Taking advantage of the presence of Foreign Minister Lu Zhengxiang and American Minister Rui Enshi, Li Yu immediately asked: "General Lu, if we can contact American funds, can we open a medical school and supporting medical schools in the capital?"

In front of Rui Enshi, Lu Zhengxiang could only say without hesitation: "We welcome international funds to invest in education and health."

Li Yu said: "Thank you very much."

Since we want to use foreign money, why not let the Xiehe project come to fruition as soon as possible.

Afterwards, Yan Fuqing and Dr. Hu Mei hosted Li Yu at the hotel to express their gratitude.

During the dinner, Li Yu said: "I hope the two doctors will carry out some microbiology research. Although I don't know much about medicine, but looking back at history, I can find that it was only a few decades before Western medicine began to change, which coincided with the development of microbiology. .”

"Indeed," Yan Fuqing agreed, "if it weren't for Mr. Pasteur and Mr. Koch, I'm afraid the entire Western medicine would still be studying miasma."

Hu Mei said: "Remembering the cholera pandemic thirty years ago, most German medical authorities still adhered to the miasma theory and criticized the pathogenic theory of Vibrio cholerae proposed by Koch at the research meeting."

Hu Mei said it very tactfully.

At that time, these medical authorities even drank the feces of cholera patients in public, claiming that the liquid was like the purest water.

There is really no one left!

There were more than 20 authorities who drank fecal water at the same time, and without exception, they all got cholera diarrhea and collapsed.

But none of them died, so pundits still thought Koch was wrong.

Anyway, Western medicine started late, and it all relied on the development of microbiology and subsequent molecular biology and many other disciplines.

Even the foreigner himself admits: "People have always thought that doctors have been saving lives and healing the wounded for 2400 years, but they have been wrong for at least 2300 years."

According to the standard of Western medicine in the past, seeing a doctor is really not as good as waiting for recovery, at least you won't be cured to death.

As for the word "miasma", it exists in both East and West, but Western medicine in the early years was a true belief.

In China, "miasma" has long been reduced to a simple derogatory term for regional blackness. Many literati were relegated to the south. In anger, they said a few words about the miasma all over the south.

Yan Fuqing said: "When the medical school is established in the future, we will definitely set up microbiology courses and related laboratories in accordance with the academician's suggestions."

Li Yu said: "Microbiology is an advanced subject, and it is best to hire professors from Europe and the United States."

Hu Mei said: "I will try to contact you."

Yan Fuqing said: "Building medical schools to cooperate with hospitals is a mainstream approach. I also hope that more difficult and complicated diseases can be treated in medical schools, and even the terrible coronary heart disease can be treated."

Li Yu suddenly thought: "I was watching the news before, and a paper from the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences explained the relationship between cholesterol and coronary heart disease."

Hu Mei said in surprise: "Master Li, what else don't you know? You can even say the word cholesterol!"

"I just happened to see it." Li Yu said with a smile.

Then he thought to himself, everyone in his time probably knew the word cholesterol, and coronary heart disease was the most lethal disease in the 21st century.

But it was not until this year that Russian scientists discovered through animal experiments that cholesterol causes coronary atherosclerosis, also known as coronary heart disease.

Yan Fuqing said: "I have also read many reports, but unfortunately there are only animal models, and the underlying mechanism has not yet been understood."

Li Yu smiled and said: "If you figure this out, it will be a Nobel Prize if you don't talk about it."

"I don't dare to dream about such a major award," Yan Fuqing said, "I just want to reduce the psychological burden after dealing with too many death cases."

At this time, there are many situations where doctors are unable to do anything, but doctors are kind-hearted, and these medical practitioners want to contribute their own strength.

Medicine is very resource-intensive, and it is not easy to train an excellent doctor, but the more troubled the times, the more doctors are needed.

Hu Mei said: "In the future, when Academician Li goes abroad, he can rely on his reputation to attract another wave of professors."

"I definitely will." Li Yu said.

When the war starts, it should be better to win over. Especially French scholars, if they don't leave early, they will have to go to the battlefield.

At that time, they will thank Li Yu for saving his life, and they will definitely betray Li Yu's face and stay in China to teach for a few more years.


After Bell and the others have almost played, the next step is to go to Shanghai Datong University to give lectures, and then Eastman will also open a sales point in Shanghai. Whether it is through a foreign company or by itself, it will basically choose Shanghai to radiate to other places in the south. province and Japan.

Lu Bicheng originally wanted to go south with Li Yu, but Li Yu declined: "It's not safe outside now, you stay at home for now."

"Is there any danger?" Lu Bicheng looked nervous, "Now that the world is at peace, what danger can there be?"

Li Yu could only say: "Undercurrents are surging, and it's still early for peace and prosperity."

"If it's dangerous, I will go with you!" Lu Bicheng insisted.

