea: "You can tell Prince Qing and Minister Zai Zhen about the matter. You have friendship with them, and then transfer the matter to the yamen of the nine admirals, and we can help."

Tang Shaoyi said again: "Fortunately, you came from a good place. No one dares to come to Dongjiaomin Lane to arrest people. Don't leave here. It won't be too late to go home after we find out the truth of the matter."

Li Yu cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, my lords!"

Li Yu found a pen and paper, and quickly wrote down the ins and outs and speculations of the matter, and asked Tang Shaoyi and Xu Shichang to take them to Prince Qing and his son.

However, Li Yu was very worried. The matter involved the Japanese. With the current ability of the Qing court, at most, he would be innocent. As for the others, it might be left alone.

There must be a lot of materials from Kang Liang and other reformers searched in the yamen, so it is not difficult to compare them.

They immediately discovered that it was not Liang Qichao's handwriting, and it was much worse.

As for the letter from the Russians, Tang Shaoyi showed it to a Russian diplomat, and the other party smiled directly: "Master Tang, are you kidding me? Don't think that your country has calligraphy, and we Russians write like ghosts. You see These letters are crooked, and there are even many low-level grammatical errors, as if written by a Russian elementary school student. Such a low level, will it come from the dignified General Horvath?"

With the rhetoric of the Russians, it can be directly concluded that it is a forgery.


Lu Bicheng, Huo Yuanjia and others also got the news and came to Dongjiaomin Lane to find Li Yu.

Seeing Li Yu's leg injury, Lu Bicheng was about to burst into tears, and rushed over worriedly, "Why, how could this happen!?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's all right now, I'm really lucky."

Lu Bicheng wiped away his tears: "It's easy to say, I heard Huo Daxia say that if he is a moment late, you will be decapitated!"

"That's why I have to thank Huo Daxia!" Li Yu asked Huo Yuanjia, "The Japanese didn't do anything to you, did they?"

Huo Yuanjia said: "Of course I have no problem! It's a pity that I didn't bring any weapons at hand, otherwise they wouldn't be able to retreat unscathed."

When the incident happened suddenly, Li Yu also did not carry a pistol, otherwise, even if he could not reproduce the prestige of Harbin Railway Station, at least it would let the Japanese know that he was not easy to mess with, and they would definitely pay the price in blood.

But I really didn't expect the Japanese to do it at home, just like a sudden onset of rabies.

Fortunately, there were no dire consequences.

But in the future, I really have to take care of my life-saving baby Browning!

Lu Bicheng asked: "I've only been away for a day, why did such a big thing happen!? There aren't many people going to your study, so why did some inexplicable letters get mixed in?"

Li Yu thought about it carefully, his study was in a special courtyard, and there were really not many people who could go there, only Lu Bicheng, Wei Zhaoxue, Feng Ling and a few others were counted.

He suddenly thought of Konoe Zhaoyuki's strange behavior at that time, he was tilted so impartially that he just knocked down the stack of books that was pressing the letter.

Li Yu never put letters on the table, there is a special cabinet in his room.

Moreover, Konoe Akiyuki himself admitted that he has a deep understanding of Japan. Apart from knowing Japanese, there are not many people who can communicate with Japanese.

There was also Xiao Wang who was weird that day, he shouldn't have run there.Because Li Yu was very kind to servants like Uncle Wang, Feng Ling, and Zhao Qian, and specially gave them a formal courtyard.The two entrances to the yard are not on one side.

If it's a coincidence, it's too coincidental.

Of course, Li Yu could imagine that everything must have been carefully planned.

Now he can definitely come to a conclusion: there is an inner ghost!
Seeing that Li Yu was in deep thought and did not speak, Lu Bicheng shook him.

Only then did Li Yu say: "There are internal responses in the mansion."

Lu Bicheng asked in surprise, "Who could it be?"

Li Yu's eyes narrowed, and he said, "I'll find out when I get back, the fox's tail won't stay hidden forever."

He doesn't have enough evidence yet, but once he really becomes suspicious, he can definitely find the person hiding in the dark.

Because although he doesn't understand criminal investigation, he has watched so many TV dramas that solve crimes, and he knows some key technologies of later generations that the society will not understand now.

It can also be regarded as a kind of knowledge generation gap.

Li Yu has always lived a good life by himself, engaged in academics, education, and some industries. He never thought of provoking others, but now that he is provoking himself, it will not make them so easy.

If people don't attack me, I will not attack them; if people attack me, I will attack them.

He finally felt that he still hadn't fully integrated into this era, growing up in a peaceful age, and there was too little evil in his heart.

But this knife really cut him awake.

——Now we are in the bloodiest decades in human history, and there are still two world wars behind us.

The civilization at this time is still a bloody civilization.

