Although Li Yu knows the truth of the matter, the current situation makes it impossible to completely reveal the truth, and the truth is not even that important.

Mr. Sun immediately returned from Japan after learning the news, and Zhang Taiyan also resigned from the three northeastern provinces and rushed to Shanghai.

It's just that there are huge differences within the Kuomintang on this matter.

At this time, the Kuomintang in Congress could also initiate the impeachment of Prime Minister Zhao Bingjun to frighten Yuan Shikai behind the scenes.

But they didn't expect that Yuan Shikai had regarded Zhao Bingjun as an abandoned son. Soon after, Zhao Bingjun died suddenly, and the cause of death was also a mystery.

Li Yu had a temporarily uninhabited villa on Dongping Road, which was directly used by Liao Zhongkai, Yu Youren and others.

Not long after, Zhang Taiyan stepped in, "Sucai, are they all here?"

Li Yu replied: "We are all waiting for Mr. Taiyan."

Zhang Taiyan went up to the second floor. Sun, Huang, Yu Youren, and Liao Zhongkai respectfully said, "Mr. Taiyan."

Zhang Taiyan was rare and polite to them and said: "You're fine."

Zhang Taiyan's relationship with them had been quite tense before, but after the Song case happened, Zhang Taiyan was keenly aware that it was probably a political murder, and the instigator behind it must be in the capital.

He is ready to reconcile with Sun and Huang's faction and tide over the crisis together, but their views are not unified.

Everyone sat on the sofa together, while Mr. Sun sat alone by the window sill. He blames himself very much now, thinking that Song Jiaoren died for him.

Zhang Taiyan glanced at him, turned his head and said angrily: "The most serious problems at the moment are autocracy and corruption. If they cannot be fundamentally solved, talking about republic and democracy is empty. Under autocracy, the leader who wants to fight for republic actually Being murdered by politics is unacceptable!"

"We have the same opinion as Mr. Huang on this point," Huang Xing said. "Yuan Shikai went too far. He did not dare to face democratic elections, so he used insidious means."

"No!" Zhang Taiyan said, "I don't think the person behind the scenes is Yuan Shikai. From what I know about him, Yuan Shikai's political wisdom will not make him so stupid. The real sycophants are the four villains in the presidential palace."

The "four evils" he refers to are Prime Minister Zhao Bingjun, Secretary-General and Minister of Transportation Liang Shiyi, Commander of the Guards Duan Zhigui, and Deputy Chief of Staff Chen Huan.

Huang Xing said: "They are all Yuan Shikai's people, so they naturally represent Yuan Shikai's meaning."

Zhang Taiyan said: "The problem is that there is no direct evidence."

Huang Xingdao: "At least legal means can be used to initiate impeachment."

Zhang Taiyan pondered for a moment: "In my opinion, President Yuan can only say that he cannot be separated. The best way now is to reconcile the north and the south again, strive for peace, and then persuade Yuan Shikai to abdicate and live in seclusion like Mr. Sun."

Zhang Taiyan's thinking cannot be wrong.

If in peaceful times, a mature modern country encounters such a high-level and unclear case, the senior officials involved will definitely resign voluntarily to resolve the crisis.

However, the Republic of China was too young at this time. If Yuan Shikai abdicated just to avoid suspicion, not to mention Yuan Shikai's unwillingness, the vested interests in the Yuan Party would not agree.

At this time, Mr. Sun finally spoke: "Everything is in vain. Only by carrying out a second revolution and overthrowing the Yuan Shikai government just like the Qing government can we have hope for a republic."

Huang Xing objected: "At present, legal channels have achieved certain results. Is it too hasty to rush to revolution?"

Mr. Sun said firmly: "If we don't make a revolution rashly, why don't we wait until Yuan Shikai is ready to arrest us one by one?"

Huang Xingdao: "But now the whole country is longing for peace. Launching a revolution at this time will be unpopular."

"Then let an autocratic or even more ambitious person sit in the president's seat?" Mr. Sun said loudly, "The longer it is delayed, the more difficult it will be to control the situation."

Sun's vision is still very sharp, but unfortunately he is a little too ahead of his time.

Zhang Taiyan realized that they all had differences, and sighed and said, "You don't have to argue. I'll go and persuade President Yuan."

Sun was noncommittal: "It's hard to achieve results."

Zhang Taiyan had a fierce personality and immediately set off for the dock no longer waiting.

Li Yu came out to see him off and said, "Mr. Taiyan, are you going to Wuchang first?"

"Yes," Zhang Taiyan said, "I can see clearly that now both the north and the south are unreliable. We can only place our hope on Li Yuanhong becoming president."

Li Yu couldn't make suggestions in this regard. After all, it would be useless, so he said instead: "I heard that your husband has set a wedding date. Don't forget to send another invitation."

Zhang Taiyan said: "The wedding will be held in Shanghai. If you don't come, I will send a sedan to pick you up."

"Then how come," Li Yu said with a smile, "the sedan chair is for the bridegroom."

