Chapter 331 Late Report

In Beijing, Li Yu feels that his leg injury has recovered well, and he feels that he will be able to resume the habit of exercising in a short time.

In the morning, Lu Bicheng went shopping with Jin Wei Zhaoxue and Feng Ling.

After buying vegetables in Dong'an Market, Zhao Qian drove them to a foreign firm in Dongjiaomin Lane to do some shopping.

On the road, Fengling continued to criticize Zhao Qian for forgetting to refuel and almost killed Li Yu.

Zhao Qian said embarrassingly: "Okay, okay, I have been told eight hundred times. Since the master taught me to use a straw to refuel, now I have to check the oil level every day, and it is always full. You don't know, At first I got a lot of gasoline in my mouth when I used the straw, it was just too bad to drink!"

"That's what you deserve!" Feng Ling said.

"Okay, you deserve it, you deserve it!" Zhao Qian stuck out his tongue, he couldn't beat Feng Ling.

The car arrived at Dongjiaomin Lane, which attracted the attention of many people.

"It turns out that there are cars in Beijing too."

"Looks like it's still made in Germany, with good taste."

"I don't know if it's inconvenient to refuel in Beijing? I also want to buy one."

"Depending on the road conditions, you have to buy one with better performance."


The chassis of Li Yu's car is actually not low, and it is definitely at the level of an off-road vehicle in later generations, with a height of more than 20 centimeters from the ground.

The disadvantage is that it is bumpy to drive, but it is still much better than a carriage.

Walking into Qiluofu Foreign Firm, the dazzling array of Western products in it attracts women's attention even more.

Lu Bicheng pointed to a small clock and said, "Look at the introduction, this one can set the timer?"

The owner of the foreign firm said: "Madam, you have good eyesight. The goods we just imported from the United States are called alarm clocks. As long as you set the time, it can wake you up at the specified time."

Lu Bicheng said: "That's it, I want it, how much is it?"

The owner of the foreign firm said: "100 silver dollars."

Lu Bicheng was surprised: "So expensive?"

The owner of the foreign company said: "A pocket watch costs more than 100 silver dollars. This alarm clock is so much bigger, it is not expensive anymore."

Lu Bicheng said, "Okay..."

Before Lu Bicheng finished speaking, Feng Ling interrupted her and said: "Boss, you may not know that our master is Li Yu! He knows the truth, how can the bigger the more expensive? How about 60 silver dollars?" ?”

The boss was stunned for a moment, and then said: "So it's Mr. Li Yu's family members, so it's easy to talk about! Then according to what you said, 60 silver dollars. I will take care of the business more in the future."

Lu Bicheng whispered in her ear, "Thanks to your ability to bargain."

Feng Ling said: "You, don't be polite to foreigners when you see them. The master told us that foreigners are actually very bad, and they try to earn our money. !"

Lu Bicheng suddenly realized: "It turns out to be like this."

"That's right!" Feng Ling said, "Besides, foreigners used to like to pay on credit. I saw them when I was in Bada Hu, and they dared not give money when they went shopping! Later, the boss got angry and asked them to pay more than the Chinese. Two or three times as high, and no credit."

Feng Ling's words made Lu Bicheng a little embarrassed, "It's really... bad."

Feng Ling said: "Anyway, it's right to come to a foreign company to bargain. After a long time with the master, you will know more!"

Lu Bicheng was surprised: "Li Yu has been to Yao... Eight Great Hutongs?"

Feng Ling said: "I've been there."

"Ah!" Lu Bicheng said in shock, "Has he really been there?"

Feng Ling burst out laughing: "He only went there to save me and Zhao Qian's brother, otherwise why would we follow Master so wholeheartedly."

Lu Bicheng breathed out: "Scared me."

Feng Ling asked: "What are you afraid of?"

"I..." Lu Bicheng was stopped by the question for a moment, thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid that he might miss his official career."

Feng Ling suppressed a smile: "I understand, I understand!" Then she asked: "Foreigners are also strange, why do they come up with such a thing as an alarm clock?"

"Maybe it's more difficult for foreigners to get up," Lu Bicheng said.

Feng Ling asked: "Master also has difficulty getting up?"

Lu Bicheng said "hmm": "Recently, I changed his dressing, and I found that he got up really late, and when he went to his bedroom in the morning, he was still asleep when he knocked on the door."

The aftermath of modern man...

Feng Ling said: "Maybe we can only wait for Miss Bicheng to change it for him later."

