Chapter 355 Venus and Mars

The problem of "Boston Tech" is relatively easy to solve. In the final analysis, land is also a problem of money.

And it just happened to take advantage of the time for its campus upgrade to recruit a few more science and engineering lecturers...

Principal Eliot saw Li Yu's persistence, so he said, "Since Mr. Academician is so keen on education, I think I can try to contact another famous school, after all, they are also interested in the East."

Li Yu asked, "What did the principal say?"

Elliott said, "Yale."

This feeling is good!Moreover, Yale University has indeed never excluded international students from China.

Historically, two years later, the Yale-China Association of Yale University will open Yale-China Hospital in Changsha, which is also known as Xiangya Hospital in later generations.

It would be more beneficial if it was started earlier.

Yale and Harvard belong to the century-old Yuliang, and I want what you have!
Li Yu said happily, "Thank you, principal!"

Elliot also smiled and said, "Don't be too happy."

Li Yu understood: "In the next few days, I will use the Harvard Observatory to publish some papers."

Only then did Eliot say with satisfaction: "Those who know current affairs are wise!"


Li Yu asked Director Pickering for some recent astronomical weekly magazines. After flipping through them, he soon came across an interesting article from the American amateur astronomer Rowell, an article called "About Mars Important Discovery of the Canal" article:

"I have taken thousands of pictures of Mars for over ten years, and I have no doubt that I have seen canals on Mars! I would say that what I saw from the observations of Mr. Bischiaparelli (Italian astronomer) The situation on Mars is even more thorough!

Because I not only found the Sun Lake, Siren Sea and Amazon forest mentioned by Mr. Schiaparelli, but also saw something exciting-the canal!
Yes, from the photo, they are so clear and numerous!I've mapped over 500 martian canals.

What is a canal?It is a symbol of humanity!So I'm sure there must be humans living on Mars!

Though I can't think of how they got to Mars.However, from the "Star Wars Series" written by the famous astronomer Li Yu who discovered Pluto, I seem to have found the answer: it is the imaginative interstellar spacecraft in the works!

It's just that I still don't quite understand why previous humans were able to fly to Mars.Perhaps Mr. Da Vinci's design really came true?Just lost today?

All these, I think only Mr. Li Yu can answer.


Rowell also listed a lot of "evidence" for the existence of Martian canals. For example, in his article, he posted a map of Mars he drew that even had oases on it, and detailed seasonal changes, claiming that they seemed to reflect The ups and downs of the crops.

In the writing, Lowell couldn't hide his admiration for Li Yu.Before that, he was overjoyed that Li Yu had discovered Pluto.

Lowell is a graduate of Harvard University and is considered an amateur astronomer and mathematician.

His experience is a model for many amateur scientists: he was born in a wealthy family with no worries about food and clothing; he worked easily and paid a lot when he grew up.

Only such people can be rich and free, and then do what they like more.

The same is true for Fermat.

As for why these people like natural science, I think it may be that they find it interesting and natural interest on the one hand; on the other hand, they can also prove to others that they are smarter than others.

Starting from Newton, being good at natural science is a very face-saving thing in the aristocratic circle.

However, considering the aristocratic culture in Europe, if you do not have world-renowned achievements, it is not enough to just be a hobby, you must first be a nobleman.

The issue of Mars studied by Rowell is a hot spot in astronomy at present. After all, not all astronomers have the opportunity to use large observatories.

With the current telescope technology, observing the stars in the solar system is a common choice for many astronomy enthusiasts.

Moreover, the problem of the Mars canal sounds very attractive, and the distance is relatively close, which is perfect as a research topic.

Li Yu smiled, it seemed that he was going to break everyone's illusions.

In fact, when we refer to astronomy in later generations, we often call it "astrophysics".With the addition of the word "physics", the connotation has been greatly improved.

Astrophysics was a frequent visitor to the later Nobel Prize in Physics.

And while the name is a bit misleading, many people might think that astrophysics studies something big.In fact, astrophysics theoretically began to shine when it went deep into the interior of the nucleus.

The theory of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and stellar evolution cannot be separated from atomic physics.

This is where physics gets interesting.

