Chapter 383 Liz
Li Yu's background is really too big. In the past two years, everyone has been well-known in the entire physics community, and he has two auras of "mysterious east" and "best-selling author", so he was still surrounded by water after class.

"Mr. Li Yu, please sign for me!"

Li Yu took a student's notebook and saw a German poem written on it:

"When a common man steps on an earthworm, it bends;

When Li Yu stepped onto the stage: Look, the space will bend! "

Li Yu said with a smile, "If you know Chinese, you might like to write doggerel."

The student wondered: "What is a doggerel? Animal oil or peanut oil?"

Li Yu said: "It is a simple poem that rhymes, but is more popular and funny."

The student said: "Then Mr. Li Yu is from China, so he must know how to write doggerel!"

"That's right, write us a song!" The other students booed.

Li Yu returned the notebook to him: "Whenever you understand Chinese, I will write a poem for you."

The student said happily: "It's not difficult. For this reason, I have to learn Chinese well. After all, I can speak English, German, French, Latin and Greek."

At the beginning of the [-]th century, these were compulsory subjects for college students in Austria, because Europe is really too small, and it is common to engage in academic exchanges everywhere, and it is impossible to survive without mastering a few foreign languages.

"Then I am really looking forward to it. When you can recite a few poems by Li Bai fluently and ask me to write a few poems," Li Yu said, "and if you can master Chinese proficiently, you will know that the world's most complex, great and What beautiful language looks like."

Li Yu now engages in "cultural export" from time to time.If there is no crossing, with the improvement of national power, it is estimated that in ten or twenty years, China's thousands of years of terrible cultural accumulation will be completely overflowing. At that time, it is very likely that everyone will resume the tradition of starting a business.

Li Yu signed for everyone one by one, and some even secretly brought the Star Wars series to class, and signed them directly on the book.

After ten minutes, the students dispersed.

And the most unusual person in the class came at this time, unusual because she was the only female student.

Li Yu knew her because she was crucial to the development of atomic physics. Her name was Lise Meitner.

She and Mrs. Curie's daughter Irene Curie are both very important to the development of artificial radioactivity. It can be said that without them, the door of nuclear physics will be delayed for many years to open.

"Mr. Li Yu, you are a scientist I respect very much." Lise Meitner said softly.

Li Yu said, "We are considered to be the same age, so you don't need to be so polite."

"But your achievements in mathematics and physics are already top-notch today, and respect is due." Lise Meitner said.

Boltzmann also paid more attention to this female student, because she was the first female student at the University of Vienna.

Women's rights in Europe at this time were very weak. In many countries, women did not even have the right to attend senior high schools. There were even laws stipulating that senior high schools were educational institutions designed to prepare men for college.

Even if it is only the decadent era of the late Qing Dynasty in China, it is even better in this respect.

Lise Meitner liked physics since she was a child, and she was not willing to give up. It just so happened that in 1899, Austria suddenly announced that universities must admit women who have passed the exam.For a very traditional German-speaking country like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it is really unprecedented.

But the entrance exam is very strict, and there are only four places for girls, so the competition is fierce.

The content of the entrance examination is also relatively large, and the knowledge level requirements for candidates are almost equivalent to the level of sophomores and juniors.Includes mathematics, physics, psychology, German literature, Greek, Latin, French, zoology, botany, mineralogy, logic, history and religion.

Generally, candidates need to prepare for eight years before they can apply for European universities, but Li Ze completed it in only two years.

Basically, in the past two years, I just studied without dark or night.

Lise became the first female student at the University of Vienna and a loyal follower of Boltzmann.

Li Yu said to her: "Studying physics is rather boring."

Lise said, "If you like it, it's not boring."

Boltzmann said: "I also persuaded and even told her that some top figures in the field of physics declared that physics is a 'dead' subject, because the physical world seems to have nothing new to study, All that needs to be known is known, and the only thing left is to make more accurate measurements."

At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, this view was very popular, and many bigwigs in quantum mechanics were reminded of this when they were young.

Li Yu said with a smile: "Lord Kelvin didn't say everything, there are still two dark clouds."

Boltzmann is not so sure: "Just two dark clouds."

"In the future, there will be thunderstorm clouds that can tear the sky apart," Li Yu said.