After Zhang Taiyan got on the rickshaw, Li Yu waved goodbye to him, knowing that this journey would have no ending.

Although Li Yuanhong looks like the mascot of the Republic of China, he does not have the ability to conquer the world. He may be a capable minister in peaceful times, but he is not suitable in troubled times.

As for the second revolution proposed by Mr. Sun, you don’t actually have to have the vision of a time traveler to know that it will not succeed.

Huang Xing and others within the Kuomintang have long understood that launching a revolution at this time is not even based on justice. No people will support it. Instead, it will be regarded as a power struggle that consumes national power, and basically no one will respond.


At Datong University, Li Yu invited Bell and Tesla to give several speeches in succession, and the results were very good.

The school has attached great importance to science and engineering from the beginning, so students have a very good foundation.

Li Yu also plans to spend one or two decades cultivating several Nobel Prize winners.

Physics is easier to deal with. Although Li Yu cannot personally guide other subjects, he can at least give some direction. If there are talented students and they are willing to invest in their training, there is still hope.

In a few days, Bell and the others were supposed to return home. Li Yu specially asked his ship to send them there, showing his utmost sincerity. When they get back to publicize it, Li Yu will be picked up and dropped off by ships for thousands of sea miles. It will be easier to invite other professors and scholars in the future.

In addition, Tesla was able to help Li Yu conduct several radio experiments during this voyage, and at the same time, he was able to bring back some of George Eastman's cameras.

After seeing them off, Li Yu came to the Science Society and recently received some manuscripts from American students, which were enough for distribution.

The content is relatively simple, basically something that can be understood by high school students of later generations, but it is already good.

What is particularly valuable is that there is also an article introducing biochemistry. Although the knowledge is still relatively simple, there is nothing wrong with the path.

After the Science Society edited it, Li Yu took the manuscript to Zhang Yuanji for distribution.

Zhang Yuanji had been waiting for Li Yu to arrive: "Hurry, hurry, hurry! Brother Shucai, I just bought a batch of movable lead type from Singapore. There are all kinds of weird mathematical symbols. It must be enough for you!"

Li Yu glanced at it, no, both eyes, because they were both backwards, and then said: "It's definitely more than enough. Even if the typesetter doesn't understand, he can still type it out according to the sample."

Zhang Yuanji pulled Li Yu and said, "You don't have to worry about publishing. We are professionals. Leave the manuscript here and let's go have a drink first."

The Commercial Press is indeed very professional, with hundreds of tons of typeface alone, and its publishing capabilities are outstanding in Asia.

Zhang Yuanji took Li Yu to a restaurant and said enthusiastically: "Weiya Restaurant has just had a few cooks. I heard that they were royal chefs in the palace before. Their skills are very good, and they can't usually get reservations."

Li Yu said: "It seems that the palace doesn't really need that many people now. A group of eunuchs and maids have left, and now it's the cook's turn." Zhang Yuanji ordered a few dishes, and then said: "The most pitiful people who purified themselves during the Xuantong period are The sky collapsed as soon as the boy entered the palace. Queen Mother Longyu passed away not long after, and there were not many palace maids and eunuchs needed. These young and ignorant ones were the first to be kicked out of the palace."

Li Yu said: "Fortunately, the palace has not recruited too many people in the past ten years, otherwise it would be really troublesome."

Shi Liangcai happened to arrive at the hotel, walked over and said with a smile: "You two actually talked about eunuchs while eating?"

"Sit down quickly," Zhang Yuanji said, "We just mentioned the new imperial chef, and by the way, we talked about things in the palace."

Shi Liangcai sat down and said, "Didn't Brother Shucai enter the palace not long ago? You know what's going on inside."

Li Yu took a sip of hot tea and said, "It's strangely deserted. Now there is only the little Emperor Xuantong in the Forbidden City, a serious man, and he has no imperial authority in the past. I can't imagine how he will grow up."

Shi Liangcai said: "There are so many maids and eunuchs around, it's really hard to tell."

Unofficial history has always rumored that Puyi’s loss of male function was related to the environment in which he grew up as a child...

Zhang Yuanji said: "Even if there are fewer palace maids and eunuchs than in the Ming Dynasty, there are still thousands of them anyway. There is only a little emperor and concubine Jin left, so it is better to abolish them directly."

Shi Liangcai said: "In the future, if the small court feels that there is not enough money, they will do it themselves, and we don't need to meddle in these nosy matters. But now the clues to the assassination case in Shanghai are gradually becoming clear, and I am very curious about how Congress will respond."

Zhang Yuanji said: "The prime minister of the Congress has been impeached and resigned. This is already the upper limit. What else can be done?"

Shi Liangcai nodded: "This is indeed the only way."

After the food was served, Shi Liangcai mentioned the recent charity fund-raising to them, "There was a flood in Zhejiang, and someone came forward to raise 30,000 yuan. Do you have any ideas?"

