Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 20 The Real Usage of Substance Transformation

Chapter 20 The Real Usage of Substance Transformation
"That's all, excuse me. I called you today, and I have something to order." The girl finally put down the half-eaten shaved ice: "The Emperor of the Great Zhou ordered: All the common people in the territory of the Great Zhou must build King Wen in the village. Temple, sincerely worship on the eighth day of every month."

"Your rent can be waived, but the Wenwang Temple has to be repaired. Within a month, the Wenwang Temple must be repaired. Naturally, there will be an inspection by the superior." The girl looked at the elders in the village: "Do you hear clearly?"

"Report to your lord, I heard you clearly." The old man said hastily.

"Give him the blueprint, and go to the next place." The girl took out the shaved ice and started gnawing again.

Li Biao's face turned ugly when he heard the words, he just ordered people to put down the drawings, then supported the girl and turned to leave.

Looking at the back of the girl going away, Cui Yu thought thoughtfully: "It seems that the rich and powerful are not bad to the bone."

"What you see is just the appearance, after all, there are only a few good people." Yang Erlang muttered next to him.

Speaking of this, Cui Yu suddenly looked at Yang Erlang thoughtfully: the steward beat Cui Huhu earlier, but Yang Erlang didn't stop him, but shrank into an ostrich to watch the excitement.

His father treated him well!It's no different from my dad.

As if he noticed Cui Yu's eyes, Yang Erlang patted Cui Yu's shoulder: "Little brother, you are reckless today."

He paused at this point: "Uncle was beaten by Li Biao, but I didn't help, because I had my own reasons. "

"It's a trivial matter, what are you doing?" Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard this, and then he glanced at Yang Erlang, showing his white teeth: "I didn't say it was strange. Besides, in the face of this group of domineering guys, are you going to show up? What's the use? It's just an extra beating!"

"Although you didn't blame me, I want to explain clearly to you. One day, you will understand." Yang Erlang bowed his head.

"Hurry up, show Dad, are you seriously injured?" Cui Huhu hurriedly pulled Cui Yu's clothes at this time.

One must know that Cui Huo already saw blood after taking one whip, let alone Cui Yu who had eaten more than ten whips?

"It doesn't matter. That guy is just a paper tiger, not worth mentioning! Besides, I have learned some skills outside, how can that whip hurt me?" Cui Yu sneered.

"Are you all right? I saw that guy whipped a dozen times vigorously?" Cui Huhu looked worried.

"The clothes are not torn." Cui Yu flicked the clothes on his body.

"Go home." Cui Yu said with a nonchalant smile.

The matter of taxation was over, but the old and young men in the village started to prepare for the construction of Wenwang Temple again.

Cui Yu and Yang Erlang were grilling meat under the big tree: "You said that there is a severe drought in the world, and the imperial court has no way to relieve the disaster, and even conscripted the people to repair the Wenwang Temple. The people can't even eat enough, so they have the heart to repair the Wenwang Temple."

"Probably related to the power of incense." Yang Erlang was a little uncertain.

"Wasn't King Wen of Zhou dead for more than 5000 years? Why is the Temple of King Wen being built suddenly?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

It is said that the construction of Wenwang Temple should have been completed thousands of years ago.

Yang Erlang shook his head: "Who knows?"

"By the way, I'm going to go to the city and tell my father for me." Cui Yu said.

"What are you going to do in the city?" Yang Erlang was puzzled.

"Do something." Cui Yu didn't explain, but put on his clothes and walked out of the small village.

Going to the city, Cui Yu had two goals.

First: Find a suitable martial arts gym to learn the martial arts of polishing muscles and bones.After all, it is too slow to passively transform the body by divine blood alone.

Second: see if there is a chance to cause trouble for the Chen family, and find out the details of Chen Sheng.

It has been a bit inappropriate to practice by devouring the strange power all the time. He must condense the first drop of divine blood as soon as possible, and maybe he can change the predicament in front of him.

After talking to Yang Erlang, Cui Yu walked out of the village quietly.Looking at Cui Yu's back, Yang Erlang sighed softly, and the dried meat in his hand suddenly tasted bad: "I'm afraid the construction of Wenwang Temple is for me."

Cui Yu has never been to the city, but Sparrowhawk soaring above the blue sky has already found a way for him.

The name of the county is called Daliang City.

In Daliang City
Fulong Martial Arts Backyard
Three figures are sitting around a stone table drinking tea
"How's things going?" The middle-aged man in purple clothes looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he wore jingle bells, which looked extremely expensive.