Li Ze chose to believe in Li Yu: "I also think that physics still has a lot to do."

"It's quite promising!" Li Yu affirmed, "The current research is only clear at the macroscopic level. In the future, the microscopic field will be wider than the macroscopic world."

Boltzmann said: "You only gave me half a philosophy class, and how you speak becomes more and more mysterious, and there is always a bit of philosophy."

Li Yu laughed: "Just wait and see."

Liz had a lot of classes to attend, so she left.

Boltzmann looked at her going away and sighed: "This female student is too hard-working. She has to spend 25 hours a week on courses alone. Not only did she take physics, but she also took mathematics, chemistry and botany. I almost every day Every time I pass by the library, I see her, and she seems to be the last one to leave."

Li Yu said: "It's worth it! There are so few female college students in this day and age, and there is always a good way out after graduation."

"It's difficult!" Boltzmann shook his head. "Just look at me. It's not necessarily a good thing to be a maverick, but sometimes you will be regarded as a different kind. I don't know if you know, a male student of physics It’s hard to find a job after graduation, let alone female students.”

Li Yu thought of Albert Einstein, a talented student who was unemployed for more than a year after graduation before finding a job, and he was still a temporary worker.

Moreover, the Berne Patent Office where Einstein worked also did not recruit women.

Li Yu said, "She can always continue to do research."

"Unless you have excellent grades," Boltzmann said meaningfully, "you must have seen Madame Curie. Her achievements are so outstanding that she cannot even enter the French Academy of Sciences."

The threshold of the French Academy of Sciences is indeed quite high, and they did a very speechless thing later: because of the high reputation of Mrs. Curie, the French Academy of Sciences voted to pass a resolution prohibiting women from running for vacant positions in the French Academy of Sciences in the future!
It was not until 1979 that the first woman was elected to the French Academy of Sciences.

Li Yu said: "Let's think about you. Is there any way for you to enter the Royal Austrian Academy of Sciences?"

Boltzmann said helplessly: "This matter is also very difficult. Mr. Maher will definitely vote against it."

Li Yu felt that it was indeed a bit tricky, so he could only talk about it in the future.

Thinking about it carefully, he couldn't even be recognized by the Academy of Sciences, which is really unreasonable.

Li Yu took into account the limitations of the times, and the projects he started at the beginning were not so leaps and bounds.

Boltzmann added: "Don't talk about these annoying things, are you interested in going to a concert again? This is what Vienna is most proud of. The chief conductor of the National Theater is in charge of the performance."

Li Yu said in surprise: "It turns out that you were also invited. In fact, I met Mr. Gustav Mahler when I was at Wittgenstein's house yesterday, and he said that he would give me some invitation tickets."

"What a coincidence," Boltzmann said, "the school gave me one yesterday."

Li Yu said: "Actually, I don't understand much. When it comes to art, I'm just a novice."

Boltzmann, like Planck, played the piano well.

Boltzmann did not laugh at Li Yu's idea: "It doesn't matter, music comes from the heart, just listen to it with your heart."

"It makes sense," Li Yu said, "It's a pity if you don't listen to it."

Li Yu bid farewell to Boltzmann for the time being, and would meet at the Opera House the next day anyway.

Li Yu took the car of Wittgenstein's family back to the castle in the suburbs. Carl's wife thoughtfully prepared a very beautiful and formal dress for Lu Bicheng, and she was trying it on in front of the mirror.

Mrs. Karl said to Li Yu, "Sir, isn't your lady beautiful?"

Li Yu exclaimed, "It's really beautiful."

At this time the weather is relatively cool, you can wear costumes.

Lu Bicheng pouted, and stopped trying to say something.

Mrs. Karl said: "Mr. Mahler came here during the day. He said that after Archduke Ferdinand knew that you and Miss Bicheng had come to Vienna, he must invite her to the concert together. Miss Bicheng from the next Star Wars series, and Li Yu, the rumored giant of science."

Well, although the information is underdeveloped now, once the fame really spreads, there will be quite a few people who know about it.

Thanks to the excellent translation ability of the French Hachette Press, the Star Wars series has very good translations in the German, Italian, Spanish, and French regions.

The next day, the Wittgenstein family, Li Yu, and Lu Bicheng boarded a beautifully decorated carriage to the Vienna State Theater.

