Homo sapiens.

Chapter 457 Multipurpose

Chapter 457 Multipurpose

Manumi, the manager of the Mada Island Satellite Manufacturing Company, is a native of India and has a lot of chatter.

He gave Li Qingye a detailed introduction to the design plan of Death Ray Satellite 2, as well as some unique designs of his company.

After all, it's rare for the chairman to come here once, so of course he can't lose the chain.

Manumi pointed to a miniature model more than one meter high: "Chairman, this is our design department. The universal steering system designed by ourselves can make the dead light cannon turn quickly."

In fact, this system is as if two spheres are nested together, the outer sphere with a diameter of 10 meters is nested with the inner sphere with a diameter of 9.2 meters.

And that inner sphere is the core component of the death ray cannon, and there are five cobalt rod cluster nests inside, with a total of 5 tons of cobalt 60.

In addition, inside the inner sphere, there is a lead-silicon-aluminum composite protective layer (15 tons) with a thickness of 150 cm, a heat absorption layer (48 tons), a three-layer composite thermoelectric power generation system (72 tons), and high-strength Supporting the shell and other auxiliary systems, the weight of the entire inner sphere reaches 372 tons.

The outer sphere weighs 183 tons because it needs to be equipped with protective armor.

Then Manumi pointed to the cylindrical cabin under the sphere: "This part is the auxiliary cabin of the satellite, which contains 5 electric injection thrusters, 1 artificial magnetic field generator, cobalt rod quick replacement system, fuel reserve, capture mechanism arm, waste recovery system and protective armor, and weighs 445 tons.”

"Robot arm? Garbage collection system?" Li Qingye was a little curious about these two devices.

Manumi quickly explained: "Chairman, this is also a unique design of our company..."

After Manumi's explanation, Li Qingye understood the reason for their design.

The cobalt rods of the Dead Light Satellite 2 contain 5 tons of cobalt-60, and its maximum power generation capacity is 94 megawatts.

Perhaps many people have no idea about the power generation capacity of 94 megawatts.

But as long as you compare the nuclear reactors of the Minitz-class aircraft carrier, you will know that the maximum effective power of the two nuclear reactions of the Minitz aircraft carrier is only 194 megawatts, and the single reactor is 97 megawatts.

In other words, the maximum power generation power of the Death Light Satellite 2 is almost the same as that of the single-core reactor of the Minitz-class aircraft carrier.

The reason for this situation is actually related to the thermal efficiency of the nuclear equipment of both parties.

You must know that the single-core reactor of the Minitz-class aircraft carrier has a thermal power of 600 megawatts, but the effective power is only 97 megawatts, and the thermal efficiency is 16%.

The dead light satellite type 2 has a thermal power of 94.02 megawatts, an effective power of 94 megawatts, and a thermal efficiency of 99.9%.

This is the huge difference between the two.

Since the power generation of dead light satellites is so huge, the magnetic field generator alone cannot consume so much power.

Therefore, the Motor Island Satellite Manufacturing Company is trying to find a way to use this part of the energy.

After all, as the core of the death beam cannon - the cobalt rod is equivalent to the nuclear decay battery. The characteristic of the nuclear decay battery is that it will release energy regardless of whether it is powered or not. This is a characteristic that cannot be changed.

In this way, the dead light satellite is a bit embarrassing.

Although the company's deployment of dead light satellites in low-Earth orbit is to build a "Skynet", it does not mean that gamma-ray cannons will be fired all the time after deployment.

After all, there are not so many satellites in low earth orbit that can be launched.

Therefore, we must find a way to use all the energy generated by the decay of cobalt rods during daily operation.

The first use is as a magnetic field generator.

The second use is the EFI thruster, which is actually a type of plasma thruster, but it is different from the Hall thruster.

Motor Island Satellite Manufacturing Co., Ltd. adopted the EFI propulsion developed and manufactured by another sister company, Mandalay Industries.

The principle of the so-called EFI thruster is very simple, similar to the electric furnace steelmaking technology, the working fluid is directly heated in the electric furnace, and then the working fluid that has become plasma is directly ejected to generate a strong thrust.

For this reason, the dead light satellite also specially carried 50 tons of working fluid (that is, fuel) to provide working fluid for 5 EFI propellers.

However, in the design plan of the Motor Island Satellite Manufacturing Company, a robotic arm and a garbage recovery system are also added. The purpose is actually very simple, that is, to use the space junk in low-earth orbit to turn these things into working fluids.

The advantage of doing this is that on the one hand, it can clean up space junk, and on the other hand, it can save the working medium carried by the satellite itself, which kills two birds with one stone.

In addition, if the power of the dead light satellite is not used, it will be wasted, so it can be regarded as waste utilization when it is used to clean up space junk.

"Chairman, in addition, our company has installed a satellite communication system on the dead light satellite, which can send communication signals to the surface and outer space."

Li Qingye agrees very much that they have squeezed the power usage of the dead light satellite to the extreme.

It is also a good thing to find some side jobs for the dead light satellite.

It can not only increase the overall value of the dead light satellite, but also confuse the outside world, making it impossible for people to judge the specific use of the dead light satellite.

After these improvements, the Death Ray Satellite 2 has the functions of communication, obstacle removal, and turret, and the turret function is obviously not easy to use.

Li Qingye appreciated their design very much: "It's a good design, this kind of multi-functional satellite is conducive to normal deployment."

"We also borrowed from the dead light fort power station on land." Manumi replied excitedly.

Li Qingye also explained some arrangements for the Dandelion project by the way: "You should communicate more with the Dandelion project and the space department. They will launch a large amount of supplies to the space station in the near future."

"Understood, I will communicate with them as soon as possible." Manumi nodded.

Li Qingye didn't stay here for too long. About half an hour later, he left here to investigate a port city on Mada Island.

And Manumi held a video conference with Su Changli of the Dandelion Project and people from the Space Business Department.

After communication, the Space Business Department decided to stop manufacturing the Death Ray Satellite 1 and turn to Motor Island Satellite Manufacturing Company to purchase the Death Ray Satellite 2.

According to the estimates of the Space Business Department and the External Security Business Department, to ensure that the Skynet system can lock the Earth's atmospheric aircraft, at least 300 dead light satellites need to be deployed.

If backup and redundancy are added, at least 900 dead light satellites are needed to meet the needs of the Skynet system.

Therefore, the Space Business Department placed an order with Mada Island Satellite Manufacturing Company, ordering 900 dead light satellites 2, which will be delivered in three years.

In other words, the Motor Island Satellite Manufacturing Company needs to deliver 10 dead light satellites to the Space Division every 9 days on average.

Since Homo sapiens has recently announced that it has lowered the level of emergency, many factories have resumed their daily production mode.

The Motor Island Satellite Manufacturing Company is no exception. If it is still in the previous state of emergency, then their company can produce 1000 dead light satellites within half a year.

ten days later.

10 Death Ray Satellite 2s were sent to the underground base of the Dandelion Project.

The Tinder space train can deliver 4 death ray satellites to low Earth orbit in one go.

In fact, for more than ten days, all major forces in the world have become paralyzed.

The main reason is that the launch missions of the Dandelion project are too frequent, and the payload is so huge. A total of 37 flights were launched in more than ten days, transporting 13.32 tons of materials to the Homo sapiens space station in the middle orbit.

At this time, the Homo sapiens space station looks completely different from before.

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(End of this chapter)

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