Chapter 21
Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, why did he bring up Princess Yunhua again?Also pulled out the remnants of Princess Yunhua?
"Although I was young, I also heard in the mansion that Fairy Yunhua, the eldest princess of the Great Zhou, illicitly married a commoner 18 years ago, making the royal family of the Great Zhou a laughing stock in the world. Suppressing Fairy Yunhua to death was a shame for the Zhou royal family. Fairy Yunhua was pregnant with a son and a daughter. The woman was rescued by a passing qi practitioner, and her whereabouts were unknown. The man was carried by Yang Lang and fled all the way, and finally escaped At the border between the two mountains, Yang Lang was beheaded by the demon master of Dazhou Town, but the boy was nowhere to be found."

Although Xiang Caizhu is young, when he talks about gossip, his eyes shine brightly: "All the aliens with different bloodlines in the entire Liangjie Mountains have been recorded by my demon division in Daliang Town. If you suddenly appeared, it must be the work of Fairy Yunhua 18 years ago." Remnants. Fairy Yunhua is of the direct bloodline of the Great Zhou, and you are the son of Fairy Yunhua, so you have the bloodline of the royal family of Great Zhou, right?"

Seeming to have discovered the truth, Xiang Caizhu became more and more excited as she spoke.

Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard the words: "There is such a thing? But I am only 17 years old this year, and I also have my own parents. It is not what you said at all."

"Uh..." The gossip girl was taken aback, stared at Cui Yu with wide eyes, and then waved her hand violently: "It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! You can fake anything about your age, and your parents can fake it too. Maybe you Your parents are not your real parents at all, but the attendants of Fairy Yunhua pretending to be there. After you go back, you can observe carefully to see if there is anything unusual about your parents."

After hearing Xiang Caizhu's words, Cui Yu blinked, and felt that Xiang Caizhu's words made some sense.

But my own blood is divine blood, and it is the power of supernatural powers that are activated, not the power of blood.

"Don't worry, even if you are the son of Fairy Yunhua, I won't inform you. What does this matter to my Xiang family? Now the whole world is watching the excitement of the Great Zhou. The majesty of the Great Zhou was swept away 18 years ago. , and the aftermath is still there.” Xiang Caizhu shook his head and said, “Do you know why Dazhou built Wenwang Temple? One is for some secrets, and the other is for what happened 18 years ago. It is said that Fairy Yunhua stole the temple 18 years ago. A great treasure in the Great Zhou Dynasty caused a problem in a certain secret realm suppressed by the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it needs to gather the beliefs of all sentient beings to repair it."

Speaking of this, Xiang Caizhu patted his head: "Look at me, I'm too nervous, talking nonsense, what do I do with you?"

Listening to Xiang Caizhu's words, Cui Yu had countless thoughts flickering in his mind. The affairs of the royal family of the Great Zhou were indeed bloody. If he hadn't known that his abilities came from his innate supernatural powers, he would almost have thought that he was really the royal family of the Great Zhou. The son of Princess Hua.

But where did his innate supernatural powers come from?

The golden finger brought by time travel?
Or is it that his talent is the supernatural power of the blood of the Great Zhou royal family?
Thinking of this, Cui Yu couldn't help but raise a question mark in his mind: Could it be that I am really of the blood of the Great Zhou royal family?
After all, golden fingers don't appear for no reason.

There is nothing abnormal about my own soul during time travel.

Just thinking about it, a few figures appeared in the mountains in the distance, Xiang Caizhu looked nervous: "They are here."

Cui Yu took the knife and sharpened it on a piece of bluestone leisurely: "Are they people of blood?"

"Bloodlines are all nobles. If they have bloodlines, how could they be reduced to be servants of my family?" Xiang Caizhu said: "They are all warriors! And they are also warriors with a lot of knowledge in martial arts."

"Warrior? I was about to see the skills of a warrior." Cui Yu thoughtfully, lowered his head and sharpened his knife unhurriedly.

"Warriors should not be underestimated." Xiang Caizhu said: "It doesn't matter whether you are a bloodline or a warrior, it all depends on your ability."

"What are these people capable of?" Cui Yu asked.

"It's just the realm of refinement." Xiang Caizhu said.

"Practice?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"The so-called refining, there are five heavens: the first is to enter the pole. The second is to train the blood. The third is to forge the tendons. The fourth is to refine the bones, which can also be called "practicing drums". It’s just training the marrow.”

"Entrance to the extreme is to practice a certain organ to the extreme according to the requirements of the exercises, and a certain change will give birth to a certain opportunity to feed back qi and blood."

"It's like iron sand palms. If you train your hands to the extreme with a medicated bath, the anode will generate yin, and a certain kind of vigor will be born."

