Homo sapiens.

Chapter 456

Chapter 456
After the successful launch of Pyro.

There was applause in the launch control room of the base.

Li Qingye also applauded for the Dandelion project: "You have completed an amazing project and set an example for the opening of a new era."

"It's all the company's strong support." Su Changli's voice was trembling, and it was obvious that he was also extremely excited.

Although he is full of confidence in the Dandelion project, it is the first actual test launch after all, and Su Changli is naturally extremely excited that he can successfully complete the launch mission in one go.

Li Qingye patted him on the shoulder: "Changli, next you have to make persistent efforts. The Motor Island Satellite Manufacturing Company is already producing dead light satellites. You need to strengthen mutual communication and strive to deploy dead light satellites in low-earth orbit as soon as possible."

"Understood! I will arrange this as soon as possible!" Su Changli nodded.

Of course he knew the company's huge demand for large payload spacecraft.

Similar to the dead light satellite, which has a net weight of 480 tons, the previously designed ape-eating eagle launch vehicle cannot be transported to low-earth orbit at all.

As for the segmented transportation, the plan of on-orbit assembly was directly rejected by the space business department. The reason is naturally that the risk is very high.

The dead light satellite can only be launched and deployed as a whole. Although some cobalt rods need to be supplemented for later maintenance, it also requires strict management and operation.

In fact, 32 dead light satellites have been deployed in the low-earth orbit of the earth at this time.

However, these dead light satellites were not launched through the mass projector of the Dandelion project, but were transported to low-Earth orbit by the space carrier's space transport aircraft.

After all, those space carriers are also idle when they are idle. In order to avoid wasting resources, the space business department uses these space carriers as launch platforms.

Through these space carriers, the Space Division successfully launched 32 dead light satellites.

By the way, the dead light satellite is managed by the Space Division, and the Space Carrier is managed by the External Security Division.

The main thing is that there is no way. The company has grown in size, and the organization has also expanded. Now the earth can no longer stop the footsteps of Homo sapiens.

Li Qingye left the base of the Dandelion project and went to the satellite manufacturing company in the middle of Mada Island.

On a high-speed subway train.

Bagheera reported to him: "Sir, this is the June briefing just sent by the Field Service Department."

Li Qingye took the tablet and browsed it at a glance.

The above content is about some important situations around the world.

For example, in order to deal with insects stealing secrets, all major forces have listed pest control as their core task, and a large number of pest-proof safe houses and safe areas have been built.

In this way, the major forces have indeed hidden some of the confidential information.

However, according to Chen Jianxiong's assessment, Homo sapiens still has a huge advantage in intelligence.

It is mainly due to another core technology that has not been leaked-magnetic field radar technology.

After several upgrades and transformations by researchers in the Science Division, the company's magnetic field radar technology has become more and more accurate.

How accurate is it?
It can determine the general elemental composition per cubic centimeter within 50 meters of the surface and surface depth, or within 1000 meters of water.

At 50 meters to 500 meters underground and 1000 meters to 5000 meters underwater, it is at the cubic decimeter level.

At 500 meters to 3000 meters underground, and 5000 meters underwater to the deepest part of the seabed, it is at the cubic meter level.

And those heavier elements are easier to detect because their magnetic fields are incompatible with the bulk of the surrounding elements.

For example, elements such as lead, gold, platinum, tungsten, uranium, and plutonium, which are enriched by humans, have more obvious magnetic fields.

Even if America is scheming and uses the insect-proof safe zone to transfer some strategic equipment to a new secret base, there is still no way to keep it secret.

Although deuterium is easily confused with water and liquid hydrogen, deuterium needs to be combined with lithium to become a solid state, which is a very significant magnetic field feature.

In addition, if deuterium is to be used as a weapon, there must be another thing around it-an atomic trigger device.

Inside the atomic trigger device, there are plutonium and uranium elements with more obvious magnetic field characteristics.

Therefore, it is useless for America to guard against death. Insects can be killed and an isolation safety zone can be established, but there is no way to avoid the magnetic field monitoring satellites in the sky.

Therefore, Homo sapiens still has a first-mover advantage at this time.

In addition to the information on the safe house, Li Qingye also saw the huge investment of major forces in life extension technology and biochips.

For example, the brain-controlled chip invested by Musk has recently received a large amount of investment and designed a more radical experimental plan.

Although Musk's laboratory has also designed anti-insect safety measures, in the past half a month, more than 500 live and dead pigs have come in and out. The commercial investigators of the Field Service Department do not need to go in, and they can also find that the intensity of the experiments inside has increased. ten times.

As for life-prolonging drugs, large pharmaceutical companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer have announced with great fanfare that they have achieved various breakthroughs.

Li Qingye shook his head with a smile: "The PPT is well done, the old beauty's counterfeiting technology is top-notch!"

He saw at a glance that these big pharmaceutical companies were making counterfeiting, and they had made breakthroughs. The counterfeiting technology had indeed made breakthroughs.

If it was so easy to develop, the average human life span would have exceeded 100 years ago.

Apparently this is America's attempt to appease people's hearts. Those happy-educated low-class people, or self-impressed immigrants, will believe their nonsense.

And those smart people saw the tricks at a glance.

When flipping through the last few pages of the briefing, Li Qingye suddenly paused.

[On June 6, the first year of Xinghe, at 27:14 p.m., a yacht capsized and sank on the Huangpu River, and all 32 people on board were killed... List of victims: Wang...]
"What a pity! Bagheera, please send me a condolence letter to the relatives of the victims."

Bagheera shook his head: "Sir, the entire family of the victim is on the yacht, so there are no relatives."

"Oh? That's really a pity... The price of iron ore is indeed a bit high recently. We can't let our partners suffer. Let's adjust the ex-factory price of iron ore back to the price at the end of the year!"

Bagheera nodded: "I will notify Emerald Mining to lower the price."

"He who understands current affairs is a hero! I'm still too kind." Li Qingye put down the tablet.

The train just arrived at the city where the Motor Island Satellite Manufacturing Company is located.

He came to the subsidiary's manufacturing base.

The manager of the subsidiary hurriedly replaced him with a full range of radiation protection suits. After all, there is a workshop for assembling cobalt rods. If he accidentally hurts the chairman, he will be to blame.

After listening to the factory manager's report, Li Qingye knew that they were developing the Death Ray Satellite 2.

This is a further optimized design based on the dead light satellite type 1.

Its core optimization direction is to modify the previous weight reduction design of Koukou Soso.

After all, the previous weight reduction design of Koukou Soso was to reduce the launch weight. Now that there are space transport planes and mass projectors, there is no need to reduce weight.

After all, the weight reduction design will eventually reduce the overall quality of the satellite.

Therefore, the factory directly increased the total weight of the Dead Light Satellite 2 to 1000 tons, and equipped it with thick and comprehensive protective armor.

The cobalt rod protection cabin was strengthened again, and a gamma-ray version of the electric propulsion system was installed at the same time. This electric propulsion system can use the electric energy generated by the cobalt rods to maintain the orbit at a height range of 300 to 400 kilometers in low-Earth orbit for a long time.

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(End of this chapter)

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