Chapter 332 Review of the Nobel Prize

After Shi Liangcai left, Li Yu began to write this introduction to the Nobel Prize.

Becquerel and the Curies of the Physics Prize are naturally the top priority.

The chemistry prize in 1903 was awarded to Arrhenius, who was the founder of ionization theory, that is, in chemistry, sodium chloride solution will decompose into chloride ions and sodium ions.

In fact, it can also be seen from this award that the Nobel jury believes in atomic theory.

Although there is no conclusive evidence yet, this award can also explain the problem.

And Arrhenius is a native of Sweden.

As for the prize in Physiology or Medicine, it went to Finsen, a Danish doctor who invented "phototherapy", that is, ultraviolet light therapy.

The Peace Prize is a British MP, Creamer, who promotes international arbitration.

It is a good thing for these people to be introduced to China.

On the one hand, it can boost the morale of women's rights, and on the other hand, it can also let people know what arbitration is. This is a very good legal weapon, and it is very useful for civil disputes and corporate disputes that do not touch the criminal law.

While Li Yu was writing the article, Lu Bicheng, Jinwei Zhaoxue, and Feng Ling came back in a car.

Zhao Qian was in charge of transporting, and then Lu Bicheng showed Li Yu the things he bought one by one.

"With this alarm clock, you will never have to worry about getting out of bed again, and it won't crow so early like a rooster."

Li Yu said with a smile: "If you have a rooster at home, if you dare to wake me up, I will stew it that day. How much did this clock cost?"

Lu Bicheng said, "60 yuan is really not cheap. If it weren't for Fengling's ability to bargain, it would be even more expensive."

It is indeed a bit expensive, and the actual value is definitely not so much, but rare things are expensive, there is nothing to do.

It will take another 20 years for the price of the watch to drop.

Lu Bicheng added: "There are also these cleaning suits and dumbbells. This is the first time I know that I need to use these when exercising."

Li Yu stretched his arms: "They can exercise biceps, triceps, and deltoids, which are very useful."

Lu Bicheng asked, "What chicken? Don't you want a rooster?"

Li Yu said, "When I buy a human anatomy chart, I can tell you about it."

Lu Bicheng took a breath: "Human anatomy? Who wants to read that? How scary!"

Konoe Zhaoyuki interjected: "When I was studying, I heard from my teacher that these are important muscles of the upper body. Are these muscles of yours very strong?"

Li Yu proudly said: "Of course, I have been too boring for the past two years. I don't have WiFi, so I exercise regularly, and my abs have grown to a six-pack."

Jinwei Zhaoxue said: "Then you are more powerful than some officers and generals! But what is circulation? What is Wafi?"

Li Yu said casually, "It means lack of entertainment."

Konoe Zhaoxue read it silently and said, "English?"

Li Yu said, "That's right."

Konoe Zhaoxue wondered, "Why haven't I heard of it?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "They are all products of technology. It's normal that you haven't heard of them."

"Zhaoxue seems to have to continue to learn more." Konoe Zhaoxue took out the toothpaste he bought, "You can use it to clean your teeth in the future."

"Toothpaste?" Li Yu hadn't brushed his teeth for two years. Although he insisted on rinsing his mouth, he didn't feel comfortable letting go of his habit for so many years now.

Seeing Li Yu's interest, Jinwei Zhaoxue immediately followed up and said, "Brushing your teeth is a very effective way to clean your mouth, and it's also good for your gums."

Li Yu said, "It's interesting, I'll try it tonight."

At the beginning of the [-]th century, the dental health problems of ordinary people were actually very serious, especially in the West.This has a lot to do with living habits and eating habits.

During the American Civil War, each gun of a frontline soldier must be loaded with at least one round of ammunition.At this time, soldiers must use their teeth to tear off the strong wrapping paper that covers the gunpowder and bullets.Yet many young men-to-be-soldiers don't have the three straight sets of teeth needed to shred this piece of paper!
The few dentists who served in the Union Army despaired of the state of the soldiers' teeth.

Even at the outbreak of World War I, recruiting volunteers for the U.S. military still faced the same problems as they did during the Civil War: Some seemingly healthy volunteers died because they lacked the three pairs of healthy teeth needed to eat the army's harder dry food. disqualified.

From the perspective of later generations, it is a bit unbelievable, but people's teeth were not in good condition at that time.