"The birth of qi nourishes the blood. Absorb the power of the medicinal bath to feed back the qi and blood. The blood nourishes the whole body and stimulates the transformation of the muscles, bones and skin of the whole body."

Xiang Caizhu muttered non-stop in her small mouth: "A Qi trainer cultivates the dantian, which is to cultivate the dantian to the extreme. Buddhist meditation is to enhance the spirit. Martial arts is to cultivate certain organs in the body, but the functions of the development are different. .”

While he was talking, he suddenly heard a wild laugh from above, which interrupted Xiang Caizhu: "Miss, you are running away! Why don't you keep running away?"

Li Biao led more than 30 blood-stained men and slowly surrounded him from the mountain road with a ferocious expression.

"Li Biao!" Looking at the leader, Cui Yu gritted his teeth. It was really a new hatred and an old hatred. The other party had whipped him more than a dozen times before, and this account can be settled.

"It's you kid, hehe! I'm about to peel off your cramps to relieve your hatred." Li Biao saw Cui Yu with a terrifying smile on his face.

"Li Biao, how dare you!" Xiang Caizhu hid behind Cui Yu, her chest dancing angrily.

"How dare I? How dare you say I am! I entered your Xiang family when I was eight years old and have worked for your Xiang family for 40 years. I have worked hard without credit, but what about you? Call me around like a dog, let me go You wait to be insulted and cast aside, why are you asking me now?" Li Biao sneered, "Ask me why?"

"Hmph, back then you were going to starve to death on the street. If my grandfather hadn't brought you back, you wouldn't have known where you were starving to death in that corner." Xiang Caizhu snorted.

"Damn! Isn't it all because of your Xiang family warriors that I fell into the streets? Lin Fei, a 'scholar' of your Xiang family, took a fancy to my mother and caused my family to be ruined. You still have the face to come here and say it. God is pitiful." , God has eyes, let me have the opportunity to avenge my revenge today. As long as you are killed, Lin Fei is the fuse of this incident, and he will definitely die! Not only will he die, but his whole family, young and old, will be buried with him." Li Biao's voice was full of hatred.

"Lin Fei? You killed me just to get revenge on Lin Fei? You crazy! You crazy! Lin Fei is going to die, but you are going to die even more. The Xiang family will never let you go." Xiang Caizhu's head was big.

"I can't die. The rent collected by your Xiang family is enough for me to lead my brothers to hide in the deep mountains and forests and live for decades. After decades, I will die of old age. It's a pity that you little bitch spoiled me It’s such a big deal, but I have to give rent relief to those untouchables, and I’ve lost more than half of my grain harvest.” Li Biao’s voice was full of complaints.

Hearing this, Xiang Caizhu's body trembled with anger: "It turns out that you have already calculated everything."

"Stop talking nonsense, Xiang Caizhu is the one I want to live, so just kill that kid." Li Biao was too lazy to continue chatting with Xiang Caizhu.

Following Li Biao's words, a man in black with a steel knife stepped forward and slashed straight at Cui Yu.

The speed of this knife was extremely fast, faster than Cui Yu's reaction, before he could raise his hand, there was a "clang" sound in his chest, and a hole in the clothes on his chest was already torn.

"What a fast knife!" Cui Yu's body was shaken by this force, and the long knife in his hand subconsciously counterattacked.

The warrior was stunned by Cui Yu's titanium alloy body, and before he could recover, Cui Yu's saber was already approaching.

The warrior reacted extremely quickly, like a dexterous cat, with a short body and one side, avoiding Cui Yushi's heavy knife, and backed away in amazement: "Boss, this guy has a steel plate hidden in his chest."

"Idiot, he has a steel plate hidden in his chest, so you won't attack his fatal flaw?" Li Biao reprimanded angrily.

Hearing this, the samurai took another step forward and swung his saber, slashing at Cui Yu's throat.

"How can a person's reaction speed be so fast?" Cui Yu looked at the long knife that was coming, and couldn't help being surprised: "I can't dodge it."

The eyes can see it, but the body cannot hide it.

If you can't hide, then don't hide!
Cui Yu also swung his saber, slashing towards the chest of the opposite warrior.

Seeing Cui Yu's actions, the samurai laughed and said, "Life for life? You're thinking too much. Before you touch me, I've already chopped off your head..."


After the warrior's words fell, the long knife in his hand had already experienced the touch of the knife cutting the skin. Seeing that the long knife cut the skin on Cui Yu's neck and was about to go deep into the fat, suddenly there was only a sound of 'clang', and then the whole body I couldn't help but feel numb in my hands and feet.

"How is it possible! Could it be that this kid is made of steel and iron?"