Li Yu smiled and said: "Whenever you can practice the pistol to the same hit rate as me, I will take you with me."


Li Yu quickly interrupted her: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Lu Bicheng held his hand firmly: "Be sure to be safe. When you arrive in Shanghai, send a telegram immediately."

"I understand." Li Yu said softly.

The time chosen by Bell and the others was really coincidental. When they arrived at the Shanghai Railway Station, it was already getting late.

Walking to the waiting hall of the train station, Li Yu saw Song Jiaoren, Huang Xing, Yu Youren, and Liao Zhongkai.

Li Yu walked over and whispered to Song Jiaoren, "Mr. Song, it's very dangerous here. Someone wants to assassinate you."

Song Jiaoren suddenly laughed and said, "Why do you say that too?"

"Yeah?" Li Yu was puzzled.

"Today an antique shop owner told me that someone wanted to assassinate me," Song Jiaoren said easily, "But how is that possible! Assassination is the specialty of our Kuomintang, and Guan Gong is using a machete in front of his door?"

"But..." Li Yu said.

Song Jiaoren waved his hand: "Besides, the boss of the Shanghai Youth Gang is my good friend Chen Qimei. No matter whether he is gangster or white, it is not that easy to assassinate me."

Li Yu felt his head hurt, but he couldn't stop him.

Because even if he knew that someone was assassinating him, he would still go north.

In the previous cabinet election, the Kuomintang became the majority party. Although it did not exceed the majority, Song Jiaoren could become the new prime minister according to the Western tradition of a majority party forming a cabinet and then the leader of the majority party becoming the prime minister.

And this is a legitimate democratically elected prime minister, not the previous appointed prime minister.

The next step is to implement a responsible cabinet system in accordance with the Constitution. Under this system, the prime minister has so much power that the president has even become a mascot.

To explain a little bit, you must know the German Chancellor and the Indian Prime Minister, but not many people know that Germany and India also have presidents, right?

The presidents of Germany and India have little power and are purely symbolic.

On the contrary, the president of the United States has great power.

This difference is caused by the fact that they are parliamentary and presidential systems respectively.

In a parliamentary country, the prime minister is the boss (called prime minister in some countries). But countries with parliamentary systems have a problem: the prime minister will be restricted by the parliament, is unstable, and often changes. A typical example is Japan, where the prime minister is replaced within a year or two.

Therefore, countries with parliamentary systems often need a person who is famous and has been in office for a long time as a symbolic head of state.

Japan and the United Kingdom choose the emperor as their mascot and are called constitutional monarchies.

Germany and India have elected a president as their mascot, which is the so-called parliamentary republic system.

Unlike the above-mentioned parliamentary system, a presidential system is actually more efficient because there is no need to quarrel all the time.

But if we really want to compare them, we can’t say which one is better than the other. We can only say which one is more suitable for the national conditions.

After understanding this, you can roughly understand the contradiction between Song Jiaoren and Yuan Shikai.

——Song Jiaoren wants a parliamentary system, where the prime minister has the final say and can at least restrain President Yuan Shikai.

What Yuan Shikai wanted was a presidential system with real power.

Contradictions cannot be reconciled, and one can only choose one or the other.

Yuan Shikai once wanted to win over Song Jiaoren and gave him 50 silver yuan. Unexpectedly, Song Jiaoren was not Yi Kuang and would not accept this trick at all.

It was not until the Kuomintang became the majority party in the parliament that Yuan Shikai became more and more aware that Song Jiaoren and he were not the same people at all.

Yuan Shikai once said: "I am not afraid of anyone using violence to compete with me for the world, but I am afraid that the revolutionary party cabinet will put me in a position of powerlessness and courage."

That means he doesn't want to be a mascot. (In fact, Song Jiaoren did not even want Yuan Shikai to be president, but preferred Li Yuanhong, who was more controllable.)

In the waiting hall, Huang Xing looked at his pocket watch and said to Song Jiaoren, "We're about to leave."

"Let's go."

Song Jiaoren stood up and walked to the platform with them.

A few minutes later, several gunshots rang out without any surprise, and there was chaos on the platform.

A top mystery in the Republic of China was born.

But it is not important whether the case is a mystery or not. The key is that Song Jiaoren's death profoundly affected the political trend of the Republic of China.

Huang Xing, Yu Youren and others quickly took Song Jiaoren to the hospital.

In the hospital, Song Jiaoren knew that he was not going to die soon. Before the operation, he asked Guo Youren to make a will:

"I am dying, so I have three things to tell you: 1. All the books stored in Nanjing, Beijing and Tokyo will be donated to the Nanjing Library. 2. My mother is still in Han's family. If I die, please be strong. My father-in-law and all my old friends take care of me. 3. I have worked hard to reconcile the affairs between the north and the south. The rumor makers and a group of people do not know the whole story. Every time there is misunderstanding, I deserve to suffer. Why should I regret dying?"