A historian said: "In order to be able to bite things, you must have 6 teeth, but many people a hundred years ago did not even have this most basic condition."

Jinwei Zhaoxue was very happy to see Li Yu's great interest in toothpaste.She certainly knows how important dental health is to the human body. There is a saying that diseases come from the mouth, and stomatology is the top priority.

Li Yu was going to use this toothpaste to brush his teeth that night.

Although this toothbrush looks ordinary, it is better than rinsing.

But just after applying toothpaste, I feel very uncomfortable after brushing.

Because the raw materials of the toothpaste were obviously very backward at this time, Li Yu turned to the instruction manual on the surface of the toothpaste, which introduced that the toothpaste was made by mixing chalk, soap and various liquids.

No wonder there is a greasy feeling after use, which is very unpleasant.

Li Yu suddenly lost the motivation to brush his teeth, the product was really a failure!
The next day, while having breakfast, Konoe Zhaoxue approached Li Yu and asked, "Did you use that Austrian toothpaste?"

Li Yu said: "It's not easy to use. It has too much room for improvement. I even figured out how to improve it when I was sleeping. I can even issue a patent when I have time."

Konoe Zhaoxue wondered, "It's already the latest product. Could it be that you can make something better than Austrian toothpaste?"

Li Yu thought for a while: "It's very simple. If you have time, you can buy a few more. While Yu Heqin is still around, you should be able to produce results."

Konoe Zhaoxue asked, "How do you know everything?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's just a small improvement in craftsmanship, it's not a big deal."

Konoe Zhaoxue had no choice but to follow suit and bought some more toothpaste from the foreign firm.

Li Yu immediately found Yu Heqin with the toothpaste, "There's a new mission."

Yu Heqin is good at experiments, but the theoretical foundation is still weak, and he can only do some simple experiments that have been done countless times in books.If there is no goal, he does not know what innovation to do.

Yu Heqin knew that Li Yu's brain was a monster. As long as it was a task proposed by him, it must be to create new gadgets, and in his eyes, the most interesting thing about chemistry is that it can create unprecedented things.

Yu Heqin asked, "What is it, trouble?"

"No trouble!" Li Yu pointed to the toothpaste and said, "Improve it."

"Toothpaste?" Yu Heqin asked curiously after seeing toothpaste in Shanghai, "How to improve?"

"Use it to brush your teeth first," Li Yu said.

A few minutes later, after brushing his teeth, Yu Heqin felt his mouth was covered with oil, and no amount of rinsing could relieve it.

"That's it for toothpaste?" Yu Heqin asked.

Li Yu said with a smile: "So we can improve it, and at the same time ensure the effect of cleaning teeth, we can also stop being so greasy."

Yu Heqin wondered: "I still said it's not troublesome, I don't know how many materials will be tested."

Li Yu said: "With me here, you definitely don't need to experiment with many materials, just experimenting with different ratios is enough. Because we only need to change the core material to calcium bicarbonate. As for the greasy soap, we completely abandon it."

Yu Heqin was dubious: "So simple?"

Li Yu said, "It's that simple!"

With the general direction, the experiment is done very quickly.

Yu Heqin can make a lot of different recipes at the same time, and it won't take long to find a suitable recipe.Because there have been some old tooth powder formulas in China.

And Li Yu's original intention was nothing more than to apply for another patent, and then he could continue to collect patent royalties like the previous zipper, expansion screw, stainless steel, etc.

However, this similar small move unexpectedly left many "hidden dangers" in the future.


Two days later, Shi Liangcai edited and edited the article written by Li Yu and published it on Shenbao.

Due to the detailed content, important newspapers such as Ta Kung Pao soon reprinted it.

Qiu Jin was very excited after seeing it, and found Lu Bicheng that day.

These two heroines were the earliest advocates of women's rights.

"Have you seen it! Bicheng! The report that Li Yu participated in is so exciting!" Qiu Jin said excitedly while holding the newspaper.

Lu Bicheng said, "I saw it."

Qiu Jin continued: "In today's world, the highest scientific award is actually awarded to a woman! And the highest literary award is such a tribute to the status of women! Look at this play that won the literary award, what is it? It’s a naked life at all!”

Shi Liangcai obtained the Nobel Prize-winning Gloves of Challenge from a British journalist friend, and extracted key chapters from it.

