Chapter 18

"I haven't seen the Taoist priest for a long time. I miss it." Cui Yu stepped forward and saw the old Taoist priest weaving straw dogs under the moonlight.

"As long as you can talk, where have you been for the past three months?" Real Nanhua would not believe Cui Yu's nonsense.

"Three months?" Cui Yu was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly three months had passed in the blink of an eye as he practiced day and night in the cave.

Sure enough, there are no Jiazi in the mountains, and the cold is so cold that I don't know the year.

"To do some things, you can't sit and eat every day, especially now that it is a year of severe drought, and you need to store some food to survive the disaster." Cui Yu sat beside the old Taoist priest, looking at the lifelike dogs:
"What is the priest weaving these dogs for?"

"Sacrifice to heaven and earth." The old Taoist said with a smile.

"Since the Taoist master is practicing Taoism, he should know that 'the world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog'. How can the world pay attention to the sacrifices of mortals? What's more, this 'heaven' has no consciousness at all." Cui Yu looked at it with a smile The old Taoist didn't care about the old Taoist weaving a dog.

"You have never practiced, how do you know that God has no consciousness?" The old Taoist continued to knit the dog with his head bowed.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard the words, the old Taoist had healed his scar and forgot the pain, and he wanted to talk to him again.

But he has something to do today, so he doesn't want to provoke the other party to go crazy: "Does the Taoist know how to strengthen his body?"

"Practice martial arts." The old Taoist replied without thinking.

"Practice martial arts?" Cui Yu was surprised, this world is weird, is there still martial arts?He originally thought that the old Taoist would say what kind of panacea to take, but who would have thought that the word "Xi Wu" came out.

"It's martial arts. Those who are the most powerful in martial arts can match even strange people and weird ones. Warriors practice to the extreme, but King Kong is indestructible and weird. However, because practicing martial arts requires a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures to wash the marrow and cut hair, Therefore, there are very few people who can achieve success. It is said that in the ancient times, there was a god "Giant Spirit". Those with bloodlines are all martial arts heirs, using martial arts to promote the return of the blood essence to the ancestors." The old Taoist said directly without thinking.

"Where do you practice martial arts?" Cui Yu asked.

"There are dozens of martial arts halls in the city." The old Taoist looked at Cui Yu: "If you want to practice martial arts, you can go to learn from a master. It's just that martial arts is very hard, and you need a lot of background support. I'm afraid you can't stand it. Bitter."

Cui Yu looked at the old Taoist priest, his eyes flickered: "Is the Taoist priest a Qi trainer?"

Master Nanhua raised his head and glanced at Cui Yu: "No."

He really didn't lie, the mere qi practitioner was still at his level 500 years ago.

"The priest is a bloodline?" Cui Yu asked again.

"No." The old Taoist shook his head.

After cultivating to his level, the physical body has long been dispensable, all that flows in the body is the power of Huang Tian, ​​so where is the blood?
Cui Yu looked disappointed when he heard this.

"You want to learn Qi training?" The old Taoist looked at Cui Yu.

"Of course." Cui Yu nodded, he had long wanted to find an orthodox practice and join it.

"Think about it, stop dreaming." The old Taoist sneered.

"Why?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"Do you know what a Qi trainer is? To seize the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and punish them for the ghosts and gods of the world. Qi trainers steal strange powers. Once they step into it, there will be various disadvantages, and they will definitely be killed." Strange backlash, if you can carry it over with ease, seize the weird personality and live forever, if you can't resist it, it will become a weird ration."

"Furthermore, the most important thing for a Qi trainer is to pass on the inheritance. Usually, it is a single lineage. If the mistake is doomed, or is about to become a Taoist, the inheritance will not be left. So even if you meet a Qi trainer, the other party will never accept him. There are hundreds of disciples in a Taoist temple, [-]% of them are handymen, and only one or two are actually inherited. You said how slim your chances of becoming a Qi trainer are. Of course, forget about the magic gate, and the magic gate sword You can't treat it with common sense." The old Taoist looked at Cui Yu and said.

Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and stood blankly under the moonlight. He didn't expect Qi practitioners to have such secrets, which was completely different from the hundreds of disciples in the novel.

A Qi practitioner will only have a single pass, one can imagine the difficulty of becoming a Qi practitioner.

Not to mention the practice formulas, even the threshold of apprenticeship and learning skills has already stuck countless people to death.

"However, if you really want to learn Taoism, it's not like there's no convenient way out." Nanhua Master suddenly changed the subject and said in a long voice.

