Chapter 354
The auditorium was already overcrowded, and Principal Elliott gave a speech first:
"I want you to imagine that with a population of 9000 million in the United States, there are only 160 hospitals, no special children's hospitals, no clinics for the poor, all medical schools in universities are abolished, and most people have no health care. Knowledge, every village has many tuberculosis patients, no city is free from smallpox, and even big cities are also facing the danger of plague!

"What would it be like if this was where you were going to live?
"What's more, the population of that place is several times that of the United States."

Many people in the stands were whispering, Principal Elliot paused and said loudly:
"Where is the Qing Dynasty!"

Although what Elliott said is a little exaggerated, for example, Americans are not very aware of the unique Chinese medicine and doctor tradition in China.

And he seems to have forgotten about India...

But the introduction of Western medicine does help.

It's just that what Li Hongzhang said is true: this is a major change unseen in 3000 years.

The impact of various ideas in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China was really great.

Later, during the period of the Republic of China, some people frantically wanted to abolish traditional Chinese medicine, but Western medicine was not perfect at that time.

Western medicine completely relies on the application of science, and science will feed back Western medicine to a high level, at least until the birth of the magic drug penicillin.

In fact, Western medicine is no better than Chinese medicine at this time.

During the Republic of China, Chinese medicine was so barbarous that it wanted to abolish it, and something went wrong.Because at that time, there was no western medicine manufacturing capacity in China, and western medicine was extremely expensive, and there were few hospitals and doctors. After the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine, there was almost no way for ordinary people to get sick.

This is a very absurd decision.

Although Chinese medicine cannot be said to be omnipotent, it has its own advantages in fighting certain diseases.

Maybe many people clamoring for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine and the abolition of Chinese characters are the same group.

Hey, there is no way, xenophilia was very serious at that time.

In the future, Li Yu can set up some Chinese medicine courses in the "Harvard Medical School of China" that will be established, which can be regarded as the early realization of "integration of Chinese and Western medicine".

"Everyone be quiet!" Principal Elliott continued, "Even if this is the case in the Qing Dynasty, we still cannot underestimate the terrifying precipitation of a long civilization, and the scientific giant Li Yu who turned out to be born in front of us is a typical example.

"I think everyone here has heard of him no matter which college they come from. Either read Li Yu's works on thermodynamics, or read the wonderful experimental papers on X-rays, or read his major discoveries in astronomy; or read Those two mathematical works "Fractal and Chaos" and "Game Theory" are like the creation of the world; no matter how bad it is, at least you have read the now popular Star Wars series.

"Yeah, I couldn't help but watch it too.

"In short, his level and ability do not require me to introduce more, such a mysterious and amazing oriental science giant is enough for us to look up to.

"And now, he's standing here!

"Next, please invite Mr. Li Yu to give a scientific lecture!"

Elliott was very good at speeches, and thunderous applause immediately followed after a few words.

After previous experience in several universities, Li Yu is not too frightened anymore, and behaves more naturally.He walked up to the podium gracefully, looked around, and even saw the faces of a few Orientals.

Li Yu can talk a lot, but for the first time, the content should be as relaxed as possible.

So Li Yu started from the relationship between mathematics and physics, and expounded a lot of his own views; during this period, many physics students did not pay enough attention to mathematics, even if they were in prestigious schools such as Harvard, there was not much difference.

Then I talked about the importance of theoretical physics in physics, and the study of theoretical physics is even more inseparable from mathematics.

These are two pedagogical topics, but the importance is still very high.

It's just that most students still can't fully agree.

In their view, mathematics is mathematics, physics is physics, chemistry is chemistry, and biology is biology.

This view is very popular at present, after all, science has not yet developed to the time of mutual integration.

After another half century, studying physics will be completely inseparable from advanced mathematics; studying biology, undergraduates and even chemistry courses.

"But Mr. Academician," a physics student asked, "I have read almost all of your works. Even so, after I read your "Fractals and Chaos" and many physics papers, I did not find much mathematics and physics. Relationship."

Li Yu said with a smile: "Mathematics is hidden in physics. You must have heard Gauss, the prince of mathematics, say that mathematics is the queen of science. You will find out later that mathematics and physics are inseparable. Physics People in the department will not think that physics is a form of mathematics, and students in the mathematics department will not think that mathematics is just a tool."

A classmate raised his hand and said, "I know, it's like the golden mean in Chinese culture."