Qiu Jin couldn't help but read:

"The hero Alf: When I proposed to Miss Liss, it was because I loved her wholeheartedly and only loved her alone! As for the past, I firmly believe that I should be responsible for her future life.

Mrs. Lees: But if a woman said the same thing in the same situation, who would believe her?

Male lead: I have to admit that I have never considered the question Mrs. Lees raised just now, because there is no such thing as such.A man who cherishes honor will never choose a woman for his wife if he is not very clear about her past history.Never!
Mrs. Lees asked back: What about a woman who cherishes honor, Alf?
Male lead: Oh, that's another matter.

After Alf said this sentence.Only then did I feel wronged. "

Qiu Jin couldn't hold back the torrent in his heart, and said to Lu Bicheng: "So many changes have taken place in this world. If I didn't read this report, I wouldn't even know about it. Women can do scientific research that men do. , or the best kind. You can also get the most basic respect!"

Lu Bicheng somewhat guessed what Qiu Jin was thinking: "Sister Qiu Jin, don't you think so?"

Qiu Jin said: "Miss Hattori is right, and Mr. Li Yu is right, traveling thousands of miles! If you can't even cross the vast ocean in front of you, what a journey of thousands of miles!"

Lu Bicheng said, "You want to go abroad?"

Qiu Jin nodded firmly: "Yes, I want to go out and see the real world, and never be a frog in a well again!"

Lu Bicheng has followed Li Yu to Japan, Europe, and the United States. She naturally knows the benefits of going abroad. At this time, she saw Qiu Jin's firm gaze, so she didn't stop her: "Sister, I support you! I will quickly ask Li Yu about it. , is there any safe place to stay."


London, England.

Lord Kelvin received an invitation from the Swedish Nobel Committee, hoping that he would write an expert report on Li Yu, aiming at the nomination for this year's Nobel Prize in Physics.

Since the content of this Nobel Prize nomination is the extension of the second law of thermodynamics, the law of entropy increase and the proposal of the third law of thermodynamics, there is no problem in choosing the master of thermodynamics, Lord Kelvin.

He is also Li Yu's nominee.

Lord Kelvin was happy to do this. Li Yu’s growth was almost witnessed by him step by step, and he wished to see a dramatic scene like "a backward Qing person wins the Nobel Prize".

Lord Kelvin is already so old, and he really hopes to witness more miracles in his lifetime.

He also knew more about Li Yu than most other European scholars at the same time, so he immediately wrote an expert report with thousands of words.

Lord Kelvin is currently a Taishan Beidou-level existence in the British academic circle, and the autographed expert report is of great significance.

After receiving the expert report from Lord Kelvin, the Nobel Committee attached great importance to it and held a meeting for discussion soon.

There were quite a few candidates submitted that year, but the Nobel jury really wanted Li Yu to win the Physics Prize.

Leeffler said categorically: "I don't think there is any objection to letting Li Yu win the Physics Prize this year."

Someone said: "But Lord Rayleigh of England is also very fruitful, and his discovery of argon is also worthy of a Nobel medal."

Then someone said: "Ramsey deserves a medal too!"

In history, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1904 was Lord Rayleigh of England for the discovery of argon.

But Rayleigh was the one who discovered argon with Ramsay, and in actual operation Ramsay did more.

Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh won the Nobel Prize in 1904 at the same time, but Ramsay won the Chemistry Prize.

That is to say, the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry were actually awarded repeatedly, both for the discovery of argon.

This is a good story in the history of the Nobel Prize, because Rayleigh and Ramsey did not engage in academic competition, but conducted joint research.

Correspondingly, Leonard's competition for Roentgen's invention rights on X-rays has become a negative example.

Arrhenius, who just won the Chemistry Prize last year, is also an academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He stood up and said, "Just like last year's Physics Prize, I think Lord Rayleigh and Mr. Ramsay can share the Chemistry Prize at the same time. "

Others asked: "Will that make Sir Rayleigh feel underappreciated? Because the money is being split equally."

Arrhenius said: "As I have already won the Nobel Prize, I should have a great say. I seriously say that for a scientist, the bonus is not important, but the medal!"

Leeffler also agreed with Arrhenius: "This is the perfect solution. In the words of Li Yu's game theory, it is a win-win situation!"

So the Nobel jury temporarily finalized the plan: Li Yu will win the physics prize; Lord Rayleigh and Ramsay will win the chemistry prize together.

(End of this chapter)

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