Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 19 The Shaved Ice Girl

Chapter 19 The Shaved Ice Girl
"Unfortunately, in Taiping years, these gold beads would be enough to feed my family of three for ten years. Unfortunately, in troubled times now, gold beads can buy all kinds of things, but they can't buy food." Cui's mother looked at the gold beads in her hand, There was a bit of regret in his eyes.

"What?" Cui Yu was taken aback.

"The Xiang family said that the rent can only be paid for grain this time, or it can be replaced with meat. In previous years, as long as it was valuable, melons, fruits, pears, peaches, cloth and mulberries could be used to replace the rent. Now that there is a severe drought in the world, everyone knows the importance of food, and gold, silver and jewelry are worthless in front of food." Cui's mother put down a bag of gold beads.

Cui Yu was stunned, the shrewdness of officials and businessmen in this world far exceeded his expectations.

what is gold
Essentially useless metals, including the coins issued by Dazhou, are useless metals.

This thing can neither satisfy hunger nor quench thirst, and is of no use at all.

"How much will we rent this year?" Cui Yu asked.

"[-] catties of grain, or [-] catties of dried meat. There was a severe drought this year, and all the field seedlings in the village died of drought, so we had to hunt more in the mountains." Cui Huhu said in a muffled voice.

"That means gold is useless? Is it scrap iron?" Cui Yu stopped eating.

"Of course not. Gold can buy anything except grain. The only exception is grain!" Yang Erlang accepted the conversation with a smile.

Cui Yu was silent and continued to eat noodles.

As long as the source of the weirdness in the village is not eliminated, the family will not starve to death!
Isn't it food?

There are countless strange forces in the cave, and Cui Yu can change as much food as he wants.

Finished eating

Cui Yu walked out of the house, at this time there was a crisp cry from the sky, the sparrowhawk soared in the blue sky, and the sound spread all over the field.

Through the eyes of the sparrowhawk, hundreds of miles around come into view, all the sights are yellow, hundreds of miles around is dead silent, all the grass is dead, only the big trees with drooping leaves stand upright among the mountains .

The sparrowhawk hovered for a while and landed in the courtyard, flapping its wings directly on Cui Yu's shoulders.

The divine blood in Cui Yu's body circulated, and a little divine power poured into Sparrowhawk's body. Sparrowhawk narrowed his eyes comfortably, and rubbed his head on Cui Yu's shoulder, showing a comfortable posture.

"I have been helping the other party to wash the marrow and cut the hair with divine power. It won't be long before the other party will be able to open up the spiritual wisdom." Cui Yu stroked Sparrowhawk's head.

"Brother, Eagle! Eagle!"

Cui Lu and Cui Li looked at the sparrowhawk drooling on Cui Yu's shoulder, and ran over to catch it.

Bear children are the least resistant to small animals such as birds.


With the sound of flapping its wings, the Sparrowhawk flapped its wings, slammed them on the bear's face, and then disappeared into Qingming.

"Little brother's manual falconry is amazing." Yang Erlang praised this scene.

Cui Yu looked over and saw Yang Erlang was grooming the big black dog with a brush.

Looking at the big black dog in front of him, with those sly eyes, Cui Yu always felt that the big black dog was a bit unusual.

It was as if there was wisdom already.

On the scorching summer day when he came back from Cui Yu, he stayed at home for another month and spent another three months in the cave to practice hard. It was already late autumn.

Looking at my page:
[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent; usurpation. 】

[Status: Human God. 】

[Divine Blood: Fifteen thousand strands ([-] strands are in the seal). 】

"In the early stage of practice, the progress is rapid, and the later stage is more difficult to improve, because there is a bottleneck. A drop of divine blood contains a complete law fragment, even a hundred thousand scattered strands of divine blood can't compare, that is the difference between steel and sand! Really looking forward to it!"

The sky and the earth are yellow, but there is no coolness. The people in the village are wearing single clothes, lying under the big tree waiting to die.

Even the elders in the village are sitting under the big tree with a face full of despair at this time, their face is covered with dust, it seems that it has not been washed for a long time, they are sitting under the tree with a dull expression, looking at the sky through the gap The sun is no longer as energetic as it was three months ago.

In the past three months, eighteen wells have been dug in the village, and all that can be dug inside and outside the village have been dug, but there is no water source for all of them.

There seems to be no other way but to sit and wait for death.

They have already done what human beings can do, and leave the rest to God.

At this moment, a bell rang in the air, and a horse team came from a distance and stopped at the intersection of the village.

A knight in black took the lead, whipping the whip three times in the air.

The crisp blasting sound spread throughout the village.

The villagers who collapsed under the tree heard the sound at this time, all of them were pale, and they all sat up abruptly.