"Guardian Zuo, I need to wait a while for this matter." Opposite the man in purple, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy was sweating on his forehead.

"Chen Sheng, it's not that I don't give you time, it's that the Great River God doesn't give me time." The man in purple frowned: "Nowadays there is a severe drought, and the water level of the Sanjiang River has dropped sharply. If you don’t do anything, it will not be the old man who will look for you next time, but the water god of the river will come to you in person.” The purple-robed man drank tea unhurriedly.

"I have already found an opportunity, and I will definitely ask someone to complete this matter within three days." Chen Sheng said hastily.

"Okay, then I'll give you another three days. If you can't do it after three days, you can go and explain to Jiang Shen in person." After speaking, the purple-robed man put down the teacup and disappeared into the backyard after a few jumps.

"Bah! What! Do you really think that being backed by the water god of the Three Rivers is enough?" Seeing the purple-robed man walking away, Chen Sheng spat hard.

"That's the Sanjiang Water God! Even if Gao Dasheng is a dog, he is definitely not an ordinary dog! The Sanjiang Water God is the third son of the Yangtze River Water God, and he has a deep background. Even the entire Dayu Kingdom would not dare to offend without authorization." Another man in black robed Drinking tea slowly.

"Shi Long, what do you think about this matter?" Chen Sheng looked at the man in black.

Shi Long looked at Chen Sheng meaningfully: "The Chen family's ancestors have been rooted in Dayu Kingdom for generations, don't they really have no strategy at all?"

"It's easy to loot the second lady, but it's difficult to liquidate the Xiang family afterwards." Chen Sheng felt a little headache.

Shi Long smiled: "How daring a person is, how productive the land is. If Mr. Chen succeeds in this matter, he will rely on Sanjiang Water God in the future. As long as Xiang Yan has no real evidence, what can he do to you? Don't say that he Yan is only the third prince of the Dayu Kingdom, even if the Lord of the Dayu Kingdom has no real evidence, he would not dare to offend the Sanjiang Water God easily."

"I need your help in this matter." Chen Sheng looked at Shi Long.

"I will help you with all my strength." Shi Long said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, I have already sent people to make arrangements, and the time should be today."

Let’s say that Cui Yu followed the sparrow eagle all the way, looking for the mountain path. The sun was scorching in the sky. some herbs.

Before he had gone far, he suddenly heard a scream from a distance, and then he saw a figure in the forest rolling down like a ball, and then he staggered up and looked around, regardless of being covered in mud. After seeing Cui Yu, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up: "Brother! Brother!"

While screaming, he rushed over and hugged Cui Yu's thigh.

A closer look at the person, is a small bean.

But at the age of five or six, although his body is covered with sweat and mud, there are fine fabrics leaking from under the dust, which are brocade clothes that only nobles can wear.

Xiao Douding's face was covered with mud and dirt, but the bun on his head was not loose, and the three steps made of pure gold were lifelike, shaking constantly with the girl's movements.

The most important thing is that the golden hairpin on the girl's head looks familiar.

At this time, the girl hugged Cui Yu's thigh and called her brother, her voice was full of eagerness.

"Whose child are you? How did you misrecognize brother?" Cui Yu looked at the dusty girl, and her eyes fell on the back of the other's neck, which was as white as suet and jade.

"I went to your house a few days ago, and your house paid me rent. I've seen you." The girl's voice was full of eagerness.

Pay rent?
Cui Yu was taken aback, and looked at the girl in front of him: A member of the Xiang family?
Cui Yu and his parents went to Xiang's house to pay rent before.

"I am Xiang Caizhu." The girl said quickly.

Hearing this, Cui Yu couldn't help being taken aback, thinking of that arrogant girl shaving ice, compared to her leisurely appearance at that time, she is now as miserable as a dog.

It turns out that the nobles are nothing more than that, and they are also bereaved dogs when they are in trouble.

"Xiang Caizhu, the second miss of the Xiang family? How did you get down to this point? Are you in such a mess?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"There is a traitor in the Xiang family. Someone wants to arrest me. Go and tell my father." While talking, Xiang Caizhu pulled off the crown of his head and stuffed it into Cui Yu's hand: "Tell my father, just tell me that the manager of the Xiang family Biao rebelled and joined forces with outsiders to entrap me."

"Hurry up, those traitors are about to come after you." Xiang Caizhu pushed Cui Yu's thigh.


Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat when he heard that, he was not just an outsider who dared to attack Xiang Caizhu.