Li Yu said, "Very well, you know a lot."

The classmate smiled and said, "I come from the History Department of the Literature Department."

Laomei has no history, but there are so many universities, many of which have history departments, so they can only study the history of other countries, such as Roman history, European history, East Asian history, and Chinese history.

To be honest, they don't have much first-hand information.

Li Yu is acceptable to study abroad and study anything, but I don’t agree with the East Asian history and Chinese history at Laomei University...

These professional feelings are only for Europeans and Americans, why should the Chinese join in the fun?Just to install a 13?
"Harvard Chinese History" is also difficult to describe in a word, anyway, the British "Cambridge History of China" is much better.

It is not easy for the student in front of me to say the word "moderate".

A student said: "Mr. Academician can span astronomy, physics, mathematics, and mechanics. It is unbelievable. I want to know how you do it?"

Li Yu didn't know how to answer this question for a while, but another student continued to help Li Yu answer, he said: "You must have forgotten Mr. Newton, he is also proficient in astronomy, physics, mathematics, optics, etc. Moreover, they have made great achievements in the law of gravitation, the three laws of mechanics, calculus, and spectroscopy. So there is no problem in being erudite.”

Li Yu smiled and said, "That's true."

Another student asked: "Mr. Academician, I am from the Department of Astronomy. I have read many reports in recent scientific journals. For example, in the spectra of spectroscopic binary stars, there will be special spectral lines without displacement, and these spectral lines are in accordance with The distance between the stars increases. You have such great achievements in astronomy, how do you think about this problem?"

This is a more professional question, Li Yu said: "It's very simple, because between the stars, that is, some dark areas in the Milky Way, are not the dead spots of stars, there are also light-absorbing substances there, which can be called interstellar dust. It is they that block the light of distant stars."

"So, are there certain stars we'll never see?" the student asked.

Li Yu said, "It is true."

In fact, the Milky Way itself is the most serious obstacle to the telescope's line of sight.

The student was quite frustrated: "In this case, wouldn't we never be able to discover all the mysteries of the universe?"

Li Yu laughed: "Your ambition is not small, but there will always be a way in the future."

"How?" asked the student.

Li Yu couldn't say that astronomy developed greatly later, and radio telescopes and telescopes in space appeared, so he had to say: "Perhaps we can place our hopes on the development of other disciplines, and don't just focus on astronomy itself, such as electromagnetism and communication. I just started talking about the reasons for the relationship between disciplines. Besides, the existing technologies and things that can be discovered are enough for you to study for many years.”

After answering questions for another hour, today's lecture is over, and some questions are still very good.

Principal Elliott was very satisfied: "Mr. Academician is indeed only eight...eight pints!"

Li Yule said: "It's a lot of talent."

Elliott said: "Yes, yes! You are so talented! Haha, I can't wait to open a platform for Sino-American cultural exchanges, so that I can make up my idioms. In addition, I also have a good understanding of your country's mythology, history, folklore, I am very interested in culture, calligraphy and painting art."

What he said can represent the attitude of many American scholars, who are very interested in these things in China.

Li Yu didn't have time to return to New York that day, so he stayed at Harvard. On the second day, he went to Eliot's office to study the follow-up cooperation.

After a while, the assistant came in and said to Principal Elliott: "President, Dean Pritchett of Boston Institute of Technology and Professor Krafts are here."

Elliott said, "Why, they still can't accept my merger proposal?"

The assistant said: "Maybe so, you see..."

Elliott said, "Let them wait, they're not more than two miles away anyway, and say I'm seeing important guests from afar."

Li Yu didn't realize which school "Boston Institute of Technology" was just now. He turned his mind suddenly, and then heard Elliott say that Harvard University is less than two miles away. Isn't this damn MIT!
Why is there such a name like Pheasant University now, it sounds not as loud as Washington University in St. Louis.

So Li Yu said: "Principal Eliot, it's okay, I can wait, the other party is also the principal after all."

Elliott thought for a while and said, "It's okay, the Orientals just know how to be polite. This is what I like the most."

Elliott asked his assistant to call in the dean of MIT, Pritchett and Professor Krafts.

After the two said hello to Eliot, they saw Li Yu and said in surprise, "It turned out to be the famous Academician Li Yu!"

"He also gave a speech in our auditorium yesterday," Elliott said.

Elliott seemed consciously or unintentionally to embody the power of Harvard in front of them.

