Li Yu is a gourmet eater. The food in Vienna is not as good as Italy, but it is also much better than Germany. Thinking about going to Berlin in a while, it is better to treat your stomach well in these places first.

The Wittgenstein family has a lot of influence. After the waiter served the fried pork chops, Karl said proudly: "This wild boar was sent by Archduke Ferdinand after hunting a few days ago. It is perfect for entertaining distinguished guests."

Li Yu knew that Crown Prince Ferdinand, who later led to the outbreak of the First World War, liked hunting very much. He shot and killed 5000 deer alone. His obsession with hunting probably caused his eardrums to be permanently damaged. He was responsible for the assassination in 1914. One of the reasons for the slow response.

The tonkatsu was relatively cooked, and Li Yu, Lu Bicheng, and Konoe Zhaoxue's oriental stomachs were more used to it.

After tasting, Gustav Mahler sighed: "If the Grand Duke can succeed in the future, maybe he will be more friendly to us."

The Mahler and Wittgenstein families were Jewish, and anti-Semitism was the worst in Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Although the two of them had been obviously Germanized long ago, they still couldn't hide their Jewish identity.

Mahler was forced to convert from Judaism to Catholicism in order to maintain his position as artistic director of the Vienna State Opera because Vienna did not allow Jews to hold the position.

He has been careful to live his life so as not to attract anti-Semitic attacks.

Although Karl has become a wealthy man, he still has this kind of trouble. "If it can really change, I may transfer my wealth back to Austria. After all, I love this place very much."

As early as a few years ago, Karl secretly transferred a large amount of wealth abroad, and the sense of smell of capitalists seems to be more sensitive.

After Li Yu mentioned that he wanted to purchase an enamel production line, Karl was very enthusiastic: "I will definitely help complete the request made by Mr. Academician, which is easy for me."

Li Yu raised his glass and said, "I will never delay in terms of price."

Carl said: "I never expected to be able to negotiate another deal with you."

Formal European dinners usually last a very long time, and at the end, it is already very late. At this time, it is too late to find a hotel, so we have to stay at Wittgenstein's house.

Carl was very polite: "I have a very large en-suite bedroom, which can be used by three people."

Li Yu said hastily, "Sir, it's better to provide two rooms."

Karl thought that Li Yu was still principled, and wanted to implement the rumored "flop" system in the East. Anyway, there were enough rooms at home, so he arranged two rooms.

Li Yu naturally let Lu Bicheng and Jinwei Zhaoxue live in the best suite.

The suite is large in size and luxuriously decorated, showing the strength of the Wittgenstein family. There is a huge bathtub in the bathroom.

The room Li Yu lives in is relatively simple, but he can still take a hot bath after all.

Li Yu was a bit tired after traveling and traveling for the past two days. After taking a shower, he lay on the bed and wanted to sleep, but suddenly he heard Lu Bicheng and Jinwei Zhaoxue laughing in the bathroom.

"No, that's what Marat looks like in the bathtub in "The Death of Marat."


"No, hang your hands more naturally! It's not natural enough, wait a minute, I'll help you... Oh, sorry, I accidentally touched it. It's usually tightly wrapped. I didn't expect it to be so big."

"Stop coming~"

"And you're still so white."


Li Yu's heart beat faster when he heard it, and he quickly covered his head with the quilt and went to sleep.


The next day, Li Yu was going to pay a visit to his old friend Boltzmann. After all, they were all in Vienna, and it was really unreasonable not to see each other.

Karl asked the housekeeper to drive him off. After getting in the car, Li Yu saw that Wittgenstein Jr. was also in the car. The housekeeper said, "The young master is going to class today, and I want to send him to school. Don't worry, sir, there won't be too long a delay."

Li Yu said, "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

On the way, Wittgenstein Jr. asked Li Yu: "Sir, how did you learn so much mathematics and physics knowledge?"

Li Yu said patiently: "This question is a bit broad. If I put it simply, I think there is only one word to sum it up: love."

Little Wittgenstein asked again: "Then when you were in school, what would you do if someone bullied you?"

The current school environment is quite different from that before Li Yu traveled through time. Considering the identity of Wittgenstein's Jewish identity, Li Yu replied: "If people don't attack me, I won't attack; if people attack me, I will. If you bully you , fight back bravely, otherwise they will think you are easy to bully and continue to bully you. But it is best to hide your identity first."

Little Wittgenstein nodded: "I remember!"

The car arrived at the school, and Wittgenstein Jr. got out of the car with his schoolbag on his back and walked to the campus with some other students.

Li Yu glanced casually, and suddenly felt a cold aura, then looked back, I am damn!Isn't that a mustache!

