There is nothing to say about the concert, anyway, it feels quite solemn and has a sense of rhythm.

It’s over.

This is Li Yu's understanding of symphony, not as much as he understands Peking Opera.

After the end, Archduke Ferdinand asked for Li Yu's address, and then the piano and violin were shipped directly to the capital.

Li Yu couldn't tell the difference between the Austrian Bösendorfer piano and the German Steinway piano endorsed by the later Lang Lang. He only knew that it was very expensive.

Many top pianos are made in Germany and Austria.

The Austrian Bösendorfer piano is still quite famous at this time, because it has been recognized by the Austrian royal family and is a "royal piano manufacturer". The number of production is not very large, and it has become an important cultural export product of Austria.

It is this piano that is used in many concerts in Vienna. With the aura of Vienna's music capital, the price is naturally very touching.

In later generations, there are hundreds of thousands to millions, and even tens of millions.

Art is really for the rich...

As a novice artist, Li Yu thought that the music played by such an expensive piano must have a voice full of money.

But such a good qin, even in the capital, Li Yu would have no chance to learn it, let alone learn it.

Just thinking about it again, Planck and Boltzmann are both good at playing the piano, and Einstein is also very good at playing the violin. Does it mean that if you want to be a big scientist, you must have some musical talents?

But Li Yu really doesn't understand western musical instruments, so he should go back and find a teacher to learn traditional orchestral instruments, so that when he sits with the big guys and chats about music, it will be somewhat different.

At that time, Max Planck played Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata on the piano, Einstein played Mozart's Violin Concerto on the violin, and he suddenly played "Two Springs Reflecting the Moon", wouldn't it blow up the audience!
How about all kinds of musical instruments, suona is king?It's either ascending to heaven, or paying homage to the hall. The whole play ends with the sound of the suona.

No, it's too shocking!Moreover, it is too difficult, and the simplest cucurbit silk is easier to learn. With its excellent timbre, it will not take long to play the tune.

When Li Yu was thinking wildly, he had already walked out of the Vienna State Opera.

On the way back, Lu Bicheng asked: "Why did Crown Prince Ferdinand come here by himself? Don't European nobles usually bring their wives with them when they attend formal occasions?"

Li Yu said, "Remember the Cinderella story you saw when you were translating European fairy tales?"

Lu Bicheng nodded: "I remember, Cinderella was an ordinary girl who fell in love with the prince in the end. The two went through many hardships and finally lived a happy life together."

"Fairy tales are all deceptive," Li Yu said with a smile, "The wife of Archduke Ferdinand, Sophia, was a daughter of a fallen nobleman, and she worked as a maid in the home of Archduke Ferdinand. Archduke Ferdinand really loved her very much. He even wanted to marry her despite the objections of the entire royal family. He also announced in front of all the dignitaries of the Habsburg dynasty, "I, Sophia's descendants, and their descendants will permanently give up the right to inherit the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire."

Lu Bicheng was touched and said: "He is really an infatuated person, how many people can give up the status that people dream of for love."

Li Yu said: "As for the price, it is what you see. Even though Sophia is married to a prince, she cannot enjoy the treatment of a princess. She cannot attend state banquets, ride a horse with her husband, Archduke Ferdinand, to participate in the royal parade, and even Allowed to sit in a box with Archduke Ferdinand in public. Sofia is only allowed to accompany the Archduke when he appears as a soldier."

This was the case later in the Sarajevo incident.

Perhaps to make up for his wife, Archduke Ferdinand reviewed the exercise troops as a military commander at the time, and Sophia could accompany him to enjoy this glory and celebrate the 14th anniversary of their marriage by the way.

What happened after that? Needless to say.

It really sounds like the story of Cinderella and the Prince. This is what women can't bear the most. Lu Bicheng was so moved.

She still doesn't know that there will be a more powerful British king in the future, the dignified King of England who gave up the British throne for a widow!

That was the time that made women all over the world crazy.

Lu Bicheng wiped his tears and said, "Could it be that the story of Cinderella must be false?"

Li Yu said comfortingly, "She's done the math. Look at how many women in the thousands of years of history are really happy after entering the palace? Once you enter the Marquis family, freedom and love are always at odds. unless……"

Lu Bicheng asked, "Unless what?"

"Unless you give up one of them, you can only gain if you give up. What's wrong with being an ordinary person." Li Yu laughed.

Lu Bicheng nodded: "Just like the story you told about Journey to the West, the gods are not necessarily so good."

Li Yu said: "And Austria not only has Sophia, but also a more famous Princess Sissi, who is the former queen of the current Austrian emperor."