"How?" Cui Yu looked at Master Nanhua with his eyes.

"I heard people say that there is a hidden sect in the world of mortals, called: Taiping Dao. It is also called the 'Yellow Turban Sect'. As long as you make great achievements in the teaching, you can get the supreme inheritance "Taiping Secret Art". If you don't practice Don't be angry, so you can try to find a way to worship it." Nan Hua said.

"Taiping Dao?" Cui Yu was taken aback, there is also a Taiping Dao in this world.

"Whether you can meet someone from Taiping Dao depends on your luck." The old Taoist lowered his head and continued to weave the dog.

Cui Yu was silent.

Standing under the moonlight, countless thoughts flowed in my heart, and then I said goodbye and left, and my figure disappeared into the darkness.

"Master, since you want to pass on his qi training skills and accept him into the Taiping Dao, why don't you just identify him directly, and make some devious ways." Xiao Daotong walked out of the thatched hut with a book in his hands.

"The Dharma should not be taught lightly. If the Dafa is taught lightly, the other party will definitely feel contemptuous. Especially for these smart people, these people have already developed their wisdom and have no respect for the heavens, earth, people, ghosts and gods." The old Taoist smiled. : "Shoucheng, you must remember that although Taiping Dao opens the door to convenience, it is not spread casually."

"The disciple is taught." Shoucheng said respectfully.

"What is the imperial court doing now?" the old Taoist asked in a low voice.

"Da Zhou was severely affected. This drought swept through Kyushu. Only those places with abundant water veins were spared from the disaster. The imperial court is currently distributing food supplies, and there will be no major disturbances right now." Taoist Shoucheng said respectfully.

"The centipede is dead but not stiff. Dazhou's 5000 years of foundation, how can it be exhausted casually? But with the birth of this Hanba, even the deep foundation can't hold it. Back then, King Wen of Zhou used the Hanba to deceive Xia Qi. It’s karmic reincarnation until this morning.” Nanhua Daoist said with a flattering smile, “Back then, we gathered the strength of the five emperors to suppress the drought and gave King Wen of Zhou an opportunity….”

The voice became lower and lower, as if the murmur was weak and inaudible.

Cui Yu walked down the mountain, looking at the moonlight in the sky with his eyes, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes: "A Qi trainer. It doesn't matter if you don't become a Qi trainer. I have divine blood in my body, and a road that reaches the sky is already in place. In front of me, becoming a Qi trainer is just to know the enemy and confidant, to see if it can help the growth of the divine blood."

"On the contrary, it's martial arts, it's worth looking forward to." Cui Yu thought in his mind.

Martial arts need natural treasures?
He is not afraid!

There is substance transformation, a stone can transform you into the substance of elixir.

"Theoretically speaking, as long as I have divine blood, my martial arts cultivation will be endless, without bottlenecks and flaws." Cui Yu was thoughtful.

Compared with Qi trainers, martial arts is much simpler, even ordinary people in the world can do a few tricks.

Cui Yu walked all the way back to the village, and the strange force in the air attacked him, all of which were refined and absorbed by him.

After standing at the mouth of the well for a while, Cui Yu returned to his yard.Three months have passed, and nothing seems to have changed in my yard.

But as Cui Yu approached, suddenly there was a barking of dogs, and Yang Erlang said vigilantly in the startled yard: "Who?"

"Second brother, it's me." Cui Yu shouted hastily.

"My dear brother, when did you come back?" Yang Erlang opened the door and yelled at the dog in the yard, but the dog obediently stopped barking.

"I just came back." Cui Yu walked into the yard, saw the black "thin waist" dog, and praised: "Good dog! Where did the second brother catch it?"

"This is an old dog in the mountains. It was captured by a tiger. I rescued it and followed it back. This dog is quite spiritual and has the potential to become a demon." Yang Erlang squatted down triumphantly and stroked the old dog. head.

Speaking of this, Yang Erlang looked at Cui Yu, lowered his voice, and said, "Why have you been away for three months, and you haven't heard anything about it, which makes the family worry."

"Something happened." Cui Yu didn't explain too much.

If you talk too much, there will inevitably be flaws, and if you want to make up for the flaws, there will be more flaws.

"I'm going to sleep, I have something to say tomorrow." Cui Yu glanced at Yang Erlang's big black dog, and felt that the big black dog's gaze was particularly spiritual.

Cui Yu walked straight to his house, and just after he opened the door, he saw that Yu had already lit the lamp oil and was standing in front of the bed, waiting for him.