Lu Bicheng chose some more items:
"Li Yu definitely needs these tools for cleaning suits. He said that suits cannot be washed by hand; there is also this dumbbell, which Li Yu said is not convenient for running now, and he needs to use it to exercise upper body strength; and this ink, his pen is just right. can use..."

The guard Zhaoxue on the side looked a little ashamed. She knew that Lu Bicheng was really pretending to be Li Yu in her heart; but she came into contact with him through missions, and the sense of estrangement was difficult to eliminate.

She picked up a product with a certain appearance: "Is this the latest toothpaste?"

The owner of the foreign company said: "Yes, it comes from Austria. Using the latest technology, the toothpaste powder is turned into a solid-liquid mixture and put into a metal hose. It is very convenient to use every time."

Konoe Zhaoxue nodded: "I saw it in Tokyo, I think Mr. Li Yu would like it."

Lu Bicheng and Feng Ling have never used toothpaste before, after all, the tubular toothpaste in the modern sense was born only ten years ago.

Lu Bicheng asked, "How do they clean their teeth?"

Konoe Zhaoxue said: "Squeeze out the toothpaste inside, and you can brush your teeth."

"It sounds very convenient." Lu Bicheng said.

Konoe Zhaoxue said, "I almost forgot, I still need to buy a toothbrush."

She was secretly delighted, after all, I know, but you don't!


While several women were shopping, Shi Liang, a reporter from Shenbao, found Li Yu.

When the two of them came to the house, Shi Liangcai asked, "How is it that you haven't been raped by the Japanese before?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "There are so many people thinking about it! I'm fine!"

"That's good!" Shi Liangcai said, "I have something to ask you for advice this time."

Li Yu said, "But it's okay to talk about it."

Shi Liangcai said, "Sir, you must have heard of a Swede named Nabo, right?"

"Nabo?" Li Yu was at a loss.

Shi Liangcai said: "Shanghai's "Wanguo Gazette" had previously reported on this person. It is said that he was a chemist who invented dynamite and made a lot of profits. To reward talent."

Only then did Li Yu understand: "You should be talking about Nobel, right? There is indeed such a person."

Li Yu did not expect that there would be relevant reports about Nobel so early in China, so he asked curiously, "What did the "Wan Guo Gong Bao" say?"

By the way, there are two "Wan Guo Gazette", one was founded by American Lin Lezhi;
One was founded by Kang Liang, a reformer.

The report on the Nobel was the "Wan Guo Gong Bao" published by the American Lin Lezhi. This newspaper was opened in Shanghai.It has been in operation for a long time, from 1868 until Lin Lezhi's death in 1907.

During this period, Timothy Richard and Martin Martin participated in the compilation of this newspaper.

Shi Liangcai said: "In October of the previous year (1902), the Wanguo Gazette published an article called 'Huge Money Reward', which mentioned Lundgen who discovered Eggers' electric light, German physician Bai Lin, and the founding of the Cross Society. Dunaid shared hundreds of thousands of Swedish kronor."

The early translation is indeed a bit strange, "Lundgen" is of course Roentgen who won the physics prize;
German physician Bai Lin is the German who won the Physiology or Medicine Prize;

Duned is Dunant who was translated by later generations, and won the Peace Prize.

Li Yu said: "There are two people missing, namely Van Torf who won the Chemistry Prize and Prudhomme who won the Literature Prize."

Shi Liangcai said: "Unfortunately, as a journalist, I don't know much about such a big event. Thank you sir for reminding me."

Li Yu said: "It is true that more attention should be paid to this matter, it is definitely a big news every year."

Shi Liangcai said: "Back then, the "Wan Guo Gong Bao" mainly reported on Dunaid, and a lot of pages were devoted to the Red Cross Society he founded. By the way, I heard that Shanghai will also establish the Red Cross Society this year."

Li Yu said: "Mr. Dunant is indeed worthy of this peace prize."

The Peace Prize has always been very controversial, but it was awarded to Dunant in the first year, and it is definitely well deserved.

As for the Peace Prize for future generations, let’s not mention it...

The report of the "Wan Guo Gong Pao" can be regarded as the earliest report on the Nobel Prize in China. Although there are many mistakes and the time has been delayed for more than half a year, it is better than nothing.

It is a pity that other domestic newspapers did not follow up to report on the Nobel Prize at that time, so the influence was very small.

And since then, there has been no domestic report on the 1902 Nobel Prize.

Shi Liangcai said: “I heard about last year’s Napoleon, oh, the Nobel Prize has been awarded from my friend in The Times, so I wanted to report it, but unfortunately I don’t know much about it, especially when it involves There are a lot of Western learning content, so come to ask Mr.