However, at the beginning of the twentieth century, astrophysics research methods were not used by many people.

Li Yu has been exposed to this great light.

He quickly obtained evidence through spectral analysis: the content of oxygen and water vapor in the atmosphere of Mars will not exceed one thousandth of that of the earth.

This condition alone is enough to show that the probability of civilization on Mars is extremely low.

This trick can be described as a tricky hand to destroy flowers, extinguishing the light of hope of many astronomy enthusiasts.

Li Yu didn't think it was enough, and continued to study the absorption bands, showing that the atmospheric composition on Venus is mainly carbon dioxide; the surface of Jupiter has methane and ammonia molecules.

These results are really fatal, and all planets in the habitable zone have been denied.

Li Yu was complacent and published the article on "Science".

Unsurprisingly, the article, like the previous one on the Milky Way's rotation, was a hit.

This has also led to many ordinary people buying "Science" recently, just to see the shocking conclusions.

Seeing this situation, Pulitzer immediately sent a reporter to interview Li Yu, hoping to write a more understandable press release.Wouldn't the power of communication be more popular in that way, and by the way, it would allow one's own newspaper to continue to increase sales.

"Mr. Li Yu, can you explain more simply, why are the other planets unable to allow human beings to survive, even though they are all planets in the solar system?" the reporter asked.

He asked very directly, and it is also the question that many people are most concerned about at the moment.

Li Yu said: "Actually, I don't know how to answer this question properly. I can only say that life has very strict requirements for living conditions."

The reporter asked: "Perhaps under the blessing of the theory of evolution, Mars and Venus can also give birth to life."

It is also a question that people who do not study natural science like to ask.

Li Yu said: "If you study biology, zoology, botany, or just one of them, you will find that although the forms of life are different, they have many things in common. For example, sensitivity to temperature, The harshness of the atmospheric environment, the extreme dependence on water, etc.”

The reporter said: "Yes, I have heard many biologists come to such a conclusion after reading your article."

Li Yu continued: "Besides the earth where we are, the surface environments of other planets are very different. The composition of the atmosphere, the temperature difference between day and night, the speed of rotation, and the magnitude of gravity are all very different."

The reporter tried hard to remember what Li Yu said, and then said: "It's so different, if there is life, it will be so different."

Li Yu said with a smile: "That's why it is said that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. The difference between men and women is surprisingly large."

Li Yu originally said it casually, but the reporter repeated it with great sensitivity: "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus! My God, this is such an interesting and meaningful comment! Mr. Li Yu, you are simply a The most outstanding emotional expert! Tell the difference between men and women!"

Only then did Li Yu realize that this sentence has not yet been published.I had to smile awkwardly: "I'm not married yet, what kind of emotional expert?"

The reporter said: "Then you must be a romantic prodigal, otherwise how could you be so familiar with the differences between men and women."

Li Yu quickly waved his hand: "Mr. Reporter, don't talk nonsense."

The reporter laughed loudly: "I am kidding you! Mr. Li Yu, I decided to use this sentence as the title of today's interview article. It will definitely be the best and excellent article this year."

Li Yu looked at the imagination in the reporter's eyes, as if he was about to win the grand prize.

"Mr. Reporter, you must pay attention to your diction." Li Yu urged again.

The reporter said with a guarantee: "Don't worry, sir, I am the first-class reporter of "Le Monde"!"

After the article was published, it was indeed more attractive than the purely academic article on Science.

All of a sudden, people are discussing "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", and even many psychologists are ready to conduct an in-depth analysis of this.

Many book clubs even compared this sentence with the previous "I can't hug you when I pick up the lightsaber, and I can't hug you when I put down the lightsaber", and they were included in Li Yu's "Famous Quotes".

These were all things Li Yu could not think of.

What surprised him even more was that the editorial department of "Science" used the astronomical symbols of Mars (the circle below the arrow above) and the astronomical symbols of Mercury (the cross below the circle above) when making the cover of the magazine.

"Le Monde" copied the past, and since then, these two signs have gradually evolved into symbols that specifically represent men and women.