Admiral Na Tong of the Nine Gates is a person who knows life very well. Like Prince Qing Yikuang, he is a man who has nothing to do with himself, even if he is in a high position.

That's why the two of them have accumulated a lot of wealth on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are both in the officialdom like ducks in water.

When the Beiyang people produced evidence to prove that Li Yu was wronged, Na Tong immediately disregarded his relationship and expressed his great respect for the emperor and teacher of the dynasty, and would never instruct his subordinates to do such a thing!As for the follow-up investigation, he will let his subordinates fully cooperate with Tang Shaoyi.

Natong Guijing is very smart, he understands the relationship between Li Yu, Prince Qing's family and Beiyang Yuan Shikai, and he doesn't want to get into any troubled water at all.

With the authorization of the nine admirals, Tang Shaoyi was relieved to tell Li Yu that he could go back to Dongchang Hutong.

Of course he couldn't walk yet, so Zhao Qian could only pull himself back.

After returning, Li Yu checked the car himself, and it turned out that he forgot to refuel.

When Feng Ling found out, she caught Zhao Qian and beat him up, "You idiot, you almost killed Master!"

Zhao Qian said innocently: "I don't know how to add, I haven't had time to ask the master yet."

Li Yu had no choice but to find a hose and show him what the siphon effect is.

Lu Bicheng helped Li Yu back to the bedroom. Li Yu felt very tired. He was a little nervous these days, and fell asleep after relaxing.

It had been more than two hours since he woke up, and he saw that Lu Bicheng was also asleep with his arm on the edge of the bed beside him.

Li Yu tiptoed out of bed cautiously, and as soon as he put on his shoes, Lu Bicheng woke up and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Li Yu pointed to the gauze on the opposite table: "I want to change the dressing."

Lu Bicheng pressed him on the bed: "Sit still and don't move around!"

Then pick up alcohol and gauze, "I'll do it!"

Li Yu asked in surprise, "You know how to nurse?"

Lu Bicheng said: "What is nursing? Isn't it just changing the medicine? I will definitely!"

Li Yu said, "If not, I'll do it myself."

Lu Bicheng insisted: "When have you ever seen a patient take care of himself?"

Seeing her persistence, Li Yu could only say, "I'm sorry."

Then... I took off my coat, leaving only my underwear...

The location is indeed a bit special.

Lu Bicheng's face was also a little red, but he bit his lip and quickly removed the gauze for Li Yu, and then wiped around the wound with medicine.

There is no iodine, which is less irritating, so Li Yu shrank his legs reflexively.

Lu Bicheng hurriedly said, "Did it hurt you?"

Looking up at Li Yu, his eyes had to wander over something he shouldn't have seen. Li Yu's forehead was a little sweaty, and he said with a smile, "It doesn't hurt, but your hands are still quite slippery..."

Lu Bicheng knew he was joking: "Pain is pain! Since when is your mouth still so, so..."

Lu Bicheng stopped talking and quickly changed the gauze for him, but his face turned even redder.

Tang Shaoyi also came to find Li Yu at this time and told him the latest situation.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lu Bicheng's face was flushed, and Li Yu was tying his belt.

Tang Shaoyi said in surprise: "Brother Shucai, I admire you! You can still live like a tiger with inconvenient thighs, it seems that you have recovered."

Li Yu said with a smile: "Where there is, there is, it's just a change of medicine."

Lu Bicheng picked up the changed gauze, didn't dare to look at them at all, and rushed out the door.

Tang Shaoyi sat on a chair and said to Li Yu, "I went to the Daqing post office today."

Li Yu asked, "How?"

Tang Shaoyi said: "The postman surnamed Cui was not there at all. When he was found, he was already dead."

Li Yu knew that the Japanese would definitely kill people to silence them, so he directly asked, "How did you die?"

Tang Shaoyi said: "Wu Zuo said that he should have died of poisoning, but the symptoms of the poisoning of the postman surnamed Cui are very strange, and they are very similar to some people who smoked excessively in the past. However, most people who are poisoned by opium smoke usually have a chronic attack. It has never been seen before, and no smoke was found at the scene."

Tang Shaoyi took out a small bag from a package: "There are only some small pieces of glass."

"Let me see."

Li Yu took the glass pieces, and after putting them together, he quickly saw the word "heroin".

Immediately, my heart became clear again.

"It turned out to be this thing!"

Tang Shaoyi asked: "You know?"

Li Yu nodded: "This is a drug that is many times more powerful than opium!"

Tang Shaoyi turned pale with shock: "Drugs!"

The Japanese are indeed ruthless and meticulous in their actions. Cui Postman probably didn't know what it was, so he overdose and died in extreme happiness.

Li Yu sneered in his heart, the Japanese thought that almost no one in the capital had ever seen a heroin, and they didn't know it, but he knew it very well.

(End of this chapter)

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