"The rent has been collected! The Xiang family has come to collect the rent!" A shout accompanied by vibrato spread throughout the village.

In the yard

Cui Yu, who watched the sparrowhawk soaring into the blue sky, suddenly looked away: "Is today the day for the Xiang family to collect rent?"

"It's the day when the Xiang family collects rent. I'm afraid the people in the village will have a hard time. The matter of rent collection is related to the foundation of the Xiang family, and there is absolutely no room for begging for mercy. I am afraid that the village will be doomed. I don't know how many people will sell it. Son sells daughter." Yang Erlang sighed: "Pick up the dried meat and send it to Xiang's family."

Cui Yu and Yang Erlang hurriedly cleaned up the dried meat in the house, and Cui Huhu hurried out of the house at this time, and the two brothers put away the dried meat, prepared three carts, and walked towards the village.

The Cui family had dried meat that could be used for rent, so they arrived quickly, and they saw dozens of soldiers riding tall horses, wearing pure black steel masks, standing there expressionlessly.

Drops of sweat flowed down the gaps in the steel armor, but the armored knight remained motionless as a mountain, and soon a puddle of water dripped on the ground.

Under the shadow of the big tree, there was a stretcher, and a five or six-year-old girl was sitting on the stretcher. At this time, she was gnawing on ice cubes, and she couldn't feel the heat in the air at all.

The girl doll is very young, her black hair is tied into a ball head, and there are seven or eight pure gold rods tied on it.

The skin is as delicate as mutton fat jade, and it looks very flattering, a bit like a little Song Zuer.

It is definitely a luxury to be able to eat ice in this scorching summer, and even rushing here from the city. After walking such a long distance, there is still ice to eat.

Regardless of mana or divine blood, it is a loss-making business to make ice.

Moreover, mana is related to the lifespan of a monk, so the other party dared to squander it so casually, it can be said that he is very arrogant, and he is worthy of being a son of a great nobleman.

"Cui Huhu, pay fifty acres of land tax and grain." Cui Huhu and others pushed the cart and came to the leading man in black: "My lord, there is no harvest in the field this year. Let's pay the rent with dried meat."

The steward was a dark-faced man in his 50s. He looked at Cui Huhu expressionlessly, and waved to the knight behind him: "Inspect the goods."

The three knights stepped forward, inspected the jerky, turned around and said, "Guan Li, it's all high-quality jerky, and it hasn't deteriorated at all."

"Okay!" The steward nodded upon hearing this, and waved to Cui Huhu: "Back off."

Cui Huhu stood on the spot, lowered his head, looked at the steward's toes with his eyes, but did not move his lips.

"What? You still have something to do?" Li Guanshi glared at him.

"My lord, my family will not rent this land next year." Cui Huhu said in a low voice.

"What? What are you talking about?" Guanshi Li frowned, obviously much shorter than Cui Huhu, but at this moment he seemed to be looking down at him.

"I said that next year the land will not be rented." Cui Huhu's voice became louder.

"Pa~" The whip whistled like thunder, and a bright red blood stain spread across Cui Huhu's body.

"I'm going to beat you, you bastard, do you know what I'm talking about? Where did you think of a good thing, and you won't rent it when you encounter a disaster? In previous harvest years, why didn't you say you wouldn't rent it? When you encounter difficulties, just shirk it to the master. It's a good thing." Keep it for yourself, how can there be such a deal." Li Guanshi whistled the whip in his hand, and phantoms flashed in the air, and hit Cui Huhu like a gust of wind and rain.

"Stop hurting my father!" Seeing this, Cui Yu's expression changed, and he stepped forward suddenly, blocking Cui Huhu.

The whip whizzed and fell on Cui Yu's body, but Cui Yu's skin changed quietly, and all the flesh and blood inside had turned into titanium alloy skin.

Even the clothes on the body surface have turned into the "technical cloth" of later generations.

The whip fell on Cui Yu's body like a torrential rain, and there was only a crackling sound. Cui Yu was as motionless as a mountain, and firmly protected Cui Huhu.

Seeing that Cui Yu was being whipped, Cui Huo was impatient. He wanted to pull Cui Yu behind him, but he couldn't move Cui Yu's body. This morsel of grain. Nowadays, there is a severe drought and there is no harvest. Not only do we have to take care of ourselves, but we also have to bear the loss of the land. Renting land is a dead end. Renting land is death, and not renting land is also death. You might as well kill me , would be happy to die.”

Hearing Cui Huhu's words, Cui Yu was surprised.Cui Huhu, who usually looks honest and friendly, can also say these words?