Xiang Caizhu is the jewel in Xiang Yan's palm, where did Li Biao have the guts to do anything to Xiang Caizhu?It seemed that the group of outsiders was very unusual and gave Li Biao absolute confidence.

Holding the gold hairpin in his hand, looking at Xiang Caizhu who was staring at him eagerly, Cui Yu really wanted to cry without tears: "It's a disaster from heaven."

Can he offend anyone who dares to attack Xiang Caizhu?
But when Xiang Caizhu is in danger but stands idly by, Xiang Yan finds out the truth in the future, will she let him go?
Absolutely not!

As for the barren mountains and wild mountains, who would know if he regarded them as invisible?

He did not forget the scene where Yaodao put his ear on the house.

"It's both a trouble and an opportunity." Cui Yu looked down at Xiang Caizhu who was eagerly looking at him, with a wry smile in his eyes.

"Wealth is in danger, if I save you, you will repay me well, right?" Cui Yu smiled wryly and stroked Xiang Caizhu's head.

"The Xiaoyangchun noodles I made are the best. If you save me, I will treat you to eat Xiaoyangchun noodles." Xiang Caizhu looked at him pitifully: "The Xiaoyangchun noodles I made by myself."

Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and patted Xiang Caizhu's head: "That's a deal."

"You go, as long as you send the hairpin home, my father will naturally send a master to rescue me." Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu shook his head: "I can't go anymore."

Through the eyes of Sparrowhawk, he found that there were men in black on both sides of the mountain road surrounding them. Although they hadn't shown their heads yet, they could get close in less than thirty breaths.

All the exits are blocked, and those men in black can even pick up pearls, so how could they let themselves go?
"If you do mental calculations but don't care, you may not be able to give it a try." Cui Yu touched the girl's head, and put the Bu Yao back into the girl's bun: "Wait a while and don't run around."

Then the next moment, the skin under Cui Yu's clothes changed, all the fat turned into titanium alloy, the bones turned into diamonds, and the veins turned into rubber.

The blood vessels behind the skin of the head were all turned into titanium alloy, and the flesh behind the skin was also turned into pure diamond.

Even the joints have been turned into bearing steel.

The rubber band can guarantee Cui Yu's elasticity, and the joints can ensure Cui Yu's flexible movements.

"I can be regarded as a robot now, right?" Cui Yu had a thought in his mind. At this time, all internal organs have been transformed into alloy materials, making them indestructible.

Then there is the resurrection technique, as long as the opponent cannot break through his own defense, he will not have the power to kill him.

Unless you run out of power.

Is it that simple to just want to exhaust one's divine power?
He doesn't know what martial arts in this world are capable of, but he doesn't believe that martial arts can break his body of steel.

"Tell me, how did you end up like this?" Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu, the little girl's eyes were full of fear, but she didn't panic.

"That damned bastard Li Biao dared to murder me, thanks to my clever escape." Xiang Caizhu couldn't help but admire Cui Yu's words so firmly.

She also knew in her heart that she probably couldn't escape, this place was a gourd mouth.

It's just that Cui Yu is a commoner boy, but he is calm in the face of crisis. Such courage is not something ordinary people can have.

"How dare a mere supervisor dare to harm you?" Cui Yu was stunned: "Could it be that he has lived enough?"

"He just lived enough. When I get back to Cui's house, I will have to chop him up into pieces." Xiang Caizhu was disheartened and gritted his teeth in anger.

Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu, pointed to Xiang Caizhu's clothes: "Take it off."

Xiang Caizhu took off the clothes and handed them to Cui Yu without asking why.

Cui Yu tore Xiang Caizhu's clothes for a while, tearing them into the shape of a knife, and then in Xiang Caizhu's shocked eyes, he saw that it was just an ordinary piece of cloth, but it turned into a titanium alloy sword in an instant.

"Are you a Qi practitioner? Or a foreigner?" Xiang Caizhu stared straight at Cui Yu's methods.

She has seen many strange methods, but this is the first time he has seen one that directly transforms one substance into another.

"It's a secret, you can't tell it to others." Cui Yu looked at the cute Xiang Caizhu, and patted his little head.

"I see!"

Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu for a while, and suddenly revealed a clear expression: "Don't worry, I won't tell this secret. You saved my life, and I will never reveal your secret."

Seeing Xiang Caizhu's expression of 'I've seen through everything', Cui Yu was stunned: "What do you know?"

"Still pretending!" Xiang Caizhu's mouth curled up: "You are the remnant of Princess Yunhua, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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