Then there was a pain in the chest, the intestines were scattered all over the floor, and he fell to the ground with blank eyes.

To the end of his life, he couldn't figure out why he had already cut open the opponent's skin, but the blade was blocked by a steel plate. Could it be that there was a steel plate hidden under this person's skin?
Not only did the samurai not understand, but Li Biao's pupils also shrank: "There is something wrong with this kid."

"Shoulder to shoulder." Li Biao waved his hand, and then five black-clothed warriors stepped forward at the same time, beheading Cui Yu with their swords.

Facing the five black-clothed warriors, Cui Yu still did not dodge or evade. Except for the joints, he directly turned his skin into titanium alloy.

The tendons transformed by the rubber in the body are now like a tight bow, tightening the titanium alloy bones in Cui Yu's body, like a stretched ballista frame, bursting out with an unimaginable strength. shoot out.

Cui Yu couldn't dodge the opponent's knife, and he didn't need to dodge it. He just swung the knife and fought the opponent to hurt both sides.


Someone made a move in time to block Cui Yu's long knife with a steel knife, and then cut three more knives at Cui Yu's waist, abdomen and neck.

The person holding Cui Yu's titanium alloy saber with the knife only felt a huge force coming, his body was unstable, and he couldn't help but staggered back, then Cui Yu stretched out, ignoring the sharpness of the opponent's long knife, and directly The opponent's long knife was held in the palm of his hand.


The bones in Cui Yu's body stretched out, and the rubber band burst out with the force of the ejection, and in an instant, three human heads rolled into the air.

Cui Yu's speed was not fast, but under the ejection force of the rubber band, he quickly turned into a bolt of lightning.


Three huge forces came from behind. Although Cui Yu was invulnerable, he was staggered by the three forces and fell directly to the ground.

However, the three of them looked at Cui Yu who fell to the ground and seemed to see a devil for a moment, so they didn't dare to take the opportunity to attack.

"Brother, this kid is a stranger! He is invulnerable, we can't break through his defense at all." A man in black opened his mouth and distanced himself from Cui Yu.

Li Biao looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, and then slowly drew out the long knife at his waist: "Attack his eyes! Foreigners are also human, as long as they are human, they have flaws."

"Follow me and attack his eyes." After Li Biao finished speaking, he took a step like a nimble leopard, and before Cui Yu could react, he had already leapt forward. Yu's eyes cut off.

Fortunately, the human instinct is the quickest. Seeing the opponent slashing with a long knife, Cui Yu subconsciously closed his eyes, and then swiped the long knife in his hand.

Li Biao wanted to blind Cui Yu's eyes, but Cui Yu wanted to cut Li Biao in half.

Seeing this scene, Li Biao had no choice but to retreat, but at this moment Xiang Caizhu anxiously shouted in his ears: "Be careful of lime powder."

When Li Biao retreated, seeing Cui Yu still closed his eyes, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and with a flick of his sleeve, a bag of lime powder directly covered Cui Yu's head.

His previous knife was not aimed at actually blinding Cui Yu's eyes, but to force Cui Yu to close his eyes, and then took the opportunity to use lime powder to plot against him.

Hearing Xiang Caizhu's words, Cui Yu suddenly had an idea, and then his eyes flickered, and the cornea turned into a layer of resin film, just like the resin film of contact lenses.

"Ah! My eyes! My eyes!" Cui Yu howled crazily in Lime, his voice screaming continuously.

"Hahaha, boy! Even if you are a stranger, you still have to drink our footwashing water." Li Biao looked at Cui Yu, who was running around with his head in his arms, with a look of coldness in his eyes. Cui Yu stabbed in the mouth: "I don't believe it, you still have copper skin and iron bones in your body."


The long knife is as fast as lightning.

But is it the speed of people's swords, or the speed of shutting up instinctively?

No one will have an exact answer.

But the moment Li Biao's long knife touched Cui Yu's lips, it turned into drops of clear water.

Material transformation!

The long knife in Li Biao's hand turned into clear water!
Then, under Li Biao's stupefied and incredulous gaze, a knife slid across Cui Yu's waist, and half of Li Biao's body slid directly to the ground, blood splattering all over the sky.

"Impossible! How could it be!" Li Biao still breathed a sigh of relief, and stared blankly at Cui Yu, his eyes full of disbelief: "Your eyes were not splashed by lime?"

"Damn it, it's really lucky. I almost capsized in the gutter." Cui Yu stroked the corner of his mouth, half of his face was cut open by the dog with a five centimeter gap.

If he hadn't reacted fast enough, his entire head might have been chopped off.

"You can cut off the titanium alloy face, is it because my skin is too thin?" Cui Yu stroked the wound on his face with lingering fear.

(End of this chapter)

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