Li Yu told her about Princess Sissi again. She was so famous that she was basically the most famous queen among the royal families of various countries in modern times.

It can also be said to be the most beautiful queen. After all, even in the political arena, beauty is still her trump card.

Later, Germany and Austria made the famous movie "Sissi" trilogy, in which the role of the goddess Romy Schneider can be called a classic.

Princess Sissi has not received a strict court education since she was a child, and she is free and unrestrained. She is not so adaptable to the complicated royal life in the court. She feels a little like a little swallow, but the prince seems to like this.

It's just that Princess Sissi didn't live very happily in the Austrian royal family. She suffered from depression after the death of her eldest daughter, and later her son committed suicide (so many similar things happened in the Austrian royal family).

Princess Sissi was so devastated that she left the palace to travel and was assassinated by an Italian assassin in Geneva.

Lu Bicheng was a little bit shocked when he heard it, and sighed: "Fairy tales are really fairy tales, just like a beautiful dream weaved out. Whenever it encounters the edges and corners of reality, it will be easily punctured."

Li Yu encouraged: "But if there are no more beautiful dreams, many people will suffer even more."

Lu Bicheng is not the girl who was abused by Mary Su TV dramas in later generations, and she immediately cheered up: "That's right! Although the stories of the royal family are eye-catching, they are only a very small part of the world."

After returning to Wittgenstein's castle, Lu Bicheng hurried back to his room to change clothes.

This kind of Western girdle is not easy to put on and take off, so I can only call Konoe Zhaoxue to come over to help: "Quick, I'm going to suffocate to death!"

Jinwei Zhaoxue quickly untied her, "Don't wrap her so tightly when she's so big."

"You are not too young, and Mrs. Karl put them on for me. I don't understand at all," Lu Bicheng took a few breaths and continued, "It's really hard to wear this clothes. I can only walk with small steps and do a little strenuous exercise. Take a big breath. Anyway, I really don’t want to wear it anymore, just like our foot bindings, it’s a kind of torture for women!”

Jinwei Zhaoxue held the corset and said quietly: "I really want to have a chance to wear it once."

Lu Bicheng didn't know what Jinwei Zhaoxue meant, so he pulled her to sit next to her, "My dear sister, let me tell you what I saw and heard today. Although I went to the opera house with Li Yu once before, but this time The National Opera House is too grand, and there are many big people present..."

Konoe Zhaoxue sat aside and listened with a fake smile, which seemed to her to be a blatant show off.


Li Yu stayed in Vienna for a few more days, discussed with the Wittgenstein family the matter of importing enamel equipment, and paid for several skilled workers.

Technical workers are basically Jewish, and they are easier to recruit. After all, there is no country, as long as they can earn money, they can go anywhere.

Li Yu plans to gradually cultivate national enterprises through these relatively simple and not so simple industries, and develop well in the following golden decade.

The next step is naturally to go to Berlin, but on the way Li Yu plans to take a detour to the Patent Office in Bern, Switzerland, and work with Einstein to complete the thesis, mainly the mathematics part.

Regardless of the fact that the special theory of relativity has reached later generations, some things are easy for high school students to understand. It seems like nothing, but the rigorous mathematical derivation is actually very complicated.

There are many such examples, such as the Kepler conjecture that sounds "naive".

As early as 300 years ago, for example, Kepler proposed the densest stacking problem. Simply put, it is how to arrange anti-cannonballs or oranges to be the densest.

Not to mention mathematicians, any fruit stall owner knows how to place layers of fruit.

For this method, there is a professional term in mathematics, which you must have heard when you study chemistry: hexagonal closest packing and face-centered cubic packing.Many metal crystals have this structure.

Kepler's conjecture is whether the hexagonal closest packing and face-centered cubic packing are the densest arrangement.

It's intuitively similar, but it's not easy to prove mathematically.

For 300 years, many mathematicians have been helpless in comparison. Even among the 1900 mathematical problems proposed by Hilbert in 23, there was Kepler's conjecture (of course Hilbert extended it to N dimensions)!

This deceptively simple and somewhat "boring" math puzzle isn't even proof that it was done by humans.

After more than 100 years, it took an American mathematician Hales more than ten years to use a computer to complete the formal proof through exhaustion in 2015.

Anyway, there is a big gap between popular science and real mathematics, physics and chemistry.

In addition, going to see Einstein is not just a research paper, but also a "business": patent application.

Li Yu came up with some car patents when he was free in Austria these days, and he planned to apply for them together.

Since you want to be an invisible behind-the-scenes boss like Bosch, you must have enough patents.

And ever since Einstein had a patent review last time, Li Yu fell in love with this feeling, haha, don't be too addicted!

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