"Master." Seeing Cui Yu's return, Yu's face was filled with surprise, and he hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down on the ground, his eyes full of excitement.

"Hey, hey, get up! You say you, we don't like this, we all tell you not to kneel." Cui Yu hurriedly helped Yu up.

"Master, you've been gone for three months, but I'm so worried." Yu stood up, his two eyes seemed to be shining in the dark night: "Is your husband hungry? I will cook for you."

"Come on slowly." Cui Yu grabbed Yu, looked at his dark face and unkempt hair, and took a deep breath: "I'm not hungry, go to sleep."

"It's too hot to sleep." Yu shook his head.

Cui Yu smiled: "You wait for me."

I went to the yard to pick up some adobes, and then used magical means to transform the material into ice.

When Yu saw Cui Yu's tricks, his eyes widened in shock, his eyes were full of disbelief: "Master, have you become a fairy?"

"Hush!" Cui Yu raised his finger, "This is our secret, a little secret between you and me."

"Little secret?" Yu's eyes lit up.

"Go to sleep, master, I haven't had a good rest for a few days." Cui Yu lay on the bed, and as he felt relaxed, he soon fell into a drowsy sleep.

Hearing Cui Yu's snoring, Yu lay prone in front of the cold ice, looking at the cold ice cubes on the table with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

No matter what she thought, she couldn't figure out why Cui Yu turned into ice cubes when it was adobe.

Second day

Cui Yu opened his eyes, and saw Yu lying on his bed at some point, staring at him with wide eyes.

Seeing Cui Yu's eyes open, Yu was so frightened that he sat up quickly and stammered, "Master, do you want to wash?"

"Don't go to bed early in the morning, what are you doing on my bed?" Cui Yu asked with a smile.

"Brother!!! I heard your voice!!! Are you back? Brother!!!" Cui Lu's voice suddenly came from outside the room, full of excitement.

"Yu, open the door! Open the door!" Cui Lu slammed on the door hard.

The little girl clings to Cui Yu.

"Open the door for the little ancestor, or the door will be smashed later." Cui Yu shook his head helplessly.

Yu opened the door, and then saw a figure jumping out from Yu's waist, and rushed towards Cui Yu's bedside: "Brother! You miss me so much."


Cui Yu's bed board fell apart, the brother and sister were buried in the bed board, countless dust splashed up, and the fascinated people couldn't open their eyes.

Breakfast was just barbecue. As for the corn at home, Cui Huhu and Cui's mother put it away and were reluctant to eat it.

Seeing Cui Yu's return, Cui Huhu and Cui's mother breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on their faces.

"Father, how is the situation now?" Cui Yu asked.

"Don't mention it, all the food in the city has been sold out. The rich and powerful families have hidden all the food, and they don't give us a chance to buy it. Even if we have money, we can't buy it." Cui Huo looked calm, as if Shortages are not of any concern:

"Right now, there is enough food stored last year that no one will die from starvation, but when the food stored next year is used up, I don't know how many people will starve to death. Also, we don't collect any grains from the [-] mu of land of Renzhong Xiang's family, but rent it But not a single grain is missing. This is also a huge expense.”

"The grain rent is easy to handle." Cui Yu took out a cloth bag from his arms and handed it to his old lady: "There is a bag of gold beads in it, enough to pay the rent, right?"

"Golden beads? Where did you get these golden beads?" Cui's mother opened it and saw that it was indeed a bag full of gold beads, with surprise in her eyes.

"Didn't the boy go out this time? I made some money." Cui Yu said with a smile.

It stands to reason that it is a loss-making business to transform earth and stone into gold beads with divine power.

When the divine power in the divine blood is consumed, it has to be made up by eating various foods, and the value brought by converting it into gold and silver is difficult to make up for even if it is to buy food, after all, there are various losses.

That is to say, taking these golden beads to buy food for Cui Yu to eat is not enough for Cui Yu to recover his divine blood power.

It can be seen that this is a thankless business.

But fortunately, at this time, what Xiaoli Village lacked most was strange power, and what Cui Yu lacked most was divine blood.

At this time, he also saw the importance of Qi training formulas. If he had Qi training formulas, he could directly capture the essence of heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, so why rely on food to restore the divine power in his body.

"It's a pity that the canopy has changed." Cui Yu sighed in his heart.

He only learned the basics, he could only refine his energy, and he didn't know how to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

The change of the canopy was the most loss-making business he felt since his rebirth.

ps: This book walks into the path of transforming innate gods.Practicing qi is to transform qi training into strange power.

(End of this chapter)

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