Krafts said: "If we had known that Academician Li Yu was giving a lecture, we should have come here yesterday."

Krafts, the last dean of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was a chemist whose research results are still used in chemical weapons.Krafts graduated from Harvard University in his early years. Later, like all American chemists, he had to go to Germany for further study and worked as an assistant to Bunsen.

However, he himself is not very good at management. After two years as the dean of MIT, he quit and gave it to Pritchett.

Li Yu shook hands with them: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Your Excellency, Dean, you can come to our college to give a lecture if you have time in the future!" Dean Pritchett invited, but immediately realized that his own college was about to be lost, so he turned to Eliot and said, "Mr. Principal, I have read your proposal, and I have also appealed to the state legislature, although we have no land and no donations, but we are merged into your school, Lawrence College, and our college strongly opposes it."

Elliott said: "It's the sixth time I've suggested. Since you can't get land and funds, and you are so close to our university, the merger is a matter of course. Otherwise, the allocation of educational resources will also make the parliament feel It is very troublesome, besides, now everyone can see that the social benefits that our Harvard University can bring are obviously much greater than yours."

Pritchett said respectfully: "What the principal said is very true. However, we have begun to change the teaching orientation, reducing theoretical teaching and becoming more professional to help students find jobs."

Elliott said: "Then you have become a vocational school? It shouldn't be called a 'technical institute'! In order to maintain the purity of academics, it should be merged with us, and we may allow your institute to continue to study academics."

From the dialogue and tone of the two, it can be seen that the current status of MIT MIT is quite low, and it seems to be in danger and on the verge of bankruptcy.

This is indeed the case. Although this young school was supported by the US Land Grant Act for universities, the land it acquired was too small.The previous principals were not good at financial management, which made the situation very difficult at the beginning of the [-]th century.

In history, it was really close to being merged by Harvard.

Pritchett was a little embarrassed. The other party was obviously rich and powerful, and he wanted to eat him.

But Pritchett was not reconciled.

Li Yu thought for a while, then suddenly said, "Dean Pritchett, maybe I can provide some financial help."

Elliot was the first to say in surprise: "Mr. Academician, this is a quagmire!"

Elliott made a pun. Firstly, he said that MIT’s current economic situation is very poor and needs a lot of funds; secondly, the MIT campus is located by the river, which is indeed like a quagmire.

Fortunately, MIT is indeed very good at applying technology, and Pritchett himself is also very important to the development of MIT. He quickly understood what Li Yu said, as if grabbing a life-saving straw , Said: "Mr. Academician, I heard that the market value of your LY radio has exceeded 4000 million US dollars. If you can fund it, we will continue to provide you with technical talents."

Li Yu smiled and said: "This matter can be postponed. After all, I also have a request. On the one hand, you must set up a special education foundation to accept and support future Chinese students. Teaching in Shanghai."

Although Li Yu's approach felt a bit "taking advantage of others", these conditions were completely acceptable to Pritchett.

Sure enough, Pritchett agreed almost without thinking: "Academician Li Yu, your proposal couldn't be better! In the future, our college will set up an education fund named after you; as for the teachers you request, we will choose the best ones." Choose!"

Elliot still kindly reminded: "Mr. Li Yu, you have to think about it carefully. It takes a huge amount of money to fund the university, and it is still a college with no prospects at the end of the road."

At this point, "Boston Institute of Technology" is indeed a very ordinary university.However, Li Yu has traveled through time and knows what will happen in the future. It will not fail, and it will not have no prospects.

And Li Yu dared to say that because of the booming stock market and the massive orders received at the St. Louis World Expo.

It's hard not to spend money!Anyway, Li Yu doesn't want to be a big capitalist, and even if he is simply a rich man, the income from the Star Wars series and the licensing fees of those patents are enough to make him a super rich man.

As for the money earned by the industry, what Li Yu wanted was to use it to improve his domestic education and cultivate domestic national enterprises.

But if you want to do a good job in domestic education, just like doing a good job in radio and automobile companies, you must let Laomei get some benefits first, so that they can make themselves comfortable.

Li Yu still understands the reason why he can't bear the fact that his children can't be caught by wolves.

The key point is that Li Yu himself didn't expect that MIT would be so downcast right now. Didn't this come to your door? I didn't take the initiative.

Good luck indeed, and the good luck doesn't seem to have stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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