Can you also have this kind of courage?
"It's okay to beat you to death, you bastard. You contracted the land in a good harvest year, and now you want to let go when you lose money. How can there be such a good thing!!!" The steward blushed in anger.


At this moment, the little girl sitting on the stretcher stopped gnawing on the ice and yelled at the steward to beat her.

"Miss." Li Guanshi quickly stopped and bowed to the sedan chair.

"Li Biao! You are over 50 years old, why are you still so angry? He doesn't want to rent it, so we still need his share of food in the Nuo Da mansion?" Sitting there, dangling his calves.

"Miss, don't set a precedent. This is not a matter of one family, one village, one village. If you open your mouth today, all the villages in Daliang City 370 will follow suit. The master, wife, and son have no rations to drink the northwest wind? "Li Biao quickly argued.

"Huh? Disgusting thing, am I the lady or are you the lady? If I tell you to stop, then you stop, and you're talking about rules and regulations? We're out of food, so we went to ask for it from our grandfather, but we couldn't get hungry after all. Daliang The city is just a small city, and the population of these more than 360 villages is much more important than renting a house. If they are all starved to death, won’t this place become a place of death in the future? If Daliang City wants to become a big city, we have to wait until the year of the monkey?” The little girl was impatient He reprimanded: "After they pay the rent later, if there is anyone who doesn't want to rent, it will be done."

Li Biao's face was red, his heart was full of anger but he had nowhere to vent it, he turned around and stared at the few people, angrily said: "You still haven't thanked Miss?"

Cui Huhu immediately knelt down on the ground and kept kowtowing: "Thank you for your kindness! Thank you for your kindness."

Seeing this, Cui Yu and Yang Erlang also fell to their knees and kowtowed to the little girl.

"That's all, let's go and wait, I have something to tell you later." The little girl casually gnawed on the shaved ice, waved her little hands, and her eyes were full of complacency.

Cui Yu and his party retreated to the side, and not long after, the people in the village dragged their carts to the head of the village.

The old man walked forward with a humble face, and behind him were two young men carrying half a bag of grain and two baskets of melons and fruits: "Guard Li, we have a severe drought this year, and there is no harvest in the fields. Not only do we have to save next year's rations, but also Leaving the seeds for next year, can this tenant please intercede with the city lord and let us take a breather for a year..."

"What? You mean there is no rent?"

While talking, Li Guanshi picked up the bag in front of him: "Half a bag of grain, how about sending the beggar?"

Li Biao's face was gloomy when he heard the words: "Old dog, let me tell you, even if you squeeze out all your rations for the next year and starve to death in the next year, your rent this year will not be reduced by a single cent. One grain of grain is missing. Before your whole family starves to death, I will kill your whole family first."

"My lord, there is a severe drought this year. Even if you kill me, I won't have any food." The elder fell to his knees.

"Let me ask you, has the land been planted this year?" Li Biao sneered.

"I planted it, but..." the elder explained with a flustered expression.

"There is nothing but, if you don't have enough rent, you will sell your son, grandson, and daughter-in-law as slaves to pay the debt. You can die, but you can't if you don't have a grain of grain." Li Biao smiled coldly.

"grown ups!"

The people of Lijia Village were desperate when they heard the words, and they fell to their knees and wailed, and the sound of misery rose to the sky.

"Hmph, it's useless to cry. Come and check the taxes. If the rent is not enough, you can directly detain them and sell them as slaves." Li Biao's voice was cold.

After the words fell, a group of knights in iron armor rushed into the crowd, began to count the account books, and took people with their hands.

For a moment, the sound of crying and howling shook the world.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils. Watching the armored knights pick up the ropes and directly tie up boys and girls, young and old, ready to be sold as slaves, his scalp felt numb.

This world is far more terrifying than I imagined.

"Stop it." The girl over there eating shaved ice suddenly sighed on the couch.

"Miss, you have exempted the rent of two hundred villages. If this continues, we will have to drink the northwest wind for the next year. How will we explain to the eldest lady after we go back? How to explain to the master?" Li Biao seemed to have thought of something, At this moment, it suddenly changed color.

"Who is Miss, I have a kind heart." The little girl shook her head and sighed, her eyes full of helplessness.

Li Biao's face turned ashen when he heard the words: "Miss, you can't explain it when you go back, and the old slave can't explain it either."

"Come to me if you have something to do. Since Miss Ben is here, do I need to ask you to explain it?" the girl who was eating shaved ice said casually.

"Miss, you..." Li Biao sighed helplessly when he heard the words, but he didn't dare to disobey. .”

"I will thank Miss for her great kindness, and I will set up a longevity tablet for Miss and burn incense for Miss in the future." The people in the village kowtowed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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