After the operation, his condition did not improve, and Song Jiaoren struggled to ask Yu Youren and others to send a message to the Beiyang government: "President Fuji is sincere, delivers justice, and strives to protect civil rights. The country must establish an indomitable constitution." , then even though the day of death is still the year of life.”

It is a pity that Song Jiaoren hoped that Yuan Shikai would move toward republic until his death.

Doctors tried their best to save him, but the gunshot wound was too serious, and Song Jiaoren eventually passed away.

Huang Xing was in agitated mood and burst into tears. He went to Li Yu and said, "I heard that Mr. had a camera that he carried with him. I want to take a photo of his death to show to the world!"

Li Yu took out a portable camera from his bag and handed it to him.

But Huang Xing didn't know how to use it, so he had to let Li Yu do the filming.

When he pressed the shutter, Li Yu felt very heavy. He knew that the chaos would begin from now on.

Yu Youren, Liao Zhongkai and others of the Kuomintang were all excellent writers, and they immediately published articles in newspapers attacking the Beiyang government.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shikai was also surprised when he learned about Song Jiaoren's death. He sent a message to investigate the real culprit and asked Huang Xing to participate in the investigation.

The Shanghai patrol took it very seriously and solved the case very quickly, because news came out on the day of the assassination that the case was related to a killer named Samurai Ying and his boss Ying Kuicheng.

Just three days later, the assassination was solved and both men were arrested.

The efficiency is so high that it can be called the highest in the Republic of China.

And through Ying Kuicheng, he found his superior family: Hong Shuzu.

Although the case was solved quickly, the trouble had just begun because the identities of the two people behind were too special.

Needless to say, the killer Samurai Ying is just an ordinary killer who gets paid to do things.

What needs to be focused on is Ying Kuicheng, the killer's superior family, and Hong Shuzu, Ying Kuicheng's superior family.

Ying Kuicheng used to be Mr. Sun's bodyguard and had a close relationship with Chen Qimei.

Although Hong Shuzu has the current Prime Minister Zhao Bingjun above him, he is a close confidant directly under the leadership of Yuan Shikai.

Therefore, this case is a big unsolved case and has been debated for more than a hundred years.

During the Republic of China, people held various views.

First of all, the most suspicious suspect is definitely Yuan Shikai.

Because Song Jiaoren died, Yuan Shikai had no political opponents, was invincible in the world, and was the biggest beneficiary.

But some people suspect that Mr. Sun and Chen Qimei were responsible.

Because they believed that Song Jiaoren had sidelined Mr. Sun and controlled the Kuomintang, Sun and Chen Qimei wanted to frame Yuan Shikai and launch a revolution at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

The most famous people who hold this view are Yuan Kewen and Kita Ikki, a Japanese who was very important to the Kuomintang in the early years of the Republic of China.

But if you think about it carefully, you know it's impossible.

As a typical idealist, Sun gave up party power himself. In order to avoid suspicion, he had already gone to Japan to facilitate Song Jiaoren's management of the Kuomintang.

As for Yuan Shikai, according to what he said, if he killed Song Jiaoren at this time, wouldn't he just put a shit basin on his head? Who could be so stupid?

It makes some sense.

The truth of this case was not revealed until not long before Li Yu traveled through time.

No matter how you put it, it's a bit ridiculous.

Basically, two young men, Ying Kuicheng and Hong Shuzu, wanted to make something up to defraud Yuan Shikai of money.

They have already successfully cooperated on one occasion: Ying Kuicheng organized a small revolutionary gang in Shanghai, and then defrauded Yuan Shikai of 5 yuan through Hong Shuzu, saying that he could settle the matter.

This time Ying Kuicheng wanted to make a big deal. He said that Song Jiaoren had dirty information in Japan and needed to spend 30 yuan to buy it. He would definitely make him stink and prevent him from becoming prime minister.

Yuan Shikai agreed with this suggestion, but he would not give money until he saw the real dirt.

And Ying Kuicheng was obviously bragging, because Song Jiaoren was too clean to have any dirty information.

So Hong Shuzu sent several telegrams urging Ying Kuicheng to submit the black information. Seeing that he was still unable to come up with it, the last telegram suddenly contained a hint of "ruining the honorary title of Song Dynasty."

It was this hint that prompted Ying Kuicheng to spend a thousand oceans to hire a murderer.

Therefore, this matter has nothing to do with the current Prime Minister Zhao Bingjun as a whole, and Yuan Shikai did not order the killing. Of course, what Yuan Shikai did was very unclean. After all, discrediting his opponents cannot be put on the table.

In short, it is really regrettable that Song Jiaoren, a generation of talented people, died hastily at the hands of two little-known thugs who just wanted to make money.

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