Historically, reports on the 1903 Nobel Prize did not appear in China until October 1904.

Li Yu was happy to help with this, and agreed: "It's a small matter, I will write you the winners of each award and the general situation."

Shi Liangcai said happily: "I knew that Mr. has traveled in the West, so he will definitely be able to write about it."

Li Yu said: "My writing is very sloppy, and you will need to make some revisions later. This year, there is a person who deserves a special mention, and that is Marie Curie, who won the Physics Prize."

"Madam?" Shi Liangcai was really interested, "Is it a woman?"

Li Yu said: "That's right! And you may not know that the most important Nobel Prize is the Physics Prize. There are three people who won the Nobel Prize in Physics this year, Becquerel and the Curies. But in terms of achievements , Marie Curie is definitely the core of the three. It is a pity that even in Europe, the media and academic circles only regard her as an assistant to an assistant."

Shi Liangcai asked, "What is an assistant's assistant?"

Li Yu said: "Western media think that Pierre Curie is just Becquerel's assistant. And Mrs. Curie is her husband Pierre's assistant. But in fact, the order is completely reversed. Becquerel is nothing more than It was just the discovery of natural radioactivity, and it was the Curies who really revealed the principle of radioactivity, and Madame Curie did the most work.”

The discrimination against women in the West is really heavy at this time, and Westerners also believe that women can only exist as accessories.

Becquerel even uttered such a discriminating discourse against women: "Mrs. Curie's contribution is to serve as a good assistant to Mr. Pierre Curie. This makes us believe that God created women to cooperate with men. The best assistant."

But everyone who understands knows that if Marie Curie hadn’t discovered polonium and radium elements at that time, and extracted the compound radium chloride of radium elements, would there be Becquerel for the Nobel Prize in Physics this time?
Absolutely not!

Simply discovering the emissivity of matter is not enough to win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

It is because of Mrs. Curie's contribution that the theory and concept of radioactivity were formally established, and the result of this Nobel Prize was obtained.

It can be said that Becquerel was in the light of Madame Curie, and he still made such a statement plausibly.

Everyone in later generations knows Mrs. Curie, but how many still remember Becquerel?
But this is the current situation, and even because of Marie Curie's award, it has caused huge controversy.

Einstein respected Madame Curie very much, and he later said a famous saying: "Among all the world's celebrities, Marie Curie is the only one who has not been spoiled by fame."

The reason why he said this is actually because Marie Curie has never been favored by the famous.

Over the past century, very few women have won the Nobel Prize in the field of natural science, and the next one will be the daughter of Marie Curie more than 30 years later.

If the Marie Curie family is not counted, the next woman to win the Nobel Prize in the natural sciences is Gerty Teresa Corey, who won the Physiology or Medicine Prize in 1947.

Shi Liangcai didn't understand radioactivity, but from Li Yu's statement, he could understand that the most important figure in the third Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 was a woman.

"It's really big news!" Shi Liangcai said.

Li Yu said: "I hope you can report this matter fairly in Shenbao."

Shi Liangcai patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, sir, I definitely understand what a qualified journalist is."

This year's Nobel Prize is really interesting.

Faintly hinted at the rise of many women's rights.

Not only the heavyweight physics prize has a woman, but the literature prize is awarded to the Norwegian Bjornson.

This person is also not well-known in later generations. After all, the Nobel Prize for Literature is generally for serious literature or poetry, and the audience is indeed quite small.

Let alone him, if you look at the list of the Nobel Prizes for Literature over the past 100 years, you will find that not many people know about them...

Even if Bjornson won this year's Nobel Prize for Literature, in terms of literature alone, Li Yu, who has written the Star Wars series, is not as well-known...

Well, this is all a market factor, of course not to belittle Bjornson.

He won this year's award for a very controversial play called "The Glove of Challenge". You don't need to know the content, you just need to know the general outline: it is about the heroine of the play who hears that her fiancé is not as chaste as she, throws the glove at him Throw away, express dissatisfaction.

In any case, his award was controversial in Europe, and it triggered a heated debate about sexual morality that lasted for several years.

Because the fiancé in the play requires the heroine to be perfect, and then the heroine and the author Bjornson himself questioned in it: Should such a requirement for a woman also require a man not to have sex before marriage?

Works with this point of view were launched so early in 1903, and they were still in Europe, so it really exploded.

So the third Nobel Prize is still very interesting, at least the news media will like these conflicts very much.

(End of this chapter)

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