After Li Yu's article spread to Europe, Europeans who know more about romance, especially the French and Italians, went crazy. Many newspapers and clothing brands put the logo of Venus or Mars.

The Italian astronomer Schiaparelli who first proposed that there are canals on Mars said helplessly: "It turns out that I have made so many achievements, but it was just a beautiful mistake. Oh, but I really like this sentence Man is from Mars!"

After the appearance of the "constellation" that boys and girls liked in later generations, many people even regarded Li Yu as one of the originators.

What an unexpected development!

Li Yu could only laugh it off.

However, the real popularity of these two male and female symbols in history really originated from the book "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" by American psychologist John Gray, and the content really talks about the difference between men and women...


In addition to the general public, even Tesla, who doesn't pay much attention to astronomy, can't help sighing after reading Li Yu's article: "It's a pity, I still wonder if I will have the opportunity to immigrate to Mars in the future." , it’s impossible to look at it this way!”

American Astronomical Society.

Chairman Niu Kang looked at the article in front of him, and was also shocked. Fortunately, he had included Li Yu as a member early on, otherwise it would be difficult to invite him again now.

Newcomb was an expert, and he quickly saw why Li Yu was able to make such achievements in astronomy as a physicist. His method was worthy of careful study.

However, this will take astronomy a step further from the previous "observation + mathematical calculation". Newcombe does not have such a level, so he can only ask Li Yu himself for advice in the future.


When Li Yu returned to New York, as soon as he arrived at the laboratory on Fifth Avenue, he saw someone waiting for him.

Lu Bicheng introduced him: "This Mr. Tang has been waiting for you every day for four consecutive days."

Li Yu wondered, "Mr. Tang, what do you want from me?"

The other party seemed very excited after seeing Li Yu, "Mr. Li Yu, I am so excited to meet you! My name is Tang Jianzhang, and I used to study at Harvard University."

It is still difficult to find a Harvard student now, Li Yu shook hands with him and said, "He is a talent."

"In front of you, how dare I call you a talent!" Tang Jianzhang said politely, "A classmate I admire the most also praised you very much. By the way, he once helped you draft a legal contract."

"Oh?" Li Yu became interested, "Do you know Franklin?"

Tang Jianzhang said, "Yes, we are classmates."

This Tang Jianzhang is a relatively low-key person. He obtained a master's degree in the United States, and then returned to China to start rural construction.

That was the period of the Republic of China!

It can only be said that it is too advanced...

It is said that in November 1943, the heads of state of China, the United States, and the United Kingdom held a meeting in Cairo, Egypt. When Roosevelt Jr. was talking with President Jiang and his wife, he also asked about his old friend Tang Jianzhang.

Roosevelt Jr. told President Jiang and his wife that he and Tang Jianzhang were classmates at Harvard University and benefited a lot from him.

At that time, Principal Jiang didn't know Tang Jianzhang, and only then did he know that there was a very remarkable person hidden in a small ancient town in Chongqing.

During the period of the Republic of China, those who stayed in the United States and obtained an excellent master's degree would definitely become famous after returning to China. He was willing to be mediocre, which made Principal Jiang feel like a hermit.

So President Jiang sent a special person to visit after returning to China, and expressed his willingness to entrust him with important tasks.

However, although Tang Jianzhang was personally recommended by the President of the United States, he still rejected Principal Jiang's offer twice.

It is not easy.

It can only be said that he is a very thoughtful and ideal person.

What's more commendable is that Tang Jianzhang studied in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Harvard University in the United States, and went to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Cornell University for his master's degree.

In the period of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China when there was a shortage of scientific and technological talents, it was really rare.

Tang Jianzhang clasped his fists and said, "I have been living abroad for many years, and I have been at a loss. After I saw the radio equipment of the emperor's division at the St. Louis World Expo, I was immediately shocked! I really can't imagine that the Chinese can make such excellent things. .I have been lamenting that I have no rewards for learning, and only then did I feel that I belonged. If I don’t give up, I will always follow the emperor’s teacher!"

Tang Jianzhang was very sincere, and Li Yu realized that he also lacked such talents, so he clasped his fists and said: "Thanks to the great love, we will work together in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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