Li Yu asked: "Why did someone come forward? Isn't it the Red Cross or a disaster relief organization?"

Shi Liangcai smiled and said: "Because the fundraising method this time is lottery."

Li Yu was surprised: "Lottery?"

Zhang Yuanji said: "The lottery is normal. Is there any new trick?"

Later, Li Yu learned that lotteries during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China were often used as a way to raise funds.

Domestic self-owned lotteries should have started with the "Hubei Donation Vouchers" issued by Zhang Zhidong to raise funds, followed by various similar fund-raising lotteries, which became all the rage.

After the founding of the Republic of China, I wanted to abolish it, but because there was no way to raise funds, I had no choice but to continue to implement lottery.

At this time, people had few investment channels, so they bought lottery tickets one after another, just like depositing money in the International Savings Association.

Each issue of major newspapers has a special section to introduce the income of different lottery tickets. The first thing many people do when buying a newspaper is to read this part.

As an economic center, Shanghai has a lottery culture.

Shi Liangcai said: "The lottery prize this time is unusual. It is not a bonus, but the qualification to marry the socialite Lu Wenju."

Li Yu was shocked: "Can I still recruit a bride through lottery?"

Shi Liangcai said: "What Miss Lu means is that she will marry whoever buys the most lottery tickets. As for the proceeds from the lottery, except for normal expenses, all will be used for disaster relief."

Li Yu said: "Miss Lu's integrity is indeed noble. I have nothing to say, but in this case, I don't dare to raise funds anymore."

Shi Liangcai laughed and said: "She is a yellow flower girl, and she is a daughter of a famous family. What is there to be embarrassed about?"

Li Yu said: "Then I won't take advantage of others' danger."

Shi Liangcai looked at Zhang Yuanji: "Brother Zhang, where are you?"

Zhang Yuanji said bitterly: "Can I buy anonymously?"

Shi Liangcai was amused by the two of them: "Originally, no one paid much attention to the flood in Zhejiang, but Miss Lu's actions successfully created a hot news topic. In fact, it has gone away from the essence of lottery. Most of the buyers are children from rich families, but many people do not really want to marry her. , it just happens to be able to enhance personal reputation while donating money.”

"It turns out you don't have to marry." Li Yu said with a smile.

Shi Liangcai said: "This is a good thing. It has always been difficult to raise funds from big businessmen. If there is a good precedent, it will be helpful to public welfare across the country."

Zhang Yuanji stroked his beard and said, "That little girl must not have imagined that there is so much meaning behind it."

Shi Liangcai asked again: "Do you two want to donate generously? Don't worry, if the Lu family girls rely on you, I will protect you."

Li Yu teased: "What a great idea."

Anyway, it was used for charity, so Li Yu casually donated 10,000 yuan. To him, it was just small money.

Zhang Yuanji's Commercial Press had a very good business and was very rich. He donated 6,000 yuan.

Then Li Yu put the matter behind him.

A few days later, Li Yu was researching a thesis in Yu Garden, and the servant he hired said that a young girl wanted to see him.

Li Yu walked to the door curiously and saw a girl with delicate features.

"You must be Bachelor Li," the girl said. "I am Lu Wenju, who published the lottery in the newspaper."

Li Yu wondered: "Miss Lu, what do you want from me?"

"My little daughter has something to ask for," Lu Wenju said politely. "Previously, a scholar named Li Jianqing spent all his money and even sold his ancestral property in order to buy my lottery ticket. I just learned that he has been in love with my little daughter for a long time, so... I hope Academician Li, who has contributed the most money, will raise his noble hand and let his daughter marry him."

That scholar is also quite infatuated.

Li Yu said: "I have no extra thoughts at first. I am more willing to do good things with the beauty of adulthood. It is your freedom to marry him if you want. It is now the Republic of China, and free love is emphasized."

Miss Lu was very grateful and bowed and said, "Thank you, Grand Scholar Li!"

Li Yu didn't take it seriously at all, and kindly reminded her, "Girl, please don't do this kind of thing again, for fear of being taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives."

A few days later, the scholar came to express his gratitude, and as soon as he entered the door, he gave a big gift: "Master Li's great kindness, I, Li Jianqing, will never forget it!"

Li Yu pulled him up and said, "Boy, you must know how to cherish, work hard in the future, and be a useful person. This is the greatest gratitude."

Li Jianqing wiped away tears and said: "Everything seems like a dream. I thought the thousands of dollars I spent selling my family property were wasted, but I didn't expect... wu wu wu..."

Li Yu laughed and said, "Why is a grown man still crying?"

"I, I really don't know how to thank you, but now..." Li Jianqing sobbed and was speechless.

Li Yu said: "Okay, okay! Go back and prepare for the wedding. Then I will let you join us. Don't cry!... That's right, let's go!"

The beauty ticket incident had some positive effects on Shanghai's lottery industry and mobilized patriotic enthusiasm. Unfortunately, it was manipulated by warlord leaders within a few years, and it was no longer fair.

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