Little Wittgenstein walked side by side with him, and said to him: "Adolf, didn't you say that you can't go to school, you want to be a painter."

Adolf said angrily: "My father disagrees. He insists that only being a civil servant is the right way, but he doesn't know how great my talent is in art! He just wants to kill a talented painter in the cradle!"

Wittgenstein said: "What's wrong with being a civil servant?"

Adolf said: "No matter how good I am, I don't like it! In short, even if he insists on letting me go to school, I will not continue to study hard. What about you? If you say that, do you want to leave the backward team and become an excellent nerd? ?”

"I'm not a nerd!" Little Wittgenstein said, "You have ideals, and so do I. I want to become a top scholar like Boltzmann and Li Yu!"

Adolf sneered: "It's even more distant than being a painter."

"It's not too far away. Mr. Li Yu had dinner with me yesterday. He doesn't look as mysterious and unfathomable as rumored." Little Wittgenstein said.

"How is it possible!" Adolf didn't believe it.

"Look if you don't believe me!" Little Wittgenstein pointed in the direction of the car, "We still took the car together in the morning, but he still has to meet the great Professor Boltzmann."

Adolf glanced at Li Yu and sighed, "It doesn't look that old, so I really can't give up my desire to be a painter."

Little Wittgenstein said: "Of course I can't give up! I will enter the University of Vienna in the future, and you, you can go to the Vienna Academy of Arts."

"Agreed!" Adolf cheered up.

Two middle school students walked into the campus while talking.

Li Yu sat back in the car seat and exclaimed, "Unexpected, unexpected!"

——To my surprise, these two are still classmates.

The housekeeper asked curiously: "Sir, do you recall your student days? You must have been the best student back then."

The butler was slick and pleasing to the ear, Li Yu replied, "No matter whether you are outstanding or not, young people are the seeds of the future. It's just that it's impossible to predict what kind of flowers will bloom. It may be roses or piranhas."

The steward said while driving: "I read it in the newspaper. This is your chaos theory called 'carp effect'."

Li Yu said, "That's what happened."

The car drove all the way to the University of Vienna, and it happened that Boltzmann was in class at this time.

He is very serious in class, writes neatly on the blackboard, and speaks very fluently.

This class is a philosophy class, but not philosophy in the narrow sense. Mach originally took the philosophy class, but it was handed over to Boltzmann in the past two years.

At this time, Boltzmann was talking about physics and mathematics: "There are many things that often exceed our cognition and appear extraordinary, just like Minkowski, a mathematician in Göttingen, who believed that space is not only Three-dimensional, it can be four-dimensional, or even more dimensional; and the space can even be curved..."

The students definitely couldn't understand this advanced theory, and they were confused:
"Four-dimensional? What does it look like?"

"Is bending space like bending a pipe?"

"Sounds more like science fiction!"

Boltzmann saw Li Yu standing outside the window, "Great, there is someone who can explain it better than me."

Boltzmann greeted Li Yu: "Foreign Academician of the Royal Society, Academician of the French Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Member of the American Physical Society, Ph.D. in Mathematics and Science of the University of Cambridge, Mr. Li Yu, please come in!"

Boltzmann pronounced his long title on purpose.

Li Yu laughed and said, "You actually know so much."

The students were also very excited to see Li Yu, after all, Li Yu's name is too famous recently.

Boltzmann said: "Since we're all here, I can't let you come in vain."

Li Yu had no choice but to stand on the podium and say: "Professor Boltzmann is not wrong. This is the latest theory, but it has only been deduced in mathematics. As we all know, mathematics is the forerunner of science. It can be found that there is something to look forward to. But it is not that difficult to understand this theory."

Li Yu glanced at the podium, and tore off a piece of paper from the handout, "Möbius, everyone must know that like this, it has only one surface, and an ant can crawl all over the curved surface without crossing its edge. By analogy..."

Li Yu drew a schematic diagram of a Klein bottle from the blackboard: "As early as 20 years ago, German mathematicians conceived such a structure. A fly can fly directly from the inside of the bottle to the outside without passing through the surface. In other words, it has no distinction between inside and outside. This object belongs to the four-dimensional space."

Li Yu also wrote the differential equation of the Klein bottle, but it looks a bit complicated and scary.

The students were immediately impressed, "It turns out that this seemingly impossible thing has already been deduced in mathematics!"

After class, Boltzmann said happily: "It seems that you are still very suitable for lecturing. I can ask the principal to let you give a special lecture."

Li Yu said with a smile: "My blackboard writing skills should not always be embarrassing, otherwise people will think that China's world-famous calligraphy is mediocre."

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