Such an occasion must be more solemn now than a carriage.

Li Yu didn't know that the guard Zhaoxue by the window looked at him and Lu Bicheng boarding the carriage side by side, thoughtfully.

Li Yu once saw a picture drawn by a mustache, in which was the Vienna State Theater. This place is very symbolic to Vienna.

Archduke Ferdinand welcomed Li Yu very much, "Dear Academician, it's a pity that I didn't know about your arrival in advance, otherwise I would definitely invite you to the palace."

Li Yu shook hands with him and said, "I'm just passing through Vienna, so I don't dare to bother you."

Archduke Ferdinand beckoned, and the guard gave him a set of Star Wars series: "Not only me, there are many people in the palace who like this set of works, even the emperor greatly appreciates it."

Or entertainment works have a wider influence, Li Yu said with a smile: "Thank you for your love."

Archduke Ferdinand took out another gold fountain pen and asked Li Yu to sign it.

Archduke Ferdinand said: "It's a pity that there is no hardcover edition of this set of books. Afterwards, I must find someone to tell the publishing house that there must be a hardcover collector's edition to be worthy of such an excellent work."

Li Yu said: "The publishing house may be considering the pricing issue."

Archduke Ferdinand leaned over and kissed Lu Bicheng's hand again. Fortunately, Lu Bicheng also knew about the European hand kisses and did not resist.

"Beautiful Bicheng girl, your beauty is more intoxicating than your talent."

Lu Bicheng bowed slightly in return, "Your Excellency, Your Excellency is absurd."

Archduke Ferdinand said: "The two are really like the rumors in the newspapers. They also used some oriental words, what a match made in heaven, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, and the harmony of water and milk..."

The level of idioms of foreigners is really unbearable.

Lu Bicheng pursed his lips and smiled: "Your Excellency is really joking."

At this time, Boltzmann also came to the concert hall. There were not many people present today. After all, it was by invitation only, and security issues were taken seriously.

Archduke Ferdinand was not the biological son of the current Emperor Joseph I of Austria, but his nephew.

The son of Joseph I died more than ten years ago.

However, Archduke Ferdinand is very individual, he has become the crown prince, and despite the emperor's objection, he married a woman of unsuitable status (although she is also the daughter of an earl), causing their children to lose their inheritance rights.

So it was another great-nephew of Joseph I who succeeded to the throne of Austria.

I really don't love Jiangshan and beautiful people.

The affairs of the European royal family are very chaotic anyway.

Li Yu didn't know much about the intricate relationship among the European royal families, so he didn't dare to say too much, because it would be very troublesome if he said something wrong.

Archduke Ferdinand also said: "Before Daimler gave the royal family a car, when Mr. Maybach made an introduction, he emphasized your four-wheel drive system and electronic ignition system, which made driving a more gentlemanly thing. This kind of behavior. It was only then that I found out that Mr. Academician also has outstanding achievements in the field of engineering.”

Li Yu's radio equipment is currently unable to enter Europe, otherwise he would be shocked.

Li Yu said politely: "The advancement of science and technology is the inevitable result of the development of science. Those that can benefit mankind deserve more study."

"You are very generous," said Archduke Ferdinand. "I really admire you, sir. I can't let you leave empty-handed at today's meeting. As a gift for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, I want to give you something."

Li Yu knew he couldn't refuse, so he asked, "What?"

Archduke Ferdinand said: "A royal custom-made piano and a violin handmade by a master, I can guarantee that with our Viennese quality, this will be the best in the world."

Of course Li Yu believed in Vienna's musical accomplishments, but he didn't understand the key point. "My lord, it's a pity that I don't know how to play the piano..."

Archduke Ferdinand said: "It's not impossible to have it. I don't know painting, but many people have given me famous paintings. Moreover, this is also an apology."

"Sorry?" Li Yu was a little puzzled.

Grand Duke Ferdinand ordered his subordinates to bring another box: "I have seen the newspaper, and I want to return this item to you."

Li Yu opened the lid of the box. Well, it turned out to be a high-quality Xuande stove. Needless to say, it must have been brought back by the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

Li Yu couldn't refuse anymore, so he accepted it.

 Today's Chapter 2 will be released tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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